Big Bad List of Terms

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Big Bad List of Terms

Big Bad List of Terms Assignment: Red, Yellow, and Green: Color coordinate the list of terms based on what you absolutely know, what you think you know and what you don’t know. When determining what color you should make a term consider all of the following; your knowledge of the terms definition, examples of it and situations in which it is and can be used. DO NOT rate your understanding on how familiar you are with the word (“oh, I’ve heard that word before I must know it.”) but rather how well you understand it. Show me your list when we get back from break.

Constitution and Political Culture and Ideology The Media Democracy 88. Political ideology 168.mass media 1. democracy 89. liberals media 2. constitutional democracy 90. conservatives 170.sound bites 3. direct democracy 91. socialists (television) 4. republic 92. libertarians 172.trial balloon 5. Articles of Confederation 93. Political culture 173.adversarial press 6. Shays' Rebellion 94. political socialization 174.“leaks” 7. Constitutional 95. demographics 175.“On background” Convention 96. race 176.issue ads 8. Virginia Plan 97. ethnicity 177.liberal media bias 9. New Jersey Plan 98. gender gap 178.conservative media bias 10. Connecticut Compromise 99. religion 179.fairness doctrine and equal time 11. Three-Fifths Compromise 100.socioeconomic status rule 12. bicameralism 101.crosscutting cleavages 180.political socialization 13. ratification 102.Political Efficacy 181.gatekeeper (media) 14. Federalists Congress 15. Antifederalists Interest Groups: The Politics of 182. seniority 16. LEJSASR Influence 183. safe vs. marginal seat 17. separation of powers 103.Theories of Interest Groups 184. gerrymandering 18. checks and balances 104. Pluralism, Elitism, 185. malaportionment 19. Popular Sovereignty Hyperpluralism, 186. majority minority district 20. judicial review 105. Types of Interest Groups 187. reapportionment 21. direct primary 106. Economic, Environmental, 188. redistricting 22. initiative Equality, Consumer 189. Speaker of the House 23. referendum 107.issue advocacy 190. majority leader 24. recall 108.PAC 191. minority leader FEDERALISM 109.Federalist No. 10 192. whips 25. federal government 110.Faction 193. House Rules Committee 26. unitary government 111.single issue vs public interest 194. discharge petition 27. confederation group 195. President Pro Tempore (government) 112.lobbying and Lobbyist 196. filibuster 28. Marbury v. Madison 113.revolving door 197. cloture 29. decentralization 114.iron triangle 198. senatorial courtesy 30. national supremacy 115.litigation 199. rider 31. devolution revolution 116.amicus curiae 200. logrolling 32. mandate 201. pork barrel legislation 33. unfunded mandate Political Parties 202. Christmas tree bill 34. categorical grant 117.Political Party 203. GAO 35. block grant primary 204. Gatekeeper 36. revenue sharing 119.Primary vs Caucus 205. standing committee 37. enumerated powers 120.closed primary 206. select committee 38. implied powers primary 207. conference committee 39. reserved powers 122.blanket primary 208. joint committee 40. necessary and proper 123.split ticket 209. veto clause 124.crossover voting 210. supermajority 41. states' rights doctrine 125.winner-take-all 211. pocket veto 42. McCulloch v. Maryland 126.soft money 212. override veto requirement 43. commerce clause convention 213. confirmation politics 44. full faith and credit 128.third party/minor party 214. delegate role of a legislator 45. extradition 129.divided government 215. trustee role of a legislator 46. Grant-in-aid 130.realignment/realigning 216. non-legislative requirements 47. condition of aid 131.rank and file 217. CBO Rights and Protections 132.Two Party System 218. Party Polarization 48. Civil Rights vs Civil 133.Linkage institutions Liberties 134.Direct mailing The Presidency: The Judiciary: 49. First 10 Amendment 219.Executive Office of the President 50. ex post facto 135.civil law 220.Office of Management and 51. bill of attainder 136.constitutional law Budget 52. incorporation 137.criminal law 221.National Security Council 53. free exercise clause 138.original vs appeallate 222.cabinet 54. establishment clause jurisdiction 223.divided government 55. wall of separation 139.district courts 224. Implied (formal) powers 56. libel 140.appeals courts 225.Signing statement 57. obscenity 141.grand jury 226.informal powers 58. clear and present danger 142.judicial review 227.executive order 59. civil disobedience 143.judicial activist 228.executive privilege 60. sedition 144.judicial restraint 229.executive agreement 61. naturalization 145.writ of certiorari 230.impoundment 62. green card 146.stare decisis 231.line item veto 63. procedural due process 147.amicus curiae 232.war powers 64. substantive due process 148.majority opinion 233.budget authority 65. eminent domain 149.dissenting opinion 234.coalition building 66. probable cause 150.concurring opinion 235.constituencies 67. exclusionary rule The Bureaucracy: 236.Bully Pulpit 68. immunity 151.Bureaucrats 237.Imperial President 69. self-incrimination 152.Civil servants 238.Partisan Obstructionism 70. double jeopardy tape Political Opinion, Political 71. indictment 154.government corporations Participations, and Voting 72. writ of habeas corpus 155.independent agency 239.partisan 73. plea bargaining 156.independent regulatory board 240.public opinion 74. racial profiling 157.spoils system/patronage 241.canvas Equal Rights Under the Law 158.Bureaucratic Pathologies 242.Australian ballot 75. equality of opportunity 159.Sunshine laws 243.VAP/VEP 76. equality of results 160.Freedom of Information Act 244.Activist 77. Plessy v Ferguson (FOIA) 245.Voting specialist 78. Brown v Board of 161.Whistleblower Protection 246.Motor Voter bill Education 162.Iron Triangle 247.Grandfather clause 79. Jim Crow laws 163.merit system/civil service 248.Poll tax 80. de jure segregation 164.Office of Personnel 249.Voter apathy 81. de facto segregation Management (OPM) 250.Disenfranchisement 82. poll tax 165.Hatch Act Campaign and Elections: Democracy 83. Civil Rights Act of 1964 166.issue networks in Action 84. Voting Rights Act of 167.Sunset legislation 251.incumbent Factors 1965 252.lame duck 85. majority-minority district 253.winner-take-all 86. affirmative action 254.single member district 87. Bakke case 255.proportional representation 256.super Tuesday 257.Franking privilege 258.issue advertising 259.soft money and hard money 260.independent expenditures primary 262.Campaign Finance Reform Bill of 1974 263. Federal Elections Commission 264. Electoral College 265. BCRA 266. Citizens United vs. FEC 267. Frontloading 268. SuperPacs

Bonus: Are there any government related terms or phrases we have learned in class but are not on this list? Let me know.

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