The Great Gift of Easter Is Hope - Christian Hope Which Makes Us Have That Confidence
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Stewardship + Mission and Service = US!
Easter Newsletter 2015 Montreal and Ottawa Conference
God’s Mission and Our Gifts
Eternal, empowering, Holy One, we praise you for the promise and fresh energy the Easter story brings into our lives. We are thankful that Jesus continues to show himself to us in new ways and that we can experience his love, presence and vision for the world in our own lives and times.
Gracious God, we praise and thank you for the witness of the women who went to the tomb. The scripture describes the fears as well as the joys and relief they experienced. We too are caught between the fears and doubts of our faith and the joy and affirmation of what we have seen and known. It is good to recognize ourselves as part of the history of your people struggling between fear of what is and has been and a desire to affirm an open and unknown future.
Unexpected, moving, evolving spirit of God, you bring about powerful reversals in the world and in our lives. The mystery of your created universe is a constant reminder of the ways you create and re-create through cycles of death and new life, through change and fresh beginnings.
As your Easter people, we want this new life to be offered and experienced by people and situations all over our world, for hope to be known and embraced. Amen Sonya Dyer, and posted on the Seekers Church website.
For those immersed in the secular world, Easter is over on Easter Monday. The pastel bunnies, the chocolate eggs, the color-splashed jelly beans which appeared in the marketplace are suddenly swept from the store shelves to be replaced in anticipation of the next marketable holiday. Christians believe in the mystery and miracle of Easter that challenges us to live as different people and the Easter season remains a special time for recommitment to God. We are led to the fundamental question at the heart of all Christian stewardship, the question that Easter compels us to ask: How do I steward my resources – my time, my money, my abilities and gifts, my very life – in a quite real and tangible way. It’s not a part-time question. It’s not a seasonal question that’s swept off the shelf periodically. It’s the basic question which the Easter season demands of us: Jesus, how do you want me to serve you? Written with ideas from the International Catholic Stewardship Council
1 Why You Should Attend Stewardship and Mission and Service Workshops The Stewardship Committee of the Conference is well aware how precious Saturdays are too many people. That is why we want to make sure that you feel your time is well spent when you attend the Mission and Service Event, Saturday March 28th at Britannia United Church in Ottawa, or the Stewardship and Mission and Service Event, Opening the Doors to Opportunity – Friday September 18th and Saturday September 19th at the Cornwall Ramada. Why should you attend these workshops? Here are some of the answers: 1. Your mind will be opened to new opportunities in presenting Stewarding and Mission and Service to your congregation. 2. Your mind will be challenged to consider new ideas and theories. 3. Your heart may be inspired and encouraged. 4. You will have an opportunity to share your thoughts about Stewardship and Mission and Service. 5. You may have an opportunity to build potential partnerships and relationships that will help you personally or professionally 6. You might be inspired to write or create a novel approach to Stewardship or Mission and Service. 7. You will be able to have your questions answered.
Mission and Service Workshop
Britannia United Church 985 Pinecrest Rd., Ottawa, Ontario Saturday, March 28, 2015 10 am – 3 pm Please bring a bag lunch – coffee, tea and juice provided Workshop will be led by: Cheryl Curtis ~ Mission and Service Funding Officer, General Council Philanthropy
Opening the Doors to Generosity / Ouvrir les portes vers la générosité Montreal and Ottawa Stewardship Event Friday September 18 - 10 am to Saturday September 19, 2015 - 4 pm Cornwall Ramada – 805 Brookdale, Cornwall, Ontario Leadership Team: General Council Philanthropy Unit consisting of: David Armour, Director Cheryl Curtis, Mission and Service Fund Financial Officer Sharon Graham Walker, Stewardship Officer 2 90 years of Worship, Word and Justice The United Church of Canada June 10, 2015
We give thanks for the United Church, 90 years of prayer and praise centred on the Holy One. We give thanks for the United Church, 90 years of receiving the Word and living the Word’s challenge. We give thanks for the United Church, 90 years of support and joy in so many different communities of faith. We give thanks for the United Church, 90 years of justice and reconciliation with Christ at the centre. We give thanks for the United Church, 90 years of striving and searching for a faith that is authentic and has integrity. We give thanks for the United Church, 90 years, 90 years; 90 years of receiving the Spirit’s blessing, and being a blessing in Canada and far beyond our shores. Amen David Sparks, Summerland, B.C. – Gathering Pentecost 1, 2015
In the Pentecost 1, 2015 Gathering Magazine (resources for worship planners) I was pleased to see these kind words about the United Church of Canada from Padi Rex Reyes, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines: “When I think of The United Church of Canada, I am grateful to God for a church that struggles to become “flesh and dwell among us,” a church that struggles to be in solidarity with the vulnerable within Canada and around the world, a church always seeking renewal by listening, praying, and being in fellowship, a church steeped in Jesus’ command to love others as they would themselves. May God find The United Church of Canada faithful.”
The Filipino people hold a special place in the hearts of many congregations in Montreal and Ottawa Conference, and in the heart of our Executive Secretary, Rev. Rosemary Lambie, who traveled twice to the Philippines. Rosemary will happily visit your ministry site, to share her photos and speak in greater depth to the needs of the Filipino people and how individual churches can help financially. ~~~~ Comprehensive Review Report If you have not already read the Comprehensive Review Report please put it at the top of your ``must do`` list. If you have not already received a copy through your presbytery, this report is available on the United Church of Canada web-site. In the coming months, presbyteries will be discussing the report and making recommendations before the final report goes to General Council 42 in August. The AGM for M&O Conference will be devoted to discussions on this report. Please make it a part of discussions in your church.
The Comprehensive Review report makes it clear that The United Church is facing some serious challenges that need to be met faithfully and head-on. We as a church need to make a shift towards a realistic budget. God has something to say to us in this time and place. God has a vision for our church and wants us to receive and live out of that vision. 3 The following is part of what Susan Lukey, Editor of Gathering said about the Comprehensive Review Report in the latest issue. “As a denomination we will be doing a great deal of pondering and praying, searching for God`s wisdom about what we need to do as faithful people in The United Church of Canada. If God would just tell us exactly what to do, we`re the type of people who would be right there, sleeves rolled up and ready to do. And maybe God is telling us. We just have to learn how to listen.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 “With all your heart you must trust the LORD and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.”
Review of 2014 Mission and Service Giving
The following is an excerpt from the report sent out by David Armour Director of the General Council Philanthropy Unit. With gratitude, we celebrate the gifts we have shared for God’s mission. Our gifts enable us and others to walk in justice and act with loving kindness. The generosity of the people of the United Church in 2014 for both local mission and ministry and Mission & Service offers hope and kindness to people and places in Canada and around the world. An initial review of Mission and Service giving results indicates the following:
Annual giving to the Mission and Service "Unified Fund" marks a positive improvement over trends of the past few years with $25.67M, a decrease of only $ 0.39M below 2013. This is an improvement over the last two years’ decreases of over $1M each year. We note, with thanks, that 1185 congregations are in 816 pastoral charges that increased their Mission & Service giving in 2014.
Significant opportunity to increase participation levels in congregational and Mission and Service stewardship programs remains. The work to strengthen stewardship across the church for 2015 includes: a. Unveiling a fresh congregational stewardship program in time for your fall start-up b. Launching an online Mission and Service giving program with planning materials and sermons in spring c. Providing opportunities to connect more deeply with our Mission and Service ministries and programs d. Building networks of congregational stewardship expertise to support local communities of faith in stewardship and Mission and Service giving programs
We give thanks for all the ways that together we seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.
In Montreal and Ottawa Conference we gave 3 percent less to Mission and Service in 2014 then in the previous year. Our total givings was $1,494,600., which I think is good considering the number of pastoral charges that were restructuring, were without a Minister, or had a significant drop in membership. 4 Mission and Service is still one of our very amazing responses we have to God’s work every where.
If you would like a copy of the complete copy of the Mission and Service 2014 Review please let me know, and I can make sure that you receive a copy. Those who will be attending the Mission and Service Workshop on Saturday, March 28th at Britannia UC in Ottawa will receive a copy on that day along with other helpful resources.
Making Our Way Around the Mission and Service Pie Chart The Mission and Service Pie Chart is located in the Mission and Service Special Edition – Mandate published every year in August. Order your copy from UCRD item #CH10938 $5.00 or ten for $3.50. I can send you a copy for free, just let me know. Carolyn at [email protected] or at the M&S workshop March 28th. The pie chart is also located in Mission and Service at a Glance 2014. These are available for free from UCRD or from me, or at the M&S workshop March 28th. In every newsletter we will take a closer look at the Mission and Service Pie Chart, this newsletter we will look at #2. Chaplaincies We are blessed in Montreal and Ottawa Conference to have many caring and hardworking University and Community Chaplains.
University Chaplains Many university students are away from home for the first time, and although it is an exciting time in their lives it can also be a lonely and some times confusing time as they take their first steps in making decisions for themselves. University Chaplains provide students with a safe haven as they explore their own thoughts and feelings as they connect with others in our diverse and multi-faith world.
Students say it best when talking about University and College Chaplains describing them as: Approachable Good natured Good humoured Kind Generous with their time Always seem calm.
Mission and Service is grateful to University and College Chaplains for welcoming so many students, they help students discover another dimension to their lives and develop a life balance that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Every day they live out the scripture reading from Mark, “when you welcome even a child because of me, you welcome me, and when you welcome me, you welcome the one who sent me.”
5 Community Chaplains Among the many things that Jesus accomplished in His life was that we must welcome even those that today’s society deems as invisible. Those who feel they have no voice or presence where they live. The low-income families, the newly landed immigrants and refugees. Every day they face the lack of access to a sustainable livelihood. Being forced to make hard choices between basic necessities like food, shelter, clothing, heat and other utilities. With job loss, failing health or arrival in a new country comes loneliness and discouragement. Being a part of a community in relationship with others is the key to our survival as human beings. Many find their lives becomes so much better as soon as they come through the doors of our Community Chaplaincies and find a welcome waiting for them. It becomes a place where people can belong regardless of their status, and the many labels society places on them. A vibrant community where those at risk can find opportunities to create, to belong, to hope and have the freedom to believe in the future.
Prayer for our Chaplains: God please be with our chaplains as they start each day not knowing what the day will hold, uncertain where God will guide their path. They only know that they are there to listen, support, nurture, assist and encourage as people come to them in despair, celebration and sometimes in curiosity. God placed them as University, College and Community Chaplains to help others share their faith, explore spirituality and most of all experience community. Help us to let our United Church, through our Mission and Service Fund be part of this amazing commitment they have made to God, themselves and their chaplaincies. Amen
Justice Work The founders of this church believed that ours is a living faith, a faith that is expressed not only in ministry, but also in mission in and with the world.
The United Church is committed to just and respectful relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. Such relationships recognize Aboriginal peoples as distinct peoples and nations, with rights to land and self-determination. I like best the heading on the Kairos web-site for Truth and Reconciliation it reads: “Truth, Reconciliation and Equity. They Matter to Us!”
Closing events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission The United Church of Canada will be there to support our Aboriginal brothers in sisters as the following events take place in Ottawa. Please see the Montreal and Ottawa Conference web-site for more details as they become available. Sunday, May 31st, 2015 – Gathering Day will see a large public “walk for reconciliation” followed by keynote speakers and entertainment. Those attending the AGM at John Abbott will be able to take part in a “walk for reconciliation” early Sunday morning which will be video taped and become part of the events happening in Ottawa. Monday, June 1, 2015 – Learning/Education Day, 1800 students from high schools in Gatineau and Ottawa will take part in workshops. Tuesday, June 2, 2015 – The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be presented to the Parties to the Settlement Agreement and, through them, to the people of Canada during a public event at the Delta Hotel in downtown Ottawa. Wednesday, June 3, 2015 – There will be a Closing Ceremony at Rideau Hall, home of the Governor General of Canada in the morning followed by a Children’s Gathering and a large public feast in the afternoon.
“Easter reminds us about God’s never ending love for us. Let us all together praise and worship God for his endless blessings. Have a blessed Easter.” Carolyn Ruda, Montreal and Ottawa Conference, Mission and Service Support and Chair, Conference Stewardship 613 932-2415 [email protected]