Magor with Undy Community Council s1
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MAGOR WITH UNDY COMMUNITY COUNCIL Ordinary Meeting 6.30pm 7 July 2008 Undy Church Hall, Church Road Undy
Present Chairman – Cllr Mrs O Evans, MBE
Councillors Mrs N Baicher, B Burt, Mrs C Hopkins, P Majewski, J Major, K Plow, A Swift,
Clerk in attendance Mrs B Lloyd
Police CPSO H Brown
Members of Public 4
Cllr Mrs D James.
Cllr J Major in item 10 planning as member of MCC planning committee. Cllr Mrs C Hopkins in item 10 planning as governor of Magor Vap School
Mr Cadwallader reported on meeting with Cllr J Major and Mrs Lloyd – there had been a good response from the allotment holders and the next step was to arrange a meeting with the allotment holders to look at constitution, committee etc. Agreed to arrange a date in early September – Cllrs Major, Hopkins, Mrs Lloyd and Mr Cadwallader to liaise
Cllr Mrs O Evans welcomed James Norman, Chairman, and Andrew Blackmore, Treasurer of MACSA. They gave a presentation re the Magor and Community Sports Area. They felt that there was a need to bring leisure facilities into the local area for the youth and other residents. The sports area to be built Magor school field, would be suitable for wide range of sports, floodlit, school use during the school hours and to be used for community use out of these hours (4.30pm to 9.30 pm each day). Whilst Magor School being re-furbished a temporary car park is being built on school field and it is intended that MACSA would take over the car park when work completed. The aim is for MACSA to be completed lat 2011 and would look to funding from local business, public and private sector and S106 funding. 2
The governors have agreed in principle and MACSA would like to ask the CC to lease the land from MCC and if the CC endorses the project, could apply for the planning permission, as there would be a discount.
The following questions were asked by Councillors
a) Concern expressed re youths congregating in ally way created by the fencing. James said the area is intended to be locked at night. After discussion re merits of locking or leaving open James said still in planning stage and could be looked at again. b) Cllr Harris said many young people had to travel to Caldicot and this would be a focal point within the village. c) Concern expressed re nearby residents – James said it would only be open until 9pm. d) Other issues raised, which James said were being looked at, were - who will lock up, whom will litter pick, police think will be easier to control youths in one area. e) The surface to be tarmac as more vandal proof than astro turf.
A resident thought UAC an ideal location and that tarmac may not be a suitable surface,
James said the facility was a joint use with the school, as they would be losing some of their hard surface play area due to the refurbishment.
A resident though there should be a feasibility study- if this goes ahead not enough pitch left for rugby/football. He expressed concern re sustainability . The Rugby club does not have any facilities – in last six weeks 60/80 children have to go to Caldicot for training. He also said sport lot grants are being aimed at existing facilities rather than new ones.
CPSO H Brown said anti-social behaviour needs to be looked at.
Cllr Major said there is a proposal for teen shelters as well and this facility was for the school children as well as the community.
Cllr Mrs Evans thanked James and Andrew for attending the meeting and complimented the committee. The CC will discuss this at a future meeting.
The above minutes were confirmed as a true record
Proposed – Cllr Mrs C Hopkins Seconded – Cllr B Burt All agreed 3 6. MATTERS ARISING.
a) Noise from Wheatsheaf pavilion – Cllr J Harris said licensing committee would investigate.
CPSO H Brown had now returned to duty in the area. She reported that the ‘direction to leave’ mentioned in last minutes was down to resources. PC Mark Lewis will be informing children of crack down in policing at local assemblies. Chestnut Close – noise from Wheashead will be pursuing. Cllr Mrs Hopkins compliments Ins Smith for knocking on doors of Sycamore Terrace to ask residents if they had any problems. CPO said there would have to be a byelaw re requesting children leave play area. Cars for sale on highway were a matter for trading standards and highways. Cllr Mrs Hopkins had some legal information re this matter and Mrs Lloyd to liaise with CPSO Brown. Cllr J Harris said he had received a reply from Inspector Smith re car speeding. Litter issues had also been raised. CPSO Brown reported, in future, and newsletter will be sent with information re patch priorities. There is an operation to prevent anti-social behaviour on Magor playing fields and there will be an increased police presence in the Summer. Speeding on the Eastern Access Road will be undertaken by specialists. Undy Memorial Hall grounds – re drug misuse, have b been keeping an eye on but nothing to date. There had been a positive arrest at Undy School and this will continue to be monitored. CPSO R Jones has set up ‘Horse watch’ – very similar to neighbourhood watch. Horses are being stolen to order. Cllr Burt expressed concern that statistics were no longer being produced – agreed to e-mail Sgt Griffin that more information required than in the newsletter. Also agreed to ask Sgt Griffin to future meeting.
CPSO Brown reported on anti-social behaviour questionnaire sent to residents Sycamore Terrace. Out of 22 houses 10 replied anti-social behaviour requires operation in area. A PACT meeting will be held on 15 July in Caldicot – notices in CC boards. Cllr B Burt suggested an evening meeting. Cllr Plow reported two accidents on Dancing Hill and suggested a longer speeding test required there.
Residents brought the following matters to the CC’s attention.
a) Speeding – flashing lights successful b) Tudor court – grass cutting – Mrs Lloyd said responsibility of MCC. 4
c) Mill Common looking much better as grass had been cut. d) Concern expressed re triangles in new road System outside Budgens. Mrs Lloyd replied MCC would be undertaking a safety audit. e) Resident Llandevenny reported the residents had held a meeting re amendments to planning application at Llandevenny – no drastic change only reducing landfill marginally. Concern expressed re sewage and surface water, which could cause flooding. f) Resident Llandevenny reported re proposed wind turbines at Tesco. This will affect wildlife, noise and visual intrusion. Residents will be contacting TESO direct and then would like to make a presentation to CC. Cllr Major to investigate re wind turbine application and also the pa re the small unit at Llandeveyy which resident had not been informed had been passed. Resident will be in contact with Mrs Lloyd re meeting
a) Cllr J Harris – filter lane Llanwern Steelworks, car parking Magor Sq, accountability committees CC can attend, home zone, connections working group, Magor Sq sweeping schedule, Laurel Cottages – meeting with residents, CCTV request for village, Croft planning appeal, query re resurfacing Ramp and Causeway, MACSA – support for Centre re lease. b) Chestnut Close – tree cost had been forwarded to housing dept. c) Enforcement list d) Highway enq – re car parked on highway verge. e) Cabinet minutes f) Local Development Plan newsletter g) Mor Hafren minutes h) Church car park – will look at plants in car park to establish if dangerous. i) Dog bins – approval from Highways and Environmental Health. j) Bus shelters – will arrange to clean Tudor Court and Vinegar Hill Bus Shelter – will also provide bin at Tudor Court. k) New Code of conduct – Murray Andrews will arrange to publicise CC has accepted new code of conduct. Community Cllr from St Arvans wishes to stay on Standards Committee – all agreed. l) Resurfacing The Ramp and the Causeway – due to start in Oct 2008. m) Highway end – sign obscured on Pennyfarthing lane – householder agreed to cut. Go slow sign – will be looking at this – the CC agreed to 50/50 partnership re maintenance. n) DC/2008/00925 Appeal the roost o) Trees Reeen adj to Sycamore Allotments – will investigate. Will also look at solution to trees in Magor Church Car Park whose roots are breaking up car park surface. 5
a) Review of Electoral arrangements – noted b) Appeal DC/2007/01061 The Retreat Redwick appeal dismissed. c) Gwent Healthcare Trust – ack re change of name. d) Local Govt partnership scheme report – available from Mrs Lloyd.
a) CALM minutes and newsletter b) Musla accounts. c) West end Magor Odour meeting d) Resident copy e-mail re highway works outside Budgens. e) Resident concerned about bad press re Motorway Service area. f) Web master Langstone requesting a link with CC web site – all agreed. g) ITV Wales making programme about the estuary h) Resident re query about development on Vinegar Hill. i) Resident requesting trees are removed from behind the Square by Chapel – agreed to contact Conservation Officer. j) Newport City Council re wind turbines k) Torfaen Voluntary Alliance req information re 8-12 groups and possibility of grants in future. l) Severnside Forum m) OVW Training n) Web site re Village Hall. o) Ombudsman’ Report and how to complain re code of conduct p) OVW meeting 17 July 2008 q) Caldicot participation Group – will confirm at meeting 8 July for CC to have representative – agenda future meeting r) CCW Newsletter. s) Resident concerned re grass cutting in village – Cllr Burt and Mrs Lloyd to liaise.
The Community Council considered the following planning applications. Cllr J Major declared an interest as a member of MCC planning committee and took no part in any decision.
Cllr Mrs C Hopkins took no part in any decision re Magor School remodelling
DC/2008/00669 Outline pp erection of not more that two dwellings in part of existing garden, utilising existing access to highway Lewiston House, Vinegar Hill Undy - Refuse a) Concern expressed re access and egress from the site and also Vinegar Hill b) Site not suitable for proposed development. 6
DC/2007/00835 Amended details B8 distribution facility with associated 2 storey offices, single storey gatehouse and vehicle maintenance unit.VMU Gwent Europark land east of Llanwern steelworks. Reserved matters – Approve in principle subject to a) trees and hedges a large number are being removed and very few replaced. b) Reens – concern about loss of animal and insect habitat. c) Traffic – previously inconsistency in future d) Highways 0 Council are very concerned about increase in traffic and strain on J23a is intolerable a traffic management scheme has to be put in place e) Concern re sewage – system already unto capacity and storm water could cause flooding. f) Toilet facilities should be included for drivers.
DC.2008/00661 Modifications of condition – conversion of integral garage to a playroom 15 Hunters Ridge. Approved subject to neighbours consultation, concern re loss of car parking provision – does adjoining houses use no 15’s driveway to turn. By modifying condign will this cause a knock on effect and others will follow.
DC/2008/00693 Extension and re-modelling of an existing primary school with associated internal works Magor VAP School Approved in principle however concern expressed of the use of the footpath by cars, children, pedestrians and cyclists. Agreed to contact Magor VAP School and remind them of problems with parents driving to School whilst refurbishment takes place.
DC/2008/00714 Single storey rear kitchen extension 10 Whitehall Gardens. Approved subject to neighbours’s consultation.
DC/2008/00744 Conservatory Edwardian with dwarf wall 3.1 x 3.1 St Stephens Court. – approved subject to neighbours consultation
DC.2008/00725 Double height rear extension with new conservatory Double garage to replace existing (shared with Highgrove) Rosetor Main Road Undy Approve subject to neighbours’s consultation,
All agreed the cost of £135 plus VAT, which was £15 over budget.
CA as at 20 June 2008 570.11 BPA 1 “ 16,491.90 7
BPA 2 “ 17,090.27 BPA 3 “ 565.72
The following accounts were approved by Council
Proposed - Cllr Mrs C Hopkins Seconded - Cllr B Burt All agreed
103822 BT Phone Bill 42.26 £36.19 + VAT £6.07 103823 B Lloyd Petty Cash 20.00 103824/ Staff Wages 1,1194.75 103827 103828 Inland Rev Tax and NI 239.59 103829 Woodstock Waste Skip Undy 158.63 £135 + VAT £23.63 103830 Newport Mon Stationery 11.69 £9.95 + VAT £1.74 103831 R M G Herbert Rent Poor land 2.50 103832 B Lloyd Postage 4.60 103833 Undy Church Hall Hire 15.00 7 July 103834 Lord Landscapes Strimming Common 55.00 y-coed 103835 Willowlandscape Footpaths 558.13 475 + VAT 83.13 103836 Undy Building Supplies petrol 18.69 15.91 + VAT 2.78 D/D Orange Broad Band 14.99
Permission requested to pay accounts if no August meeting. All agreed.
Discussion took place regarding placing planters on the highway pavement outside Old Vicarage. Cllr Mrs Hopkins agreed to look at area and report back to Council.
Mrs Lloyd reported that although the majority of work has been completed and grant received there was some outstanding work re the railings at the windows. Agreed to contact Stefan Horowsky to find out present position
Cllr J Harris 8
Many items discussed under corresponded. Cllr Harris reported he had submitted a petition to the European Parliament re flood defences. Also contacted WAG re lack of Community first funding for our area.
Cllr J Major
Sea wall defences – WAG had inferred that 70 million available for sea wall. Money held for Community Centre had slipped to next year.
Cllr Harris also said money available for safe routes to school but could include a footpath to Undy allotments. Agreed to contact Paul Keeble re footpath to allotments. Cllr Harris also to provide architects brief for Community Centre.
To re-agenda next meeting as, for unforeseen circumstances, internal auditor had to cancel audit
Re-agenda next meeting
Mrs Lloyd reported re increase in price from £1200 to £1500 due to addition of one bin. MCC Environmental health and Highways had approved the bins in the locations where the bins had been placed previously on highway land. Waiting for some information from the contractor who will be emptying the bins. Agreed to increase in cost - £300 to come from reserves.
Training day Monday 21 July at Drill Hall Chepstow. Cllr Keith Plow said he would like to attend.
Mrs Lloyd had circulated letter from Land Registry – After discussion agreed that no further action could be taken.
Copies given to all Cllrs. Arrangements noted.
Agreed for committee to meet to look at items – prices to include in frost Fayre magazine range from £65 to £240 –
All agreed to use the Frost fayre leaflet and to request double page £240.00.
Mrs Lloyd
a) Norton anti virus – agreed to upgrade. £40. b) Greenmore Lane – resident concerned re vegetation on lane – contact MCC. c) Allotments – recently let one at Magor and two at Undy. Undy all let but will need site inspection as some are not being worked. d) Meeting with Colin Berg, Chief Executive on 22 July 2008 to discuss issues magor and Undy – Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Cllr Mrs Hopkins, Cllrs J Major and J Harris and Mrs Lloyd to attend. e) Mrs Lloyd has resigned as director and company secretary of Monmouthshire Recycling. Cllr J major has also resigned because of conflict of interest.
Cllr Paul Majewski
a) Procurators House – would like to consider putting front on building and utilising. After discussion agreed because building is listed would not be able to undertake any new work.
Cllr J Major
a) Pool or water by Wheatsheaf – Mrs Lloyd reported Steve Lane was looking at scheme for this area. b) War memorial railings – he had contacted Dave Harris who was looking for strengthening coroners. c) Resident had contacted him re dog mess in village.
Cllr Mrs N Baicher
a) Microwave dumped by Newport Road – contact MCC b) Road leading to Meadows, Greenways and Briars full of pot holes – contact MCC. d) Asked if any information what was going to be at Undy petrol Station. Cllr Major said there had been no planning application for change of use. e) Bin outside St David’s court not emptied – contact MCC
Cllr K Plow 10 a) MUSLA had held two meeting one coming up on Friday – appears to be moving on and very positive. b)Verge cutting is late and they had come and done the bit they had left and hoping to catch up. c)Reported delivery lorries breaking law when delivering to local store. 1 Cllr Mrs C Hopkins
a) Requested Cllr Major find out whose responsibility it is to clear school field. b) Home zone sign put up in wrong place and no bollards outside Wheatsheaf – Mrs Lloyd had contacted MCC and Headteacher Magor school has also contacted MCC. Request meeting with Dave Harris.
Cllr Mrs O Evans
a) Plastic will be collected in Magor and Undy.
If required meeting 6.30pm4 August 2008 Undy Church Hall 6.30pm 1 September 2008 Undy Church hall
After discussion and voting the following residents were co-opted onto the Community Council.
Mr Lyn Cadwallader, Mr Rob Finegan, Mrs Karen Ryder, Mrs Susan Sandham.