Leadership and Organizational Management s2

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Leadership and Organizational Management s2

Legacy High School A Global Studies School

Course Expectations 2016-2017 Spanish 2Honors

Instructor: Mrs. Arruti LHS Room 1202 Phone: (702) 799-1777 Email: [email protected] Website Address: www.legacyhigh.net Course Scope:

This one-year course is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish I or who demonstrate a proficiency level of novice-high as identified in the foreign language proficiency guidelines established by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Students continue to refine proficiency in the target language with the end-of-course goal of demonstrating proficiency at the intermediate-low level. This course is designated as honors level by the accelerated instructional pacing and depth of content. The focus is communication in the target language incorporating understanding of the target cultures, connecting with other disciplines, comparing native language to the target language, and participating in multicultural communities. The course provides practice in correct use of basic vocabulary and language structures to enable students to function effectively within realistic settings. ACTFL recommends that at least 90% of the instructional time in class be conducted in the target language. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to our society. The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills one of the elective credits required for high school graduation.

Course Goals:

1. To engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. [NS: 1] 2. To understand and interpret written language on a variety of topics. [NS: 2] 3. To understand and interpret spoken language on a variety of topics. [NS: 2] 4. To present information, concepts, and ideas in the target language orally. [NS: 3] 5. To present information, concepts, and ideas in the target language in writing. [NS: 3]

Legacy High School Page: 1 6. To understand the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture(s) studied. [NS: 5] 7. To understand the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture(s) studied. [NS: 4] 8. To reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through the target language. [NS: 6] 9. To acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through materials in the target language. [NS: 7] 10. To understand the nature of language through comparisons of the target language with English and/or the students’ first language. [NS: 8] 11. To understand cultural similarities and differences. [NS: 9] 12. To use the target language in and outside of school. [NS: 10] 13. To develop an interest in continuing the study of the target language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. [NS: 11] Revised May 2005, November 2006, November 2011.


The following text(s) will be utilized in this course: ¡Asi se Dice! 2

Student Supplies

Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:  3-Subject Spiral Notebook o Plastic cover preferred o College Ruled o This in an integral part of the class and their grade throughout the entire school year.  Dry erase marker  Index Cards (3x5)  Pen or Blue / Black Ink Pen daily

Tardy Policy

Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. With that in mind, the Legacy High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. On the first and second tardy, the student will be warned; on the third tardy, the parent will be contacted; on the fourth tardy, a detention will be assigned; on the fifth and all subsequent tardies, the student will be sent to the deans’ office and placed on a Required Parent Conference.

Legacy High School Page: 2 Grading Policy

 Grading Scale: 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Below 60% F  I do not round grades.  Point values are given to each assignment. For days where no assignment is done or during projects, participation grades will be given.  Interactive notebooks are required. Page numbers are assigned for notes and assignments. Students are responsible to be on the correct page when completing assignments.  Homework – Will be given but any work not finished in class is expected to be finished at home and turned in the next class  Semester Grades: 45% Quarter 1/3 Grade 45% Quarter 2/4 Grade 10% Semester Examination Students should take pride in their work. Grammar, punctuation, neatness, and originality are important and will be considered in the overall evaluation of a student’s work. Plagiarism will receive an “F” and a referral to the Dean’s Office. Assignments that are not legible will need to be redone and the grade will be lowered.

Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance

 Make-up procedures- 1• After an absence, students will be expected to check with me for all make-up work. Student may consult my website under legacyhigh.net for homework and or warm up assignments they missed. 2• There will be a file of missing worksheet at the front of the room. Students must obtain make-up work within three days of an absence, unless other arrangements with the teachers are made. 3• Students are responsible for getting/requesting make-up work and scheduling before or after school to make-up tests/quizzes.

Hours of Availability - A schedule will be posted weekly on my board indicating which days I am available after school. I will be available daily until 2:00 unless otherwise indicated.

Attendance After the seventh unexcused absence, students will be denied credit and will receive an “F” for the course.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

 Classroom Behavioral Expectations o Due to severe allergies, no perfume, colognes, scented lotions or other chemical fragrances may be worn or used in my class.

Legacy High School Page: 3 o Students are required to have a locker to store bags / backpacks. They are not allowed in class. o For any rule infraction, one warning will be given o All subsequent infractions will be handled with appropriate severity o During class, students are expected to be quiet, respectful and working o At the end of class, Mrs. Arruti will dismiss the class, not the bell o Materials needed daily- spiral notebook, pen/pencil, o Tardies (1/2 hour tardy = one absence) o Food, drink, gum, candy, etc. in class is Not Permitted o Citizenship- Class behavior, attitude and work ethic will be taken in to account when determining citizenship grade

Legacy High School Page: 4 Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to school by September 23, 2016.

Acknowledgement of Course Expectations Spanish 2 Honors

We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.

______Student’s name [last, first] Student’s Signature

______Parent Name Parent Signature

______Home phone Work/Cell phone

Email Address: ______

Electronic Textbook

If my child’s course has an electronic version of the textbook, that can be accessed at home through the internet, I am giving permission to not check out a text book for this course. I have internet access at home to use the electronic version.

Note: Not all classes offer an electronic version and a textbook will be checked out to the student.

Parent Signature: ______

Legacy High School Page: 5

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