Standard Operating Procedure s7
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Page 1 of 5 SOP Number: CVM-005-01 Date Issued: 2017-02-01
Standard Operating Procedure
Title Cleaning and Disinfecting Agricultural Animal Physical Facilities and Transport Vehicles
1 SCOPE This SOP describes the procedures involved in cleaning of the Equine Teaching Center. Bovine Teaching Center, Equine Stables, and any trailers used to move agricultural animals.
2 DEFINITIONS Disinfectant – Antimicrobial agent that is applied to nonliving objects to destroy disease-causing microorganisms and their spores by physical or chemical means.
3.1.1 The following steps are used to clean and disinfect the Equine Teaching Center after every equine laboratory:
1. Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves and masks are provided. 2. Remove any debris on the facility floor or on stocks by using the brooms or shovels located in the area. 3. Place feces in the manure spreader or wheel barrel for disposal. 4. The floor, walls, scale and stocks are to be sprayed completely using the high pressure nozzles provided. There are water hoses located within the facility. Pay special attention to heavily soiled areas. 5. A disinfectant is used According to instructions and to thoroughly cover and clean all surfaces. 6. Scrub surfaces with hand brushes or push brooms completely and allow the soap a minimum contact time of 10 minutes before rinsing. 7. Rinse floor, walls, scale and stocks completely. 8. Squeegee floor and stocks (if needed) and allow time to dry.
3.2 EQUINE STABLE – Occupied Stall
3.2.1 The following steps are used to clean the feed buckets and automatic water dispensers.
1. Remove feed bucket from stall and clean with scrub brush and dishwashing liquid daily. 2. Allow bucket time to dry and return to holder located in the stall. 3. Remove any debris that has accumulated in the water dispenser.
3.2.2 The following steps are used for mucking and bedding. Page 2 of 5 SOP Number: CVM-005-01 Date Issued: 2017-02-01
1. Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves and masks are provided. 2. Use shovel or pitch fork, located in ES 102, to remove feces and soiled bedding. 3. Stalls are mucked thoroughly in the AM and any additional feces are removed throughout the day. 4. Place feces and soiled bedding in manure spreader or wheel barrel for disposal. 5. Add fresh bedding materials as needed. 6. The stable hallway is blown out using a leaf blower daily or as needed.
3.3 EQUINE STABLE - Following animal removal from stall
3.3.1 The following steps are used to clean and disinfect feed buckets and stalls.
1. Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves and masks are provided. 2. Remove feed bucket from stall and clean using a detergent. Rinse thoroughly and clean using a disinfectant. Allow 10 minutes of contact time before rinsing. Rinse buckets and place back on stall holder to dry. 3. Use shovel or pitch fork to remove feces and bedding and place in manure spreader or wheel barrel for disposal. 4. Remove any debris from Automatic water dispenser. 5. Clean water dispenser using a disinfectant and rinse thoroughly. 6. Scrub stall mats using a disinfectant. Allow 10 minutes of contact time before rinsing. Rinse mats and allow to dry. 7. Add a fresh bag of bedding in the stall for the next occupant.
3.4 EQUINE STABLE - Feed bins and feed room 1.1.1 The following steps are used to clean and disinfect the feed bins located in the Equine Stable
1. When a feed bin becomes empty, remove any loose feed or debris by using the shop vacuum. 2. Wipe down the inside of the feed bin with diluted disinfectant. Allow to dry. 3. Remove any expired feed as needed.
1.1.2 The following steps are used to clean and disinfect the feed room in the Equine Stable .
1. The feed room should be cleaned out as needed. 2. Remove any debris on the feed room floor by using a broom and dust pan. 3. Properly diluted disinfectant with water in a mop bucket. Mop the entire room and allow time to dry. Page 3 of 5 SOP Number: CVM-005-01 Date Issued: 2017-02-01
3.5 BOVINE TEACHING CENTER - Floors, walls, troughs and bovine stocks
3.5.1 The following steps are used to clean and disinfect the Bovine Teaching Center after every bovine laboratory:
1. Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves and masks are provided. 2. Remove any debris on the facility floor, troughs or on stocks by using the brooms, shovels or shop vacuum located in the area. 3. Place feces in the manure spreader or wheel barrel for disposal. 4. The floor, walls, troughs and stocks are to be sprayed completely using the high pressure nozzles provided. There are water hoses located within the facility. Pay special attention to heavily soiled areas. 5. A disinfectant is used as the germicidal, fungicidal, virucidal, and deodorizer. Dilute using 1 ounce of solution per 1 gallon of water. Use designated disinfectant sprayer to distribute soap. Cover all surfaces thoroughly. 6. Scrub surfaces with hand brushes or push brooms completely and allow the soap a minimum contact time of 10 minutes before rinsing. 7. Rinse floor, walls, troughs and stocks completely. 8. Squeegee floor (if needed), turn troughs on sides to drain and allow time to dry. 9. Spray any debris out of boot wash and clean with disnfectant. 10. Check both sides of half wall for fecal matter or other debris.
3.6 BOVINE TEACHING CENTER - Feed bins and feed room
3.6.1 The following steps are used to clean and disinfect the feed bins located in the Bovine Teaching Center
1. When a feed bin becomes empty, remove any loose feed or debris by using the shop vacuum. 2. Wipe down the inside of the feed bin with diluted disinfectant. Allow to dry. 3. Remove any expired feed as needed.
3.6.2 The following steps are used to clean and disinfect the feed room in the Bovine Teaching Center .
1. The feed room should be cleaned out as needed. 2. Remove any debris on the feed room floor by using a broom and dust pan. 3. Properly diluted disnfectant with water in a mop bucket. Mop the entire room and allow time to dry.
3.7 TRANSPORT TRAILER - cleaning and disinfecting
3.7.1 The following steps are used to clean the inside of any LMU-owned trailer after an animal has been transported in it. Page 4 of 5 SOP Number: CVM-005-01 Date Issued: 2017-02-01
1. Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves and masks are provided. Coveralls must be worn while cleaning trailer. 2. Use shovel or pitch fork to remove feces and place in manure spreader or wheel barrel for disposal. 3. Spray the trailer out with water. Do not use high-pressure hose (creates aerosol that can disperse infectious agents). 4. Rinse the inside of the trailer door, the walls and the floor with low- pressure water. 5. Wash all visible loose particulate matter toward a drain or out of the trailer. 6. Scrub the inside of the trailer with diluted disnfectant using a stiff- bristle brush. 7. Rinse off the disinfectant. 8. If any manure, blood or soil is still adherent to the walls or floor, these spots should be rescrubbed until the material is removed. 9. Rinse any particulate matter left in the trailer or sweep it up and remove it. 10. Allow to dry.
3.7.2 The following steps are used to disinfect the inside of the trailer after an animal has been transported in it.
1. Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves and masks are provided. Coveralls must be worn while cleaning trailer. 2. Disinfect all surfaces within the trailer one time. 3. If a known pathogen has been isolated from an animal that was in the trailer, disinfect the trailer three times. o The inside of the trailer, all 4 walls, and the floor are sprayed with bleach (4 oz/gal), using the same stiff-bristle brushes and double scrubbing pattern. Waterers, hayracks, feed buckets, pipes, latches, gate hinges, and ledges are also sprayed with bleach 4 oz/gal. o After allowing a minimum contact time of 10 minutes for bleach 4 oz/gal to disinfect, gently rinse the inside of the door, the walls, the floor, and all other trailer surfaces and equipment with water. Then once again spray the trailer with bleach 4 oz/gal. o After this, third double-scrubbing with bleach 4 oz/gal, the disinfectant is not rinsed off, but is allowed to dry on the walls and floor. 4. Remove any remaining water out of the trailer with a squeegee. 5. Instruments, equipment and miscellaneous tack (dose syringe, stomach tubes, twitches, halters, lead ropes, endoscopes, etc.) should also be sterilized with cold sterilization with Nolvasan (chlorhexidine) solution. 6. After items and tools are dry, return them to storage and hang buckets. 7. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer after each step in cleaning and disinfecting a trailer. 8. In horse trailers, use disinfecting wipes on areas of hand traffic, including truck and trailer door handles, steering wheel, and gear shift. Page 5 of 5 SOP Number: CVM-005-01 Date Issued: 2017-02-01
4 SOP CHANGE HISTORY CVM-005-01: New procedure.
Originator Signature Date
Management Signature Date
If this protocol involves animal use, IACUC review is required prior to issuance
IACUC Review Signature Date