* This Is the Newsletter of Dizability Options, an Independent Organisation Based in Port

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* This Is the Newsletter of Dizability Options, an Independent Organisation Based in Port

The.Sponge Newz, 20131120, NOVEMBER


* This is the newsletter of Dizability Options, an independent organisation based in Port Elizabeth. * In this issue we offer you a smorgasbord of disability elatedtopics, from AWETHU! to XBox. * COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO - we wanted to crow like a rooster when we heard that the Nelson Mandela Metro University yielded to pressure from the SANCB and will be admitting totally blind students from EFATA to study in 2014. * There has been good progress with identifying the D of H Rehab Coordinators in districts throughout South Africa.

ABOUT US * Our mission is to assist disabled people and their families throughout South Africa to find rehabilitation services. * We do this by our SMS Disability Information Service which is available to anyone who sends a short SMS with their name, town, disability and the information they need to 072 172 2623. You can also contact us at [email protected] * The SMS Call Counter has just reached #417. " Partially sighted person wants computer training by distance learning". * We appreciate any help you can give us by promoting our SMS info service through your networks and newsletters and by putting notices in your local hospitals, clinics, welfare offices, SASSA pay points, schools, labour centres, post offices, libraries and municipal offices, so that disabled people and their families can see how to contact us. For more information see http://thespongeproject.yolasite.com * We get requests for rehab info from other parts of Africa. If your organisation has branches or contacts in other African countries please let us have details to add to our resource database. *We also raise awareness of disability issues through NEWZ & VIEWZ which is distributed by email to government departments, NGOs, health and rehabilitation professionals, suppliers of assistive devices, architects and designers, the media and many more.

ACCESS * Will the BayWest Mall, the R 1.7 billion investment near PE, be accessible to all? Will there be accessible public transport from other parts of the Metro? Watch this space. * Recent additions to our accessible accommodation and restaurant lists include the Blue Waters Hotel, Gonubie; Whales Way Lodge, Blue Water Bay; Grass Roof Farm Stall PE. * From the latest WebAIM newsletter, there is some useful info on screen readers at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_mvO6EQ0tM * The Green Building Council www.gbcsa.org.za has awarded six stars to the Vodafone SSI Centre in Midrand. Does ecology embraces universal design? * UNISA held a conference on Access Technology. We are waiting for info on outcomes from Siva Moodley. * SANS 10400S is silent on accessible showers. Any suggestions? * If you are in a business with an interest in making their premises or products accessible to disabled people, or would like to know whether their premises comply with SANS 10400S, or need to know what reasonable accommodations to provide in terms of the EE Act, contact us at [email protected]

AWARENESS, ADVOCACY AND RIGHTS * Disability Rights Awareness Month is in full swing. What are YOU doing to break barriers and open doors? * ABSA On-line are refusing to let us print tax certificates of disabled family members for whom we have P of A. * Rion Paige, a 13 year old disabled contestant on X factor sings a defiant rendition of "Born this Way" (written by Lady Gaga) See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX5YAr0kBEc * AWETHU! are planning to build a 'platform for social justice and accountability' and reclaim our government from political and economic elites. A meeting is planned for 28 November in Braamfontein. Limited support for travel is available, and will be provided on an equitable basis. Contact Awethu Social Change, [email protected]

MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY * Smile please - http://www.amscreen.eu/optimeyes-real-time-insight-for-digital- media-advertising is about scanners that tailor adverts to the faces in your queue. Buy, buy. * Rolling Inspiration magazine September/October 2013 - congratulations on another bumper issue. Should be on the shelves of all libraries, particularly schools and HE. But we had to smile at the report on page 11 "Two fire trucks quickly arrived but both of them did not have water" Maybe Mandeville Sports Club were not so amused. * Are the E listservs in the disability sector being eclipsed by Facebook?. Send your views to [email protected] * The Disability 2013 Trade and Lifestyle Expo and conference has been and gone. Were you there? Was it good for you?

REHABILITATION * Eastern Cape Health Crisis Action Coalition - The Minister of Health, he came, he saw and he promised action. ECHCAC and the fearless therapists are watching him. For more information contact [email protected] * It's official - the Little Green Book issued in November 2000 about the National Rehabilitation Policy is still in force. * A lot of work has been done to flush out the Rehab Coordinators in each province and we have started a detailed survey of the 24 districts in the Eastern Cape to link the Rehab Coordinators with local DPOs and raise the standards of rehab. * CBR - in the 'Newsletter Enablement' October 2013, Editor Huib Cortelie tells it like it is. Can CPR survive without human rights? See www.en.nl * The Dept of Rural Development appears to control a lot of money. Are they working with the D of H to fix the roads to clinics and schools and provide electricity and water supplies to the villages in the Eastern Cape? http://www.ruraldevelopment.gov.za/news-room/news-flash/file/2231

>>Blind rehab * The National Albinism/DWCPD Conference and Gcinamasiko was held on 25-27 October 2013. For feedback on the outcomes, contact [email protected]

>>Communication rehab * AFA recently held a conference addressing the transition from childhood to adulthood, as related to the autism spectrum diagnosis. Is permanent residential care for persons with intellectual disabilities the answer? For info contact Anna, [email protected]

>>Deaf rehab * Port Elizabeth Deaf Association were thrown out of their office by SARS a couple of months ago and have gone into hiding. Bruno Druchen of DEAFSA has visited PE. Still no clarity on where Deaf people can get support. * Microsoft Utilizes Motion Sensor Technology for Kinect Sign Language Program. For the full story: Xbox Kinect Will Let You Talk to Your TV...in Sign Language, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/02/sign-language-kinect_n_3695193.html

>>Mental Health rehab.... * Question: Why are there no email listservs for the Mental Health sector? Answer: Because the powerful pharmaceutical industry and their allies the psychiatrists want to suppress exchanges of info between people with mental health illnesses that expose trial and error doctoring and the often debilitating side effects of psychotic drugs. * As a follow-up to the articles in our July and October issues, Tony is still working on reviewing significant events of the past 20 years. "In the meantime experiencing great relief as more of life's clutter is sorted out - analogous with the concept of clearing a logjam or gridlock. Mindful of Zane Wilson of SADAG's warning about unforeseen events disrupting ones return to normal health. Appreciative of Tim's advice on the good things to eat and the bad things to avoid. Mindful daily of the body's natural bio-rhythms - Physical, Intellectual and Emotional. Beware the peaks and troughs"

>>Mobility and other physical rehab * The Scotson Technique, www.scotsontechnique.com , is a new therapy for children with CP and other brain injuries.

HIGHER EDUCATION * The Nelson Mandela Metro University backed down on their decision to reject the applications of the blind students from EFATA School in Mmthatha "because they are blind". Now it is up to the students to prove they can survive the concrete jungle. PS - Did any heads roll? * Is your local university involved in any projects that may assist disabled people? Several SA universities are members of Engineers-without-Borders http://www.ewb- international.org. Their mission is to partner with disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life through education and implementation of sustainable engineering projects. A local website is on the drawing board.

LOWER EDUCATION * Experiments in self-teaching - Sugata Mitra made a very thought provoking statement on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk60sYrU2RU He said “A teacher that could be replaced by a machine should be” * Is more technology what we need to bring education to rural communities in South Africa? * Rehab is futile unless it leads to education and beyond. When are the rural educators going to form an action group? * Equal Education, www.equaleducation.org.za recently mentioned the report by Africa Check, http://www.africacheck.org that exposes the DBEs school building campaign.

SKILLS TRAINING * HURRY HURRY - 15 November 2013 is when Pathways Pretoria www.ptapathways.co.za is presenting a one-day workshop on school-to-work transition, employment and small business development for people in the field of disability who work with learners with disabilities 13 years and older. Contact [email protected] OOPS, sorry Tammy, we were a bit late.

EMPLOYMENT * Is there any good news? Pathways Pretoria www.ptapathways.co.za are doing their best to create good news by offering training courses and toolboxes - see SKILLS TRAINING above. * Is there any other good news? Yes, Johan van Zyl of www.eohrecruitmentsolutions.co.za is setting up an network to assist disabled people to find jobs. Send your CV to [email protected]

BACKWORDS * We respect your choice, If you are not interested in topics relating to disability, please send a blank email to [email protected] with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. * Some of our contacts have updated their IT policy and no longer send bulk emails to exposed email addresses. * Please do not leave a mess for your family to sort out when you die. When did you last update your Last Will and Testament, Living Will and Power of Attorney?

"Growing old is mandatory. Growing up? Definitely optional!" Anon

Regards, Tony and Tim Webb, Dizability Options, Port Elizabeth. [email protected] http://thespongeproject.yolasite.com ______

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