Campbell Collegiate Community Council s1
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Campbell Collegiate Community Council
Meeting Minutes for February 11, 2008
Present: Ian Chang, Darla Kapila, Jeff Hubenig, Janice Burgess, Susan Jarvis, Howard Jesse, Bob Stephenson, Charmaine Styles, Dave Bachynski, Joanne Havelock, Bobbi Bates Regrets: Cathy Cuddington and Glenda Calcutta. Welcome: Susan Jarvis welcomed attendees and meeting called to order at 7pm.
1. Taking the Temperature: a. Students: (report from IC) a. Student leaders were invited to a renewal meeting at School Board office. SAC (2 students) attended. b. Students from schools possibly closing were concerned about whether their identity would be at stake, and how they would fit in at Campbell? Could someone from Usher be on our SAC? How do we make the new students feel welcome? SAC needs to discuss this at their next meeting, develop a plan and provide the plan to the students that will be transferring over. Action Item: SAC to discuss and report back to CCCC how they plan to engage students affected by school closures in renewal plan. c. Broadcast (15 mins) Thursday Feb 14, 2008 during CAP will be the students perspective on the School Board’s renewal plan and then students will be surveyed on Friday. Survey results will be sent to Board office. b. Teachers: (report by JH) Final exams and the start up of Semester II has been a busy time for teachers. There is a pattern developing now and the school community lives by the bell – there are different bells used for different daily activities. CAP – have not been many opportunities to interact or advise as most of the CAP programming has been broadcasts, registrations, etc. There will be more opportunity for interaction after this week. Bobbi stated she has heard students mention they have a home and most kids are attending CAP. Discussion around whether there are any checks in place for students and teachers to assess CAP program. Data is being used from schools that chose to do advisory programs in Semester I. c. Community: (Janice Burgess reported) There is a smoking cessation group that would like to hold support group meetings at our school. Janice will get a permit to them and they are welcome to use our CCCC meeting room. This could link to smoking cessation workshops for parent/community population and student population. Historical Funds: Howard Jesse reported that they have found approximately $4,800.00 from a geology project from 1998. It was originally used to place the rocks and landscape the front yard of the school. Campbell would like to hire the services of Darla Kapila at Arcas to print some large posters to promote and tell the history of this area and add the information to the website. The funds should be used to maintain and market the area as an educational area of our school.
MAIL: Budget meeting: Public School Board is tabling their budget at the Board office on Feb 19th/08. RAGS: Regina Anti-Gag Services are holding an innovative, community based workshop for adults who deal with kids on Tuesday, March 18th. CCCC will pay for one of our members to attend if there is interest. Deterrents Saliva Drug Testing Kits: Kits that facilitate the testing of drug and alcohol use in students. No interest from CCCC or staff at this time.
2. Committee Reports: a. Continuous Improvement Plan – Principals from schools meet on Tuesday February 19th, 2008 and will report back to CCCC. b. Community Engagement –(Charmaine Styles reported) They have been putting some thought into what are we doing? What’s coming up? What do we want to do? - do we want to advertise to commuter schools, do we want to be a conduit to bring groups together, can we get some ideas from the students and then act as a facilitator to get those topics into the school to be presented to the students? ( Someone from the community would come in and present to the students and add to the curriculum). Action item: Obtain inventory of topics from students and inventory of speakers to present. ie. Art for lunch, noon hour lecture series - Free advertising with Arcola newsletter, Sun, Newspaper, website - Susan asked that Dave and Charmaine document the process so it is a sustainable model but they have identified a need to have a planning session for how to do this, and may need some money to do this. Feeder schools – how do we engage them, do we engage them? Balance out talk with students speaking to feeder schools too. Discussed the next phase of community council and how to move it forward consistently. CCCC will want to take it to the board office to show consistency and to provide information to the board on how they can support this initiative.
c. Planning: Literary Evening: - April 15/08 – works well with school having IB art show and just before three way conferences. - Have invited Robert Currie who is the Saskatchewan poet Lauriat. Committee has applied for grant and would like to have one of the Campbell music bands performing as people are coming in. Waiting for confirm from Robert Currie before any promotion of the evening takes place. Plans to put in Arcola Community Newsletter, community signs, TV, community service program, city page in newspaper. o would like to involve creative arts students to read some of their work o it was suggested we ask poet to come in the afternoon for a workshop as well 3. Website: a. See written report from Glenda Calcutta - Darla Kapila will be branding the CCCC for the website. This logo will be complimentary with the school logo - It was suggested that the CAP committee now morph into the website. Committee will be led by Glenda Calcutta. The group will meet at a time and location convenient for Glenda to discuss issues. Ed Adolf is the computer club teacher contact.. - recommended that we get students involved in the process (JB to contact), Dave will help with this next meeting so there is overlap between the Website and the Community Engagement Committee Action item: priority pieces to launch the next steps, website and call in expertise, 4. Funding: a. We have made 2 requests for funding parody: a. Have made a request to the School Board to re-examine the $2000.00 ($1000. from government and matched by the school board) grant to the council to reach some parody for Campbell. All schools getting the same amount but using school renewal numbers therefore some schools are getting $6/child and others are getting $1.63/child. How can we recalibrate? Susan has called for meeting to figure out a parody based on population. b. Brought to attention that there was a rather large reduction in grant money when the School Board contracted with Coca Cola and Pepsi. Schools had contract with Coca-Cola which provided grant money to the schools. School board negotiated a new contract to include Pepsi and therefore there was a reduction of the grant to our school by $3600. Again no parody- some schools were getting $19.00/student and Campbell was getting $3.60/student. We just want there to be a sense of fairness with a net gain to Campbell because we provide service to 25% of the cities high school population.
b. Funders: Susan Jarvis has collected and provided a list of companies that provide grant money and the criteria. This was presented to all the committee members. Community Initiatives Fund was discussed - fund comes out of gaming for programming rather than activities. Deadline for grant was February 1,2008. We need to ask if we need to be a non-profit organization to apply for some of this funding and prepare for that if need to be (check if we can apply under the school board). CCCC will be more aggressive in the future to access these funds. 5. Open Dialogue: a. Update on Renewal: On March 4th 7pm, Susan Jarvis will provide a formal presentation to Trustee's at the Board office. The Chair of the Trustees phoned Susan and committed to provide answers and did ask some detailed questions. b. Discussions around writing of an editorial about renewal: No letters will be written from the Council regarding Renewal. We encourage parents to express their own opinions if different from the council’s perspective. 6. New Business: b. Meeting Start times: considering the business the Council needs to do we have set meeting times from 6:30 pm start to 9pm and will adjust if need to. c. New Members: 2 members have resigned off the Council. Susan Jarvis has nominated Darla Kapila to the CCCC. Motion: Darla Kapila be appointed to the Council to for a 2 year term ending in June 2009. Voted and Carried.
This leaves one vacant spot on the CCCC. d. In memory of Dave D'Almeida - discussion of what CCCC could do to honor the memory of Dave D’Almeida. Some suggestions were a flowering tree, he really liked the courtyard, committee would prefer a good size tree, and a tree plaque Motion: In recognition of Dave D'Almeida's contribution to our students and school, CCCC will purchase a good size tree and a plaque to be placed in the courtyard. Bobbi and Howard will research the price and get back to CCCC with an estimate.
Discussion around scholarship - would be a life plan scholarship, not post- secondary, could be a gift but will push to scholarship fund once know what kind of funds we have. Ask staff and students to discuss recommendations for one time scholarship to be determined later from CCCC
Meeting adjourned at 9pm by Susan Jarvis.
NEXT MEETING DATE: MARCH 10th, remember 6:30 pm start