Become a Peer Educator and Help Make a Difference!

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Become a Peer Educator and Help Make a Difference!



Speak UP Bucknell is a peer education group focused on preventing sexual violence on campus. The peer educators are extensively trained in topics and skills such as sexual violence, positive bystander behavior, dating violence, and discussion facilitation. Using their training, the peer educators help deliver presentations and plan programs for fellow Bucknellians in order to engage other students in sexual violence prevention.

Speak UP Bucknell peer educators have the opportunity to be leaders in the community by living and teaching the positive bystander model. Speak UP Bucknell peer educators have the opportunity to facilitate the Fraternity and Sorority Ally Training, serve as a committee chair, and help plan large scale events such as Take Back the Night, Clothesline Project, and Beat the Blame Game.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Speak UP Bucknell peer educators are expected to:

 Practice positive bystander behavior outside of meetings and Speak UP Bucknell related events

 Complete training on topics such as sexual assault, dating violence, positive bystander model, rape culture, survivor support, etc.

 Present multiple presentations throughout the semester, including 90 minute presentations to all incoming first year students, totaling approximately ten hours a semester

 Attend weekly meetings and complete follow up tasks, totaling approximately one to two hours a week

 Help develop Speak UP Bucknell presentations such as the Dating Violence and Stalking curriculum and the Media Literacy curriculum

 Help plan and attend Speak UP Bucknell co-sponsored events, such as Take Back the Night, Clothesline Project, and Sex Signals

 Engage in outreach activities such as posting on social media, tabling, and the NO MORE poster campaign

Speak UP Bucknell Peer Educator Application – Spring 2015

**Application Deadline: Friday, March 6, 2015** Please type or print your answers neatly and send to [email protected], or print and hand deliver to Padma Ravichandran in ELC 065B.

Personal Data:

Name: Class Year:

Campus Address: Box #:

(Room/Apt#) (Hall/Street)

E-mail Address: DOB:

Phone: ______Major: ______

Reference: Please list the name of one current or former professor or staff advisor (who you worked with in the last 12 months), preferably from Bucknell, who can comment on your ability to be a Speak UP Bucknell peer educator, and have them fill out the following survey by March 13, 2015: VvNyGRbfd8dNHj8oyrcYU5MVE2fZD1-1WRRNIKQ/viewform?usp=send_form

Name: ______Email: ______

Please provide answers to the following questions. Feel free to continue your answers on a separate piece of paper:

1. Why are you interested in becoming a Speak UP Bucknell Peer Educator?

2. What stood out to you from any of the Speak UP Bucknell presentations you have received? 3. Please list and explain any related leadership experiences you may have.

4. What experience, if any, do you have presenting to and/or training your peers?

5. What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses for this position? Please explain.

6. What experience, if any, do you have working with populations or individuals affected by sexual violence?

7. Please share a time, if any, when you acted as a positive bystander and intervened to help a friend/acquaintance/stranger?

8. What is your impression of Bucknell’s culture regarding sexual violence?

9. How do you think Speak UP Bucknell can better engage students in sexual violence prevention? 10. Please list any obligations you will have next academic year other than your academic classes (e.g., work, student organization meetings, etc.) and their respective time commitments for next academic year.

11. Have you been the recipient of any judicial sanctions while attending Bucknell? Yes / No

If yes, please share your experience:

Please email this form to [email protected], and we will be in touch if you have been chosen for an interview. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Padma Ravichandran at [email protected].

Thank you for your interest!

This project was supported by Grant No. 2012-WA-AX-0008 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

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