CALL IT COURAGE : FINAL REVIEW NAME(S): ______11 Ms. Raymond HOUR: ______MATCHING: Place the correct letter next to the name of the characters and places described. _____ Tavana Nui A. Island where the story begins and ends

_____ Uri B. God of all Fishermen

_____ Moana C. Friend who criticizes

_____ Hikueru D. Drowning led to his fear of the sea

_____ Mafatu E. A friendly albatross

_____ Kana F. From the Smoking Islands

_____ Maui G. Stout Heart

_____ Eaters of Men H. A loyal canine companion

_____ Kivi I. God of the Sea

_____ Mother J. Great Chief LITERARY TERMS: Please identify each of the following as examples of alliteration, personification, simile, and/or metaphor. Some examples may have more than one correct answer.

______Waves lifted and struck at one another, their crests hissing11 with spray.

______Uri ran beside him, dashing off on this scent and that; the dog’s shrill, sharp bark shattered the morning stillness.

______The lagoon was as untroubled as a mirror.

______The hammerhead shook the trap as a terrier might shake a rat.

______The boy’s limbs turned to water.

______The flashing spearhead winked back at him like an evil eye.

______The surf shot skyward and above its mist sea gulls swooped and darted.

______Thorns and vines clutched at him.

______So, finally, he was not allowed to fare forth with the fishermen. ______His heart gave a great thump and hung fire. LITERARY TERMS: Continued Page 2

______The wind from the sea swept up around him, its voice warm and soft and reassuring in his ear.

______Happiness flooded through him in warm tides.

______An eel, like a cold waving ribbon, touched his leg and was gone.

______The sunburst marched across the swinging waters.

______Silence gripped them, and a chill of awe touched them like a cold hand.

______Victory coursed like fire through his veins.

______The lagoon was a black mirror dusted with star shine.

______The boy saw branching staghorn corals, as large as trees, through which jellyfish floated like a film of fog.

______The twisted roots of the mape trees reached for him as he fled. 22

______Far below in the dark waters, illuminated fishes moved and had their being: meteors, galaxies, and constellations under the sea.

SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: Number the events leading to Mafatu’s homecoming in the order they occurred.

_____ Killed the wild boar

_____ Trip to Hikueru

_____ The dive to get the knife

_____ Hurt feelings due to rejection by family and friends

_____ The battle with the octopus

_____ Flight from the eaters of men

_____ Taking the spear from the pile of bones

_____ Return to the Sacred Place

_____ Fight with the shark to save Uri

_____ Lost mother after a bad storm Page 3 VOCABULARY: Use the word bank to match the vocabulary words with their correct definitions. albatross vantage luminous33fl resentment persistent Polynesia simile desolation elation profound premonition assurance apprehension caustic cascade ominous alliteration metaphor personification

______Something capable of burning, corroding or destroying living tissue.

______Having deep meaning or insight.

______The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words.

______A division of island groups in the Pacific Ocean extending from the Hawaiian Islands to New Zealand.

______Radiating or emitting light.

______A feeling of fear or concern: anxiety.

______A poetic device that gives human traits to objects, ideas, or animals

______Threatening evil or harm.

______The state of being uninhabited, isolated, or alone.

______A thought or 33feeling that something may occur in the future.

______Condition of feeling extremely happy.

______Lasting; going on; continuing.

______Any of several large web-footed sea birds that have the ability to remain aloft for long periods of time.

______Figurative language that uses “like” or “as” to compare one thing with another. ______Comparison between two things in which one of the things actually becomes

another. Page 4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Discuss using specific examples from the story whenever possible.

1. Did Mafatu do the right thing by leaving Hikueru? Why or why not?

2. Explain the message that Armstrong Sperry expresses to his readers in CALL IT COURAGE. How does he convey this message through the character of Mafatu?

3. Describe specific ways Mafatu 44has changed at the end of the story from the way that he was at the beginning.

4. How were Uri and Kivi alike and how were they different44? Explain specific ways that Uri and Kivi helped Mafatu.

5. Create an original illustration of a scene from the story. Provide a caption or a quotation from the book that explains the scene that you have illustrated.