Planning & Budget Steering (PBSC) Committee s1

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Planning & Budget Steering (PBSC) Committee s1

Saddleback College Planning & Budget Steering (PBSC) Committee Thursday, November 3, 2016 10:30am-12:00p.m. Science and Math Building, Rm 313


Attendees: Jennifer Klein, Co-Chair, Director of Planning, Research and Accreditation Roxanne Metz, Co-Chair, Director of Fiscal Contract Services Kathy Werle, Vice President for Instruction Karima Feldhus, Assistant Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness Penny Skaff, 2014-20 Planning Group Co-Chair Jennie McCue, 2014-20 Planning Group Chair Barbara Cox, 2014-20 Planning Group Co-Chair/EPA Coordinator Diane Pestolesi, Standard I Accreditation Team Israel Dominguez, Director of Workforce Development Craig Connor, Classified Senate Designee Catherine Hayter, Academic Senate Designee Shouka Torabi, Research and Planning Analyst

Absent: Juan Avalos, Vice President for Student Services Charles Myers, Academic Senate Designee Carol Hilton, Vice President for Administrative Services Anthony Teng, 2014-20 Planning Group Co-Chair Barbara Carey, CSEA Representative

Committee Discussion: I. Old Business: a.i. Approved minutes from the 8/25/16 meeting a.ii. Jennie McCue asked for confirmation from the committee that there was agreeance to change the word “collaboration” to “transparency” from the 8/4/16 meeting regarding gaps that were identified from the District Climate Survey. II. New Business: a.i. AVID Team presentation on strategic planning alignment (Emily Quinlan, Michael Engels, and Tina Jenkins)  The AVID team presented on their goals for the program and the alignment to Goals 1 and 2 from the strategic plan. Their primary focus is to support student success, professional development and interdisciplinary collaboration through different methods:  The AVID team is developing an AHE Excellence in Instruction Certification for faculty.

1 | P a g e a.i...i. This certification will start with a cohort of 25-30 faculty who will learn to teach metric-proven best practices which will result in increased student learning, retention and persistence. a.i...ii. Barbara recommends developing this certificate as non-credit so that it is state-approved.  All tutors in the LRC have been trained in the “Socratic Tutoring” model which has shown great success.  The AVID team offered Reading practicums to faculty (25 faculty) which was embraced across all divisions.  The committee also discussed moving away from the AVID branding due to multiple meanings within K-12 and post- secondary.  Barbara stated that we should get rid of the AVID marker in the class schedule because students feel that instructors who don’t have the marker are viewed as being less effective.

a.ii. Professional development inclusion within the strategic plan (Kevin O’Connor)  In the Liberal Arts division, Kevin uses the “Group to Team” concept to assist his associate faculty with onboarding and training.  He stated that associate faculty are sometimes discarded yet they are the largest proportion of faculty.  He feels that Mission statements should drive professional development.  Jennifer mentioned that our college has a large variety of professional development/onboarding and that we need to make them more concise. She suggested analyzing our inventory of activities.  Marina suggested the development of a systematic approach that links back to the strategic plan or Mission Statement. She also feels that the Professional Development Committee should be the responsible party.  Penny stated that the common funding application will be thorough in outlining professional development efforts.

a.iii. Online Accessibility and ADA Compliance (Jennie McCue and Marina Aminy)  The presentation included information regarding online accessibility and how that is impacting ADA compliance. They stressed that we need a policy to address compliance and to change the campus culture.  Other colleges are experiencing the same issues  Our college purchased Site Improve which is a software that helps with broken links.  They would like to form a group to address the key issues and to make recommendations so that our college is in compliance.

2 | P a g e  Penny suggested hiring a 3rd party to address the issues since this is a district-wide effort.  Karima asked if this was addressed in the Quality Focused Essay (QFE) for the self-study. Marina stated that it was in the QFE and that there is a workgroup looking into the needs assessment because every course needs to be compliant. Karima mentioned that IVC has similar issues. She provided an example of an instructor who had to remove all videos in her classroom because one of her students was deaf and had complained.  The committee generally felt that there should be a designated person assigned to this issue and that there should be workshops provided.

a.iv. Governance and Planning Manual Edits (Jennifer Klein)  The committee received feedback from Consultation Council (CC) regarding the charge and makeup of PBSC. They felt that there were too many administrators on the committee and that they should have a recommendation function.  The committee discussed the CC recommendations on the membership at length: a.iv...i. Barbara felt that there isn’t appropriate representation of faculty on PBSC. a.iv...ii. Karima felt that two managers as co-chairs may be viewed as a red flag and suggested adding another Chair or reducing the two to one. She also suggested removing the Strategic Planning group chairs because they frequently change. a.iv...iii. Diane stated that we should have 3 Chairs so that it is representative in the strategic plan. She also felt the AVPIE or the Director of OPRA should be one of the Chairs. a.iv...iv. Penny expressed that the membership should include a Student Services representative (does not have to be an administrator). Craig agreed and explained that the Student Services representative should be a co-chair so that we have collaborative decision-making. a.iv...v. The committee agreed that we should increase/change the membership to the following: a.iv...v.1. Increase Chairs from 2 to 3 (Faculty, Staff, Administration) a.iv...v.2. Keep the 3 VPs (VPI and VPSS should be ex-officio) a.iv...v.3. Dean of Student Services (any department) a.iv...v.4. Dean of Instruction (any division) a.iv...v.5. Increase Faculty from 2 to 4 representatives

3 | P a g e a.iv...v.6. Increase CSEA from 1 to 2 representatives a.iv...v.7. Increase Classified from 1 to 2 representatives a.v. Ramping up Institution-Set Standards in Program Review (Jennifer Klein)  Jennifer announced that we need to have Institutional-Set Standards (ISS) developed at the program-level due to federal compliance.  She presented a spreadsheet that displayed the ISS for all programs based on the institutional level methodology. She plans on sending all Department Chairs a survey which will ask them to review and evaluate their program’s ISS. Chairs will have the ability to change the methodology, if they feel it is not representative of their targets.  Jennifer will address program-level ISS in our self-study by stating that we are having dialogue on our campus to have it ultimately rolled into our program review process.  Karima suggested that Jennifer should meet with all Department Chairs to explain the data and methodology of the calculated ISS. Diane also recommended having an educational roll out to explain the process to faculty. Statewide-initiative regarding integration of SSSP, SEP and BSI (Tabled until next meeting) a.vii. PBSC Goal Leaders Updates (Tabled until next meeting) a.viii. Accreditation – format of strategic plan progress ideas for appearance (Tabled until next meeting)

III. Announcements a. Next meeting: November 17, 2016 from 10:30am-12:00pm b. Meeting Adjourned: 12:15pm

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