SSRG Workgroup Meeting Workgroup: Dementia Date: 1 September 2009

Present:, Carol Matthews, Carolyn Stead, Chris Manskey, Coral Sharp, Kate McKenzie, Krystyna Kahmann, Lorrie Beattie, Samantha Bartalos, Sheryle Olney, Stephen Kidson, Tanya Dunn Brown (Project Officer), Bev Bannister (minutes)

Apologies: Pauleen Bond, Katey Elding, Jane Rajkowski,

Agenda Items Discussion Further Action Required

Welcome and Introductions around the table apologies

Previous minutes / No previous minutes – Group had brief discussion then joined Information Business arising Session with speaker from Public Trustee and Robbi Williams on Individualised Funding

. Self Directed services and Personal Budgets Conference report now available on SSRG website . Forum planning - Tanya has arranged filming of event at a cost of $900 - $1200. Will be put on DVD . Flyer for Forum – please take copies and distribute – SSRG to distribute to GP’s, Libraries, Community Centres, HACC, SSRG website and mailing list etc. . Logos on flyer for main groups involved – SSRG, Alzheimers SA, HACC, City of Onkaparinga, Australian Government Initiative

D:\Docs\2018-04-20\0f7bb9f71b07cd56c850a46921c38d3f.doc . Multicultural, Tanya has followed up – letters went to Overseas Chinese Association of SA Inc and Vietnamese Community in Australia, SA Chapter Inc. . Tanya will be catching up with the volunteer from Ecumenical Centre who has a husband with dementia, later this week to seek their involvement on the day . Actions were followed up about booking a venue and a booking was made at City of Holdfast Bay. Thank you to all who have been supporting the workgroups with meeting room bookings.

Project Officer . All relevant news in current newsletter, please take and read See attachment 1 below for Update . Travelling Expos to run in October and November dates and locations of Expos . Carers Event – 22 October at Colley Reserve South during National Carers Week – 2 pm to 7 pm – we will have art activities, cooking demo, drumming workshop, carers corner.

Dementia Link . Coral attended session for Practise Nurses at GP South hosted by Worker Report pharmaceutical spokesperson, Coral attended as a representative for community support and found this very beneficial to her role and is receiving a lot of referrals from this. . Brochures are out and she is receiving a good response from this . Trying to attend NICE group. Coral has met with Jeanette Edwards who runs the group to share information bout her role and so Jeanette can pass this information on. . ACAT assessors have been in touch to gain information about role and some referrals have come in from this. . Role is supporting social workers to support families that need help. . Role not used in very outer south, used quite a lot in general south though.

Dementia Forum . Group moved in to Civic area to view hypothetical on the big screen so they could read through and make changes where needed.

. No specialist as yet for event – suggestions of Dr Craig Whitehead and Lorrie Beattie to follow up on this

D:\Docs\2018-04-20\0f7bb9f71b07cd56c850a46921c38d3f.doc Rob Crouse . Suggested our hypothetical be an early part of program on the day of event – the Northern Collaboration Group ran their hypothetical later in the day and in hindsight thought this was not the best way to do it. . Dr Graham Lovell will do a presentation on the day . Sandy Johnson-Jones from Wakefield House / Friendship Club will be part of day . Tanya Dunn Brown will be facilitator . Alison Bowden will be Onkaparinga representative . Call to be made to Jacinta from Norman House to check that they have Tanya to make call vacancies and inform her that we are using Norman House as an example in the hypothetical . Coral and Tanya to get together to go through hypothetical and finalise Tanya to send meeting date to all changes for a read through of the . Date to be sent out to all involved in hypothetical for a read through before hypothetical the event

Other Business . Letter sent to all Dementia Services to come on day of Forum and bring information to share . If you know of a organisation / service that did not receive their letter please contact Tanya for information . If anyone is free and able to help setup at the Forum please feel free to do All: Come early to forum to help so with set up . Banner is being made for SSRG . Carol Matthews told group about a new group Respite for People with Dementia Aldinga Community Centre 10.00 am – 12.00 pm lunch afterwards Weekly Starting on 18 September 2009 Resthaven contact Karen McDougal

Next meeting Tuesday 6 October, 1.00 – 3.00 pm Venue: Civic Area, City of Onkaparinga D:\Docs\2018-04-20\0f7bb9f71b07cd56c850a46921c38d3f.doc Attachment 1:

Southern Services Reform Group Travelling Expo 2009

Date Time Council Location

28 October 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Onkaparinga Colonnades

29 October 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Onkaparinga Colonnades

30 October 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Onkaparinga Colonnades

5 November 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Onkaparinga Seaford Shopping Centre 11 November 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Mitcham Mitcham Shopping Centre 12 November 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Mitcham Mitcham Shopping Centre 18 November 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Marion Marion Shopping Centre 19 November 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Marion Marion Shopping Centre 25 November 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Holdfast Bay Bay Junction Shopping Centre 26 November 2009 10.00 am – 4.00 pm City of Holdfast Bay Bay Junction Shopping Centre
