Update on the Tripartite Education Framework Agreement (TEFA)
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Update on the Tripartite Education Framework Agreement (TEFA) Reporting Requirements
As communicated numerous times previously, in January 2012 the BC First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) signed the Tripartite Education Framework Agreement (TEFA). The intention of that agreement is to facilitate more comparable, secure and sustained funding for First Nations education programming in the BC Region. The TEFA also reaffirms agreements previously reached by FNESC and the federal government related to reduced reporting for First Nations schools in BC.
A. Reporting on Eight Variables
To begin, the TEFA includes a commitment that each year, First Nations schools are required to provide to FNESC data related to eight specific performance indicators.
FNESC will subsequently share that information in aggregate with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC).
This commitment represents a significant reduction in comparison to new reporting requirements being imposed by AANDC on First Nations in other parts of the country.
How First Nations Schools Can Meet this Requirement
1. Participation in the Data Reporting and User Management System (DRUMS) FNESC can automatically extract the data required to meet this requirement for all schools that are participating in DRUMS. In other words, schools that are submitting information to FNESC through DRUMS do not need to do anything else to meet the TEFA eight variable reporting requirement.
It is important, however, that schools that are participating in DRUMS provide all of the variables included in that system. It is critical that schools fully complete the DRUMS data forms.
2. Completion of a SMART PDF Form Provided by FNESC For all schools not yet participating in DRUMS, FNESC is developing a SMART PDF form that will facilitate the collection of information needed for aggregate reporting on the eight variables.
FNESC will be directly contacting all schools that are not participating in DRUMS in order to fully explain the use of the SMART PDF form, and to assist schools with its completion.
Schools will be contacted within the next few weeks to ensure that they are fully informed about the exact format for the data to be collected.
1 Completed forms will be due June 21, 2012. FNESC staff will be available throughout the year to provide any assistance schools might need in order to meet that deadline.
B. Submission of the Nominal Roll Is Still Required
Additionally, the TEFA includes a requirement that First Nations will continue to submit the annual AANDC nominal roll for students attending First Nations schools in BC.1 During the TEFA negotiations, the FNESC negotiators clearly indicated that this requirement was interpreted as meaning the nominal roll as it existed at the time of signing – that is the 2011/2012 nominal roll.
Outstanding Issues Reflecting that position, FNESC has expressed strong objection to changes made to the AANDC 2012/2013 nominal roll for students attending First Nations schools, as they are inconsistent with and contrary to commitments made in the TEFA. FNESC has strongly asserted that First Nations schools should only be required to complete fields that were included on the 2011/2012 nominal roll.
After repeatedly raising this issue with federal officials without a satisfactory response, FNESC has a letter to the Minister of AANDC giving notice of our intent to engage the TEFA dispute resolution process to address the nominal roll issue.
AANDC has not yet provided a fulsome response to this notice, and FNESC is following up with the Minister’s office.
Recommendation In the meantime, we are aware that First Nations representatives may have attended nominal roll training offered by AANDC to assist with the completion of the nominal roll.
At this time, we recommend that First Nations should not complete the nominal roll for students enrolled in First Nations schools until we send out further information following the completion of the dispute resolution process.
An update regarding the progress of those discussions will be provided as soon as possible.
FNESC will provide full details regarding this matter prior to the extended nominal roll deadline to ensure that First Nations communities and schools are fully informed by that time.
Generally, we will continue to make every effort to represent the best interests of First Nations schools in BC as we respond to the challenges that have arisen.
1 According to the TEFA, First Nations are also required to submit nominal roll information for First Nations students attending public schools. FNESC will continue to monitor this issue as well. 2 If you have any comments or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact Jan Haugen at [email protected] or (604) 925 - 6087.