Goals for This Year . . . and for a Lifetime
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Miss Topham’s Math Syllabus Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry 2013-2014
Goals for this year . . . and for a lifetime. 1. You will come to know God as the author and sustainer of all things including mathematical knowledge.
2. You will come to a deeper understanding of God’s character through mathematical principles.
3. You will utilize mathematical tools to investigate and be problem solvers within God’s Creation.
4. You will continue to be Kingdom builders by applying mathematical knowledge to serve the people in the world.
5. As you deeply examine more of mathematics, it will lead to more questions, wonderment, and awe of God and the works of His hands.
Course Description
This comprehensive program allows students to review algebra skills and also prepares students for applications of mathematics in other college courses. This course covers much of the same material as the Precalculus class at a slower pace. Students taking this course are not anticipating taking Calculus. There is a strong emphasis on trigonometry.
These topics introduced in Algebra II are covered in more depth: Synthetic division Matrices conic sections logarithms Exponential functions
These new topics are covered: Graphs of polynomials Vectors polar coordinated Sequences Series
Useful Websites:
1. Interactive math, lists by topic with practice questions and explanations http://www.intmath.com/ 2. Purple math, click on lesson index on the upper right, teaches the concepts and gives examples http://www.purplemath.com/ 3. Patrick JMT, videos explaining major math concepts, listed by topic. Its like having the teacher in your living room. http://patrickjmt.com/ How to do your best in math class this year.
1. Come prepared
You will need the following o Pencils o Red pen for grading homework o Notebook (I suggest a spiral bound notebook with a pocket folder or a 1 inch binder with a pocket) o PAPER (you will take a lot of notes) o Ti – 84 Calculator (or the Ti-83 but the Ti-89 is not permitted) o textbook
2. Eliminate distractions
o You will not need your iPod, cell phone, or the notes for next periods’ test with you. o If something or someone is preventing you from concentrating let Miss Topham know o Sit in a good location – Miss Topham can help you with this. o Do not be a distraction to others
3. Be an Active learner
o Be on time and prepared for class o Go to the bathroom BEFORE class starts o Make relevant comments that add to learning o Be ready with your assignments o Study for your assessments o Work well with others and share the work load o Ask a lot of questions o Know how your grade is determined
Assignments are graded for accuracy.
Late work will not be accepted. (see absences note)
Also, if I can’t read it, I can’t grade it! 4. Ask for help before you are in danger.
Extra help is available and the office hours are posted in the room.
Office hours
Mornings: Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7:30 – 7:50 Lunch: available by appointment After school: Monday – Thursday 3:15 – 4:00
* Additional help provided by advanced appointment. Hours may alter occasionally.
There is no extra credit offered as a separate assessment for this course. Opportunities for bonus and grace points will be presented throughout the year.
5. When life happens and our limitations . . . details to remember.
Missed work due to absence: Students may make up any and all homework, quizzes, tests and projects missed due to excused absence, the time allotted to make up the work is equal to the amount of time missed. (example: Absent for three days, you have three days to make up all missing assessments) You are responsible to find out what you have missed. THE ASSESSMENT MUST SHOW ALL WORK NECESSARY FOR CREDIT.
Our sin nature: It is expected that you resist this and display all manners of academic integrity. This implies that you will, among other aspects, o Maintain a quiet atmosphere during assessments o Use only the resources authorized by the teacher for your assignments o Turn in work UNIQUE to your own ability and NOT a reflection of another’s understanding o Not claim someone else’s work as your own
Any breach of academic honesty will result in a zero for the assignment as well as disciplinary measures.
NAME: ______(Print your full name here)
1. Check the class you are in below: DUE: ______o Advanced Alg Trig 1st period o Advanced Alg Trig 7th period o PreCalc o AP Calc AB o AP Calc BC
2. Do you have any concerns, questions, or comments for Miss Topham? Now is your chance to ask or say anything! ______
3. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the guideline in the attached syllabus.
Student name (please print) ______
Student Signature: ______
Do you have any questions, concerns, or comments? (make sure you tell me how to contact you if you wish a response, phone, email, carrier pigeon, etc.) ______
I agree to support my student and to encourage my student to follow the steps outlined in the syllabus above.
Parent/Guardian name (please print) ______
Parent/Guardian signature ______