Resilient Floating Wood Strip Athletic Flooring
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MPS Master SECTION 09 64 68
Section Includes:
Provide resilient floating wood strip athletic flooring system where wood flooring is noted.
Provide finishing for wood flooring system.
Provide on top of concrete sub-floor slab a polyethylene film vapor barrier.
Provide striping and markings for game courts indicated on Drawings to be applied on wood flooring system.
Provide vented rubber base covering expansion void between wood flooring system and adjacent walls.
Provide floor expansion joint covers at joints between wood flooring system and adjacent dissimilar flooring materials, including thresholds at doors.
DIN Certified Flooring System Description: DIN compliant resilient floating wood strip athletic flooring system, consisting of 25/32-inch thick wood strip flooring, (2) layers of 1/2-inch thick plywood supported on rubber isolator pads, which achieve DIN rating and performance requirements specified, over a polyethylene sheet film.
DIN Performance Requirements:
Floor system to have been tested and passed requirements of DIN 18032, Part II as follows:
Shock Absorption: Minimum 57 Percent Ball Return: Minimum 96 Percent Deflection: Minimum 1.9 mm Area Deflection: (Isolation of Impact) Less Than 22 Percent
General Requirements: Provide submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00.
Shop Drawings:
Submit Shop Drawings showing locations, width/sizes, and individual colors for each separate marking (lines, symbols, logos, and other markings) for game courts as indicated on Drawings.
Floor Marking:
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After meeting with Owner to confirm game court markings required, prepare a detailed Shop Drawing of all courts and related markings, colors of striping, size of striping, locations and dimensions of courts and markings, and locations of floor sleeves. Review Shop Drawing with Owner to confirm accurate interpretation of Owner's requirements and to obtain Owner's final approval. Modify Shop Drawing and meet with Owner as many times as necessary to obtain Owner's final approval and sign-off of Shop Drawing. Submit (2) copies each of final approved Shop Drawing to Owner and Architect.
Product Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for wood flooring system and floor finishing system.
Certification of DIN Compliance: Provide (2) copies of actual test results by an independent testing laboratory which certifies that floor system being provided complies with minimum DIN requirements specified.
Installer Qualifications: An authorized agent of wood flooring system manufacturer, experienced in proper installation of wood flooring system specified.
Manufacturer's Certification of Installation:
Flooring system manufacturer shall submit to Architect a letter certifying that installing Contractor is acceptable to manufacturer.
A representative of flooring system manufacturer shall inspect work not less than once during installation of flooring system and at completion of installation.
Flooring system manufacturer shall submit to Architect a letter certifying that system has been installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.
Do not deliver wood flooring system materials to Project site until:
Concrete, masonry, painting, plastering, and other moisture producing operations are completed within installation area and within adjacent areas of building. All other trade work within installation area is completed, including overhead mechanical, electrical, and ceiling hung equipment and painting work.
Storage: Maintain area where wood flooring system materials are stored at 55 to 80 degrees F and 35 to 50 percent relative humidity.
Environmental Requirements:
Temperature: Installation area and materials shall average not less than 65 degrees F for
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not less than (1) full week preceding, during, and after installation time period, except not less than 70 degrees F during and for not less than 72 hours after application of wood finishing materials.
Moisture Control:
Do not install wood floor system until concrete substrate has been cured not less than 60 days. Do not proceed with installation of flooring system before moisture content of concrete slab is 4 percent or less. Schedule, provide, and maintain dehumidification units to achieve and maintain the required relative humidity range required by the wood flooring manufacturer. Provide adequate ventilation for proper curing of finishing materials.
During application of wood floor finishing materials, and during curing time period, keep floor free of dust and dirt. Avoid air currents that carry dust and dirt.
Coordinate depth of depression required to accommodate wood flooring system with concrete floor substrate installer.
Special Warranty: Complete wood flooring system shall be under a joint warranty by manufacturer and installer for a period of 5 years. Warranty shall specifically include: (1) materials and workmanship, (2) a positive warranty against buckling, and (3) a positive warranty against occurrence of dead spots in floor.
Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal:
Aacer Flooring, “AacerFlex With 3/4-Inch TriPower Pads” Action Floor Systems, “ProActionFlex With 3/4-Inch Airtech IV Pads” Conner Sports Flooring, “Rezill Panel With 3/4-Inch Rezill Pads” Robbins Sports Surfaces, “Bio-Cushion With 3/4-Inch Bio Pads”
Wood Flooring: 25/32-inch thick by 2 1/4-inch wide by random length, lineal pattern. Grade 2 & Better, tongue and groove, end matched, edge grain, kiln dried, Northern Hard Maple, graded in accordance with MFMA Standards.
Polyethylene Sheet Film: 10 mil thickness.
Resilient Plywood Subfloor System Materials:
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Plywood: 1/2-inch thick, 4- or 5-ply, C-D grade structural plywood with exterior glue, as recommended and approved by flooring system manufacturer.
Resilient Pads: Extruded rubber pads of a design to meet DIN rating performance requirements specified and as specified for each acceptable manufacturer.
Fasteners For Plywood Subfloor:
Mechanical Fasteners: 1-inch coated staples or other fastener approved by flooring system manufacturer. Adhesive: Moisture resistant construction adhesive such as PL400 by Contech Brands or Owner approved equal.
Fasteners for Wood Strip Flooring: 2-inch barbed cleats or staples as recommended by wood flooring manufacturer.
Finishing Materials For Wood Flooring:
Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal:
Basic Coatings, Inc. BonaKemi USA, Inc. Hillyard, Inc. POLOPLAZ, Inc.
Sealer: As recommended by finish system manufacturer. Not less than 28 percent solids by weight. Finish: Moisture curing type polyurethane finish with not less than 40 percent solids by weight, formulated for multiple coat application on wood flooring. Cleaning Solvent: Mineral spirits or similar product recommended by finish system manufacturer.
Vented Rubber Base (VRB):
Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal:
Johnsonite, Inc., Chagrin Falls, OH, “Vent-Cove Base”
Description: Heavy duty molded rubber cove base, 3-inch horizontal toe, 4-inch high back with vertical ventilating grooves. Provide matching molded outside corners.
Color: Black
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Gymnasium Floor Expansion Joint Covers:
Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal:
Balco, Inc., Model GFE-2D
Description: Beveled, mill finished aluminum plate with abrasive strips and anchor system. 5 3/8-inches wide by lengths indicated on Drawings. Used to span 2-inch wide expansion joint between wood floor system and adjacent floor systems.
Verification of Conditions:
Examine concrete substrate for proper tolerance and dryness.
Do not proceed with installation until satisfactory conditions exist.
Proceeding with installation indicates flooring installer’s acceptance of concrete substrate as being suitable to receive flooring system.
Moisture Content:
Check moisture content of concrete slab in accordance with wood flooring manufacturer's most recent instructions.
Do not proceed with installation if moisture content of concrete subfloor is likely to cause subsequent problems after installation and is higher than wood flooring manufacturer’s recommendations.
Coordination: Coordinate installation of vapor retarder membrane and concrete footings (or thickened floor slab) to accommodate installation of floor sleeves for game net support standards.
Install Gymnasium Equipment Accessories: Install floor sleeves for game net support standards. Install in floor structure as recommended by sleeve manufacturer.
Substrate Surface Preparation: Before start of wood flooring system installation, clean concrete floor slab substrate to remove contaminating materials.
HEPA vacuum to remove dust from the concrete floor.
Manufacturer's Instructions: Flooring system manufacturer's instructions shall take precedence if they are more stringent than requirements specified within this Section, as coordinated with Architect.
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Installation of Polyethylene Sheet Film Beneath Wood Floor System:
Install 10 mil polyethylene sheet film over concrete slab-on-grade substrate.
Lap joints between sheets of film not less than 6 inches, seal joints with cold asphalt mastic applied under lap between sheets, and apply polyethylene tape continuous along exposed edge of each joint.
Fully cover concrete floor substrate with film (with sealed joints) from wall to wall.
Return film up walls 3 inches.
Seal punctures, tears, and damage to film with polyethylene tape.
Seal around penetrations through polyethylene film. In areas where polyethylene film is being penetrated by floor sleeves, adhere polyethylene film to concrete slab substrate for a distance of not less than a 2-foot radius around sleeve using a solid and continuous bed of cold asphalt mastic or equivalent material. Apply mastic to substrate prior to spreading film and then cutting a hole in the film only as large as necessary to accommodate diameter of hole required for installing sleeve.
Installation of First Layer of Plywood:
Place plywood panels, with resilient rubber pads installed on underside, on top of polyethylene sheet film, so long dimension of plywood panels are perpendicular to intended length direction of wood flooring strips.
Provide 1/4-inch expansion voids between plywood panels at sides and ends.
Use extreme care when installing plywood to not damage underlying polyethylene film.
Stagger joints between panels in adjacent rows.
Provide 2-inch wide expansion void at walls.
Provide stop blocks at perimeter edges of flooring, as recommended by flooring system manufacturer, spaced to maintain ventilation beneath flooring.
Within telescoping bleacher stack area, provide solid plywood infill which will restrict compression of resilient floor system.
Within area which occurs beneath telescoping bleachers in their extended position, provide plywood strips or equal within void between resilient rubber pads, which will restrict floor compression to 1/8 inch, as recommended by flooring system manufacturer.
Installation of Second Layer of Plywood:
Place second layer of plywood diagonally (45 degrees) over first layer and secure to first layer by adhesive and machine nailing or stapling not over 6 inches on center at panel perimeter and 12 inches on center throughout panel interior using only fasteners which are recommended by wood flooring system manufacturer.
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Provide construction adhesive in not less than a double box square pattern to underside of second layer of plywood just prior to placing over initial layer of plywood.
Fasteners shall not penetrate underside of first layer of plywood.
Allow 1/4-inch expansion voids between panels at sides and ends.
Stagger joints between panels in adjacent rows.
No joint in second layer of plywood shall coincide with a joint in first layer.
Provide 2-inch wide expansion void at walls.
Installation of Wood Flooring:
Install wood strip flooring with length of strips running parallel with length of main playing court.
Start flooring installation in center of room with a double-tongued starting board, true to line and installed 50 percent each way from center.
Install flooring strips snug side to side, but not tight. Build-in expansion/contraction control spaces every 4 to 6 feet across the floor as determined by installer and as approved by flooring system manufacturer.
Machine blind nail wood strip flooring to plywood substructure using wood flooring system manufacturer=s recommended fastener and fastener spacing but not more than 12 inches on center. Properly drive up end joints between strips before fastening.
Fasteners shall not penetrate underside of first layer of plywood.
Provide 2-inch wide expansion void at walls.
Installation of Accessory Materials: After floor finish system has been applied and cured, install rubber base at walls and expansion joint covers where flooring system meets dissimilar flooring materials as indicated on Drawings.
Manufacturer's Instructions:
Prepare and apply finishing system in accordance with wood flooring system manufacturer=s recommendations.
Manufacturer's recommendations shall take precedence if they differ from this Section.
Sand flooring using drum sanders, edgers, buffers, and hand scrapers.
Prevent spread of sanding dust beyond wood floor system installation area.
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Utilize equipment with dust control measures to capture dust from sanding operations.
Use coarse, medium, and fine grade sandpaper.
After sanding with drum sander, buff entire floor with a heavy-duty buffing machine, using 100 grit screenback or equal grit sandpaper.
Floor shall present a smooth surface without ridges, cups, drum stop marks, gouges, streaks or shiners.
Preparation for Finishing:
After sanding, brush sweep floor then vacuum until surface and cracks are free of sanding dust.
Dust and vacuum surfaces adjacent to floor to prevent sanding dust from recirculating and settling in fresh finish.
Sweep floor with a turkish towel dampened with cleaning solvent under a bristle broom.
Application of First Coat of Sealer:
With a clean applicator, apply a liberal application of sealer in a uniform coat using straight even strokes.
Work first against grain, then smooth out with grain.
Avoid leaving puddles of sealer on floor.
Preparation for Second Coat of Sealer:
After first coat of sealer is thoroughly dry, burnish with No. 2 steel wool under suitable floor machine.
Vacuum and sweep with turkish towel dampened with cleaning solvent.
Application of Second Coat of Sealer:
Apply second coat of sealer.
After sealer thoroughly dries, burnish with No. 2 steel wool.
Sweep with turkish towel dampened with cleaning solvent.
Floor shall have an even coat and show no dull spots.
Application of Marking Paint:
After applying sealer coats, install court lines, game lines, and other markings with one heavy coat of marking paint.
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Install game court markings, including but not limited to locations, sizes, and colors, in accordance with the current requirements of the Minnesota State High School League for games included that are regulated by the League.
Obtain Owner’s approval before completing layout of markings.
Apply paint in accordance with manufacturer’s directions.
Let paint dry not less than overnight before completing floor finish work.
Application of Finish Coatings:
Make sure floor is perfectly clean.
Sweep floor with a turkish towel dampened with cleaning solvent.
Apply a thin, uniform coat of finish, working first across grain of wood and then feathering out with grain of wood in straight even stokes.
Work an area not to exceed 4-foot square.
Avoid leaving puddles of excessive amount of finish on floor.
Inspect carefully to avoid Askips@.
When dry, burnish lightly with No. 2 steel wool.
Sweep floor with turkish towel dampened with cleaning solvent.
Apply second coat of finish.
General Requirements:
After wood floor finish system has been applied and cured, install vented rubber base at walls and install expansion joint covers where flooring system meets dissimilar flooring materials.
Install vented rubber base in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Secure base to wall and provide neatly trimmed and butted splices and corners.
PROTECTION General Requirements:
After final finish coat has been applied, do not permit use of floor for at least 48 hours (or longer if recommended by finish system manufacturer) to allow floor finish to cure.
If after final curing of finish it is necessary for wood floor to be walked on or work in the area is to be performed, protect floor with a temporary covering of non-fibered kraft paper, or red rosin paper, with taped joints.
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Ensure that floor is clean prior to application of temporary covering.
Remove protective temporary covering at time of Substantial Completion unless otherwise directed by Architect.
Do not allow scheduled events or activities on finished floor for at least 7 days.
General Requirements:
Remove excess materials and debris from site.
HEPA clean floor to remove dust, after removing temporary covering system if one has been installed.
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