Minutes of the Meeting of Alford Town Council s1
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Present: Councillors S Devereux, Quantrell, Hounslow, Whitcombe, Freshney, Palmer, Webb, Allan, Keal, Hopwood, Marsh and C Devereux
Mrs L Croft (Clerk)
APOLOGIES. (Agenda Item 1.) 107. None.
TO CONFIRM THE NOTES OF THE MEETING HELD 2OTH OCTOBER 2015 AS THE MINUTES AND APPROVE THE CHAIRMAN’S SIGNATURE. (Agenda Item 3.) 109. Proposed Cllr Allan Seconded Cllr Freshney Resolved that these be signed by the chairman as a true.
CLERK’S REPORT FOLLOWING THAT MEETING. (Agenda Item 4.) 110. Item 106 d. Road sweeper comes round approx. once a month. Sweeps the main roads every visit, the rest of the town is split into 3 areas, one of which is swept each month. The meeting with Turley Associates is scheduled for Monday 30th November at 7.30pm.
TABLE CORRESPONDENCE. (Agenda Item 5.) 111. a. Clerks & Councils Direct – November issue
b. Lincolnshire County Council notification of a new fraud fighting force. This is for fraud against local authorities including false claims for housing, council tax discounts and Blue Badges. Fraud hotline is 0800 085 3716 or e-mail [email protected].
c. The England Coast Path – Natural England is busy implementing a new long-distance trail that, once completed, will enable people to walk around the whole English coast. Work has started on the length from Skegness to Mablethorpe. If you would like to find out more there are drop-in sessions at Anderby Village Hall 15:00 – 19:00 Tuesday 15th December and The Village Church Farm 10:00 – 15:00 Wednesday 16th December.
d. LCC Consultation on Lincolnshire Admissions Arrangements for September 2017. The consultation document can be found online at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/admissionsconsultation deadline for responses is 11 December 2015.
e. Letter from candidate for co-option who withdrew their application “There is evidently a serious issue regarding the Council’s security and confidentiality, as it has been blatantly
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breached on more than one occasion. Perhaps it would be prudent for you to identify the source and deal with the matter accordingly.”
f. Letter from secretary of PCC thanking the Town Council for organising the refurbishment of the War Memorial.
g. Letter received today from Sir Robert Christopher’s Almshouses Charity regarding trustees. Mr M T Dale’s appointment as a representative trustee is due for renewal. This will need to be an agenda item on next month’s agenda.
N/003/00957/15 The George, 13 High Street – Planning permission and listed building consent to provide 5 floodlights, 3 security cameras, 2 cooling systems and a satellite dish – Permission granted. N/003/01752/15 3 & 3a Church Street – Alterations to property to provide replacement windows and door. – Permission granted. N/003/01665/15 The Nurseries, 10 Farlesthorpe Road – Outline erection of 2 dwellings and associated garages. – Outline permission granted N/003/01211/15 Lane off Wallace’s Yard, Station Road – Erection of total of 10 dwellings. Permission Granted
TO RECEIVE SUCH CORRESPONDENCE THE CHAIRMAN MAY WISH TO PUT BEFORE THE COUNCIL (Agenda Item 6.) 112. The Chairman has been arranging for the printing and distribution of Christmas brochures, and has attended the Craft Market Coffee morning, the opening of the Access Centre Advice Service, Manor House WW1 centenary meeting, emergency planning training and received a plaque from the CPRE presented to Alford for winning category IV of the Best Kept Small town and Village Competition. Also attended the Lincolnshire Fire Service Awards and Spilsby Civic Service. In response to a complaint from a local business man contacted street scene who bought in extra staff to clean up Alford streets. Car Parking will be free on the 5th December, the day of Alford on Ice.
REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES. (Agenda Item 7) 113. Cllr Marsh ELDC informed the town council that funding from central government is expected to dry up over the next 4 years which will result in substantial cuts to services. The last paper edition of the Messenger will be January after which only digital versions will be available. Re-instatement of free car parks will be discussed at ELDC 2nd December. Cllr Palmer LCC informed the town council that all agencies had been involved in re-locating the vulnerable gentleman in a caravan in the lay-by on the A1104. Unfortunately proposals have been rejected by the gentleman concerned and therefore an order will be placed to move him on. Proposed Cllr Quantrell Seconded Cllr Webb Resolved that should this caravan return an injunction be put in place.
FINANCIAL MATTERS (Agenda Item 8) 114 a.) To approve accounts for payment Proposed Cllr Allan Seconded Cllr Hounslow Resolved that the accounts as put before the Council totalling £12,801.00 be paid. Cllrs Marsh, Devereux and Palmer declared an interest as ELDC Councillors in the following item. b.) Discuss 2016/17 budget schedule and consider Town Councils views on ELDC proposals to no longer fund Town Council elections and suggestions on other ways ELDC could save money
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It was agreed that the budget would be prepared by the clerk and Cllr Quantrell and will be discussed at the December meeting, with final agreement at the January meeting. ELDC will in future pass on the cost of elections to town and parish councils. There is also the likelihood that Central government council tax grants will disappear which will have a significant impact on the Town Council’s budget.
WAR MEMORIAL (Agenda Item 9) 115. Cllr Marsh declared an interest. a.) To agree delegation to PCC regarding the timetable for removal of remembrance wreaths from War Memorial. Proposed Cllr Quantrell Seconded Cllr Webb Resolved that while acknowledging that a plan is in place for this year in future the Town Council will ask the PCC to discuss with the Royal British Legion and report back to the Town Council for approval. To be an agenda item October 2016. b.)To carry out 5 yearly survey of memorial As the lettering has been painted on the memorial, an inspection should be regularly carried out as part of the councils’ risk assessment
TO DISCUSS CAR PARKING IN ALFORD (Agenda Item 10) 116. Cllr Allan informed councillors of a scheme in had seen in Cumbria using clock discs for free parking. It was noted that there is already some free parking in ELDC car parks. Proposed Cllr Quantrell Seconded Cllr Allan Resolved to discuss further in May 2016.
TO DISCUSS AND AGREE TOWN COUNCIL’S VIEWS ON THE PROPOSED LCC PLAN FOR THE SAFETY OF SCHOOL CHILDREN/SCHOOL CROSSING PATROLS IN THE AREA OF FINSBURY STREET AND HAMILTON ROAD. (Agenda Item 11) 117. Cllr Palmer presented LCC’s plan for the safety of school children/school crossing patrols in the area. Proposed Cllr Webb Seconded Cllr Hounslow Resolved to support plan presented.
DISCUSS WINTER PLAN FOR ALFORD (Agenda Item 12) 118. Clerk provided councillors with a copy of a basic winter plan. This has been submitted to LCC and based on this the town council will be given a supply of grit to be housed at the storage compound. The plan can be developed.
TO SUGGEST WAYS TO KEEP MARKET PLACE AND COBBLED AREA CLEAR OF CARS ON MARKET DAYS. (Agenda Item 13) 119. This issue has been resolved. Following a recent incident steps have been taken which appear to have solved the problem.
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120. The tender document was noted and mention of the removal of overhanging foliage on the path from the Memorial Park is to be included in the specification.
DISCUSS NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN. (Agenda Item 15) 121. Cllr Quantrell has stood down as chairman. It was recognised by the council that the group has carried out a large amount of work since 2012. It has been indicated that members of the group may leave within a few months. Proposed Cllr Allan Seconded by Cllr Whitcombe Resolved that the group be asked for a draft interim Neighbourhood plan by April 2016 Noted: Cllr Quantrell abstained.
PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT TO BE CONSIDERED. (Agenda Item 16) 122 a.) 33 Station Road, Alford – Application to vary conditions 4, 6 and 8 of planning permission ref: N/003/02109/10. Proposed Cllr Webb Seconded Cllr C Devereux Resolved to object to the variations
ANY MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION OR INCLUSION IN NEXT AGENDA. (Agenda Item 17) 123. a. Next agenda – Budget, training budget required. b. Request clerk contact LALC regarding best practice regarding this agenda item. c. Next agenda – Christmas event post-mortem. d. Cllr Keal had received a nasty anonymous letter which he has passed to the police but feels he has to resign. Councillors expressed their dismay that he had chosen to resign. Resignation to follow in writing. e. Cllr Devereux would welcome volunteers to help on 5th December,
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.
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Appendix Item 114a.
Accounts for Payment 17th November 2015
Payee Total Employee payments 1752.99 M Dennis 40.00 Cemetery clearing Cash 250.00 Christmas fund – Santa’s gifts Petty cash/ Christmas 130.00 Re-imburse Cllr Allan 112.38 Wreath holders Danwood Group 144.28 Photo copier charges V. Buckley 3800.00 Summer planting & maintenance V Buckley 300.00 Winter planting & maintenance British Gas 35.14 CCTV electricity Selby Office Supplies 15.19 Office stationery J M Brookes 50.00 Update of Mayoral Board A Smith (Aford) ltd 58.94 Repair leak toilets Cupit Print - 699.40 Christmas programmes/posters Handyman - 86.94 general supplies ESPO - 54.00 office supplies Anglian Water - 297.74 Public convenience 7827.00 Payment between meetings. Jane Cowan 4974.00 War Memorial lettering
Income 20/10/15 -16/11/15 Market Income 850.50 Burial board 600.00 Other 12377.00
Total Income 13827.50
Petty cash 20/10/15 -16/11/15
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B/Fwd -22.12 Petty cash 80.00 Window cleaning bus shelter -20.00 Mileage D Hopwood -32.95 Postage -6.48 Mileage S Devereux -26.00 -27.55
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