Publications available to order from British Heart Foundation. New: Ten minutes to change your life booklets  Call time on alcohol  High blood pressure  Lowering cholesterol  Managing diabetes  Take time out  Time to eat well  Time to get moving  Time to quit Heart health  African Caribbean healthy living, healthy heart booklet  Air pollution information sheet  Everyday triumphs booklet - for people with a mental health problem

 Health at work  Heart age calculator  How your heart works poster  Keep your heart healthy booklet (also in Welsh)  Know your heart - our free, interactive online learning tool  Live with a healthy heart DVD and booklet - for people with learning disabilities  Risking it DVD - covering different risk factors for cardiovascular disease and how to tackle them  Women and heart disease booklet Healthy eating and drinking  Cut down on salt booklet  Cut the saturated fat wallchart  Eating well booklet (also in British Sign Language)  Facts not fads - your simple guide to healthy weight loss  Fats and oils information sheet  Healthy eating on our website  Plant sterols and stanols information sheet  Ten minutes to change your life - Call time on alcohol  Ten minutes to change your life - Time to eat well  This label could change your life booklet  Taste of the Caribbean  Taste of South Asia Physical activity  Be active for life booklet - for over 65s  Get active, stay active booklet  Get up and go - case study films about physical activity for over 65s  Interactive calories burned calculator  Physical activity and your heart booklet  Physical activity on our website  Put your heart into walking booklet  Stay active in British Sign Language  Ten minutes to change your life - Time to get moving Smoking  Ten minutes to change your life - Time to quit  Shisha facts on our website  Smoking in British Sign Language  Stop smoking booklet  Watch Lisa beat smoking and improve her health (also in Bengali, Gujurati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and BSL). Stress  Coping with stress booklet  More about stress on the our website  Ten minutes to change your life - Take time out To order resources for you or someone else order online, or call the BHF orderline on 0870 600 6566, or email [email protected].