Guidelines and Special Considerations for the Application, Preparation, Organisation And
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Guidelines and special considerations for the application, preparation, organisation and invigilation of examinations for:
Key Stage 2 Statutory National Curriculum Tests
Optional Tests for Years 3, 4 and 5
Pupils with Visual Impairment 1.
**Information on the application for and the administration of National Curriculum examination papers in English, Mathematics and Science should be read in conjunction with the ‘Key Stage 2 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements’ (ARA) booklet.
**Each October all primary schools in England receive copies of the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements. All school staff involved in the application for and the administration of the Key Stage 2 Tests for visually impaired pupils should have access to a copy.
NB: New editions of the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements for Key Stage 2 are published each year. It is important not to rely on previous years versions as amendments may be made each year. To save checking through the whole booklet each year all amendments are listed and can be downloaded from the QCA website at
**Papers for visually impaired pupils are produced by the Modified Test Agency (statutory) [MTA(S)]. They are available in modified large print (MLP), enlarged print (EP) and Braille. Test materials are produced so that they can be used independently in a formal assessment situation without unfairly advantaging or disadvantaging a pupil.
**Documentation for ordering tests is sent to Head Teachers in September. This will include a PIN which is unique to the school and enables access to the school’s own online order form. Online ordering is the only method by which modified test papers can be applied for.
**Access arrangements are designed to ensure that the majority of Key Stage 2 pupils can access the Key Stage 2 tests.
**Schools must consider access arrangements in advance of the Key Stage 2 tests. Each visually impaired pupil should be considered individually. Access arrangements should comply with the pupil’s Individual Education Plan, with their needs based on the usual method of working and on normal classroom practice. Any agreed support given must not change the test questions and the answers must be the pupil’s own.
**IMPORTANT: The application for special arrangements for visually impaired pupils should be made in consultation with the Specialist Teacher for the Visually Impaired (STVI). The STVI will provide the school with an information sheet which gives details of all special considerations and requirements. This information should be used when making the online application.
**Because papers are ordered online it is not possible to send evidence of a pupil’s visual impairment and the MTA(S) does not consider it necessary or wish to receive any additional paper work. Schools can receive a monitoring visit by the National Assessment Agency (NAA) or Local Education Authority (LEA) staff during the week of the tests. They are at liberty to inspect the pupil’s IEP to check that access arrangements are appropriate and reflect normal classroom practice.
WITH REFERENCE TO ORDERING MODIFIED TEST PAPERS: (Refer to sections on ‘Modified Large Print Test Materials’ – KS2 ARA booklet)
Ordering modified tests: Modified test materials for pupils with visual impairment are ordered via the test orders section on the National Assessment Agency website (NAA) at They are available for pupils who: have a statement whose needs are being met at ‘School Action Plus’ of the SEN Code of Practice have a medical condition based on visual impairment (this must be supported by a doctor’s certificate).
** ‘MLP’ test papers are differentiated with some text modifications. Diagrams are simplified or removed and models may be supplied. Text is at point 18 and papers are reproduced as B4* black and white booklets. ‘EP’ test papers are a straight copy of the standard examination paper enlarged to B4*. Text is at point 14 and neither text nor diagrams are modified.
*NB: B4 is 250 x 365mm and is the size between A4 and A3.
For most visually impaired pupils ‘MLP’ test papers should be applied for. ‘EP’ test papers are NOT usually recommended as the text is too small and the diagrams too detailed. 3. If it is felt necessary to compare MLP and EP test papers to decide which is the most appropriate the MTA(S) can send single test papers. Examples can also be examined online at Some past papers are available for practice, which may help in deciding on the most appropriate paper and also allows the candidate and subject teacher to become familiar with the B4 booklet prior to the examination. This is a free service. Papers that are available are provided in sets and can be obtained by telephoning the MTA(S) helpline 0870 3216727. Only one copy of a test paper should be ordered. Extra copies of any test format will not be supplied.
WITH REFERENCE TO TEST PAPERS PRODUCED IN BRAILLE: **All test papers will be produced using the updated British Braille Code (2004)
**Schools can re-key the tests into grade 1, or an appropriate mix of grades 1 and 2 for pupils who are still learning Braille.
**A number of modifications are made to the tests to make them accessible to Braille users. Some text modifications are made and diagrams are modified or removed. Where diagrams are essential to access a question, tactile diagrams are created on thermoform and heat swell paper. They are enlarged and simplified as much as possible, retaining the essential features of the diagram. Additional labels may be provided to help braillists access the diagrams. 3D models may be supplied for some questions.
**If a pupil is required to draw, a number of options are available; e.g. marking lines on a plastic film with a stylus; marking grid squares with a cross or other mark; putting pins into a grid on a pin board; using pins and bands for lines on a graph board; fixing a shape on to a diagram.
**All Braille papers are accompanied by a print transcript. Test administrators should refer to the print transcript and not the standard test when administering the Braille tests.
WITH REFERENCE TO THE INDIVIDUAL ENGLISH, MATHS AND SCIENCE TESTS: The following guidance documents must be read to ensure that the modified large print tests and Braille versions are administered correctly. The STVI must also have access to these documents as soon as they arrive. **A Modified Test Administrators Guide (MTAG) will be dispatched to schools with the confirmation of order letters. This booklet can be opened immediately.
**Modified Subject-Specific Guidance Booklets (MSSGs) accompany each subject paper: i.e. one each for English, Science and Maths. These can be opened one day before the tests. The opening date is printed on the paper. The booklets detail the amendments made to the standard mark scheme for questions which have been adapted in the MLP versions and should be used in conjunction with: The standard Key Stage 2 subject-specific mark schemes The Key Stage 2 subject-specific MLP key issues for markers.
**A Standard Test Administrators’ Guide (TAG) accompanies each subject. The guides are specifically to enable test administrators to be familiar with the ‘Standard’ tests and the standard ‘ Subject Specific Guidance’ as well as with the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements booklet.
SCIENCE TESTS: The following guidance documents must be read to ensure that the modified large print tests and Braille versions are administered correctly. The STVI must also have access to these documents as soon as they arrive. **A Modified Test Administrators Guide (MTAG) will be dispatched to schools with the confirmation of order letters. This booklet can be opened immediately.
**Modified Subject-Specific Guidance Booklets (MSSGs) accompany each subject paper: i.e. one each for English, Science and Maths. These can be opened one day before the tests. The opening date is printed on the paper. The booklets detail the amendments made to the standard mark scheme for questions which have been adapted in the MLP versions and should be used in conjunction with: The standard Key Stage 2 subject-specific mark schemes The Key Stage 2 subject-specific MLP key issues for markers.
**A Standard Test Administrators’ Guide (TAG) accompanies each subject. The guides are specifically to enable test administrators to be familiar with the ‘Standard’ tests and the standard ‘ Subject Specific Guidance’ as well as with the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements booklet.
WITH REFERENCE TO THE DELIVERY OF AND CHECKING THE MODIFIED TEST MATERIALS: (Refer to section on ‘Delivery of modified test materials – KS2 ARA booklet)
Approximately three months prior to the tests a confirmation of the order for modified versions of the tests will be sent to the school. A copy of the relevant Modified Test Administrators’ guide will accompany the confirmation.
**IMPORTANT: Modified tests are dispatched separately from the standard tests. They will arrive individually wrapped in tamper-proof bags and bearing the pupils’ name. Subject-specific guidance on how to administer the modified versions of the tests will be included in the package.
As soon as the modified tests arrive at school the packages should be checked. Both the test papers and guidance booklets are sealed in tamper-evident bags. The following should be checked: All items listed on the dispatch note are in the package. That the correct modified format has been ordered for each pupil That all opening dates are printed on the front covers of the guidance notes
If delivery is incomplete this must be reported immediately to the NAA modified test agency (statutory) on 0870 3216727
If the tamper-proof bags are unsealed on arrival this must be reported immediately to the NAA national curriculum tests helpline on 08700 60 60 40
After checking, all modified test papers and guidance notes must be re-sealed and stored in a secure, lockable place until they can be opened. NB: It is important that the Specialist Teacher has access to the guidance notes prior to the tests. This is particularly important if permission is granted to make additional enlargements and when highlighting areas of particular visual difficulty as some parts of the tests cannot be enlarged or highlighted.
WITH REFERENCE TO THE EARLY OPENING OF EXAMINATION PAPERS: (Refer to section on ‘Early Opening’ – KS2 ARA booklet)
All examination papers including the Standard examination paper supplied for pupils who do not need special consideration can be opened one hour prior to the examination.
**For candidates whose standard print size is point 18 or less the standard 1 hour opening is sufficient.
Early opening in excess of one hour must be applied for online. NB: Applications from LA maintained schools are processed by the LA through the Key Stage 2 assessment coordinator. Applications from Independent schools are processed by the NAA
The deadline date regarding requests for early opening will be printed in the early opening section of the KS2 ARA booklet. The date when schools are told whether early opening has been approved is printed in the KS2 ARA booklet.
NB: Applications after the deadline date will only be considered in exceptional circumstances: e.g. sudden onset of visual impairment; if a pupil has recently joined a school. Schools with pupils in this category must contact the NAA national curriculum tests helpline and ask to speak to the early opening co-ordinator.
**For candidates whose standard print size is greater than point 18 an online application should be made for early opening to take place one day in advance of the examination. This is to allow time to make any adjustments to the paper to suit the pupil’s individual visual needs. (See section below on ‘With reference to additional access arrangements’).
** In some circumstances permission may need to be sought to open a paper in advance of one day (e.g. to reformat or retype an examination paper, to prepare tactile examples or to set up visual scanning equipment). In this situation the online application should be made in the usual way. In addition, schools must write to the Early opening coordinator at the NAA giving precise reasons why more time is needed and how many days are required. The NAA cannot agree to early opening in excess of one day but a written response will be received with recommendations. This response must be forwarded to the LA. (Also see section below on ‘With reference to additional access arrangements’)
NB: Schools must receive written confirmation from their LA (Or NAA for independent schools) before any tests can be opened early. WITH REFERENCE TO THE USE OF MODELS: Models and assembly notes may be sent with the modified versions of the Maths and Science papers. These will arrive early and can be opened up to two days in advance of the test. When the models are received the opening date is supplied on the cover of the model assembly notes.
**All models supplied by the examination board should be assembled and/or checked by the Specialist Teacher or the pupil’s usual Support Assistant. It is important to follow the model assembly guidelines to ensure all required parts are supplied and assembly is accurate. (Refer to section ‘Preparing equipment for the tests’ – KS2 ARA booket)
In some circumstances there may be visually impaired pupils who are unable to take some or all of the tests despite being capable of working at the levels of the tests covered. This may apply to: Pupils who use the ‘Moon Tactile Reading/Writing Programme as their prime communication medium and cannot read or write print. Pupils who are unable to write or write illegibly due to the severity of their visual impairment and cannot access the English writing test. Pupils who are learning the British Braille Code. Additional circumstances unique to a specific visually impaired pupil.
NB: The STVI will advise the school on whether a visually impaired pupil will have difficulty in accessing any aspect of the tests and whether alternative methods for taking the tests can be substituted; (e.g. reader/amanuensis).
WITH REFERENCE TO THE PROVISION OF EXTRA TIME: (Refer to section on Additional time for modified tests – KS2 ARA booklet)
**Pupils using MLP or Braille versions of the tests are automatically allowed up to 100% extra time at the discretion of the school. This applies to all tests, including the mental maths test. The extra time does not have to be applied for. Advice on the amount of extra time required will be given by the STVI and will depend on the eye condition and the pupil’s usual working speed. **Pupils using EP versions of the tests are allowed up to 25% extra time if they have a ‘Statement of Special Educational Need’. This does not have to be applied for. If pupils using EP versions of the tests do not have a ‘Statement’ of special need extra time must be applied for. This must be done online at
**In exceptional circumstances a pupil may need longer than the 100% (MLP) or 25% (EP) extra time. An application to the LA for LA-maintained schools and the NAA for independent schools should be made. It is important to consider the benefits of long examinations before applying for additional extra time.
**Pupils are allowed supervised rest breaks that are not counted as part of the extra time. Rest breaks are at the discretion of the school and can be as often as necessary depending on the eye condition and tiredness factor. The STVI will advise on rest breaks. Rest breaks do not have to be applied for.
**Planned rest breaks are an option to stopping the clock. Pupils who have additional difficulties as well as visual impairment, and, as a consequence are likely to have difficulty concentrating or suffer fatigue may benefit from this alternative. The rest breaks must be planned during the one hour before the test or during the early opening period. The pupil must be kept separate from other candidates and must not discuss the test during the rest breaks. (Refer to section ‘Arrangements for pupils who have difficulties concentrating or suffer fatigue) 7.
WITH REFERENCE TO ADDITIONAL ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS: Schools can make access arrangements at their own discretion. They do not require permission from the examining body.
Use of tapes: (Refer to section on ‘Arrangements for pupils with visual impairment’ – KS2 ARA booklet) **If a pupil regularly uses tapes as part of normal classroom practice schools may provide a taped version of the examination for the mathematics and science tests only. These can be used alone or alongside the modified versions of the tests.
NB: Taped versions of the English tests are not allowed
**The general instructions for all tests including the English tests may be clarified in taped versions BUT no other changes must be made to the wording of the tests.
Use of a reader: (Refer to sections on ‘Arrangements for pupils with visual impairment’ and ‘Arrangements for pupils who have difficulties reading – KS2 ARA booklet)
**A pupil is entitled to a reader if it is part of their normal classroom practice. This will apply if a question is particularly visually demanding or the pupil suffers from eye fatigue.
**Readers are usually teachers or support assistants but do not need to be specialists in the subject being tested.
**A reader may help a pupil to read any part of the mathematics and science tests.
NB: No aspect of the English reading paper should be read to a pupil other than general instructions and reading back any part of the pupil’s responses. Readers may help pupils using the Braille versions of the tests to use tactile diagrams, graphs and tables to obtain information that the printed paper would give to a sighted pupil. **If a pupil does not qualify for a reader for the whole test but struggles reading any part of the maths and science papers, they may be helped with single words or sentences.
Enlarging modified test papers: **Further enlargement of the modified test papers can be done on a photocopier or scanner to suit individual pupil need.
NB: Certain mathematics questions cannot be enlarged (see section below – ‘Enhancing Diagrams’)
Use of coloured paper/overlays: (Refer to section on ‘Arrangements for pupils with visual impairment’ – KS2 ARA booklet) **Test papers can be photocopied on to coloured paper if this is normal classroom practice. Coloured overlays or coloured filter lenses may also be used.
Enhancing diagrams: (Refer to section on ‘Arrangements for pupils with visual impairment’ – KS2 ARA booklet) ** Diagrams, charts and graphs may require some additional enhancement to increase their clarity; e.g. blacking over graph lines, outlining diagrams/pictures, enhancing shading/highlighting aspects of the paper to enable pupils to recognise them more easily. Diagrams can also be cut out, 8. embossed or mounted on a background material if this is normal classroom practice. Diagrams, charts and graphs should not be altered in any way.
NB: Diagrams in certain questions in the mathematics papers must not be enlarged. The ‘Subject-specific guidance’ booklet that accompanies the test will provide details of the questions that cannot be enlarged.
NB: Where a pupil’s visual impairment requires more significant adaptations to the tests, schools should contact the modified test agency (statutory) on 0870 3216727 for guidance.
Use of technical or electrical aid: (Refer to section on ‘Arrangements for pupils with visual impairment’ and the section ‘Using Word Processors’ in ‘Arrangements for pupils who have difficulties writing’ – KS2 ARA booklet) **A pupil who normally uses a Computer (including voice activators), Word Processor, CCTV (including a hand held magnifier), Voice Activated Software or other technical aid (e.g. JOCR Scanner) may use these for the tests.
NB: When using a computer, facilities that help with punctuation and grammar should be turned off. Spellcheckers must not be used in the spelling test. (See Section 2 below). When using voice activated software the editorial functions must be turned off
**Dictionaries, word lists and electronic spellcheckers may be used in some tests if this is normal classroom practice. Tests in which these may be used are listed in the section ‘Preparing for the Tests’ in the The Key Stage 2 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements booklet
** Pupils can use a combination of written answers and a computer; (e.g. graphs, tables, one word/short sentences may be preferred to be written). In these circumstances it is important to ensure that every answer is clearly numbered and where possible the typed answers should be slotted in to the relevant section of the answer book. NB: Whenever a pupil uses any technical or electrical aid the school must complete the form ‘Use of a word processor or technical or electrical aid’ available from the NAA website and then attach it to the pupil’s test paper.
Use of amanuensis: (Refer to section ‘Arrangements for pupils who have difficulties writing -KS2 ARA booklet) **An amanuensis or can be used if this is normal classroom practice. Where a word processor or computer can be used this should be the primary option.
NB: If an amanuensis is used the school must complete the form ‘Use of an amanuensis’ available at on the NNA website and attach it to the pupil’s test scripts.
Use of a transcript: (Refer to section ‘Arrangements for pupil’s who have difficulties writing’ KS2 ARA booklet) **If a pupil’s writing is too difficult for an external marker to read the school can transcribe the pupil’s test paper. NB: Braille scripts should not be transcribed, as the NAA will make appropriate marking arrangements.
NB: If a transcript is made of a pupil’s test, the school must complete the form ‘Use of a transcript’ available at on the NAA website and attach it to the pupil’s test scripts.
Use of real objects: (Refer to section ‘Arrangements for pupils using apparatus’ – KS2 ARA booklet) **In accordance with normal classroom practice real objects can be provided in the maths and science tests. The objects must look like (including size) those illustrated in the tests.
WITH REFERENCE TO ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE MENTAL MATHS TEST: (Refer to section ‘Access arrangements for the mental mathematics test’ – KS2 ARA booklet)
**The mental maths scripts can be opened two hours before the start of the test. The introduction and instructions must be followed to ensure the test is administered correctly.
NB: Pupils using the EP test must use the standard recorded mental maths version. They are not allocated extra time neither are they allowed time to familiarise themselves with any stimulus material.
Pupils using MLP are allowed the following access arrangements: *MLP scripts accompany the mental maths test. They must be used with the mental mathematics pupil booklets. These pupils must not use the standard recorded version of the mental maths test. A separate modified transcript will be provided
Pupils using Braille will be provided with grade 2 Braille versions of the stimulus material from the answer sheet. These pupils must not use the standard recorded version of the mental maths test. A separate modified transcript will be provided.
**In respect of the incompatibility of the Standard version and the MLP and Braille versions of the mental maths test a separate room on a one-to-one or small group basis must be used for administration. **The modifications for the MLP and for the Braille tests vary, so the mental maths test must not be administered to both braillists and MLP users together.
**Prior to the test pupils using the MLP and Braille versions of the test are given as much time as they need to familiarise themselves with any stimulus material before a question is read.
**Pupils are allowed 100% extra time to answer each question.
**Subject specific guidance on the administration of the test for pupils using MLP or Braille versions will accompany the modified test materials.
WITH REFERENCE TO MARKING THE MODIFIED TESTS: EP: **EP papers are marked using the standard mark scheme as no modifications have been made to these papers. ** If a question is designed to assess measuring and drawing, the diagrams are not enlarged. This enables the markers to follow the standard mark scheme.
MLP: **MLP papers are marked by the same markers as the standard tests using mark scheme amendments. They should be sent to the standard marker with the standard scripts. **Some test questions are marked as a result of modifications to the question. 10.
**Some amendments are made to allow for the difficulties a visually impaired candidate may have with drawing and measuring. Pupils will only be expected to measure length to the nearest 0.5cm and angles to the nearest 5 degrees. When marking drawing and measuring the pupil’s intention must be taken into account. Any unambiguous indicator of the correct answer has to be credited. NB: Schools should indicate on the English longer writing task that the pupil is visually impaired.
Braille: **Braille scripts are sent to specialist markers. Information and packaging will accompany the Braille test papers. If an amanuensis, auto-transcription or word processor is used the scripts must still be sent to the Braille marker. **Amendments to the mark scheme are provided for questions that have been modified: Generally candidates will only be expected to measure length to the nearest 0.5cm and angles to the nearest 5 degrees. When marking drawing and measuring the pupil’s intention must be taken into account. Any unambiguous indicator of the correct answer has to be credited. **Braillists are not expected to demonstrate the use of capital letters if they don’t use them in their class work. Test administrators should indicate on the pupil’s work whether or not a candidate ordinarily uses the capital letter sign. In respect of the English papers all other conventions of punctuation apply. **At KS2 the handwriting assessment is disregarded for braillists. A mean mark of 2 marks will be awarded. **The pupil’s Braille should not be transcribed. Any drawing should show he pupil’s original attempt – e.g. where pins have been fixed or where lines have been drawn. **Only the pupil’s answer sheet and diagram sheets should be sent to the marker. **A diagram with adhesive putty on it should not be sent to the marker. The pupil’s marks should be transcribed. **All Braille answer sheets and diagram sheets should contain the name of the school, the name of the pupil and the name of the paper. All questions numbers should be labelled clearly
MLP, EP and Braille versions of the English and Mathematics optional tests are available for pupils with a visual impairment.
Information on the format of the optional tests can be found on the NAA website at or by telephoning the modified test agency (optional) on 01962 737547
Tests should be ordered on the test orders section of the NAA website.
At the schools discretion visually impaired pupils are allowed 100% extra time. Normal classroom practice should be taken into account when considering extra time.
Guidance for administering the tests is provided in the teachers’ guide that accompanies the tests.
It is recommended that the same exam procedures and the preparation and use of the pupils’ equipment comply with that of the statutory tests. 12. USEFUL CONTACTS:
To order Key Stage 2 Tests (both Standard and Modified)
Modified Test Agency (Statutory) Helpline Tel: 0870 321 6727 General queries about modified versions of the statutory tests Fax: 0870 321 6729 Email: [email protected]
National Assessment Agency National Curriculum Tests Tel: 08700 606040 Helpline - General queries about assessment arrangements, Email:[email protected] including optional tests and access arrangements Web:
Queries about ordering tests and amending school details Tel: 01709 704699 Email: [email protected]
Queries about external marking and reviews Tel: 0870 241 3540 Email: [email protected]
To order modified optional tests for years 3, 4 and 5 Tel: 01962 737547 - including queries about the modified optional tests Modified test agency (optional) helpline
To obtain copies of ARAs and standard test past papers Tel: 08700 606015 - also standard optional live tests, standard optional past papers, Fax: 08700 606017 and other QCA publications – QCA Orderline Email: [email protected] 13. SECTION 2
WITH REFERENCE TO THE USE OF A SEPARATE ROOM: NB: **The NAA expect that a separate room is provided when a modified enlarged test paper is requested.
**Pupils using EP papers may not need a separate room. The eye condition and environmental lighting in the room the test will be taken may be a determining factor for the need for a separate room. The STVI will advise the school on the provision of a separate room for a pupil using an EP paper.
**Prior to the test the following guidelines should be followed: The room should have good ambient lighting without glare from sunlight. The pupil’s seat should be facing away from a window. The table should be large enough to accommodate all equipment the pupil may require: e.g. laptop, test paper, additional equipment (measuring materials, etc.) The relevant equipment should be set up and ready for use (e.g. CCTV, Printer [if applicable]) If the pupil is sharing a room with other pupils the computer should be set up where it cannot be seen by the other pupils. All instructions to the pupil in respect of the test procedure should be given in the separate room. The pupil should not be expected to receive instructions for the test in another setting and then move into the separate room. WITH REFERENCE TO THE USE OF ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT: **With reference to the use of a PC or Laptop Computer. (Refer to section ‘Word Processors- KS2 ARA booklet)
**Prior to the test the following procedure should be carried out. The laptop battery should be fully charged. All work relating to the subject should be cleared from the computer and saved to disk or CD. The spell check should be disabled for the spelling test. It is not necessary to remove it totally from the hard drive if the candidate is with the invigilator in a separate room or with a small group The punctuation and grammar settings should be disabled. The right hand margin of the page should be at least 2.5cm wide to enable the moderator to add comments and marks. The ‘footer’ should be set with the page number set centrally ready for the pupil’s use. The ‘header’ should be set with the pupil’s number to the right hand side of the paper as follows: CANDIDATE NO: ******* The computer should be set to automatic save to minimise the loss of work. If a screen enlarger is used; e.g. Zoom Text, Super Nova this should be checked by the STVI or Specialist Support Assistant to ensure it is functioning effectively and is on the correct settings (speech / no speech, etc) 14.
If a speech facility is used the pupil must be in a separate room. If a room is to be shared with another pupil, headphones should be used. The STVI or Specialist Support Assistant should ensure that the speech facility is working properly prior to the examination. The pupil should be allocated a seat beside a plug point. During the test the computer should be operated through mains electricity and not through the battery setting. The fully charged battery is a ‘back up’ mechanism and should only be used in exceptional circumstances. The pupil should have at least two new formatted disks for each examination on which the examination can be saved. If the pupil’s computer has a built-in CD writer work must be saved on to a CD as well as on the hard drive. A reserve lap-top / PC should be available in case of any technical difficulties. If there is no substitute machine an amanuensis should be available.
**With reference to the use of other essential equipment: e.g. CCTV, Magnifier, Calculator etc: If a CCTV is used it should be set up and ready for use prior to the test. It should be in good working order with a clean screen. Hand magnifiers should be cleaned and ready for use. If batteries are used they should be fully charged (or new if not rechargeable) and a spare set of batteries should be available in the examination room. All other specialist equipment should be available prior to the commencement of the test. Batteries should be fully charged (or new if not rechargeable) with spares available in the room. Where possible, spare equipment should be available as back up. This is particularly essential for any electronic and mains powered equipment. NB: *If talking equipment is used headphones are essential or the pupil must be located in a separate room with no other candidates. Pupils who use their own equipment for examinations (e.g. magnifier/calculator) should be encouraged to leave them in school the night before or bring them early on the day of the test.
WITH REFERENCE TO THE COLLECTION AND CHECKING OF TEST PAPERS: Arrangements to collect test papers should be made with the designated member of staff responsible for the security of the test materials. (i.e. 1 hour / 1 hour as agreed with the examination board). It is the school’s responsibility to ensure that the paper is available for collection at the allotted time. A delay in opening the papers may delay the start of the test and disadvantage the candidate. Prior to the commencement of the test the designated member of staff should check whether there are any ‘Errata’ specific to the Enlarged or Modified Enlarged paper. This information must be passed on to the STVI or Specialist Support Assistant. NB: **In respect of the Modified Enlarged paper only: it is important not to check any Errata against a paper supplied for a fully sighted candidate or a candidate using an enlarged paper. Modified enlarged papers may differ in content. Early opening should take place in a secure environment. Additional enlargements / enhancements are the responsibility of the STVI or experienced Support Assistant.
NB: **Exclusive use of a photocopier must be allocated when examination papers are being enlarged. Interruptions for use by other staff members are not acceptable. 15.
All waste paper used in the process of making further enlargements should be shredded immediately to avoid any possibility of being seen by other pupils. Once checked and any enhancements are made the paper must be kept in a secure situation prior to the start of the tests.
WITH REFERENCE TO ADMINISTERING THE TESTS: WITH REFERENCE TO ADMINISTERING THE TESTS: **For pupils using MLP or Braille versions of the test papers: It is recommended that the pupil’s classroom assistant or the STVI is present as they are familiar with the pupil’s usual method of working and normal classroom practice. This is to oversee the use of specialist equipment and to answer any questions directly associated with any visual difficulties that the pupil may experience during the tests. They should also act as the scribe or amanuensis and administer the mental maths test. Additionally, an independent administrator should be present in the room throughout the test period. The independent administrator should be familiar with the ‘Test Administrators Guide’, and fill in any required paperwork; e.g. ‘Use of a word processor or technical aid’ sheet.
**For pupils using LP versions of the test papers: It is not necessary for a specialist in visual impairment to be present in the room. However it would be helpful if a member of staff who is familiar with the pupil’s visual impairment is available to advise the administrator of the pupil’s usual method of working and normal classroom practice should the need arise.
WITH REFERENCE TO THE FORMAT OF THE TEST: **If an answer booklet is provided the front page should be filled in. This can be done either by the pupil or the administrator. This must be done regardless of a computer being used as the completed examination will be fixed inside the answer booklet. **Immediately prior to the examination, the pupil should be reminded of the following:
**With reference to pupils who use a computer: Each question should be commenced on a separate page and numbered exactly as the examination paper; e.g. 1.) / 1) / 1a (ii) / 1a. ii. Work should be saved regularly. A maximum of at least every half page is advised (the smaller the print size the more often a save should be made). Additionally, all work should be saved to disk or CD as a back up to the hard drive. Regular saving on to disk/CD applies as for saving to the hard drive. (Despite the computer being set to automatic save). **General considerations: If there is any part of the test that is visually difficult the pupil can ask for an explanation as to what is on the paper. If the pupil is tired through eye fatigue or needs a break due to the lengthy time of the test he/she can ask for a break not counted as part of the test period. During the break no reference must be made to the content of the test, either by the pupil or the administrator. If the pupil needs to use the toilet due to the need for extra time they must inform the administrator who will then ensure that the pupil is accompanied to the toilet. Pupils who have extra time may need to have lunch, a snack or a drink. These may be eaten in the test area with the administrator present. Conversation between pupils taking a test in the same room cannot refer to the any part of the test.
**During the test the pupil should be reminded of the following: The amount of time left and which part of the test the pupil should be up to. If a computer is used: To save the work on hard drive and disk at regular intervals.
**On completion of the test the pupil should: Ensure work is checked to their satisfaction. This must be as part of the allotted test period NB: **By this time the pupil may be suffering from eye fatigue or general tiredness. The administrator may read the work back to the pupil. What is read to the pupil should be exactly what is written. If the pupil wishes to make an amendment they should stop the reader and make the amendment. At that point the reader may point out where the appropriate place is on the page or computer screen in order for the pupil to make the amendment.
WITH REFERENCE TO PROCEEDURES AT THE END OF THE TEST: **With reference to pupils who use a computer: NB: **In all circumstances the pupil, the support assistant/and/or STVI and the administrator should be present. Before printing, a check should be made to ensure that all questions are numbered as on the paper and that each answer is on a separate sheet. After printing the pupil can be helped to ensure all pages of the test are in order, that the page numbers are correct and the text is consecutive between pages. The pupil must verify that all parts of the test have been printed off and that the pages are in the correct order. The printed pages should be attached to the appropriate cover sheet (see section below). Two back-up disks or CD’s should be made. They should be checked to ensure all work is saved correctly. This should be verified by the pupil. The disks/CD’s should be labelled in the presence of the pupil with their name, registration number, the name of the test and any other relevant information; e.g. Paper 1. They should be stored in a safe and preferably locked area until after the test results are published and any subsequent queries to or from the board are resolved. Only after this time can the test be erased from the disks/CD’s. Separate disk/s / CD’s should be used for each test. The pupil’s answers should be erased from the computer hard drive once the accompanying member of staff and the pupil are satisfied that the test is saved correctly and printing has been completed.
**With reference to pupils who use a ‘write on’ paper: Any additional sheets of paper used (including graphs, diagrams, working notes, etc) should be labelled with the pupil’s registration number and appropriate question number and fixed inside the answer book in the correct place. The pupil should verify that all additional pages have been included at the correct place.
**With reference to completed test papers: In some exceptional circumstances, when a pupil has had extra time and rest breaks, the test may finish after the designated member of staff for responsibility for the security of the tests has left the premises. In this instance, prior arrangements must be made with the administrator, or STVI, for the completed test papers to be locked in a secure place prior to posting on the following day.