Attended by: John Read (Chair), John Johnson, Teresa Retter, Ron Weyda, Judy Heath, Iris Peacock, Roy Payne, Tony Williams, Angie Payne, Sid Payne, Linda Bradnum, Patrick Gafney, Barbara Campbell, Delia Aldis, Alva Aldis

Also in attendance: Steve Pearce (TDC), David Black (TDC), Claire Price (TDC), Gavin Cowling (One Support), Heidi Bennett (One Support), Les Nicholl (Community Connector Lead ECFRS)

1. Welcome and Introductions

John Read welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending and welcomed the guests.

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were noted for Hazel Harris, Brenda Bragg, Pauline Kent, Christian James and Graham Brand.

John Read announced to the panel that sadly Stephen Zouvanis had passed away suddenly at the end of May. The panel would like to send something to the next of kin and Claire Price will speak to Housing Options for details and forward it on so as not to breach confidentiality.

3. Minutes of meeting held on 29 April 2014 and any matters arising

The minutes of the meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.

4. Essex Floating Support

Gavin Cowling and Heidi Bennett delivered a presentation about Essex Floating Support/One Support and how they can support those who live in the county aged 16+ and having recourse to public funds. Their contact details can be found within the reprinted Tendring Community Builder booklet. Referrals can be made by the individual or on their behalf and they can assist with a wide variety of issues including debt management, accommodation, benefits and independent living skills. The aim is to speak to the client within 48 hours to assess their immediate needs and provide support as soon as possible. Drop in services are also available for those in need to attend. Referral forms and contact sheets were also made available.

5. Fire Safety

Les Nicholl gave a presentation regarding the services provided by Essex Fire and Rescue Service which include carrying out free safety checks to anyone in the county, as well as the provision of free smoke alarms and advice on electrical items within the home and look at making escape routes clearer in the event of a fire. They can also provide smoke alarms for the deaf/hard of hearing which include a flashing box next to the persons bed and a vibrating pillow alarm to ensure they know the alarm is sounding. The alarms should last for 10 years and they will carry out servicing and replacement of the units. Contact number for this service is 0300 303 0088.

Lots of work is undertaken with young people – Young Cadets, Fire setters, Fire Breaks and they also work with families in need, the long term unemployed and those with learning difficulties. The service also now offers an oven cleaning service for elderly vulnerable people who are referred by Social Services as it is more cost effective for them to clean the oven that to have to attend a fire caused by an unclean oven.

Community Connectors are informal groups (no chair, secretary etc) who meet to have a coffee and have a chat about how they can help each other. Examples given included a gentleman who had moved into sheltered housing and no longer had a garden and a lady who could no longer maintain her garden and they were put together. Les is happy to assist at any groups like that.

If Les can be of any help or support he requested that he is contacted via e-mail and if he cannot help he will generally know who can and will pass the query on. His e- mail address is [email protected].

6. Feedback from themed sub groups

Iris Peacock provided feedback regarding the planned maintenance and improvements liaison meeting held on 20 May 2014 and reported that everything is going well and as planned. She raised concerns with the grass cutting. Steve Pearce said that they are looking at the gardens and grass when dealing with void properties. General grass cutting is done in house. Lots of complaints were voiced about the grass cutting that it isn’t cut short enough and too long is left between cutting. There was also a comment about the bushes being overgrown and Steve advised that these cannot be trimmed whilst the birds are nesting.

John Read provided feedback regarding the Tenant Performance and Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 27 May 2014 and Steve Pearce gave an update on the current situation regarding the retendering of the term maintenance contract.

7. Any other business

Refuse – It was suggested that Tendring just do their own recycling as there is now so much that cannot be put in the green boxes. It was felt that too much is going to landfill. It was requested that the Recycling team are invited to a future meeting. John Johnson raised that he has been told to put old light bulbs in the normal black sacks, concerns were raised that the new bulbs contain a gas and this could be very dangerous. Also complaints about residents putting their sacks out the night before a collection and that they should be told not to put them out until 7am on the morning of the collection. John Read mentioned that there are now 2 members of the environmental team who will come out and look at the mess made by animals and gulls ripping the bags open and monitor any mess left behind. It was requested that in the next newsletter residents are asked not to put rubbish out too early. David Black raised that recycling bags are now being made available to flats where there is a recycling area and explained that it cannot be boxes due to storage. Also the reason for not providing food bins is due to storage within a flat.

Ashley Court – John Read raised that the residents were told that they would be getting gas and that there has been no further update on this. Steve Pearce advised that this was now looking unlikely following feasibility studies but they will now be looking at new storage heaters that are on the market.

Community Ambassador – The next training is on 15 and 16 July, if anyone is interested in attending please contact Emma Norton as soon as possible. Judy Heath will be attending.

8. Date and time of next meeting

 Next scheduled meeting of the Tenants Panel is to be held on Tuesday 26 August 2014