University for Development Studies

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University for Development Studies





Date: April 29th, 2012 Time Allowed: 1 hour

Instructions: A nswer all questions . Answers to the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) should be properly shaded with PENCIL on the MCQ score sheet provided. Answer all other questions on the question paper. Fasten the question paper and MCQ score sheets together for collection

1. The abbreviations TTFPP is an acronym which means: a) Third Trimester Field Practice Programme b) Third Term Field Practice Programme c) Third Term Field Practical Programme d) Third Trimester Field Practical Programme e) Third Trimester Field Practice Programme

2. Which of the options (a) to (e) best describes the general objectives of TTFPP: i. Helping students to develop favourable attitudes towards working in rural and deprived communities. ii. Exposing students, practically, to the nature of the development problems of Ghana. iii. Making students to act as development agents in rural and deprived communities. iv. Providing useful services to Ghanaian rural communities through the exchange of knowledge and its application to address the felt needs and aspirations of rural and deprived communities v. Generating data for further research into problem solving development issues, and other purposes. a) i. ii. iii. and v. only b) ii. iii. iv. and v. only c) i. iii. iv. and v. only d) i. ii. iv. and v. only e) All the above

Page 1 of 6 3. The tasks listed for students during their stay in the communities include the following with the exception of :- i. Go through the community entry process ii. Collect information/data on all aspects of the community iii. Analyze information/data and write a comprehensive group report on problems and potentials of the study community iv. Take note of all dangerous areas in the community v. Keep a notebook, in which he/she will make daily entries of activities undertaken and the results (a) i. ii. iii. and v. only (b) ii. iii. iv. and v. only (c) i. iii. iv. and v. only (d) i. ii. iv. and v. only (e) All the above

4. Students are also required to make adequate preparation for the field. Which of the listings below contain exclusively essential items that students must take to the field: a) Personal mattresses, Lanterns, Water b) Torchlight/Lantern, Mosquito nets, Food c) First Aid, Protective clothing, Mobile phone d) Torchlight/Lantern, Mosquito nets, Protective clothing e) Food, Gas cooker, personal Mattresses.

5. Income inequality can be best presented using……….

a. Lorenz curve b) Gender profile c) Mapping d) Trend analysis

6. Which of the following will be the most appropriate method of administering questionnaire in your community, given the likely high illiteracy rate and inadequate infrastructure in these communities? a) Self-administered b) Telephone interview c) Home-based or personal interviews d) Internet interviews e) None of the above

7. Assuming you are to interview farmers and noticed that for some reasons the population is heterogeneous, which appropriate sampling technique will you advice your group to use?

Page 2 of 6 a) Stratified random sampling b) Systematic random sampling c) Simple random sampling d) Sequential sampling e) Multi-stage cluster sampling

8. When will you advice your group to use systematic random sampling? a) When the population is small b) When there is inadequate information on the population c) When the population is unknown d) When the population is known e) None of the above

9. Which of these is not a method of data collection? a. Questionnaires b) Interviews c) Experiments d) Observations

10. Non- probability Sampling can be used in the following situations except;

a) When demonstrating that a particular trait exists in the population.

b) When the researcher aims to do a qualitative, pilot or exploratory study.

c) When randomization is impossible like when the population is almost limitless.

d) When you want to give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected

11. Which of the following is NOT a non-probability sampling technique?

a) Systematic Sampling b) Quota Sampling c) Convenience Sampling d) Snowball Sampling

12. Which of the following is a measure of dispersion?

a) Range b) Median c) Mean d) Mode e) None of the above

13. In research, using a sample as opposed to the population is good for economic reasons.


14. The sociological explanations of the concept of community includes the following except people: a) Living in a well defined area b) Sharing common values and norms Page 3 of 6 c) Meeting as a religious group to pray d) Acting collectively to satisfy their collective interest.

15. Both the sociological and the loose understandings of the concept of a community have: a) Just a little implication for community development b) Implications for community development c) No implications for community development d) Implications for community development sometimes

16. A stage of the third trimester practical program at which a series of introductory procedures are employed in linking up and working with a community for purposes of rapport building and cordial relationship is known as:

a) Pre-entry stage of community entry b) Consolidation stage of community entry

c) Social roles d) Community entry e) Social interaction

17. In relation to TTFPP orientation which of the following is a community exit process a) Validation of findings with stakeholders b) Make friends with influential community members c) Departure from community d) Debriefing sessions with chiefs and opinion leaders and the larger community

18. Which of the following is not an important attribute of non-renewable natural resources?

a) They are found in the ground.

b) There are fixed amounts of these resources.

c) They are sometimes hard to find.

d) They move in cycles

19. Which of the following best explain why it is important to understand the flow and or linkages of Agriculture and Natural resources in communities?

a) Agriculture and Natural resources are important sources of income

b) This will determine how such resources can be managed

Page 4 of 6 c) Farming is not merely a collection of animals and crops

d) To clarify legal roles and responsibilities

20. Which one is NOT the aim of Technology? a) Make things work better b) Create practical applications of theories e) Control the environment d) Ask questions about nature

21. Which of these can best be described as the technology used in Pito and Gari production? a) Boiling b) Evaporation c) Fermentation d) Distillation e) Frying

22. Geo-physical information covers all the under listed features except :

a) Geology b) Topography c) Climate d) Socio-cultural practices

23. Which of the following is the dominant agro-ecological zone of the Brong Ahafo region?

a) Moist evergreen b) Wet Evergreen c) Savanna d) Transitional

24. Which one of these nutrient deficiency will result in low intelligence quotient (IQ) of children a) Vitamin A b) Carbohydrates c) Proteins d) Iodine

25. “TBA” in the rural health sector refers to ………………………….

a) Tribal Birth Authorities b) Traditional Birth Attendance

c) Traditional Birth Authority d) Trade and Business Associates

26. Equations, tables and figures may be included in an abstract or executive summary. a) True b) False

Page 5 of 6 27. ______is a dense, concise condensation of the purpose and most important result of the project.

a) Discussion b) Abstract c) Introduction d) Appendix

28. ______help the reader to locate specific material in the report.

a) Page numbering b) Chart content c) Table of content d) Appendix

29. ______describes the process used in collecting the data.

a) Introduction b) Methodology c) Discussion d) Abstract

30. ______protects the manuscript against damage.

a) Back page b) Cover page c) Front paper d) Outer Cover

Answer the following Questions in the space provided on the question paper.

32. Which law mandates the UDS to carry out Third Trimester Field Practical Programme?


33. Briefly explain why UDS is unique from the other universities in Ghana.

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