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Taghi SHAMEKHI Faculty of Natural Resources Karadje – Iran Phone: Office: (0261) 2223044 Fax: (0261) 2227765 Home: (021) 8250510 E-mail: [email protected]

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND:  1987, A diploma of an Intensive Course in Management, Educational Organization of Industrial Management, Tehran.  1971, Certificate of attending a one year course in Socio– Economic problems, “Institut de Haute Etude de Developpement Econimique et Social” Sorbone, Paris.  1970, An Equivalent of Doctorate of philosophy in Forestry, “Ecole Nationale du Genie Rural des Eaux et des Foret” Nancy, France.  1965, Master of Forestry, Forest and Rangeland Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran.

STUDY TOURS:  2003, A three months sabbatical and study tour in Forest Products and Economics Division, Department of Forestry, FAO, Rome  2003-2004, A six months sabbatical on forest policy, Forestry Faculty, University of Toronto, Canada  1996, A two-week course study on Forestry Research Planning and Management, U.P.M. Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia.  1995, A one and half month course study in Forest Policy in INRA- ENGREF, Nancy, France. Sponsored by France Government.  1992, (Aug. Oct.) A study Course in “Community Forestry” and Agroforestry; French. Research, Educational and Administrative Centers; Montpellier, Lorraine, France. Sponsored by France Government.  1984, (Sep. Oct.) A study course in Land Use Management, Forest

1 Policy, in Forestry Department of Australian National University and in other Australian Research, Educational an Administrative centers, Australia. Sponsored by F.A.O.

AWARDS AND HONORS:  Scholarship for continuing education in France, French Government, 1967.  Honor student, Institute of Forest and Rangeland, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, 1965.

LANGUAGES:  Persian: Mother language.  French: Fluent (writing and speaking).  English: Satisfactory.  Arabic: Satisfactory in reading and speaking.

WORK EXPERIENCES:  2002- present: Forestry association of Iran (Director)  1979- present: Assistant then, Associate professor on Forest policy, Natural Resources Legislation, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran University.  1997- present: Forest and Rangelands organization technical consultant.  1999-2005: Man and Biosphere National Committee member, UNESCO National Commission.  1999-2001: General Director, Office of Research Evaluation, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.  1998-2000: Vice Dean for post graduate affairs, Faculty of Natural Resources, Uni. Of Tehran  1993-1996: Chancellor, University of Kashan.  1980-1989: Agriculture Minister Consultant in Forestry and Rangeland.  1986-1988: Man and Biosphere National Committee member, UNESCO National Commission.  1985-1988: Director, Research Institute of Forestry and Rangeland.  1983-1986: Board member, CHOOKA Wood and Paper Complex.

2  1983-1986: Board member, Mazandaran wood and paper project.  1980-1981: Responsible for students Affaires, Faculty of Natural Resources, Uni. Of Tehran.  1980: Dean, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran.

3 CONFRENCES:  Tehran conference on Environment, Peace and the Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures, 9 May 2005, Tehran.  Colloque International, Managing the Forest on Both Sides of the Atlantic, Hommage a Gerard Pinchot, 7-8 Mars 2005, Nancy, France  Colloque Foret Models, 9-10 Mars 2005, Nancy, France:  International Symposium, the Evaluation of Forest Policies and Programmes, Epinal, Vosges, France, 27 June-3 July 2004.  Near East Regional Workshop, the Role of planted Forests, Trees outside Forests and urban Peri-urban Forests in Sustainable Forest Management in Low Forest Cover Countries (Chairman). Tehran, 28- 31 Oct. 2002  Near East Forestry Commission Fourteenth Session, Tehran, 1-4 July 2000  4th IFF Session, New York, UN.2000.  Final session of Costa Rica, Canada government led initiative Ottawa, Canada, 1999.  Regional session of Costa Rica, Canada government led initiative, Istanbul, Turkey, 1999.  International Expert Meeting on Special Needs and Requirements of Developing Countries with Low Forest Cover and Unique Type of Forests. (Chairman), 4-8 Oct. 1999, Tehran, Iran.  11th World Forest Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 1997.  10th World Forest Congress, Paris, 1991.  4th International Congress of Rangelands, Montpellier, 1991.  19th IUFRO World Congress, Montreal, 1990.  9th World Forest Congress, Mexico, 1985.  12th Session of Forest Education, FAO, Nairobi, 1982.

PUBLICATIONS:  2007, Agroforestry. B.S. Chumdawat. S.K. Gautam. Translated by T. Shamekhi. University of Tehran Press, 2803. 260 pages  2004, Socio-Economic Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable forest Management and its Adaption to Iranian situation, Shamekhi, T., Proceeding of National Seminar on Forest Protection in Sustainable Management, 11-13 Oct. 2004.  2004, Forestry Research, Education and Extension potentials in Iran, Hatami, F. and Shamekhi, T. Proceeding of National Seminar on Forest Protection in Sustainable Management, 11-13 Oct. 2004.

4  2004, Ecotourism, A Strategy for Sustainable Development of Forested Watersheds in Northern Iran, Shamekhi, T., Proceeding of the MAB (SACAM) Network meeting of Experts: Sustainable Ecotourism Biosphere Reserve. 25-28 Sep. 2004. Iran.  2004, Agroforestry: Finding a Bio Solution for every Environmental Problem, Shamekhi, T. and Sadio, S. 1st world congress of agroforestry, book of abstracts. 27 June – 2 July 2004. Orlando, Florida, USA.  2001, International Conventions and Weak Place of Energy in them. Shamekhi,T. , Rahimi,N. The Proceeding of the Third National Energy Congress, World Energy Council and National Energy Committee of I.R. of IRAN. pp:430-439.  1999, Bilateral Service of the young and Natural Resources, Forest and Rangeland, Organization of Forest and Rangeland, No43. pp:24- 27.  1999, Suitable Organization for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, 1999. (250 copies), 50 pages.  1998, Forest in Service of Sustainable Development, Toward Twenty- Ones Century, Forest and Rangeland, Organization of Forests and Rangelands, No38. pp: 52-57.  1997, La Foret de Zagross Iranienne: La restauration est possible, comptes rendus du XI ieme congress Forestiere Mondial, vol.5, Resume.  1993, Why Forest Industry can not use the whole potential of Northern Forests Ecological production? Magazine of Natural Resources of Iran, No46, pp:79-93.  1991, “Project d, Amenagement Forestier en Fonction du Developpement Socio-Economique – Le Cas du Nord de l’Iran”, 10th World Forestry Congress Proceedings, vol.4, pp:295.  1991, Les Forest du Nord de l’Iran: Un System Sylvo – Pastoral, leurs Problemes et les Tentatives de Solution, 4th International Rangeland Congress Proceedings, Montpellier.  1990, “Approvisionnement des Habitants des Forest et des Villages Avoisinants dans les Forests Iranienners”, Une Evolution positive dans les tois Relatives, Forestry Legeslation No10, ETH, Zurich, pp:338- 348.  1989, “Etude pour l’Etablissement de la Direction et de l’Exploitation par la population dans les Forest du Nord de l’Iran”, Magazine of Natural Resources of Iran, No43, pp:65-76.  1987, Forest and Industry, One or Separate Administrative, 1st.

5 Seminar on Forest and Industry Proceedings, Tehran.  1986, A Report on 9th World Forest Congress, Forest and Rangeland Organization Magazine, No3, pp: 31-35.

June 2007


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