Weekly Plan for Literacy: Year 1 s3

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Weekly Plan for Literacy: Year 1 s3

Maths Year 3 Weekly Plan: Autumn Week 2: Mental addition and subtraction Objectives: Know number bonds to 20 and use them in addition and subtraction; Use = to represent equality; Add 1-digit to 2-digit numbers; Subtract 1-digit from 2-digit numbers. Starters Whole class teaching Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities Plenary W Pairs to 10 Addition and subtraction facts up to 20 Most children Write on the e Write 10 = Show 11 pegs on a coat hanger (5 in one colour, 5 in another, and then one in the 1st Chn find as many different ways as they can of board: What on the colour). Let’s find all the numbers with a total of 11, starting with the largest 11. Write 11 = making 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 using pairs of is 16 subtract e board. Ask 11 + 0 and 11 = 0 + 11, turning the coat hanger round to show 0 + 11. Move one peg from single-digit numbers. Although this may seem 9? Ask chn k chn to write the right to the left and write additions 11 = 10 + 1 and 11 = 1 + 10. Split the pegs into 9 pegs difficult, there are very few ways to make the how they down as on the left and 2 on the right. What addition can we write? Write 11 = 9 + 2. Turn the coat higher numbers: 18: 9 + 9; 17: 9 + 8 or 8 + 9; 16: 9 + know this 2 many hanger round to show 2 + 9. And now? If I took off 2 pegs, how many would be left? What 7, 7 + 9, 8 + 8. They can sketch bar model pictures and which different subtraction could I write? What if I took off 9 pegs instead? What subtraction sentence could if they find it helpful. addition they ways of I write? Use the hanger to show 3 + 8 and 3 + 8, 7 + 4 and 4 + 7, then 6 + 5 and 5 + 6. Ask chn used to help. M GUIDED: Easier Harder completing write the matching addition facts each time. Are there any other ways to make 11? Discuss Chn play Save the Whale at Challenge Repeat o that the pattern in the written additions made by subtracting 1 from the 1st group of pegs and http://www.ictgames.com/save_th chn to find asking other n sentence as adding it to the 2nd group. Show chn the picture of a strip of 12 red cubes and below it a strip e_whale_v4.html. Choose the all the ways related d possible. of 8 blue cubes and 4 yellow cubes (see resources). This picture shows that 8 and 4 cubes is number bonds to practise by to make subtractions. a For the same amount as 12 cubes. Record 12 = 8 + 4. Point out that we could have the 4 cubes changing the selection at the top. each example: 10 first and then the 8 cubes, still 12 cubes altogether. Record 12 = 4 + 8. If we took away the 4 y These chn should rehearse bonds number, = 10 + 0, 10 cubes, how many cubes would be left? Record 12 – 4 = 8. What if we took away the 8 cubes to 6, 7, 8 and 9 especially. To play using = 5 + 5, instead? Record 12 – 8 = 4. Point out that we can write four number sentences to go with the game select the other number ordered lists 10 = 6 + 4. this one picture! Explain that it can be time consuming to draw all the cubes, so we can just needed to make the bond. Five to help. Can draw bars to represent the cubes. Show the next picture of a bar labelled 12 and under it a minutes before the activity time is they prove bar and 8 and a bar of 4. Next show bar pictures for other pairs to 12. Chn work in pairs to over, ask the chn to write down all that they choose one bar and write four facts to with that picture on their w/bs. Share one set of facts the pairs of numbers they have have found for each picture with the rest of the class. Can chn identify any pairs to 12 that are missing? found which add up to 6, 7, 8 or 9. all the ways?

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y3 Week 2 Autumn Maths Year 3 Weekly Plan: Autumn Week 2: Mental addition and subtraction W Addition facts for Using the = sign to represent equality Whole Class Investigation Ask chn to share e numbers 6 to 10 Show chn a number balance (or use an interactive one, e.g. How many different equalities can we work out which have 14 on how they recorded Show the bar models http://nrich.maths.org/content/id/5676/balancer.swf). each side? Agree that we will see the balance both ways round, so their results. e pictures for 6 (see Hang weights on 6 and 4 on the left and 7 on the right. that 7 + 7 balancing 5 + 9 is regarded as the same as 5 + 9 Highlight chn who k resources). Point to a Where should I hang an extra weight on the right so that it balancing 7 + 7. But 13 + 1 balancing 9 + 4 is, of course, not the have used question mark, chn will balance? Try chn’s suggestions until you balance 6 and same as 13 + 1 balancing 8 + 6! systematic patterns 2 show on their fingers 4 with 7 and 3. Record 6 + 4 = 7 + 3. Repeat with 6 on the Sit with different pairs and ask chn how they can prove they have in their recording the number which left and 9 and 1 on the right. Record 6 + 4 = 9 + 1. Repeat thought of all the possible balance arrangements; encourage them which have helped belongs on this bar. with 7 and 6 on the left, and 8 on the right, then 6 on the to use patterns to help them: let’s see all the different numbers we them to work T Rpt for each bar to 6, left and 9 and 4 on the right, recording equalities each could add to 5 to make 14 etc. Easier group could use the online quickly and be u then 7, 8 and 9. time. Repeat with other pairs to 13 and ask chn how they balance bar (detailed in main teaching) to support them. confident that they e can be sure you have worked out all the possible pairs. Extend the investigation for more able chn, asking them to imagine have found all the s that the number balance has numbers up to 20 on each side. possible solutions. d a y

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y3 Week 2 Autumn Maths Year 3 Weekly Plan: Autumn Week 2: Mental addition and subtraction Starters Whole class teaching Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities Plenary W Complements to Use number facts to add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number Whole Class Practice Display 54 + 7, e multiples of 10 Show 15 beads at the left of the 100 bead bar. What is 15 add 3? Ask chn what fact we can Display additions which require chn to use 55 + 7, 56 + 7, Show 37 on the use to help. (5 + 3 =8) Repeat, showing 25 + 3, 35 + 3, 45 + 3… 95 + 3 all along the bar to number facts to add a 1-digit to a 2-digit 57 + 7, 58 + 7, e 100 bead bar, reinforce the pattern and link to the fact 5 + 3 = 8. What would 105 + 3 be? 125 + 3? Show number (see resources). The first set don’t 59 + 7 (see k chn show digit 7 beads. What do we add to 7 to make 10? Show 17 beads. And to 17 to make 20? Rpt cross 10s, the second set do. resources). Ask card with the showing 27, 37, 47… 97 pointing out the pair to 10 each time. Show 20 beads. What is 20 Most chn: Do questions 1 to 12 in each set. chn how they 2 complement (3) add 4? How do you know? Draw out using place value. What is 17 add 7? Remind chn how Harder: Chn do questions 5 to 16 in each set. would split the to the next 10 to split the 7 into 3 and 4, adding 3 to make the next multiple of 10 and adding 4 using They may not need to sketch empty number 7 in each case, (40). Rpt with place value. Show 27 beads. What is 27 add 7? What multiple of 10 shall we target this line jottings. to jump to the W other 2-digit time? Label 27 on a beaded line (see resources), draw a hop to 30 labelling it +3, & then a GUIDED: Easier Support the chn as they add, nearest 10. Chn e numbers, 1st with hop to 34, labelling it +4. Label 34. Repeat, this time drawing the steps on a landmarked encourage them to use number facts rather sketch number d the 100 bead bar line (see resources). Rpt with 37 + 7 and 47 + 7, drawing the steps on the landmarked line. than counting up each time. Give them 0 to lines to go with n and then Chn discuss in pairs how they might work out 58 + 7. Take feedback. Show how to draft a 100 beaded lines if necessary (see resources). each. e without. number line, splitting 7 into 2 and 5 rather than into 3 and 4 this time. s d a y W Number facts Use number facts to subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number Whole Class Practice Display the e Chn choose 9 nos Show 15 beads on the 100 bead bar. What is 15 subtract 2? Ask chn what fact Chn use number facts to subtract a 1-digit from a 2 following: 41 – 7, less than 20 to we can use to help. (5 – 2 = 3) Repeat, showing 25 – 2, 35 – 2, 45 - 2… 95 - 2 all digit-number (see resources). The first set don’t 42 – 7, 43 – 7, 44 – e write on a 3×3 along the bar to reinforce the pattern and link to 5 – 2 = 3. Show 10 beads. What cross 10s, the second set do. As they work, check 7, 45 – 7, 46 – 7 k bingo board. Call is 10 subtract 3? Repeat showing 20 – 3, 30 – 3, 40 – 3… 90 – 3, point out the that chn are noticing patterns and are jumping to (see resources). out questions, e.g. pair to 10 each time. Show 24 beads. What is 24 subtract 4? 24 subtract 7? the nearest ten using bonds, NOT counting in ones. Ask chn how they 2 double 6; 4 add 3; Remind chn how to split 7 into 4 and 3, subtract the 4 using place value, and Check that the harder group are using their would split the 7 20 subtract 7; 13 then 3 using pairs to 10 (10 – 3 = 7). Show 34 beads. What is 34 subtract 7? Label knowledge of subtracting from 2-digit numbers to in each case, to add this number 34 on the beaded line, draw a hop back to 30 labelling it -4, and then a hop back subtract from numbers between 100 and 200. jump to the ten. T equals 20; half of to 27, labelling it -3, and labelling 27. Draw the same steps on a landmarked line. Most chn: Chn do questions 1 to 12 in each set. Chn sketch empty h 18, 12 add 5. 1st to Repeat with 44 – 7 and 54 – 7, drawing the steps on the landmarked line. Chn Easier: Chn use 0 to 100 beaded lines if necessary number lines to go u ring all nos wins. discuss in pairs how they might work out 63 – 8. Show how to draft a number (see resources). with each. r line splitting 8 into 3 and 5 rather than counting back in ones. Harder: Chn do questions 5 to 16 in each set. s d a y

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y3 Week 2 Autumn Maths Year 3 Weekly Plan: Autumn Week 2: Mental addition and subtraction W Doubles 1 to 10 Add several small numbers, using number facts Most chn Display a tiddlywinks e Play Ping-Pong. Show number cards 3, 5, 17 and 4. Discuss what order in Give tiddlywinks mat (see resources) to each group of 4. Chn each flick a mat (see resources) You say a number which to add them. Draw out pair to 20. Then we know 4 counter onto the mat then add up the 4 scores. They record the order in which has counters e between 1 and 10, and 5 make 9, so we just add on the 9. Repeat with 2, 5, which they added up along with total. on the numbers 12 k the class say its 17, 5, discussing adding 10 onto 19 (17 and 2). Repeat GUIDED: Medium and 2. Explain to chn double, e.g. you 4, with 8, 10, 8 and 4 and 4, 8, 10 and 6 spotting 3 numbers Add two more counters in each round and talk to chn about what that you need to 2 chn say 8. Every making 20. Chn may come up with other ways. Point out different number facts they can see before they choose which order to score over 21. Ask: now and again, say that different chn will know different number facts by add the nos. Encourage them to look for doubles or bonds to 10 or 20. Where would the ‘ping’, to which heart and so may choose a different order. Explain that third and last F Easier Harder chn respond we can make additions easier by spotting known facts Chn work in 3s so they are Chn work in 3s and each child flicks 2 counters need to r ‘pong’. incl. doubles, and/or putting the larger numbers 1st. adding 3 numbers each time. counters so they have to add 6 nos. land? i d a y

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y3 Week 2 Autumn Maths Year 3 Weekly Plan: Autumn Week 2: Mental addition and subtraction Resources  Coat hanger and 12 pegs (five in one colour, five in another, then two in the first colour)  Day 1 Bar model pictures of pairs to 12 (see resources)  Save the Whale at http://www.ictgames.com/save_the_whale_v4.html  Day 2 Bar model pictures for pairs to 6, 7, 8 and 9 (see resources)  Number balance, or an interactive one such as that found at http://nrich.maths.org/public/viewer.php?obj_id=4725  100 bead bar  Digit cards/number fans  0 to 100 beaded line (see resources)  0 to 100 landmarked line (see resources)  Day 3 Activity Sheet: Whole Class Practice - Adding 1-digit to 2-digit numbers (see resources)  0 to 100 beaded lines (see resources)  On board: Splitting the 7 to add (see resources)  Day 4 Activity Sheet: Whole Class Practice - Subtracting 1-digit from 2-digit numbers (see resources)  On board: Splitting the 7 to subtract (see resources)  1-20 cards  Day 5 Activity Sheet AND Onboard Tiddlywinks – adding 3 or more numbers using number facts (see resources)  Counters  Abacus Year 3 Textbook 1

Abacus Textbook Pages for Alternative/Additional Practice

Day Group Page Thursday Easier Textbook 1, page 10 Most children Textbook 1, page 12 Harder Textbook 1, page 11 Friday Easier Textbook 1, page 7 Most children Textbook 1, page 8 Harder Textbook 1, page 9

The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y3 Week 2 Autumn Maths Year 3 Weekly Plan: Autumn Week 2: Mental addition and subtraction such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links. Outcomes

Outcomes for most chn Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. Know number bonds for all 1. Write balancing number 1. Use known number facts to add 1. Use known number facts to 1. Use number facts to choose a number up to 20 sentences using numbers up to 20 1-digit to 2-digit numbers subtract 1-digit from 2-digit sensible order to add 4 or more 2. Use number bonds in addition 2. Understand that = represents 2. Cross a tens boundary when numbers numbers. and subtraction. equality. adding 2. Cross a tens boundary when 2. Explain the reasons for your subtracting choices.

Default (outcomes for chn not on statements but not able to reach the outcomes for most chn) 1. Know number bonds for all 1. Write balancing number 1. Use known number facts to add 1. Use known number facts to 1. Use number facts to choose a numbers up to 10. sentences using numbers up to 10 1-digit to 2-digit numbers subtract 1-digit from 2-digit sensible order to add 3 numbers. numbers

Only record names of chn who struggled or exceeded these outcomes

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y3 Week 2 Autumn

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