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Project #1

Due Date: Student Name: 1/7/2013 Course Name: Statistics Period: Teacher Name: Ms. Heaton Assignment Title: Chicago Neighborhood Project Assignment You have just landed at O’Hare International Airport and extremely excited about moving Summary: you and your family to Chicago in just a few short weeks. Before you move your family to Chicago, you have to decide which neighborhood you are going to move your family into.

There are so many choices!

Lincoln Park, Lakeview, Wicker Park, Englewood, The Loop, Hyde Park, Chatham, Roseland…

Where do you begin? To help you with this research you are going to create a poster to display to your family that will give a vivid picture of a neighborhood (of your choice!) in Chicago, Illinois.

See the attached piece of paper for all requirements needed for your Chicago Neighborhood Poster.

Remember!  The more creative the better! Include pictures and colorful backgrounds to make your poster engaging to your family.  Double check your spelling and grammar.  You will present your poster once we return from Christmas Break. We will assign presentation dates in class during the week of 12/17/2012. Role: A researcher Audience: Chicagoland Community Format:  Poster board  Colorful pictures, landmarks, and/or popular  Typed and/or neatly written facts buildings of your neighborhood on poster board  If project is not turned in on 1/7/13, poster will  Staple assignment sheet to the back lose one letter grade per day until it is turned in. of poster 1. Brainstorm/Research Procedure: 2. Outline poster layout 5. Make revisions based on editing 3. Write first & second draft of 6. Create poster with creativity and professionalism answers to required questions 7. Prepare to present poster to class 4. Self-edit Reference Sheet You must turn in, on the back of your poster board, your reference/works cited sheet where information was found to create your poster board. If this reference/works cited sheet is omitted, a grade of 0 will be entered until reference/works cited sheet is turned in.

Scoring Guide You will be given a grading rubric that will show how points will be broken down for this assignment. Push It to the Limit

Exceeding (90%-100%) Meeting (80%-89%) Approaching (70%-79%) Baseline (60%-69%) Unacceptable (0%-59%) Points :

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t described in a detailed, a creative, detail. with minimal detail. described. c

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R Several of the graphics used on the Graphics on the poster reflect Graphics on poster are simplistic and Graphics on poster are general and Graphics on the poster are C /

t poster reflect an exceptional degree student creativity in an engaging are vague in nature to neighborhood not correlated to neighborhood of lacking/missing. n e

t of student creativity in their way. Graphics relate to chosen. Required information is choice. n

o creation and/or display. All neighborhood and poster is visually difficult to decipher and lacking Body 1 C graphics are related to the topic appealing. visual appeal. and make it easier to understand all ______/40 required information required. The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design and layout.

All required information is on the All required information is on the <70% of the required information is <50% of the required information is All required information is Body 2 poster in full complete thoughts poster in full complete thoughts. on the poster in full complete on the poster and done in a lacking/missing from the poster. and in an engaging, creative thoughts. vague/disjointed way. ______/40 manner.

Student effectively reflects upon if Student reflects upon if he/she Student reflects upon if he/she Student reflects upon if he/she Student reflection upon if he/she he/she would raise their own would raise their own family in the would raise their own family in the would raise their own family in the would raise their own family in the Body 3 family in the neighborhood of neighborhood of choice and ways to neighborhood of choice and ways to neighborhood of choice and ways to neighborhood of choice and ways to choice and ways to improve the improve the neighborhood improve the neighborhood are improve the neighborhood are improve the neighborhood is ______/40 neighborhood in full complete introduced and described in detail. described with minimal detail. introduced. lacking/missing. thoughts.

Student can accurately answer all Student can answer all questions Student can answer all questions Student can vaguely answer Student cannot answer any questions questions related to facts in the related to facts in the poster and related to facts in the poster in a questions related to facts in the about the facts in the poster and Conclusion poster and processes used to create processes used to create the poster. general, monotonic demeanor. poster and lacks presentation skills. presentation is lacking the poster. Student has presented Student has presented the poster in professionalism. ______/20 the poster in a professional and an engaging manner. engaging manner. :

s Writer uses sophisticated word Writer uses sophisticated word Writer uses sophisticated word Writer uses simple language for the Writer uses simple language for the n o

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i Writer uses widely varied sentence Writer varies sentence structure Writer presents some variation in Writer presents some variation in Writer does not consistently write in t i

r structure (complex, compound (complex, compound complex) to sentence structure, but most sentence structure, but most complete sentences.

W complex) and consistently avoids present evidence, articulate ideas. sentences are similarly stated. sentences are simple sentences. simple sentences Student makes no more than 2 Excessive errors in spelling, end misspellings. Student makes 1 error Maximum of: Maximum of: punctuation, and/or capitalization. - Only 1 misspelling in capitalization and/or end ______/20 punctuation. Convention errors are -3 spelling errors -5 spelling errors - No capitalization errors minimal and not distracting. -3 capitalization errors -5 capitalization errors - No errors in end punctuation -3 end punctuation errors -5 end punctuation errors Chicago Neighborhoods: Where Would You Live?

Must Include: Name of Neighborhood Ward Number of your neighborhood

How large is your neighborhood (square foot/area)

Population Size in your neighborhood

Median Household Income in your neighborhood

Median Rent Price in your neighborhood

Number of Males and Females in your neighborhood

Median Age (males/females) in your neighborhood

Housing Prices in your neighborhood

Population Occupations (males/females) in your neighborhood

Crime Rate (type/rate) in your neighborhood

Number of schools, parks, libraries, police stations, hospitals (name and location of each)

Famous Landmarks/Venues/People in your neighborhood

Ethnicity of the population in your neighborhood

What neighborhoods surround your neighborhood of choice?

Reflection  Must be included on poster. You must answer each question with at least 5 sentences (1 paragraph)

 Why did you choose this neighborhood?

 Would you raise your family in this neighborhood?

 How can you improve this neighborhood?


 http://www.city-data.com/nbmaps/neigh-Chicago-Illinois.html#N109

 http://www.dreamtown.com/stats/