EXTRA TERRITORIAL PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES Town of Aurora, Town of Berlin, City of Berlin Berlin, Wisconsin

November 29, 2016

PRESENT: Town of Berlin - Mike Murkley, Bob Bahn City of Berlin – Dave Secora, Mary Kubiak, Ed Marks, Dick Schramer Town of Aurora - CJ Young, Jerry Luttropp

ABSENT: Town of Aurora - Sue Hale, Town of Berlin – Bob Chikowski,

ALSO PRESENT: Jodie Olson, Eugene Hess, Don Lenz

The November ETZA Plan Commission meeting was called to order by Mayor Schramer at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was a Joint City of Berlin Plan Commission/Joint ETZA Plan Commission meeting.

The Minutes of August 30, 2016 ETZA Plan Commission meeting were presented for approval. Secora made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, which was seconded by Bahn and carried by voice vote.

Property owner Eugene Hess and Green Lake Surveying Company surveyor, Don Lenz, were present to discuss CSM approval for Town of Aurora property off of 36th road between Exchange Street and E. Waushara Street. The lot is being created for future residential use, but will continue to be farmed until a home is built. The property is in an A-1 district and the lot created is under 5 acres, therefore needs ETZA Plan Commission approval. Luttropp moved to approve the Town of Aurora CSM for Eugene & Lynette Hess as presented and recommend to Common Council for approval. Young seconded the motion which carried by voice vote.

Next was approval of a CSM for the Town of Berlin prepared by Ripon Land Surveying on behalf of Robert and Lori Drover for property along the edge of the ETZA by the Town of Seneca off of County Hwy F. The parcel is being split as part of an estate. Most of this property is located in the Town of Seneca; however, since the eastern sliver that is being combined with Lot 2 is in the Town of Berlin ETZA, the ETZA needs to approve the CSM. This CSM will also correct a setback issue as the large building on Lot 2 does not currently meet side setbacks of 20 feet for an A-1 zoning district. Each lot meets the required street frontage. The City Attorney is unable to be present for the discussion, but provided feedback via e-mail as attached. Bahn moved to approve the CSM for Robert & Lori Drover as presented and recommend to Common Council for approval. Murkley seconded the motion which carried by voice vote.

No old business was discussed.

Under new business Luttropp requested that the property issues of W839 Sunset Lane be placed on the next ETZA agenda.

Next meeting date December 27, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Secora moved to adjourn at 7:09 p.m. Bahn seconded the motion, which carried by voice vote.

Jodie Olson, City Administrator