Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

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Regular Meeting of the Board of Education



EFA Community Room October 20, 2004 933 Hoffman Street 5:30 p.m. Elmira, NY 14905

MEETING CALLED Board President Michael Crimmins called the Regular Meeting TO ORDER of the Board of Education to order at 5:32 p.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

ATTENDANCE Present: Michael Crimmins, Barton Graham, Daniel Hurley, Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Susan Skidmore, Ethel Stroman, Mary Beth Turner (5:45 pm), Robert Woods (5:36 pm)

Absent: None

Others: Laura Sherwood, Robert Gosden, Kevin O’Shea, Madge Larrimore

EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective negotiations pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law and the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation. (5:30 pm)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman No: None

Linda Wida Board Clerk

CLERK PRO TEM President Crimmins appointed Mrs. Long Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk.

RETURN TO OPEN Ms. Stroman moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, that the SESSION Board return to open session (5:38 p.m.)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Woods No: None

131 Robin Long Clerk Pro Tem

EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board invite Robert Gosden, Kevin O’Shea and Madge Larrimore along with Laura Sherwood to attend the Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective negotiations pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law and the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation. (5:40 pm)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Woods No: None

Linda Wida Board Clerk

CLERK PRO TEM President Crimmins appointed Mrs. Long Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk.

RETURN TO OPEN Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, that the SESSION Board return to open session (6:52 p.m.)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Robin Long Clerk Pro Tem

ATTENDANCE Present: Michael J. Crimmins, Barton Graham, Daniel Hurley, Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Susan Skidmore, Ethel Stroman, Mary Beth Turner, Robert Woods

Absent: Kelly McWhorter (Southside High School student representative)

132 Others: Laura Sherwood, Robert Gosden, Kevin O’Shea, Madge Larrimore, Chris Mecke, Patricia Stayments, Alex Shephard (Elmira Free Academy student representative), Thomas O’Hara (Elmira Schools Supervisory and Administrative Council representative), Mark Greven (Elmira Teachers Association President), Shawn Morris (Custodial, Maintenance, Cafeteria Workers President), Udean Meggs (Instructional Support Educational Association representative)

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, to add a resolution to the agenda written by Mr. Graham regarding the role and function of the school district attorney. This item would be noted as K-2 on the agenda under New Business.

Mrs. Skidmore moved that this item be postponed until the November 17th Regular Board Meeting. No one seconded the motion.

Original motion carried to add this item to the agenda as K-2. Yes: Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Stroman, Turner Woods No: Crimmins, Skidmore


Willie Holleran & Scott Fred Betschen recognized Willie Holleran and Scott Henderson Henderson for their support of the Elmira Tennis Club.

Sheila O’Bireck Interim Associate Superintendent for Instruction, Madge Larrimore, recognized Sheila O’Bireck for her school supply program instituted through the Hendy Elementary PFO.

Broadway Elementary Broadway Elementary Principal, Pam Davis-Webb, and Students Broadway Elementary Assistant Principal, Stephen Boyce, recognized six fifth grade students for their partnership with the Cooperative Extension in planting flowers to beautify the outside of the school. They also noted that teachers can always count on them being and doing their very best. The students then recited the school pledge. Students recognized were John Batten, Kevin Dunbar, Emily Jerzak, Sarah Thomas, Schuyler Pfuntner, and AJ Voorhees.

Pine City Elementary Student Pine City Elementary Principal, Diane Spotts, recognized third grader, Forrest Wieziolowski, for being an exceptional young man who brightens everyone’s day. Forrest is an enthusiastic learner and a loving, caring friend.

133 NYS Art Teachers EFA Art Teacher, Susan Pabody, recognized Sophomore, Association Portfolio Project Caitlin Turner, for her high score in the Art Teachers Portfolio Project. Caitlin is an excellent art student whose artwork can be viewed in the display case outside the art room at EFA.

BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Woods commented on the successful season of the SHS REPORT Boys Soccer Team.

Board Members Mrs. Mattoon related that she attended the Pine City PFO meeting and Open House.

Mr. Hurley enjoyed the Board Visitation to Broadway Elementary School.

Mr. Graham commented on a meeting with Mr. Crimmins, an anonymous letter, and the 403b Horizon Plan.

Mrs. Skidmore attended the Riverside and Alternative High School PFO meetings, the Julian Bond presentation at Mansfield University and the Commission on Human Relations Breakfast. She also spoke about the Small Cities Lawsuit and the Riverside Elementary School library now offering evening hours for public use of the library.

Ms. Stroman also attended the Commission on Human Relations Breakfast. She had registration forms available for the October 26th teleconference with the Office of the State Comptroller regarding “Using Accountability to Build Public Trust.”

Mrs. Turner thanked all district employees for their hard work on a daily basis. She commented that everyone is going above and beyond the call of duty.

Mrs. Long attended the SHS and Broadway Elementary School Open Houses. She also attended the Broadway Elementary PFO meeting and enjoyed the Board visitation to Broadway Elementary. Mrs. Long introduced the audience to the new “Board Question and Concern Box” that will be present at all future Board meetings. Anyone is welcome to fill out a form with a question or concern for the Board. They need to write their name and phone number on it in order for the Board to respond to their question or concern.

Mr. Crimmins reported that Board Members would be attending the New York State School Board’s Association Annual Conference in Buffalo, New York from October 21 – 24, 2004. The Superintendent Search process has begun with the consultant, Dr. Vincent Coppola, having met with seven focus

134 groups on Monday, October 18, 2004 to help develop a profile of what the district is looking for in a new superintendent. Mr. Crimmins also enjoyed the Broadway Elementary and Pine City Elementary Board visitations.

Board President, Mike Crimmins, read the following statement: “The Board of Education requested a legal opinion on whether the grant of tenure by the Board of Education on recommendation of the Superintendent could occur before the end of the employee’s probationary term. The legal opinion of in-house and outside counsel concurred that the Board had the authority to do so, and once granted, tenure could not later be withdrawn.”

Mr. Crimmins also read the following statement: “At this point, funds transmitted to Flagship, but not yet invested, are currently being held in the Consul Trust “Lock Box.” An accounting of these funds is expected to be completed sometime next week. At that time, funds will be returned to the school district to be forwarded to the participants’ new accounts. Once completed, an audit of participants’ Flagship accounts will commence. School District Counsel, Denise O’Donnell, has been and will continue to be in contact with the Ohio State Attorney and Special Master overseeing Flagship. Her charge is to fulfill the Board’s commitment to do all that is humanly possible to facilitate the timely resolution of this matter.”

Associations Representatives Elmira Teacher’s Association President, Mark Greven, commented on ETA contract negotiations, ETA members participation in the Josh Palmer Walk, the Mayor’s Golf Tournament and the Food Bank Challenge. He announced that the ETA is sponsoring a New Member Social and that there will be a certification videoconference for new teachers on December 14, 2004.

Elmira Schools Supervisory and Administrative Council, representative Thomas O’Hara, reported that many administrators volunteered to work at the recent Cross Country Invitational held at Sullivan’s Monument and he also commended Riverside & Parley Coburn Elementary Schools for making the most improved list for math scores.

Custodial Maintenance Cafeteria Workers President, Shawn Morris, reported that his members are looking forward to the second night of mediation with the district on Monday, October 18, 2004.

135 Instructional Support Educational Association representative, Udean Meggs, reported that members had attended a conference last week and they are looking forward to another one on March 18, 2005.

Student Representative EFA Student Representative, Alex Shephard, reported that students were looking forward to Spirit Week and the Erie Bell game. He thanked Ms. Sherwood for working at the Cross Country Invitational and also thanked the district for hiring the new Assistant Principals who have been instrumental in helping to create a better school environment. He also noted that two of the top three Rotary Youth Salute Scholarship winners were EFA students.

VISITORS WISHING TO Michael Thomas, Beecher parent, spoke to the Board about this ADDRESS THE BOARD year’s Fifth Grade Trip at Beecher Elementary School.

District resident, Barbara Miller, introduced herself to the Board and asked them to consider hiring her as a teacher.

Vonnie Kessler read a statement regarding the dissolution of the Elmira Wrestling Club. She also commented on teacher/parent communication at Southside High School.

Camille Sechrist, spoke to the Board about the upcoming construction project at Parley Coburn.

DISCUSSION ITEMS Scott Welliver from Welliver-McGuire offered his assistance to the Board in continuing on with our capital construction project. Capital Project Update Russ Robinson from Welliver-McGuire updated the Board on the status of our construction project at each individual building. Assistant Superintendent for Management Services, Robert Gosden, informed the Board that due to rising construction costs the project would need to be reviewed again by the Board in order to decide how to proceed. Mr. Crimmins suggested a separate Board meeting in the near future to specifically address the future of our capital construction project.

Raylene Lewis spoke to the Board regarding the status of the current construction throughout the district.

Willie Holleran and Joshua Vaughan led the Board through a presentation regarding future proposed capital maintenance projects throughout the district.

136 Small Cities Lawsuit Laura Sherwood discussed with the Board the lawsuit recently filed by Small Cities. The Board decided not to pursue becoming a plaintiff in the suit at this time.

BREAK The Board took a break at 10:15 pm and reconvened at 10:21 pm.

SUPERINTENDENT’S Laura Sherwood reported on various initiatives being REPORT undertaken at each of our schools in regards to improving school safety and climate. These included, but were not limited Initiatives and Update on to, the Hills Brothers Assembly at Riverside Elementary, the School Safety and Climate Walk for Hunger, Mentoring Program, and the Student of the Month and Students Caught Being Good Programs at Broadway Middle School.

Connect for Success Assistant Principals, Martha Benedict and Carrie Rollins reported to the Board of Education that sub-committees are now in place at each high school with Assistant Principal, Joe Covington taking the lead at EFA and Assistant Principal, Maggie Thurber taking the lead at SHS. They will focus on prioritizing what the most important issues are in the survey first and then finding out what the root causes are of each problem in order to address them properly. Members of each committee will report to the Board at various increments as to the progress of the focus groups.

CONSENT ITEMS Mrs. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board of Education approve consent items I 1 – I 8.

Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, to separate out consent items I 3a and I 3b (bids).

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Mrs. Long, to postpone dealing with Items I 3a and I 3b until the rest of the consent items have been approved.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Mrs. Stroman moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, to rescind the motion to consider consent items I 1 – I 8 together.

137 Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Mrs. Turner moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon to approve consent items I 1, I 2, I 4, I 5, I 6, I 7, & I 8 as follows:

Minutes Minutes of the September 10, 2004 Special Meeting, September 15, 2004 Regular Meeting, September 28, 2004 Special Meeting, September 29, 2004 Special Meeting, October 6, 2004 Special Meeting, October 7, 2004 Special Meeting and October 13, 2004 Work Session.

Financial Reports Treasurer’s Report for July 2004 as presented.

Treasurer’s Report for August 2004 as presented.

Contracts That the Board of Education approve the Student Tutoring Agreement with Four Winds Saratoga to provide tutoring for student inpatients at the rate of $26.00 per hour. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

That the Board of Education approve the contract with the Elmira Heights Central School District for non-resident student health services provided by it for twenty-six students for the 2003-2004 school year in the amount of $4,990.18. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

That the Board of Education approve the Memorandum of Agreement for the furnishing of school lunches to child development Head Start Program for the period of September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

That the Board of Education approve the Addendum to the agreement for The R.O.C.K. effective October 1, 2004 through August 31, 2005. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

That the Board of Education approve the agreement with The Segal Company for the GASB valuation of the Elmira City School District’s Post Retirement Welfare Programs. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

That the Board of Education approve the agreement with M.A. Chauhdry, Anesthesiologist, PC; Kevin D. Deluca, MD; Brent Samter, MD; Madhava Setty, MD; David W. Webb, MD; Josephine E. Detar, MD; Mark Gujer, MD: Theodore Braiman,

138 MD; Jonathan McMullen, MD; and Associated Anesthesiologists of the Finger Lakes, LLP for services to patients in the Elmira City School District Self-Insured Health Plan. (Copies available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

Grant That the Board of Education accept the grant from the New York State Education Department’s Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program in the amount of $257,252.

Donations That the Board of Education accept the gift of $50.00 donated to Broadway Middle School and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $50.00 at budget code A2110-36-33-0500.

That the Board of Education accept the gift of $1,043.00 donated to Beecher Elementary School and Diven Elementary School and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $1,043.00 at budget code A2110-0490.

Reimbursements That the Board of Education approve the receipt of reimbursements totaling $20.95 for SHS and that the 2004-05 General Fund expenditure code A2610-41-36-0460 be increased by $20.95.

Committee on Special That the Board of Education approve the placement of students Education Recommendations classified by the District Committee on Special Education (CSE) Teams.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None Abstain: Skidmore

Bid for Combo Mr. Woods moved, seconded by Mrs. Long, that the Board of Food/Beverage Vending Education accept the lowest, responsive, responsible bid Machines meeting specifications from CVS Services, Inc., in the amount of $3,600.00 each machine for a total of $14,400.00 for the purchase of Combination Food/Beverage Vending Machines as per attached bid tabulation. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: Graham

139 Bid for the Purchase of Mrs. Long moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, that the Board Custodial Equipment of Education accept the lowest, responsive, responsible bid meeting specifications from Horwitz Supply, in the amount of $5,489.00; from Sofco Mead in the amount of $1,500.00 and from Sanico for $7,750.50 for the purchase of Custodial Equipment as per attached bid tabulation for a grand total of $14,739.50. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

OLD BUSINESS Mr. Woods moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, that the Board Authorization for of Education authorize the Superintendent of Schools or Superintendent to Approve Superintendent’s Designee be authorized to approve capital Capital Construction Change construction change orders valued up to $10,000.00 from Orders October 20, 2004 through January 19, 2005.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Hurley, Mattoon, Skidmore, Turner No: Graham, Long, Woods Abstain: Stroman

NEW BUSINESS Mr. Woods moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board Agreement for Hunt of Education approve the attached agreement with Hunt Engineers, Architects & Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, P.C. for services Land Surveyors, P.C. provided for Riverside Elementary School, Beecher Elementary School, and Fassett Elementary School.

Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board of Education table this agenda item until the November 17, 2004 Regular Board Meeting pending further investigation of the contract fees.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner Woods No: Graham, Mattoon

Role and Function of the Mr. Woods moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley, that the Board of School District Attorney Education approve a resolution written by Mr. Graham regarding the role and function of the school district attorney. After considerable discussion, it was agreed upon by all Board Members to put this item on the November 17, 2004 Regular Board Meeting agenda.

140 Adjustment to the Tax Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley, that the Board Warrant of Education approve a tax reduction of $37.91 based on a Small Claims Court decision.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Parent Representative for the Mrs. Long moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, that the Board Committee on Special of Education approve Ms. Amy Cleary as a parent Education representative for the Committee on Special Education for the 2004-05 school year.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Quiz Team Field Trip Mrs. Turner moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, that the Board of Education approve twelve students from the EFA and SHS Quiz Teams to travel to Athens, PA on November 3, 2004 to participate in a Quiz League competition.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Independent Auditor for the Mrs. Turner moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board District of Education approve a one-year agreement with Carnevale Niles Whitney & Davis, P.C. to complete the district’s annual independent audit for the 2004-05 fiscal year for a base fee of $21,500.00. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Library Club at Southside Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board High School of Education approve the request for the addition of a Library Club at Southside High School.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

141 2004/05 School Facility Mrs. Long moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board of Report Card Education approve the 2004/05 School Facility Report Card and the annual update of the district’s Five Year Capital Facilities Plan. (Copies available in the Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

PERSONNEL Mrs. Mattoon moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board of Education approve personnel recommendations as follows:

Retirement Instructional

Charles B. Collins, Physical Education/Parley Coburn/ George Washington Elementary Schools, effective January 3, 2005

Resignations Non-Instructional

Patricia A. Bowman, 35-Hour Teacher Aide/Southside High School, effective October 4, 2004

Jennifer L. Dacey, Clerk/Administration, effective October 20, 2004

Diane M. Silvers, Registered Nurse, Broadway Middle School, effective October 22, 2004

Leaves of Absence Non-Instructional

Shana M. Ellison, 25-Hour School Monitor/Ernie Davis Middle School, Short Term Leave, October 4, 2004 through November 14, 2004

Charlotte J. Mansfield, 25-Hour Teacher Aide/Riverside Elementary School, Long Term Leave, October 25, 2004 through November 20, 2004

Kim D. Williams, 30-Hour 1:1 Teacher Aide/Hendy at Booth Elementary School, Family Medical Leave Extension, October 12, 2004 through October 31, 2004

142 Establishment of Instructional New Positions School Social Worker (.5) District-wide, Medicaid/Certification Requirements, effective October 21, 2004, federal budget


Administrative Assistant Administration, realignment of job responsibilities and additional support for technology department, effective October 21, 2004, general budget

35-Hour Clerk (12 months) Administration, additional support required for the Business Office, effective October 21, 2004, general budget

30-Hour 1:1 Teacher Aide TBD location, IEP required, effective October 21, 2004, general budget

15-Hour Food Service Helper Southside High School, improve cafeteria productivity, effective October 21, 2004

Stipend (Non-Athletic)

National Junior Honor Society Advisor (1.0) Broadway Middle School, 2004-2005 budget initiatives, effective October 21, 2004, general budget

Abolishment of Positions Non-Instructional

Secretary I Administration, effective October 21, 2004, realignment of duties

25-Hour Food Service Helper Southside High School, effective October 21, 2004, realignment of duties

Abandonment of Position Non-Instructional

Jill S. Overdorff, 30-Hour 8:1:1 Teacher Aide/Hendy at Booth Elementary School, effective September 30, 2004

Emergency Appointment Non-Instructional Non-Competitive Probationary

143 Pamela M. Butters, 25-Hour Teacher Aide/Hendy at Booth Elementary School, effective October 22, 2004, salary: $5,717, step 1, prorated

Appointments Instructional Long Term Substitute

Kathryn A. Sempler, Elementary/Broadway Elementary School, effective October 13, 2004, certification: elementary, provisional pending; salary: $31,668, step 1, prorated

Non-Instructional Competitive Probationary

Olen D. Bowman, Head Custodian/Riverside Elementary School, effective October 4, 2004, salary: $37,380

Provisional to Probationary

Sharon M. Cutler, School Nurse Practitioner/District-wide, effective October 6, 2004, salary: $43, 900


Connie M. LaVere, Clerk Typist/Administration, effective October 4, 2004, salary: $15,453, step 1, prorated



Deborah A. Girardi, 20-Hour Teacher Aide/Riverside Elementary School, effective October 4, 2004, salary: $4,573, step 1, prorated

Colleen M. Harvey, 30-Hour 8:1:1 Teacher Aide/Ernie Davis Middle School, effective October 22, 2004, salary: $6,756, step 1, prorated


Shirley Y. Kambeitz, Custodial Laborer, Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School, effective October 4, 2004, salary: $19,644, step 1, prorated

Deanna J. Wida, 20-Hour Teacher Aide/Broadway Elementary School, effective October 4, 2004, salary: $4,573, step 1, prorated

144 Additions/Deletions to the Non-Instructional Substitute List Additions Teacher Aide: Constance C. Lavallee Bus Attendant: Crystal L. Holdaway

Deletions: Teacher Aides: Randy L. Fairbanks, Deborah A. Girardi, Deanna J. Wida Registered Nurse: Ellen S. McLaughlin Bus Driver: Connie L. Scott

Tenure Recommendation Instructional Brenda S. Brown, Teaching Assistant/Elmira Free Academy, effective January 23, 2005

Stipends Class 2 Junior Varsity Boys Basketball Coach: Jessie W. Ferris, Year 1, $2,692

Class 5

High School Intramural Activities: Robert G. Arciolla, Alternative High School at Fassett, Year 1, $1,425; Anthony J. Marks, Southside High School, Year 3, $1,951; Thomas W. Morrell, Elmira Free Academy, Year 3, $975.50 (shared); Stephen B. Woodworth, Elmira Free Academy, Year 3, $975.50 (shared)

Middle School Intramural Activities: Sheila A. Kubinski, Broadway Middle School, Year 1, $476, Year 1 (shared); Caryn A. Roush, Ernie Davis Middle School, Year 2, $1,667; Michael F. Stratton, Broadway Middle School, Year 1, $476 (shared)

Diane M. Wieziolowski, Broadway Middle School, Year 3, $650.33 (shared)

Elementary School Intramural Activities: David A. Buck, Pine City Elementary School, Year 3, $1,951; Michael D. Buckley, Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School, Year 1, $1,425; Charles B. Collins, Parley Coburn Elementary School, Year 3, $1,951; John T. Cox, Jr., Riverside Elementary School, Year 3, $1,951; Todd M. Ginnan, Hendy at Booth Elementary School, Year 3, $1,951; Troy H. Monks, George Washington Elementary School, Year 3, $1,951; Jason A. Stukey, George M. Diven Elementary School, Year 2, $1,667; Diane M. Wieziolowski, Broadway Elementary School, Year 3, $1,951

145 Senior High Coaching Appointments Volunteer Coaches Elmira Free Academy: Curtis R. Brown, JV Football; Erin L. Fairbrother, Varsity Volleyball; Timothy R. Reidy, JV Football

Southside High School: Anthony J. Marks, Varsity Football; Sean T. Nugent, Varsity Boys Soccer; Patrick M. Palmer, JV Football; Andrew M. Pirozzolo, JV Football

Non-Classified Stipends Class 5

AM Supervision: Brandon J. Sievers, Broadway Middle School, $827; Caryn A. Roush, Ernie Davis Middle School, $827

International Student Exchange Club: Jennifer D. Carmen- Clark, Elmira Free Academy, Year 1, $712.50 (one-half); Eloise M. Streeter, Elmira Free Academy, Year 1, $712.50 (one-half)

AV-Text Coordinator Pre-K, K-5: Cheryl A. Castle, Hendy at Booth Elementary School, Year 1, $712.50 (one-half)

Select High School Vocal Group: Mary Jane Eckel, Elmira Free Academy, Year 1, $1,425

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

VISITORS WISHING TO There were no visitors wishing to address the Board. ADDRESS THE BOARD

ANTICIPATED Ms. Sherwood informed the Board that she anticipates an ADMINISTRATIVE additional four administrative retirements by the end of the RETIREMENTS school year which would mean the hiring of at least six new administrators in the District.

EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Turner moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, that the Board invites Robert Gosden along with Laura Sherwood to attend the Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation. (12:02 am)

146 Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Linda Wida Board Clerk

CLERK PRO TEM President Crimmins appointed Mrs. Long Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk.

RETURN TO OPEN Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board SESSION return to open session (12:16 a.m.)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

SECTION 913 Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board EDUCATION LAW of Education approve an examination of a particular employee under Section 913 of Education Law.

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the meeting be adjourned. (12:20 a.m.)

Motion Carried Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods No: None

Robin Long Clerk Pro Tem


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