Self-Employed Declaration for Housing Benefit
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Housing benefit self-employment form
Full name:
Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction scheme reference number:
Name of business: Business address: Type of business:
Work phone:
Average number of Date business hours worked each started week
Is your business a partnership? (please tick one) No Yes – please complete below
Please give the names Please of all give the business addresses partners of all business What percentage of the total partners % profit or loss is yours?
Please provide your partnership agreement.
Does your spouse or anyone else you live No with have a share in the business? Yes – please complete information below
What percentage of the total profit or loss is % theirs?
Housing benefit self-employment form Page | 1 Is your spouse or anyone else you live with No on the payroll of the business? Yes – please complete information below
every week/fortnight/month (please How much are they paid? £ delete)
Are there any other people on the payroll of No the business? Yes
Do you use part of your home for business No Yes – please give details below purposes?
What is your HM Revenues and Customs reference number?
Yes – Please return with form Do you have the latest tax calculation letter from HM Revenues & Customs (HMRC)? No – Please state when you expect to have this?
Yes – Please return an original set of the Do you have prepared accounts for the last accounts with this form financial year? No – Please state when you expect to have them?
Please state the exact period From: To: covered:
If you have just started as self-employed please complete with projected figures for the next three months. If you have been trading for less than one year, please complete with figures from the date you started to date. Otherwise provide your figures for the last financial year.
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Money coming in and expenses INCOME EXPENSES Sales, takings or income £ Purchases of stock £
Tips or gratuities £ Opening Stock £ VAT Refunded £ TOTAL COSTS £
Closing Stock £ GROSS PROFIT £ (income minus costs) TOTAL INCOME £
Business Expenses – only include amounts that relate solely to the business
Drawings – Cash and £ Postage £ stock Wages – paid to yourself £ Accountant’s charge £
Wages – paid to partner £ Bank Charges £
Wages – paid to others £ Interest payments on £ business loans Rent – Business £ Please provide copy of loan agreement premises Repair or replacement Business Rates £ £ of business assets Water Rates £ Please indicate if this was covered by insurance?
Gas & Electricity £ Leasing charges £
Cleaning £ Please state what is leased Telephone £
Business Insurance £ Bad Debts £
Advertising £ Please give details of bad debts Printing & Stationery £
* Do not include motoring.
Motoring expenses – only include amounts that relate solely to the business
Petrol or Diesel £ Car Lease £
Repairs £ Who owns the vehicle? You Business
Do you use it for anything Road Tax £ Yes No else than for business Insurance £
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Other expenses – please give detailed breakdown of other expenses (use separate sheet of paper if necessary)
You will need to provide proof of the expenses listed. We will contact you if any further proof is required.
Is it reasonable to assume that the trading Yes figures for the next 6 months will be the similar? No – please state likely differences below
How much do you pay into a personal every week/fortnight/month £ pension scheme? (select one) Please provide proof of any schemes to which you belong and proof of the payments made.
I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete.
I understand that if I give information that is incorrect or incomplete you may take action against me. This may include court action.
Signature Date
Full Name (in capitals)
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