Academic Experience - Full Time

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Academic Experience - Full Time

CURRICULUM VITAE Daniel E. O'Leary, Ph. D. Marshall School of Business University of Southern California 213-740-4856 [email protected]


University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Professor (2002 – Present), Joint Appointment in Accounting and IOM/DSO Professor (1997- Present) Associate Professor, with tenure (1990 - 1997) Assistant Professor (1985-1990)

Bond University - School of Computing Sciences, Gold Coast, Australia

Visiting Professor (May 1991 - August 1991)

Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio

Instructor (1984-1985)

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

Instructor (1983-1984) Lecturer (1981-1983)


Ph. D., Case Western Reserve University (1981-1986)

Concentrations: Accounting; Decision Support Systems/Expert Systems; Management Science/Operations Research; Systems Engineering.

M.B.A. University of Michigan

Major: Management Science and Statistics Minor: Information Systems

B. S., Bowling Green University

Accounting and Mathematics


Senior Consultant and Consultant (Computer Information Systems), Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. (1977-1981)


1. Editor, Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management (January 2009 – to-date)

2. Member of Advisory Board: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2005 – to-date.

3. Senior Editor of Information Systems and E-Business Management (2008 to-date), and and Knowledge and Information Systems (2002 – to-date).

4. Member of Editorial Boards: Enterprise Information Systems (2006 to-date), Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal (1990 to-date); Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering (2007-to-date); International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (2001 to-date); International Journal of Decision Support Technology (2008 to-date); Information Technology and Management (1999 to-date); Journal of Information Systems (1991 to-date); Applications of Management Science, (2002 – to-date); International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (2005- to-date) and Advances in Business and Management Forecasting (2008 – to-date).

5. Founding Editor and former editor of The Expert Systems Review in Business and Accounting, 1988-1990, International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, formerly known as Expert Systems Review (in Business and Accounting), now published by John Wiley & Co., 1992 - 2003.

6. Formerly Editor of IEEE Intelligent Systems, January 1997 - April 2001, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (American Accounting Association - June 2008 – December 2011). Associate Editor of IEEE Expert, July 1995 - January 1997. Associate Editor of Journal of Emerging Technologies (2002 – 2008), American Accounting Association Section AI and ET;

7. Formerly a member of Editorial Boards: Accounting, Management and Information Technologies (through December 2000); Decision Sciences, (2002 – 2004); Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (2001 – 2006, Associate Editor); European Journal of Information Systems (1998 - 2001, Associate Editor); International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management; IEEE Intelligent Systems (2001 to 2005); and Information Systems and E-Business Management (2002-2008).



Roughly 4,500 Google Citations: H = 31, i10 = 77 and 1.39 authors per publication for the 31 Google H-Index papers, as of December 30, 2014. sortby=pubdate&hl=en&user=DVk7EKAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works

Roughly 1500 SSCI Citations. SSCI information available on request.

Awards and Honors

1. Listed among “The Most Prolific (DBLP) Authors in Computer Science” with 98 publications. A selected set of computer science journals is indexed in order to create this database. (November 30, 2014)

2. Notable contribution to the Literature for the Americant Accounting Association, Information Systems Section, August 2014.

3. Arnetminer Intelligent Systems/Artificial Intelligence Expert Ranked by H-Index # 77, , November 30, 2014.

4. Microsoft Top Authors in Artificial Intelligence, tied for 1606 out of 266,181 authors entitytype=2&topDomainID=2&subDomainID=5&last=0&start=1601&end=1700 , November 30, 2014.

5. A 2014 study found I was the most prolific researcher in accounting expert systems, , with more than 10% of the total publications.

6. 12th and 25th Most Cited Papers 2008-2013 July, 2013, and 18th and 19th Most Cited Papers 2009-2014, from International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, systems/most-cited-articles/ ,

7. My paper “The Internet, Intranet and the AI Renaissance,” published in Computer in 1997, was the listed as part of the CFP for the 2012 Japan AI Meeting, for the special session on Web Intelligence & Data Mining,

8. My paper “Enterprise Knowledge Management,” published in Computer in 1998, was labeled as a “Seminal Reference, ” April 2008. Information available at

3 9. Named one of top twenty ERP researchers (University of Syracuse Study, February 2007)

10. Named as 5th most productive researcher in Knowledge Management, over the time period 1971 to 2004, out of over 10,000 authors. Study available at , 2005.

11. My 1991 paper on knowledge discovery has been cited as creating a line of research involved with hiding knowledge in databases and privacy preservation, and with a threat to database security. I was referred to as a “central figure in the community” for privacy preservation in data mining ssp04/toward_standardization.pdf As noted by Verykios et al. (IEEE TKDE Volume 16, No. 4, 2004, p. 434) “The process of uncovering hidden patterns from large databases was first indicated as a threat to database security by O’Leary.”

12. Named one of the key knowledge management researchers, February 2004,

13. Named “Seminal Contributor in Knowledge Management,” one of the top 58, 2003,,

14. Named as the “Most Productive” Accounting Information Systems Researcher, based on total publications, when weighted for quality in R. Daigle and V. Arnold, “An Analysis of the Research Productivity of AIS Faculty,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 1, 2000, pp. 106-133. 4&_user=1181656&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000051901&_versio n=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=1181656&md5=9fb0121ff83df8a685be5a0cab877ae4

15. Credited with forming the AAA AI/ET section, along with Carol Brown and Paul Watkins

16. Credited with Co-Creating the Field of Expert Systems in Accounting, The Handbook of Expert Systems, Edited by Jay Liebowitz, CRC Press, 1998. id=6DNgIzFNSZsC&pg=PT525&lpg=PT525&dq=daniel+e+oleary+leading+researcher&source=we b&ots=A3_7gLRyTV&sig=gHawaizxpGnJRDA7afseJQWgzSw

17. American Accounting Association, AI/ES Section, “Notable Contribution to the Literature,” 1995. (

18. Credited with being the contributor with the most publications in “Accounting Expert Systems,” 1992. (

19. American Accounting Association, Information Systems/Management Advisory Services, First "Notable Contribution to the Literature" (1986 - 1990), 1991.

Impact on Practice (1999 – to-date) 4 1. ERP book was listed by Microsoft as one of four “helpful” books for ERP systems, 2005 - 2011.

2. As of June 30, 2010, I had 22 papers cited in 20 patents.

3. I was part of a team that generated the “Systemic Security Management Framework,” that recently was funded for further development by ISACA (Referred to as the Business Model for Information Security Management), September 2008.

4. My paper “Common ... and Global: Choosing Standard Artifacts and Processes for ERP Systems” is posted on the web page http://www.peoplesoft- ERP-Systems.html, February 2008.

5. Quoted in the “Shanghai Business Review,” March 2006, Volume 3, Number 2, p. 15.

6. My ERP book was cited by the Judge in the case against Oracle’s acquisition of PeopleSoft,_331_F.Supp.2d_10 98_(N.D._Cal.,_2004).html (Link no longer valid)

7. ERP Book Cited by the Department of Justice, in their case against Oracle’s acquistion of PeopleSoft ( , 2004.

8. SAP with their publication, "Introducing Knowledge Management" employed one of my approaches for knowledge management (“Knowledge-management Systems: Converting and Connecting” IEEE Intelligent Systems) with their product "". Link no longer valid

9. Worked with a Big 4 firm, developed a curriculum for training their people to perform Sarbannes – Oxley audits, 2003-2004.

10. Worked with a Big 4 firm, to help them implement and develop training for programs in Security, Project Risk Management, Business Process Controls and Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery, 2000-2002.

Other Citation Sources


Monographs and Edited Books

1. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2000. Translated into Chinese and Russian in 2004. In eighth printing in 2008. (Cited by the Department of Justice, and was listed by Microsoft as one of four “helpful” books for ERP systems.)

2. Bringing Knowledge to Business Processes, AAAI Spring Symposium, edited with Steffen Staab, 2000, Technical Report SS-00-03

3. Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing, Marcus Weiner, Princeton, NJ, 2000, edited with Miklos Vasarhelyi.

4. Intelligent Agents in Cyberspace, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 1999, edited with San Murugesan.

5. Verification and Validation of Knowledge-based Systems, II, edited with Alun Preece, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 1998.

6. Using AI in Electronic Commerce, Virtual Organizations, and Enterprise Knowledge Management to Reengineer the Corporation, edited with Rose Gamble, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 1997.

7. Expert Systems in Internal Auditing, (with P. Watkins), Rudgers Series, Markus Wiener, 1995. main_page=product_info&products_id=173

8. Editor, Proceedings -- The Eleventh Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, IEEE Computer Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1995.

9. Co-editor (with P. Watkins) of Expert Systems in Finance and Accounting, North-Holland, 1992 (translated into Japanese, 1994).

10. Co-editor (with Alan Rowe) Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Management. Published as "FAIM '86 & '88 Proceedings," Defense Management College and Air Force Systems Command,1991.

Papers Contributed to Refereed Research Journals

1. “ Embedding AI and Crowdsourcing in the Big Data Lake,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, September/October, Volume 29, Number 5, 2014. 13th most downloaded IEEE IS paper as of January 19, 2015. 2. “ A Supply Chain of Things: The EAGLET Ontology for Highly Visible Supply Chains,” Decision Support Systems, Volume 63, July 2014, pp. 3-22, with Guido Geerts.

6 3. “ Knowledge Management: An Empirical Analysis of Reuse and Productivity,” Journal of Decision Systems, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 249-265.

4. “ Capital Markets Valuation and Accounting Performance of Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award Winners,” Decision Support Systems, with Mark DeFond, Jeff McMullin and Yaniv Konchitchki, Volume 56, pp. 348-360, December 2013.

5. “Challenges and Benefits from Mobile-Device-based Sensor Data in a World of Big Data,” MISQE, December 2013, Volume 12, Number 4, pp. 179 - 187.

6. “ Internal Corporate Prediction Markets: From Each According to his Bet,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 14, Number 2, pp. 89-103, 2013.

7. “ Sysco’s Best Business Practices,” Journal of Information Technology (TC), June 2013, pp. 43-50. On January 17, 2015, this paper was listed #10 as an “All Time Top Paper” for SSRN “OPER: Information Technology.”

8. “ Artificial Intelligence and Big Data,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, Volume 28, Number 2, 2013. (Most downloaded IEEE IS paper as of November 30, 2014 and January 19, 2015.)

9. “ The Virtual Close and Continuous Monitoring at Cisco,” Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, AAA, Volume 9, 2012, pp 111-126.

10. “ Computer-based Political Action on Intellectual Property (PIPA): Using Internet Blackouts, Social Media and Other Approaches,” IEEE Computer, 2012

11. “ Blog Mining – Review and Extensions:’From Each According to his Opinion,” Decision Support Systems, Volume 51, Issue 4, pp. 821-830, 2011.

12. “The Emergence of Individual Knowledge in a Group Setting,” Group Decision and Negotiation (INFORMS), Volume 20, Number 1, pp. 3-18, 2011.

13. “ Social Media in DMSS System Design, Development and Management,” International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, Volume 3, Number 4, pp. 1-13, 2011. (Reprinted as Chapter 6, in Engineering Effective Decision Support Technologies: New Models and Applications, pp. 104-116, Edited by Daniel Power, May 2013.)

14. “ Event Study Methodologies in Information Systems Research,” with Yaniv Konochitchki, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 12, Number 2, pp. 99-115, 2011. 8th most downloaded paper for IJAIS April to June 2011, 14th for July to September 2011, 16th most download paper for October to December 2011, 15th most downloaded for the calendar year 2011. 22nd for January – March, 2012, 22nd for April – June, 2012, 20th for July – September 2012, 17th for October 2012 – December 2012. 18th for the calendar year 2012. 25th most downloaded for January – March 2013 and April – June 2013. 14th for July – September 2013.

7 15. “ Enterprise Ontologies: Review and An Activity Theory Approach,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 11, Number 4, pp. 336-352, 2010. (25th most cited IJAIS paper between 2008-1013)

16. “ An Activity Theory Analysis of RFID in Hospitals,” International Journal of Applied Logistics, May, 2010, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 64-80.

17. “ Predictive Knowledge Management: Mirror Worlds,” Intelligent Decision Technologies, Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 39-50, 2010.

18. “ Downloads and Citations in Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management,” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Volume 16, number 1-2, pp. 21-31, 2009 DOI: 10.1002/isaf.291. (70th most downloaded ISAFM paper in 2012.)

19. “ The Impact of Gartner’s Maturity Curve, Adoption Curve, and Strategic Technologies on Accounting Information Systems Research,” The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (AAA), Volume 6, pp. 45-66, 2009.

20. “ Business School Research: Measuring Value Contribution Through Citations of Journals in Patents,” Interfaces (INFORMS), Volume 39, Number 6, 2009, pp. 516- 526.

21. “The Most Cited Papers in IEEE Software, Accounting for Self Citations,” IEEE Software, January-February 2009, Volume 26, Number 1, 10.1109/MS.2009.24

22. “How Much and Where? Private and Public Universities’ Publication Patterns in the Information Systems Discipline,” (with C. Holsapple) Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Volume 60, Number 1, pp. 1-14, 2009.

23. “The Relationship between Citations and Number of Downloads in Decision Support Systems,” Decision Support Systems, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 972-980, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2008.03.008

24. “IEEE Intelligent Systems: The Most Cited Papers (H-Index and Its Relationship to Department Quality Ratings),” IEEE Intelligent Systems, Volume 23, Number 4, July – August 2008.

25. “ A Multilingual Knowledge Management System: A Case Study of FAO and WAICENT,” Decision Support Systems, Volume 45, Number 3, June 2008, pp. 641- 661. Available on-line July 2007.doi: 10.1016/j.dss.2007.07.007

26. “On the Relationship Between Citations and Number of Appearances on “Top 25” Download Lists in International Journal of Accounting Information Systems,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 9, Number 1, 2008. (This was the 12th most downloaded paper from IJAIS during the time period, April – June 2008)

8 27. “ Gartner’s Hype Cycle and Information Systems Research Issues,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 9, Number 4, December 2008, pp. 240-252. (12th Most Cited IJAIS Paper 2008-2013) (14th most downloaded paper from IJAIS for October –December 2008. 19th most downloaded paper from IJAIS for January – March 2009, 23rd most downloaded paper for July – September 2009). 12th Most Cited Paper from IJAIS 2008-2013, systems/most-cited-articles/

28. “ Supporting Decisions in Real Time Enterprises,” in Information Systems and e- Business Management, Volume 6, Number 3, pp. 239-255, June 2008, Reprinted in F. Bernsein and C. Holsapple, Editors, Handbook on Decision Support Systems, 2008. (DOI 10.1007/s10257-008-0086-0)

29. “Wikis: From Each According to His Knowledge,” IEEE Computer, February 2008, pp. 34-41. Reprinted in “Online Communication and Collaboration: A Reader" 2010 and 2012, published by Taylor & Francis

30. “Human Systems Management: Most Cited Papers (Limitations of SSCI Indexing),” Human Systems Management, Volume 26, Number 3, 2007, pp. 153-156.

31. “Empirical Analysis of the Evolution of a Taxonomy for Best Practices,” Decision Support Systems, Volume 43, Issue 4, pp. 1650-1663, 2007.

32. “Knowledge Representation of Rules,” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Volume 15, Number 1/2, pp. 73-84, 2007. (31st most downloaded paper during 2008)

33. “Intelligent Guessing,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, May-June 2006.

34. “ Microsoft’s Management Reporting: SAP, Data Warehousing and Reporting Tools,” (with M. Lynne Markus) The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (AAA), Volume 3, pp. 129-141, 2006.

35. “ ABB Industries: Implementing SAP’s ABC,” The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (AAA), Volume 2, 2005

36. “On the Relationship Between REA and SAP,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 5, Number 1, pp.65-81, 2004 (January 2004 to September 2004, this was the 24th most downloaded paper and the 2nd most downloaded paper from 2004. During the time period October – December 2004, it was the 22nd most downloaded paper. During the period of January – March 2005 it was the 17th most downloaded paper.)

37. “Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: An Empirical Analysis of Benefits,” The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (AAA), Volume 1, 2004. Third most cited paper from JETA April 2013.

38. “ Auditor Environmental Assessments,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 4, 2003, pp. 275-294 (For the period January 2004 to June 2004, this paper was the 17th most downloaded paper from IJAIS. For the period January 2004 to

9 September 2004, this paper was the 18th most downloaded paper. 15th most downloaded paper from July – September 2004. As of February 10, 2005 it was number 15 out of 25.)

39. “ Knowledge Management Across the Enterprise Resource Planning Life Cycle,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 3, 2002, pp. 99- 110. (During 2003, this paper was 3rd most downloaded paper from IJAIS 2002, and 13th overall. During the time period January 2004 to June 2004, this paper was the 4th most downloaded paper from 2002, and the 14th most downloaded paper overall. During the period January 2004 to September 2004, this was the 4th most downloaded paper from 2002 and the 16th overall. From October through December of 2004 it was the 21st most downloaded paper.23rd most downloaded paper from April –June 2005.)

40. Discussion …“When and How Do We Use Heterogeneous Expert Opinion as a Basis for Research on ERP Systems? Journal of Information Systems (AAA), Volume 16, pp. 115-126, 2002.

41. “ How Knowledge Reuse Informs Effective System Design and Implementation,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, January – February 2001.

42. “Knowledge Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach,” (with R. Studer) IEEE Intelligent Systems, January – February, 2001.

43. “Verification and Validation of Multiple Agent Systems,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 16, Number 3, March 2001, pp. 361-376.

44. “ Functional Ontology Artifacts: Emergent and Existent Knowledge,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 16, Number 3, March 2001, pp. 411-424.

45. “Knowledge Management for Best Practices,” (with Peter Selfridge) Communications of the ACM, Volume 43, Number 11, 2000, Reprinted in Journal of Production Engineering, Volume 3, Number 8, 2000, pp. 51-59, and intelligence (ACM), volume 10, number 4, pp. 12-24.

46. "Different Firms, Different Ontologies and No One Best Ontology," IEEE Intelligent Systems, September-October 2000.

47. "Reengineering Merge-in-Transit for Electronic Commerce," Information System Frontiers, Volume 1, Number 4, 379-387, 2000. Reprinted in e-Business, edited by Michael Shaw, Kluwer, 2002. p=cae5b3c88eb343b3a9a497134b58a450&pi=3

48. "Internet-based Information and Retrieval Systems," Decision Support Systems, Volume 27, pp. 319-327, 1999.

49. "The Impact of the Euro on Information Systems," Journal of Information Systems, AAA, Volume 13, Number 2, Fall 1999.

50. "REAL-D: A Schema for Data Warehouses," Journal of Information Systems AAA, Volume 13, Number 1, Spring 1999, pp. 49-62.

10 51. “Knowledge Acquisition from Multiple Experts: An Empirical Study,” Management Science, Volume 44, Number 8, August 1998, pp. 1049-1058.

52. "Knowledge Management Systems: Converting and Connecting," IEEE Intelligent Systems, May-June 1998, pp. 30-33.

53. "Using AI in Knowledge Management: Knowledge Bases and Ontologies," IEEE Intelligent Systems, May-June 1998, pp. 34-39. Reprinted in the Knowledge Management YearBook, published by Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.

54. "Enterprise Knowledge Management," IEEE Computer, March 1998, pp. 54-61. Reprinted and translated into Japanese (Nikkei Computer, June 8, 1998) and Russian.

55. “Inference Engine Greediness in Rule-Based Systems,” Decision Support Systems, Volume 21, pp. 263-269, December 1997.

56. “An Intelligent Modeling System for Generalized Network Flow Problems: With Application to Planning for Multinationals,” (with Richard McBride) Annals of Operations Research, Volume 75, pp. 355-372, 1997. p=cae5b3c88eb343b3a9a497134b58a450&pi=2

57. “ AI-Assisted Browsing,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, September-October 1997, Volume 12, Number 5, pp. 19-21.

58. “Validation of Computational Models Based on Multiple Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources,” Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 75-90, Summer 1997.

59. “ Impediments in the Use of Explicit Ontologies for KBS Development,” International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Volume 46, 1997, pp. 327-337.

60. “ Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Organizations,” (with Robert Plant), Communications of the ACM, January, 1997, pp. 52-59.

61. “ The Internet, Intranets and the Renaissance of Artificial Intelligence,” IEEE Computer, January 1997, pp. 71-79.

62. “The Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Work: The Case of Expert Systems Use in Auditing and Tax,” (with R. O’Keefe) AI & Society, 1997, Volume 11, pp. 36-47.

63. “ Verification of Uncertain Knowledge-based Systems: An Empirical Verification Approach” Management Science, December 1996, pp. 1663-1675.

64. “ Intelligent Executive Information Systems,” (with Dave King) IEEE Expert, December 1996, pp. 30-35. 11 65. "The Use of Mathematical Programming to Verify Rule-based Knowledge," (with J. Schaffer) Annals of Operations Research, August 1996, pp. 181-193.

66. “AI and Navigation on the Internet and Intranet,” IEEE Expert, April 1996, pp. 8-11.

67. “The Relationship Between Errors and Size and Between Different Types of Errors in Expert Systems,” International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, February 1996, pp. 171-185.

68. “ Validating Hetrogeneous and Competing Knowledge Bases Using a Blackbox Approach,” Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 9, Number 4, 1995, pp. 591- 598 (with C. Brown).

69. “ Schema Evolution for Object-Based Accounting Database Systems,” Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 9, Number 4, 1995, pp. 491-502 (With JL Chen and D. McLeod).

70. "The Impact of Semantic Ambiguity on Bayesian Weights," European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 84, 1995, pp. 163-169.

71. “AI on WWW: Supply and Demand Agents,” IEEE Expert, Volume 10, number 4, 1995, pp. 50-55 (With C. Brown).

72. "Some Privacy Issues in Knowledge Discovery," IEEE Expert, Volume 10, Number 2, 1995, pp. 48-52.

73. “Towards a History of Applied AI, II,” IEEE Expert, Volume 10, Number 1, 1995, pp. 57-60.

74. “Towards a History of Applied AI, I,” IEEE Expert, Volume 10, Number 1, 1995, pp. 61-65.

75. "Verification of Object-Oriented Systems: Domain Dependent and Domain Independent Approaches," (with N. Kandelin) Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 29, Number 3, 1995, pp. 261-270.

76. “ Verification and Validation of Intelligent Systems: Five Years of AAAI Workshops,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 9, Issue 8, pp. 653-657, 1994.

77. "Artifacts: Toward a Theory of Verification and Validation," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 9, No. 9, 1994, pp. 853-866.

78. "AI in Business, II: Development, Integration, Economic and Organizational Issues," (with John Kingston) Knowledge Engineering Review, (Cambridge Press), Vol. 9, No. 1, 1994, pp. 1-19.

12 79. "A Fuzzy-Set Approach for Analyzing the Validation of Expert Systems in a Multiple Agent Environment," Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1994, pp. 169-174

80. "Discussion of A Computational Model of Auditor Knowledge and Reasoning Processes," Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, (AAA), 1994, pp. 103-109.

81. "AI in Business, I: Applications, Representation, Acquisition and Explanation," Knowledge Engineering Review, (Cambridge Press), Vol. 8, No. 3, 1993, pp. 187- 199.

82. "Models of Consensus for Validation of Expert Systems," International Journal of Expert Systems: Research and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1993 (with K. Pincus), pp. 99-111.

83. "Verification and Validation of Case-Based Systems," Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1993, pp. 57-66.

84. "Expert System Verification and Validation," Artificial Intelligence Review, (with R. O'Keefe), Vol. 7, pp. 3-42, 1993.

85. "The Impact of Information Systems Accuracy on Organizational Learning," Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 9, No. 4, Spring, 1993, pp. 83-98.

86. "Determining Differences in Expert Judgment: Implications for Knowledge Acquisition and Validation," Decision Sciences, Vol. 24, No. 2, March/April 1993, pp. 395-407.

87. "Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Programming," (with Richard McBride) European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 70, No. 1, October 1993, pp. 1-15.

88. "Measuring the Quality of a Computer Program's Performance" European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 56, No. 3, 1992, pp. 319-331.

89. "Single and Multiple Period Decision Models for Analysis of Quality and Quantity of Validation," Decision Sciences, Vol. 23, No. 6, November-December 1992, pp. 1423-1439.

90. "On Bankruptcy Information Systems," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 56, No. 1, 1992, pp. 67-79.

91. "On the Representation of Source Reliability Through Weights on Rules," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7, No. 6, 1992, pp. 493-504.

13 92. "Intrusion-Detection Systems," Journal of Information Systems (AAA), Volume 6, No. 1, Spring, 1992, pp. 63-74.

93. "Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in Accounting Databases," Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, Volume 3, No. 1, 1991, pp. 143-152.

94. "Security in Expert Systems," IEEE Expert, June 1990, pp. 59-70.

95. "Soliciting Weights or Probabilities from Experts for Rule-Based Expert Systems," International Journal of Man - Machine Studies, (now known as International Journal of Human-Computer Studies) 1990, pp. 293-301.

96. "A Knowledge-Based System for Cash Management Using Management Science Expertise," (with R. McBride and G. Widmeyer) Annals of Operations Research, 1989, pp. 301-317. p=cae5b3c88eb343b3a9a497134b58a450&pi=5

97. "Use of Penalties in a Branch and Bound Procedure for the Fixed Charge Transportation Problem," (with J. Schaffer) European Journal of Operational Research, December 1989, pp. 312-319.

98. "The Impact and Representation of Information System Reliability on Cost Variance Decisions," Decision Sciences, Spring 1989, pp. 378-392.

99. "Methods of Validating Expert Systems," Interfaces, November-December 1988, pp. 72-79.

100. "Validating the Weights in Rule-Based Expert Systems: A Statistical Approach," (with N. Kandelin) International Journal of Expert Systems: Research and Applications, Volume 1, Number 3, 1988, pp. 253-279.

101. "On the Representation and Impact of Reliability on Expert System Weights," International Journal of Man - Machine Studies, (now known as International Journal of Human-Computer Studies) Volume 29, 1988, pp. 637-646. Reprinted in The Foundations of Knowledge Acquisition, Academic Press, 1990.

102. "Software Engineering and Research Issues in Accounting Information Systems," The Journal of Information Systems (AAA), Spring, 1988, pp. 24-40.

103. "The Organizational Impact of Expert Systems," (with Efraim Turban). Special issue on Expert Systems in Human Systems Management, Volume 7, 1987, pp. 11-19.

104. "Validation of Expert Systems: With Applications to Auditing and Accounting Expert Systems," Decision Sciences, Volume 18, Summer 1987, pp. 468-486. Reprinted in Developing Expert Systems for Business Applications, Merrill Publishing, 1989. Reprinted in Validation and Verification of Knowledge - Based Systems, IEEE Computer Press, 1991. Reprinted in Expert Systems in Business and Finance, Wiley, 1993. This paper was the 14th most cited paper from Decision Sciences from 1970 to 2005. 14 Papers Contributed to Refereed Research Annuals

105. “Metrics for and Analysis of Variables for Wiki Use: A Case Study,” Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Volume 10, 2014, pp. 143-160.

106. “Prediction Markets as a Forecasting Tool,” Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Volume 8, Emerald Publishing, 2011.

107. “Using Digital Media to Monitor and Forecast a Firm’s Public Image,” Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Volume 7, Emerald Publishing, 2010, p. 207-219.

108. “Forecasting Using Internal Markets, Delphi and Other Approaches: The Knowledge Grid,” Volume 6, Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, pp. 157 - 172, Volume 6, 2009.

109. “ Using Mirror Worlds to Support Supply Network Management,” Applications of Management Sciences (Elsevier), Volume 12, 2006, pp. 199-212.

110. “A Cost Variance Investigation Using Belief Functions”(with Tom Lin and Hai Lu) Applications of Management Sciences (Elsevier), Volume 12, 2006, pp. 253-263.

111. "An Analytic Model for Credit Analysis," Multi-Criteria Applications (Elsevier), Volume 10, 2000, pp. 71-84.

112. “Value Creation from Expert Systems: An Economic Approach with Applications to Accounting, Auditing and Finance,” Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing, V, Markus Wiener Publishing, 2000, pp. 2-18.

113. “Internal Auditing and Expert Systems: Technology Adoption of an Audit Judgment Tool,” (with P. Watkins) Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing, V, Markus Wiener Publishing, 2000, pp. 94-108.

114. “The Impact of Information Technology Adoption on Status: An Exchange Theory Analysis of Expert System Adoption,” (With P. Watkins) Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing, V, Markus Wiener Publishing, 2000, pp. 139-150.

115. “Supporting Decisions about Transborder Data Flows,” (with P. Watkins) Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing, V, Markus Wiener Publishing, 2000, pp. 169-176.

116. “The Use of Formal Methods for Specifying KBS: The Case of Business Systems,” (with R. O’Keefe) Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing, V, Markus Wiener Publishing, 217-228.

15 117. “A Multiple Criterion Model for the Product Pricing Decision,” Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, (with C. Jackson and J. Wallis), 1999, pp. 39-46.

118. "Planning for Multinational Firms Using an Intelligent Network Modeling System," (with R. McBride) Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, 1999, pp. 133-146.

119. “ Schema Evolution for Object-based Accounting Database Systems,” Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing, IV, Markus Wiener Publishing, 1995, pp. 139-159, with J.L. Chen and D. McLeod.

120. "Financial Planning with 0-1 Knapsack Problems, II," Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, 1995, pp. 151 -169 .

121. "Financial Planning with 0-1 Knapsack Problems, I," Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, 1995, pp. 139 - 150.

122. "Short Run Financial Planning Using Embedded Processing Networks," (with R. McBride) Applications of Management Sciences, Volume 8 (Networks), 1995, pp. 247-263.

123. "Issues in Bayes Nets and Influence Diagrams: With Applications in Accounting and Auditing," in Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing, III, Markus Wiener Publishing, 1995, pp 101-118.

124. "A Generalized Network Modeling System for Financial Applications," (with R. McBride), Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, Volume 3, 1993, pp. 119-136.

125. "Goal Programming Applications in Financial Management," (with T. Lin), Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, 1993, pp. 211-229. The sixth most cited paper from AMPFP from 1987 – 2013.

126. "Performing and Managing Expert Systems Validation," (with R. O'Keefe), Advances in Expert Systems for Management, 1993, pp. 141-176.

127. "A Knowledge-Based System for Cash Flow Analysis: With Implications for Structuring DSS: With Extensions for System Learning and Knowledge Acquisition," (with T. Eis), Advances in Working Capital Management, 1991, pp. 197-212.

128. "Tax-Based Expert Systems: Potential Opportunities and Problem Identification," (with S. Karlinsky), Advances in Taxation, 1990, pp. 67-90.

129. "Maximizing Reimbursement of Indirect Costs: A Mathematical Programming Approach," Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, 1990, pp. 119-128. 16 130. "Cash Manager: A Knowledge-Based DSS for Cash Management," (with R. McBride and G. Widmeyer) Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, 1990, pp. 89-106.

131. "An Expert System for Cash Flow Analysis," (with T. Lin) in Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing: The Use of Expert Systems, Markus Wiener Publishing, 1989, pp. 307-314.

132. "A Prototype Accounting Expert System," (with T. Munakata) in Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing: The Use of Expert Systems, Markus Wiener Publishing, 1989, pp. 287-306. This was the fifth most cited paper from the series “Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing” as of July 2014.

133. "A Multiple Goal Approach to Pension Fund Management," (with J. O'Leary), Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning, Volume 1, 1987, pp. 187-196. This was the third most cited paper from AMPFP, from 1987-2006, the seventh most cited paper from 1987-2013.

134. "Accounting Regulation-Based Expert Systems," Research in Accounting Regulation, Volume 1, 1987, pp. 123-138.

135. "Expert Systems in Accounting in a Personal Computer Environment," Special issue on Information Systems in the Georgia Journal of Accounting, Volume 7, 1986, pp. 107-118. This was the second most cited paper from the Georgia Journal of Accounting as of July 2014.

Papers Contributed to the Expert Systems Review (ESR), International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management (IJISAFM) and Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) - Refereed

136. “ ‘ Big Data’, the ‘Internet of Things,’ and the ‘Internet of Signs,’” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 2013, pp. 53-65.

137. “Building and Evolving Data Warehouses and Business Intelligence Artifacts: The Case of Sysco,” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 2011. (5th most downloaded ISAFM paper in 2012)

138. “The Use of Social Media in the Supply Chain: Survey and Extensions,” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 2011. (Most downloaded ISAFM paper in 2012.)

139. “The Ten Most Cited Papers in The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting: 2009 vs. 2011,” Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Volume 8, 2011, pp. 1-4.

17 140. “ISI Journal and Proceeding Citations and Research Issues from Most Cited Papers,” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Volume 18, Number 1, 2010, pp. 41-58. (12th most downloaded ISAFM paper in 2012)

141. “ The Impact of Manager Philosophy on Knowledge Management,” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Volume 17, Number 2, 2010, pp. 116-126. (40th most downloaded ISAFM paper in 2012)

142. “ On the Number of ISI Citations to JETA, JIS, IJAIS and ISAFM,” Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Volume 7, pp. 89-100, 2010.

143. “ A Comparative Analysis of the Evolution of a Taxonomy for Best Practices,” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Volume 17, Number 4, 2009. (83rd most downloaded paper in ISAFM in 2012)

144. “ The Ten Most Cited Papers in The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting,” Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Volume 6, 2009, pp. 1-4.

145. "Management of Reengineering Knowledge: AI-based Approaches," International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Volume 9, Number 1, 2000, pp. 107-118. (8th most downloaded paper during 2000 from volume 9, 13th most downloaded overall during 2000) (13th most downloaded paper during 2001 from volume 9, 27th most downloaded overall during 2001) (13th most downloaded paper during 2000-2002 from volume 9, 33rd most downloaded overall paper from 2000-2002) (100th most downloaded paper during 2008)

146. "Using Neural Networks to Predict Corporate Failure," International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Volume 7, Number 3, 1998, pp. 187-197. (3rd most downloaded paper from 1998, during 2000, 20th most overall during 2000) (1st most downloaded paper from 1998, during 2001, 21st most overall downloaded paper during 2001) (1st most downloaded paper from 1998, during 2000-2002, 25th most oerall downloaded paper during 2000-2002) (82nd most downloaded paper during 2008). Sixth most cited paper from ISAFM, April 2013. Fifth most cited paper from ISAFM July, 2014.

147. “AI in Accounting, Finance and Management,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Volume 4, Number 3, 1995, pp. 149-154.

148. “ Computational and Mathematical Models of Organizations,” (with K. Carley, L. Gasser and M. Prietula), IJISAFM, Volume 2, Number 4, 1993, pp. 211-214.

149. "The Impact of Expert Systems in Accounting: System Characteristics, Productivity and Work Unit Effects," (with R. O'Keefe, D. Rebne and Q. Chung), IJISAFM, Volume 2, Number 3, 1993, pp. 177-190.

150. "Artificial Intelligence, Organizations and Management," (with P. Duchessi and R. O'Keefe), IJISAFM, Volume 2, Number 3, 1993, pp. 151-160.

18 151. "Integration of Intelligent Systems and Conventional Systems: Requirements for Coordinating Multiple Agents for Diagnostic Systems (with P. Watkins), IJISAFM, Volume 1, Number 2, 1992, pp. 135-150.

152. "Case-Based Reasoning and Multiple Agent Systems for Accounting Regulation Systems," IJISAFM, Volume 1, Number 1, 1992, pp. 41-52.

153. "Review of Expert Systems in Auditing," (with P. Watkins), ESR, Volume 2, Numbers 1 and 2, 1989, pp. 3-23. Reprinted in Expert Systems for Business and Management, Yourdon Press, edited by Jay Liebowitz, 1990, pp. 77-99. Reprinted in Expert Systems in Business and Finance, Edited by Paul Watkins and Lance Eliot, Wiley, 1993, pp. 209-232.

154. "Prior Survey Research on Expert Systems in Accounting, Auditing and Related Areas," (with P. Watkins) ESR, Volume 1, Number 4, 1988, pp. 11-13.

155. "A Framework for Taxation-Based Computer Decision Systems," (with S. Karlinsky) ESR, Volume 1, Number 2, 1988, pp. 13-17.

Papers Contributed to Refereed Books

156. “Models of Editing and Editorial Boards,” in J. Liebowitz (Ed.), Perish: Stories and Advice from Business/IT Journal Editors. Taylor & Francis, 2015.

157. “ Analysis of Data from a Corporate Prediction Market,” Group Decision and Negotiation, Springer, Business Information Processing, 2014.

158. “Knowledge Discovery for Continuous Financial Assurance Using Multiple Types of Digital Information,” Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining, Edited by K. Lawrence, 2013.

159. “An Activity Theory Framework for Emergency Events with a Hurricane Example,” in Respício, A., Adam, F., Philips-Wren, G., Teixeira, C., Telhada, J. (Eds.), Bridging the Socio-technical Gap in Decision Support Systems - Challenges for the Next Decade (pp. 487-497): IOS Press, 2010.

160. “ Multilingual Knowledge Management,” Artificial Intelligence: An International Perspective, Max Bramer (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5640 Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-03225-7.

161. “Expert Systems,” in B. Wah (Ed), Encyclopedia of Computer Science, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

162. “Monitoring and Managing Data and Process Quality using Data Mining: Business Intelligence for Purchasing and Accounts Payable Processes,” in Data Mining Methods and Applications, K. Lawrence, R. Klimberg and R. Kudbya, Auerbach- Taylor & Francis, 2008.

19 163. “Some Issues in Personalization of Intelligent Systems: An Activity Theory Approach for Meta Ontology Development,” Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II, 2008. p=66d892af7b32442987d647957ae1a35c&pi=3

164. “Evolution of Knowledge Management Toward Enterprise Decision Support: The Case of KPMG,” F. Bernsein and C. Holsapple, Editors, Handbook on Decision Support Systems, pp. 581-608, 2008. p=dda35123b5b74fe68d87039464d1568c&pi=14

165. “Decision Support System Evolution: Predicting, Facilitating and Managing Knowledge Evolution,” F. Bernsein and C. Holsapple, Editors, Handbook on Decision Support Systems, pp. 345-367, 2008. p=dda35123b5b74fe68d87039464d1568c&pi=11

166. “ Supporting Decisions in Real Time Enterprises: Autonomic Supply Chains,” F. Bernsein and C. Holsapple, Editors, Handbook on Decision Support Systems, 2008. p=cae5b3c88eb343b3a9a497134b58a450&pi=6

167. “A Binomial Model of Group Probability Judgments,” in P. Zarate, (ed.), IOS Press, 2008.

168. “The Impact of B2B Electronic Commerce Technology, Processes and Organization Changes: A Case Study in the Personal Computer Industry,” Electronic Commerce and Digital Economy, edited by Michael Shaw, M. E. Sharpe, 2006, pp. 36-53.

169. “Technology for Knowledge Storage and Assimilation,” Handbook on Knowledge Management, Edited by G. W. Holsapple, Springer 2002, p. 29-46.

170. "Knowledge Management in Accounting and Professional Services," Researching Accounting as an Information Systems Discipline, American Accounting Association, Information Systems Section, 2002, pp. 273-283.

171. "Supply Chain Processes and Relationships for Electronic Commerce," Handbook of Electronic Commerce, Edited by M. Shaw, Springer - Verlag, 2000.

172. "Reengineering and Knowledge Management," Springer - Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1-12, 1999 .

173. “Schema Evolution for Object-based Accounting Systems,” (with (N.) Jia-L. Chen and D. McLeod) in Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems (ISOOMS), Elisa Bertino, Susan Urban, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1994, pp. 40-52. p=9079f022340449d083e2ec7dc58603f7&pi=2

20 174. "Models of Consensus for Multiple Agent Systems," Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Press/Morgan Kaufman, 1994, pp. 447-453.

175. "Semantic Ambiguity in Expert Systems: A Probability Model of Data Categorization as Evidence," in Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1993, pp. 304-313. p=cae5b3c88eb343b3a9a497134b58a450&pi=7

176. "Issues in Expert Systems Security" (with P. Watkins) in Expert Systems in Business and Finance: Issues and Applications, John Wiley & Co., 1993, pp. 274-277.

177. "Expert Systems in Auditing," (with P. Watkins) in Expert Systems in Business and Finance: Issues and Applications, John Wiley & Co., 1993, pp. 209-232.

178. "Integration of Intelligent Technologies into Conventional Information Systems," (with P. Watkins) in Expert Systems in Business and Finance: Issues and Applications, John Wiley & Co., 1993, pp. 79-109.

179. "Verifying and Validating Expert Systems," in Expert Systems in Business and Finance: Issues and Applications, John Wiley & Co., 1993, pp. 181-208.

180. "Accountant: A Domain Dependent Model for Natural Language Processing," (with N. Kandelin), in Artificial Intelligence Applications in Finance and Accounting, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 253-267.

181. "Tax-Based Expert Systems: A First Principles Approach," (with S. Karlinsky), in Artificial Intelligence Applications in Finance and Accounting, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 163-185.

182. "Knowledge Discovery as a Threat to Database Security," in Knowledge Discovery in Databases, AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1991, pp. 507-516. (This paper has been credited with starting a research field “privacy preservation.”)

183. "On Representation of Source Reliability in Weight of Evidence," in Uncertainty in Knowledge - Based Systems, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1991, pp. 115-125. p=cae5b3c88eb343b3a9a497134b58a450&pi=4

184. "Design, Development and Validation of Expert Systems: A Survey of Developers," in Verification, Validation and Testing of Expert Systems, John Wiley, 1991, pp. 3-20.

185. "Knowledge Acquisition for a Diagnosis-Based Task," (with P. Watkins) Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions, Springer-Verlag, 1990, pp. 361-368.

21 186. "Measuring and Managing Complexity in Knowledge-Based Systems: A Network and Mathematical Programming Approach," in Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research, Kluwer, 1990, pp. 387-426.

187. "Expert Systems and Decision Support in Auditing," (with P. Watkins) in Expert Systems for Business and Management, Prentice Hall, 1989, pp. 77-100.

188. "Cost Variance Investigation with Fuzzy Sets," (with T. Lin) in Fuzzy Methodologies for Industrial and Systems Engineering, Elsevier, 1989, pp. 213-224.`

189. "Developing Consolidated Financial Statements Using a Prototype Expert System," (with T. Munakata) in Applied Expert Systems: Trends and Issues, North-Holland, 1988, pp. 149-158.

190. "Expert Systems Prototyping as a Research Tool," in Applied Expert Systems: Trends and Issues, North-Holland, 1988, pp. 17-32

191. "Artificial Intelligence in Accounting," in Expert Systems for Business, Addison-Wesley, sponsored by TIMS/ORSA, 1987, pp. 83-98.

192. "Artificial Intelligence in Production Management," published in Production Management: Methods and Studies, Studies in Management Science and Systems #13, North-Holland, 1986, pp. 175-186.

193. "Expert Systems in Mathematical Programming," in Military Artificial Intelligence Applications, Operations Research Society of America Monograph, 1986, pp. 137- 147.

194. "The Use of Conjoint Analysis in the Determination of Goal Programming Weights for a Decision Support System," (with J. O'Leary) in Decision Making with Multiple Objectives, Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 287-299.

Refereed Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems Conference Proceedings (not including those papers revised and extended and published elsewhere)

1. "Knowledge Acquisition Opportunities Resulting from Verification, Validation and Maintenance," World Conference on Expert Systems, Orlando, December 1991, pp. 2873-2881.

2. "Verification of Frames and Semantic Networks," Fourth Annual Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Banff, November 1990, pp. 23-1; 23-14.

3. "Knowledge Acquisition for Small Scale Expert Systems from Consulting Experts: A Field Study Approach," (with P. Watkins), First European Conference on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems, Reading, United Kingdom, September 1987.

22 4. "Multiple Criterion Decision Making Evaluation Functions in Accounting Expert Systems," The 6th International Symposium on Expert Systems and their Applications, Avignon, France, April 1986, pp. 1017-1035.

Refereed Information Systems Proceedings

1. “Driving Innovation and Knowledge Management using Crowdsourcing,” International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milan, December, 2013.

2. "An Architecture for Integrating Cloud Computing and Process Management," Pre- ICIS Workshop on Business Processes and Services, Italy,December 15, 2013.

3. “Sysco’s Best Business Practices,” International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, December, 2011.

4. “A Binomial Model of Group Probability Judgement,” International Conference on Collaborative Decision Making, Toulouse, France, July 1-4, 2008.

5. “An Activity Theory Framework for Extreme Events: With a Hurricane Example,” DSS for Extreme Events, Montreal Canada, December 2007.

6. “Multilingual Web Presence: The Case of the Fortune 25,” 6 th Workshop on E-Biz, Montreal, Canada, December 2007.

7. “Change in a Best Practices Ontology,” DSS2004, Prato Italy, July 2004.

8. “Knowledge Representation of Rules: An Empirical Study,” DSS2004, Prato Italy, July 2004.

9. “ ‘Common and Global’ and ‘Input by Many’,” DSIAge, Cork Ireland, July 2002.

10. Discussant, International Conference on Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, December 2002 (ICIS).

11. "Game Playing Behavior in Requirements Analysis, Evaluation and System Choice for Enterprise Resource Planning Systems," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Brisbane, 2000.

12. "Use of Knowledge Management Databases: An Analysis of Data from a Big 5 Firm," 9th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Charlotte, 1999.

13. "Models of Consensus for Knowledge Acquisition," Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, (sponsored by ACM), 1999.

23 14. "Virtual Organizations: Two Choice Problems," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Helsinki, 1998.

15. "Management of Reengineering Knowledge," 8th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Helsinki, 1998, pp. 95-104.

16. “Intelligent Agents: Issues and Applications,” Proceedings of the Second INFORMS Conference on Systems and Technology, San Diego, 1997, pp. 44-48.

17. “ The Relationship Between Relevance and Reliability in Internet Information and Retrival Systems,” 7th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), (in conjunction with ICIS), Atlanta, December 1997. (Revised version published in Decision Support Systems, 1999.)

18. “ Identifying Conflicting Probabilistic Knowledge in Multiple Knowledge Base Systems,” 5th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), (in conjunction with ICIS), The Netherlands, December 1995. (A revised version was published in 1997, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory)

19. "Ordering Knowledge Sources in a Blackboard System," Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, (sponsored by ACM), January 1993, pp. 556-562.

20. "AI Integration for Enhanced Decision Support," (with P. Watkins and T. Lin), Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (sponsored by ACM), January 1992.

21. "A Portfolio of Knowledge Acquisition Approaches for a Knowledge-Based System," (with P. Watkins), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (sponsored by ACM), January 1990, Vol. III, pp. 264-268.

22. "A System for Supporting Cash Management Decisions," (with R. McBride and G. Widmeyer), DSS 89 Transactions, (sponsored by TIMS) San Diego, June 1989, pp. 120-136.

23. "An Expert System for Data Retrieval," Decision Sciences Institute, National Meeting, Las Vegas, November 1988, pp. 251-253.

24. "The Impact on Management Information Systems of the Relationship Between Alternative Evaluation Measures," Decision Sciences Institute, National Meeting, Boston, November 1987.

25. "The Impact of Culture on Expert Systems," (with C. Ko) Pan - Pacific Conference IV, Taipei, Taiwan, May 1987.

26. "Assessment of Expert Systems and Decision Support Systems," Decision Sciences Institute, National Meeting, Honolulu, November 1986.

24 27. "The Use of Simulation in Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis," Winter Simulation Conference, January 1984.

28. "A Mathematical Programming Approach to the Hospital Cash Management Problem and Extensions," (with James O'Leary), 15th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Volume 2, January 1982, pp. 545-551.

Research Papers Reprinted in Books or Proceedings Revised Extended Publications

1. "A Fuzzy Set Approach to Analyzing the Validation of Expert Systems," Korea/Japan Joint Conference on Expert Systems, February 1993, pp. 470-486. (A revised version was published in Expert Systems with Applications).

2. "On Representation of Source Reliability Through Weights on Rules," Traitement d'Information et Gestion d'Incertitudes dans le Systeme Base de Connaissances, Paris, July 1990, pp. 289-292. (A revised version was published in the International Journal of Intelligent Systems).

3. "Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in Accounting Databases: A Survey," Association Francaise pour la Cybernetique et Technique, Paris, July 1990, pp. 239- 245 (A revised and extended version was published in Expert Systems with Applications, 1991).

4. "Verification of the Weights in an Expert System," Second International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Monterey, Mexico, October 1989. (A revised version was published in the International Journal of Man-Machine Studies).

5. "A Statistical Approach to the Validation of Expert Systems," Second International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Monterey, Mexico, October 1989. (A revised version was published in 1988, International Journal of Expert Systems)

6. "An Expert System for Cash Flow Analysis," (with T. Lin) Expert Systems in Business, New York, November 1987, pp. 183-190 (A revised and extended version was published in Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing: The Use of Expert Systems, 1989).

AAAI/IJCAI Workshop and Spring and Fall Symposium Papers

1. "On a Common Language for Best Practices," Workshop on Ontology Management, AAAI, Orlando, Florida, 1999.

2. "Indentifying Conflicting Probabilities in Multiple Knowledge Base Systems," Workshop on Agent's Conflicts, AAAI, Orlando, Florida, 1999.

3. "Knowledge Management in ERP Systems," Workshop on Exploring Synergies of Knowledge Management and Case-based Reasoning, AAAI, Orlando Florida 1999.

25 4. "Knowledge Management of Venture Capital Knowledge," Workshop on Intelligent Agents in Cyberspace, Stanford, April 1999.

5. "On a Common Lanuguage for Best Practices Knowledge Bases," Workshop on AI in Reengineering and Knowledge Management, AAAI, Madison Wisconsin, July 1998.

6. Functional Ontology Artifacts: Emergent and Existent Knowledge, Workshop on Verification and Validation, AAAI, Madison Wisconsin, July 1998.

7. “Management of Reengineering Knowledge: AI-Based Approaches,” Workshop on AI in Reengineering and Knowledge Management, AAAI, Providence Rhode Island, July 1997

8. “ Verification of Multiple Agent Knowledge-based Systems,” Workshop on Verification and Validation, AAAI, Providence Rhode Island, July 1997

9. “ Validation of Blackboard Systems,” Workshop on Verification and Validation, AAAI, Providence Rhode Island, July 1997

10. “ Using Artificial Intelligence to Facilitate and Support Business Process Reengineering,” Workshop on AI and Reengineering, AAAI, Portland, August 1996

11. “ Verification of Uncertain Knowledge-based Systems,” Workshop on Verification and Validation, AAAI, Portland, August 1996

12. “The Relationship Between Relevance and Reliability in Internet-Based Information Systems,” Workshop on Internet Information Systems, AAAI, Portland, August 1996.

13. “ The Impact of Semantic Ambiguity on Human-Machine Miscommunication,” Workshop on Detecting, Repairing, and Preventing Human Machine Miscommunication,” AAAI, Portland, August 1996,

14. “ AI and Supply and Demand Agents on the WWW,” Fall Symposium on AI Applications in Knowledge Navigation and Retrieval, MIT, Boston, November 1995.

15. “ Inference Engine Greediness and Subsumption of Conditions in Rule-based Systems,” Workshop on Verification and Validation of Knowledge-based Systems, IJCAI, Montreal, August 1995.

16. “ Verification and Validation of Knowledge-based Systems: An Analysis of Frequency of Author Contributions,” Workshop on Verification and Validation of Knowledge-based Systems, IJCAI, Montreal, August 1995.

26 17. “ An Empirical Study of Bayes’ Theorem Reversals,” Workshop on Building Probabilistic Networks: Where do the Numbers Come From?, IJCAI, Montreal, August 1995.

18. "The Relationship Between Errors and Size in Expert Systems," Workshop on Verification and Validation, AAAI, Seattle, August 1994.

19. "Models for Consensus in Multiple Agent Systems," Uncertainty in AI, AAAI, Seattle, August 1994.

20. "Cognitive Fallacies in Group Settings," Spring Symposium on Computational Organizational Design, Stanford, March 1994.

21. "The Impact of Semantic Ambiguity on Bayesian Weights," Workshop on the Management of Uncertainty in AI, IJCAI, August, 1993.

22. "Validation of Multiple Agent Systems," IJCAI, Workshop on Verification and Validation, Chamberg, France, August 1993.

23. "Formal Methods in the Verification and Validation of Intelligent Systems," (with R. O'Keefe) Workshop on Verification and Validation, AAAI, Washington, D.C., July 1993.

24. "Organizational Impact of AI," Workshop on AI in Business, AAAI, July 1993.

25. "Cognitive Fallacies in Group Settings," Workshop on Theories of Groups and Organizations, AAAI, Washington, D.C., July 1993.

26. "Verification and Validation of Multiple Agent Systems," Workshop on Verification and Validation of Expert Systems, AAAI, Washington, D.C., July 1993.

27. "The Impact of Knowledge Representation on Knowledge Elicited: An Empirical Analysis," Workshop on Knowledge Representation Aspects of Knowledge Acquisition, AAAI, San Jose, July 1992.

28. "Value Creation from Expert Systems: An Economic Approach with Applications in Accounting, Auditing and Finance," Workshop on AI in Business, AAAI, San Jose, July 1992.

29. "A Fuzzy Set Approach to Analyzing the Validation of Expert Systems," Workshop on Verification and Validation of Expert Systems, AAAI, San Jose, July 1992.

30. "Verification of Rule-Based Systems Using Mathematical Programming," Workshop on Verification and Validation of Expert Systems, AAAI, Anaheim, July 1991.

31. "Verification of Frames and Semantic Networks," Workshop on Verification and Validation of Expert Systems, AAAI, Boston, July 1990.

27 32. "Validation of Multiple-Expert, Expert Systems," Workshop on Verification and Validation of Expert Systems, AAAI, Boston, 1990.

33. "Knowledge Discovery as a Threat to Database Security," Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, IJCAI, Detroit, August 1989.

34. "A Computer Intensive Statistics Approach to Validating Expert Systems," Workshop on Verification, Validation and Testing of Knowledge - Based Systems, IJCAI, Detroit, August 1989.

Research Grants

1. Grant from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to study security, December 2003, 2004.

2. MKIDS, National Security Agency Grant, in conjunction with ISI, 2003, 2004-2005.

3. CIBEAR, Travel Grant, University of Southern California, 2003.

4. PACES, CIBEAR, University of Southern California, 1998-1999.

5. "International Task Force Grant," University of Southern California, June 1993.

6. "Managing Transborder Data Flows: A Strategic Oriented Knowledge-Based Approach," (with P. Watkins) KPMG, International Business Information Systems Program Grant, March 1989.

7. "A Decision Support Systems Approach for Providing Integrated Guidance to Assist in Developing and Assessing Internal Controls," (with P. Watkins and T. Lin), National Association of Accountants, February 1989.

8. "Dean's Fellow," School of Business, University of Southern California, April 1988.

9. "Expert Systems in Internal Auditing," (with P. Watkins), Institute of Internal Auditors, June 1987.

10. "An Expert System for Diagnosing Communication Problems," and "Debugging Computer Programs: An Expert Systems Approach," CompuTax, (with P. Watkins) Two Research Grants (1987-1989).

11. "The Use of Expert Systems in Information Retrieval," National Center for Automated Information Retrieval, March 1986.

12. "Accountant: An Expert System," Texas Instruments, December 1985.

National Science Foundation Panels

28 NSF Panel – Information and Intelligent Systems Division, 2004.


Invited Keynote

1. “ Big Data, The Internet of Thing and the Internet of Signs,” 15th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO), Shanghai, China, May 2014

2. “ Ontology and Taxonomy Evolution,” Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Barcelona, Spain, October 2012.

3. “ Accounting Information Systems,” AIS Educators Conference, Fort Collins, CO, June 2012.

4. “ The Impact of Digital Media on Faculty Evalutation,” NBES (National Business and Economics Society), Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2004.

5. “IT support for KM,” Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management Symposium, AAAI, March 24-26, 2003, Stanford University

6. "Issues in Personalization Systems," Workshop on Personalization Systems, AAAI, Seattle, Washington, August 2001.

7. “Reengineering for E-Business,” European Conference on Accounting Information Systems, Athens, Greece, April 2001.

8. "Research Issues in E-Business," COLLECTOR (E-Business), Brisbane, Australia, December 2000.

9. "Knowledge Acquisition: Some Recent Advances," Expertsys Conference - Keynote Speaker, Los Angeles, October 1990.

Selected Presentations at Universities

1. “Generating Knowledge from Blogs,” University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, June 2012.

2. “ The Market Valuation of Superior Knowledge Management,” Rutgers, October 2010.

3. “RFID and Inventory in the Supply Chain: An REA and Design Science Approach for Visibility,” Drexal University, Guido Geerts made presentation of joint paper, 2008.

29 4. “ Decision Support in Real Time Enterprises,” Vlerick Leuven Gent, Belgium, December 2006.

5. “Intelligent Value Chain,” K. U. Leuven, Belgium, February 2004.

6. “Intelligent Business: Mirror worlds and RFID,” K. U. Leuven, Belgium, February 2003.

7. “Intelligent E-business,” K. U. Leuven, Belgium, April 2002.

8. “ERP Systems: What Went Wrong?,” Michigan State University, October 2001.

9. "ERP Benefits," University of South Florida, September, 2001.

10. "Gaming Issues in ERP Systems," University of South Florida, September 2001

11. "Knowledge Management," Abu Turku, Finland, June 2000.

12. “On the Relationship between the Number and Types of Errors in Knowledge-based Systems,” Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, May 1996.

13. “ On the Relationship between Size and Errors in Knowledge-based Systems,” Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1995.

14. "Models for Consensus in Validation," Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, April 1992.

15. "Case-Based and Multiple Agent Systems," Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, July 1991.

16. "Integrating AI and Mathematical Programming," Bond University, Gold Coast, and University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, June 1991.

17. "Value Creation from Expert Systems," University of Wyoming, February 1990.

18. "Value Creation from Expert Systems: An Economic Approach," Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, February 1990.

19. "Expert Systems in Auditing," Case Western Reserve University, April 1989.

20. "Validating Expert Systems," University of Oregon, January 1988.

American Accounting Association National Meetings - Refereed

1. "Armchair Auditors," American Accounting Association, National Meeting, Anaheim, California, August 4, 2014.

30 2. "Ontology and Database Designs for Responsibility-based Organizational Information", Armchair Auditors," American Accounting Association, National Meeting, Anaheim, California, August 4, 2014.

3. "Big Data with Applications to Continous Auditing", American Accounting Association, National Meeting, Anaheim, California, August 7, 2013.

4. "Folksonomy Tags: Survey and Extensions", American Accounting Association, National Meeting, Anaheim, California, August 6, 2013.

5. “Corporate Prediction Markets: Analysis of Two Empirical Case Studies,” American Accounting Association, Washington, D.C., August 2012.

6. “An Analysis of Accounting Information Systems Research,” American Accounting Association, Washington, D.C., August 2012.

7. “ Blog Mining: From Each According to his Opinion,” American Accounting Association, Denver, August, 2011.

8. “ Internal Prediction Markets: From Each According to his Bet,” American Accounting Association, August, 2011.

9. “ The Virtual Close and Continuous Monitoring at Cisco,” American Accounting Association, San Francisco, August 2010.

10. “ Generating and Using Knowledge for Business Process Management,” American Accounting Association, San Francisio, August 2010.

11. “ To Know or Not to Know: Stock Market Implications of Firms with Superior Knowledge Management,” American Accounting Association, San Francisio, August 2010.

12. “ Enterprise Ontologies,” American Accounting Association Meeting, New York, August 2009.

13. “RFID and Inventory in the Supply Chain: An REA and Design Science Approach for Visibility,” American Accounting Association Meeting, Anahiem, California, August 2008.

14. “Hype Cycle, Maturity Level, Strategic Technologies and Accounting Information Systems,” American Accounting Association Meeting, Anahiem, California, August 2008.

15. “Using Digital and Web Citations and Electronic Downloads to Evaluate Research,” American Accounting Association Meeting, Chicago, August 2007.

31 16. “ Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and AIS,” American Accounting Association Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2006.

17. “ Mirror Worlds,” American Accounting Association Meeting, San Francisco, August 2005.

18. “ Requirements Analysis for Choosing ERP,” American Accounting Association Meeting, San Franciso, August 2005.

19. “Knowledge Representation of Rules: An Empirical Study,” American Accounting Association Meeting, Orlando, August 2004.

20. “Limitations and Extensions to REA Accounting Databases,” American Accounting Association Meeting, Hawaii, August 2003.

21. “ Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: What Went Wrong?,” American Accounting Association Meeting, San Antonio, August 2002.

22. “Game Playing Behavior In Requirements Analysis, Evaluation and System Choice For Enterprise Resource Planning Systems,” American Accounting Association, San Antonio, August 2002.

23. "ERP Benefits," American Accounting Association, Atlanta, August 2001.

24. "Ontologies for Best Practices," American Accounting Association, August 2000.

25. “SAP is REAL,” American Accounting Association, San Diego, August 1999.

26. "Using AI to Facilitate and Support Reengineering," American Accounting Association, New Orleans, August 1998.

27. "Intelligent Agents in Accounting Systems," American Accounting Association, Dallas, Texas, August 1997.

28. “ Using Neural Net Models to Predict Corporate Failure,” American Accounting Association, Chicago, August 1996.

29. “Domain Guided Schema Evolution for Accounting Database Systems,” American Accounting Association, Orlando, August 1995.

30. "REA Accounting Database Evolution," American Accounting Association, New York, August 1994.

31. "Expert Systems Use in Auditing and Tax: A Comparative Analysis," American Accounting Association, San Francisco, August 1993.

32 32. "Impact of Information Technology," Panelist, American Accounting Association, San Francisco, 1993.

33. "Internal Auditing and Expert Systems: Technology Diffusion of Accounting and Auditing Tools," American Accounting Association, Washington, D.C., August 1992.

34. "Probability Models of Ambiguous/Vague Terms and Imprecise Situations in Accounting and Auditing Expert Systems," American Accounting Association, Nashville, August 1991.

35. "The Impact of Imprecise Language in Knowledge-Based Systems for Auditing Judgment," American Accounting Association, Toronto, August 1990.

36. "Measuring the Quality of an Expert System's Performance and Determining the Existence of Differences in Expert Judgment: A Computer Intensive Statistics Approach," American Accounting Association, Honolulu, August 1989.

37. "Advanced Technologies in Internal Auditing," Panelist, American Accounting Association National Meeting, Hawaii, August 1989.

38. "Validating Expert Systems: A Statistical Approach," American Accounting Association, Orlando, August 1988.

39. "Validation of Expert Systems: With Applications to Auditing and Accounting Expert Systems," American Accounting Association, New York, August 1986.

Accounting Information Systems Meetings (Refereed)

1. “Armchair Auditors,” 33rd World Continuous Auditing and Reporting Symposium, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, November 7, 2014.

2. “ Sensor Data from Mobile Devices,” 28th World Continuous Auditing and Reporting Symposium, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, "Audit Analytics in the Era of Big-Data", November 9, 2013.

3. “Knowledge Discovery for Continuous Financial Assurance Using Multiple Types of Digital Information,” World Continuous Auditing and Reporting Symposium, Rutgers, November 2011.

4. "Event Study Methodologies in Information Systems Research" 2nd Annual Pre- ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, SIG - ASYS, St. Louis, December 12, 2010.

5. “ Enterprise Ontologies: Review and An Activity Theory Approach,” Fourth Asia Pacific Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, June 2008.

33 6. “ Research Issues in Accounting Information Systems,” International Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems, Pre – ICIS Meeting, Montreal, Canada, December 2007.

7. “ Microsoft: ERP Security and Information Presentation,” AAA-IS Midyear Meeting, January 2004.

8. “Microsoft: ERP Security and Information Presentation,” European Conference on Accounting Information Systems, Seville, Spain, March 2003.

9. “Differences in Environmental Assessments by Partners/Managers and Staff and the Impact on Auditing Knowledge-based Systems,” International Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems, December 2002, Barcelona, Spain.

10. “ A Model of Time for REA and REAL Systems,” International Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems, December 2002, Barcelona, Spain.

11. “ Choosing Standard Artifacts and Processes for ERP Systems,” International Conference on Accounting Information Systems, Denmark, April 2002.

12. "KPMG: From Shadow Partner to K-Man to K-Web to K-World to Cering," American Accounting Association IS Mid Year Meeting, Orlando Florida, January 2002.

13. "Using AI in Accounting Systems to Facilitate Electronic Commerce," Workshop on Accounting and Electronic Commerce, Rutgers University, 1997.

14. “Teaching Accounting Using Expert System Cases,” Fourth Annual Workshop on AI/ES in Accounting, Auditing and Tax, Orlando, August 1995.

15. "Issues in the Implementation of Expert Systems: A Survey of Internal Auditors," (with P. Watkins), Second Annual Workshop on AI/ES in Accounting, Auditing and Tax, San Francisco, August 1993.

16. "A System to Support Decision Making for Transborder Dataflows," Workshop on Expert Systems in Accounting and Auditing, Rutgers University, November 1992.

Accounting and Auditing Meetings

1. "The Impact of Reliability on Audit Judgment: An Analytic Model," USC Audit Judgment Symposium, February 1993.

2. "Conditional, Conjunction and Disjunction Fallacies in Probability Judgements," (with M. Favere) in Decision Making, Cognitive Science and Accounting, Carnegie- Mellon, July 1991.

34 3. "The Use of Imprecise Language in Auditing," (with P. Watkins) USC Audit Judgment Symposium, February 1991.

4. "Setting the Financial Standards for the Twenty-first Century," Symposium on Financial Reporting and Standard Setting, sponsored by the AICPA, Wharton, Philadelphia, October 1990 (with the USC Study group headed by D. Williams).

5. "New Developments for Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems in Auditing," Panelist, Audit Judgment Conference, USC, February 1990.

6. "Transnational Data Flows," (with P. Watkins), First Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Fresno, California, 1989.

7. "AI/ES in Auditing: A Software Engineering Approach," USC Symposium on Audit Judgment, February 1988.

8. "Expert Systems in Auditing," Panelist, Second Touche Ross Auditing Conference, Claremont College, March 19-20, 1987.

9. "Prototyping Expert Systems as a Research Tool: With Applications to Accounting and Auditing," USC Audit Judgment Symposium, February 1987.

10. "Validation of Expert Systems: With Applications to Auditing and Accounting Expert Systems," USC Audit Judgment Symposium, February 1986 and American Accounting Association, New York, August 1986.

Artificial Intelligence (Other Non AAAI Meetings) - Refereed

1. “The Use of Formal Methods for Specifying KBS and the Impact of Verification and Validation of KBS: The Case of Business Systems,” The Third World Congress on Expert Systems, Seoul, Korea, February 1996.

2. "An Empirical Study of Bayes' Theorem Reversals," Third Workshop on Normative Systems, USC, March 1993.

3. "Semantic Uncertainty in Expert Systems: A Probability Model of Data Categorization," Second Workshop on Normative Systems, USC, March 1992.

4. "Normative Systems in Business," Workshop on Normative Systems, Palos Verde, CA, sponsored by Rockwell and Northrupt Research, March 1991.

5. "Determining the Existence of Differences in Expert Judgment: A Computer Intensive Statistics Approach," Third International Workshop on AI and Statistics, Fort Lauderdale, FL, January 1991.

35 6. "Knowledge Acquisition for a Diagnosis-Based Task," (with P. Watkins), Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions, NATO Advanced Workshop, Hamburg, September 1989.

7. "Competence Through Task Analysis: A Prescriptive Approach to System Design," with B. Abramson, M. Chignell, W. Edwards and T. Eppel, at Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, sponsored by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University, March 1989.

8. "Measuring Expertise Using Computer Intensive Statistics," Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Ft. Lauderdale, January 1989.

9. "An Exploratory Approach to Assessing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Joint Human-Machine Cognitive Systems," The International Association of Science and Technology for Development, Los Angeles, December 1988.

10. "Cash Management Expert Systems," North Carolina Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, February 1988.

11. "A Prototype Business Expert System," Second International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Honolulu, August 1987.

12. "Expert Systems in Mathematical Programming," Conference on AI in Engineering, sponsored by IEEE and ORSA, George Washington University, Washington C.C., October 1985.

Computational and Mathematical Organizational Theory Meetings - Refereed

1. “Identifying Organizational Adaption and Evolution: Knowledge-based Models for Reengineering,” Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Workshop, Washington, D.C., May 1996.

2. “ Identifying Conflicting Probabilistic Knowledge,” Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Workshop, Los Angeles, April 1995.

3. "Cognitive Fallacies in Groups in Financial Settings," Behavioral Decision Research in Management, Sloan School, MIT, Boston, May 1994.

4. "Cognitive Fallacies in Groups,” Mathematical and Computational Organization Theory Workshop, Boston, May 1994.

5. "An Empirical Study of Bayes' Theorem Reversals," Mathematical Organization Theory Workshop, Chicago, Illinois, May 1993.

6. "Issues in Influence Diagrams: With Applications in Accounting and Auditing," Behavioral Decision Research in Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, June 1990.

36 7. "Validating Expert Systems: A Decision Analytic Approach," Twelfth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making, Moscow, USSR, August 1989.

Information Systems Meetings - Refereed

1. “ Enterprise Architecture for High Performance Finance,” Paper was accepted for presentation at the Pre-ICIS meeting of MISQE based on "Enterprise Architecture for Business Transformation", New Zealand (paper accepted for presentation, not presented).

2. "Cloud Computing and Crowdsourcing in Cities", Pre-ICIS MISQE Workshop "The Business Payoff of Cloud Services", SIM / MISQE, Milan Italy, December 14, 2013.

3. “ Street Bump: Crowd Sourcing Big Data in Boston,” MISQE Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, December 2012.

4. “An Activity Theory Analysis of RFID in Hospitals,” RFID Projects: A Case for Healthcare, Pre – ICIS at ESCP-EAP, Paris, France, December 2008.

5. “A Binomial Model of Group Probability Judgments,” IFIP DSS, Toulouse France, July 2008.

6. “ An Activity Theory Framework for Extreme Events,” Decision Support for Extreme Events, SIG DSS, Pre ICIS Meeting, December 2007.

7. “Multilingual Web Presence,” SIG EBIZ, Pre ICIS Meeting, December 2007.

8. "Business Intelligence: The Next Frontier for IS Research, (Panelist)" Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), New Orleans, December 2001.

9. "Diffusion of AI/ES in Internal Auditing," (with Paul Watkins) DIGIT Workshop at International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando, December 1993.

10. "Determining Differences in Expert Judgment," International Conference on Decision Support Systems, Ulm, Germany, June 1992.

11. "Tools for Expert System Verification," (with R. O'Keefe and Sunro Lee), IFORS Conference on Decision Support Systems, Belgium, March 1991.

12. "Intelligent Support Systems," (Panelist) DSS-90, Boston, May 1990.

13. "Expert Systems for Competitive Advantage: A Bottom Line Perspective," (Panelist) International Conference on Information Systems, Boston, December 1989.

37 International Meetings of the Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS)

1. “Knowledge Management: An Empirical Analysis of Reuse,” Rome, Italy, EURO 2013, July.

2. "A Framework for Markets-based Research in Information Systems," TIMS XXXII, Alaska, July 1994.

3. "Issues in Bayes Nets and Influence Diagrams: With Applications in Accounting and Auditing," TIMS XXXI, Finland, July 1992.

4. "An Exploratory Approach to Assessing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Expert Systems," TIMS XXIX International, Osaka, July 1989.

5. "Knowledge Acquisition for a Diagnosis-Based Task," (with P. Watkins), TIMS XXIX International, Osaka, July 1989.

6. "The Impact of Reliability on the Representation of Expertise in Expert Systems: With Applications for the Use and Validation of Expert Systems," TIMS XXVIII International, Paris, July 1988.

7. "Knowledge Acquisition for Small Scale Expert Systems," (with P. Watkins), TIMS XXVIII International, Paris, July 1988.

8. "Taxpayer Advisor: An Expert System Designed to Respond to Tax Inquiries," (with S. Karlinsky), TIMS XXVIII International, Paris, July 1988.

9. "Artificial Intelligence in Accounting," TIMS XXVII International Meeting, Gold Coast, Australia, July 1986.

Operations Research Society of America (ORSA)/The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) Meetings

1. "The Impact of Status on Technology Adoption by Internal Auditors," ORSA/TIMS, Boston, April 1994.

2. "Integrating Intelligent Agents into Conventional Software," ORSA/TIMS, San Francisco, November 1992.

3. "Complexity Measures of Expert Systems," ORSA/TIMS, Anahiem, November 1991.

4. "Financial Applications of Goal Programming," (with T. Lin) ORSA/TIMS, Anahiem, November 1991.

5. "An Integer Programming Approach to Verifying Expert Systems," ORSA/TIMS, Nashville, May 1990.

38 6. "A Survey of Expert Systems Applications in Japan," (with P. Watkins), ORSA/TIMS, Las Vegas, April 1990.

7. "Soliciting Weights or Probabilities for Expert Systems," ORSA/TIMS, Las Vegas, April 1990.

8. "Measuring and Managing Complexity in Knowledge-Based Systems," ORSA/TIMS, New York, October 1989.

9. "The Impact of Transborder Data Flows on Information Systems," (with P. Watkins), ORSA/TIMS, New York, October 1989.

10. "Integrating Intelligence into Information Systems: A Case Study," (with P. Watkins), ORSA/TIMS, New York, October 1989.

11. "Some New Approaches to Knowledge Acquisition," (with P. Watkins), ORSA/TIMS, Vancouver, May 1989.

12. "Knowledge Acquisition for Small Scale Expert Systems," (with P. Watkins), ORSA TIMS, Denver, October 1988.

13. "The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Strategic Intelligence Systems," ORSA/TIMS, Washington D.C., April 1988.

14. "A User Friendly System for Building and Solving Cash Management Problems," (with R. McBride), ORSA/TIMS, Washington D.C., April 1988.

15. "Detecting and Resolving Infeasibilities in Network-Based Cash Flow Models," (with R. McBride), ORSA/TIMS, Washington D.C., April 1988.

16. "Cost Variance Investigation with Fuzzy Sets," (with T. Lin), ORSA/TIMS, St. Louis, October 1987.

17. "An Expert System for Formulating and Interpreting Solutions of Network Problems," (with R. McBride and G. Widmeyer), ORSA/TIMS, St. Louis, October 1987.

18. "Cash Manager: A Knowledge-Based Cash Management System," (with R. McBride and G. Widmeyer), ORSA/TIMS, St. Louis, October 1987.

19. "Validation of Expert Systems: Statistically-Based Techniques," ORSA/TIMS, New Orleans, May 1987.

20. "The Use of Integer Programming in a Prototype Expert System," ORSA/TIMS, Miami, Florida, October 1986.

39 21. "Techniques for the Validation of Expert Systems," ORSA/TIMS, Miami, Florida, October 1986.

22. "A Prototype Expert System for the Formulation of Network Problems: The Cash Flow Problem," (with R. McBride), ORSA/TIMS, Miami, Florida, October 1986.

23. "Aggregation in Internal Accounting Information Systems: A Mathematical Programming Approach," presented at ORSA/TIMS, Los Angeles, April 1986.

Panelist Presentations

1. "Semiotics and Informatics: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Knowledge-based Systems in a Social Context" 4th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management(IC3K), Barcelona, October 2012

2. “Business Intelligence Systems,” WITS (Pre ICIS), New Orleans, December 2001.

3. “ERP Research Issues,” Decision Sciences Institute, Orlando November, 2000.

4. “ERP Teaching Issues,” Decision Sciences Institute, Orlando, November 2000.

5. "AI in Accounting and Finance," Tenth IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, San Antonio, March 1994.

6. "AI on Wall Street," Ninth IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, Orlando, March 1993.

7. "Critical Success Factors with Expert Systems," Joint Korea-Japan Conference on Expert Sytems, Seoul, Korea, February 1993.

8. "Verification and Validation of Expert Systems," ORSA/TIMS, San Francisco, November 1992.

9. "Expert Systems in Accounting," World Conference on Expert Systems, Orlando, December 1991.

10. "Verification, Validation and Knowledge Acquisition," World Conference on Expert Systems, Orlando, December 1991.

11. "Expert Systems in Industrial Accounting," Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, November 1990.

12. "Verification and Validation: Relation to Knowledge Acquisition," Fourth Annual Workshop of Knowledge Acquisition, Banff, October 1990.

40 13. "Multiple Agent Systems in Accounting and Finance," ORSA/TIMS, Philadelphia, October 1990.

14. "Knowledge Acquisition for Financial Applications," International Association of Knowledge Engineers, San Francisco, October 1990.

15. "Verification and Validation of Expert Systems," International Association of Knowledge Engineers, San Francisco, October 1990.

16. "Expert Systems: Integration Issues," National Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Las Vegas, November 1988.

Accounting Professional Certifications

1. Certified Cost Analyst, 1984

2. Certified Internal Auditor, 1983

3. Certified Management Accountant, 1981

4. Certified Public Accountant (Ohio), 1980

Information Systems Professional Certifications

1. Certified Computer Professional, 1995

2. Certified Systems Professional, 1984

3. Certified Information Systems Auditor, 1983

4. Certificate in Data Processing, 1982


Awards and Honors

1. Nominated for the Nominated for the Mark Chain/FSA Teaching Innovation Award (2014). An AICPA Task Force made the selection.

2. Nominated for the Nominated for the Mark Chain/FSA Teaching Innovation Award (April 20, 2013). An AICPA Task Force made the selection.

3. Part of the EMBA Faculty that was given an A+ and ranked #5, I received the highest instructor rankings in the theme in which I taught, 2007.

4. Board of Directors of "The Center for Educational Technology in Accounting, University of North Texas, 1995 to1998.

41 5. "Alumnus Accountant of the Year in Education," Beta Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State University, 1992.

6. Accounting Information Systems Faculty Representative, American Accounting Association, New Faculty Consortium, Chicago, February 1991 and February 1992.

7. "Faculty Excellence Award," From Beta Alpha Psi, 1990-1991 Academic Year, USC.

8. Initiated as Faculty Member of Beta Alpha Psi, USC, 1989.

9. Nominated for Outstanding Teacher Award at Case Western Reserve University, for the Academic Year 1983-1984.

Selected Academic Leadership Positions

1. Research Quality Assessor, Monash University (Australia), for the Centre for Decision Support and Enterprise Systems Research, December 2006.

2. Chair of Editor Search, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2004.

3. IEEE Representative to IFIP for Artificial Intelligence TC-12, 1999-to-date. IFIP working groups include WG 8.3 and WG 12.6.

4. Federation on Computing in the United States (FOCUS -- IEEE/ACM) representative to the AI section for the International Federation on Information Processing, 1994 to December 1998. Renominated December 1999.

5. Founder and Chairman for AI-BUS, the Section of AAAI concerned with applications in business, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1989 to date.

6. Chairman for the College of Management Science in Accounting, Auditing and Tax (formerly known as Measurements in Management College of The Institute of Management Science) August 1986 to date.

Academic Leadership Positions - Accounting

1. AI/ET Section of AAA, Committee on Name Change, 2007.

2. AI/ET Chair for Awards for Notable Contribution to the Literature and Outstanding Educator, for 2007.

3. Assessor of Research Quality at Monash University, IT Department, December 2006.

42 4. Education Chair, AI-ET Section of the AAA, 2005 – 2006.

5. AAA 2002-2003 Notable Contribution Award Selection Committee.

6. AAA 2001-2002 Notable Contribution Award Selection Committee.

7. Chair, Committee for "Notable Contribution to the Literature," Information Systems/ Management Advisory Service Section, American Accounting Association, 1993-94.

8. Chair, "Notable Contribution to the Literature," AI/ES Section, America Accounting Association, 1993-1994.

9. Director of Research, AI/Expert Systems in Accounting Section, American Accounting Association, 1993-1994 and 1995-1996.

10. Chairman and Chairman (elect) for Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in Accounting Section, American Accounting Association, 1992-1993 and 1991-1992.

11. Western Regional Director of Information Systems Section of the American Accounting Association, 1986-89.


1. Socrates Grant, IBM, for the study of artificial intelligence, February 1988.

2. "The Effect of Quality of Instructor on the Number of Accounting Majors," California Society of CPA's, June 1987.

Educational Publications

1. “ Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” with C.E. Brown, used by a number of Organizations, 1993- to-date.

2. “ AI in Business” an electronic resource that has been used by a number of organizations, including, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand (2005).

3. "452A, Systems Issues:" "Course Description" and "Syllabi" in The USC Year 2000 Curriculum Project, 1994.

4. "Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Southern California," (with P. Watkins), Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1992.

5. "Computer Knowledge Requirements for Accountants: A Survey of Fortune 500 Controllers," Kent/Bently Journal of Accounting and Computers, Fall 1989.

43 6. "Limitations of Personal Computers: A Survey of Fortune 500 Controllers," The EDP Auditor Journal, Volume II, 1989.

Doctoral Consortiums

1. Discussant on Ph. D. Dissertation “The Effects of Decision Aid Structural Restrictiveness on Decision Making Outcome,” Poh-Sun Seow, The University of Melbourne, June 2008.

2. Ph. D. Student Development Workshop for the IS section of the American Accounting Association, January 2008, AAA.

3. DSS2004 Doctoral Consortium, Prato, Italy, June 2004.

4. American Accounting Association, IS Mid Year Meeting, Clearwater, Florida, January 2004.

5. “Research Issues in Knowledge Management,” DSIAge Doctoral Consortium, Cork, Ireland, July 2002.


1. IFIP WG 8.3 Task Force on DSS Curriculum, November 2006 – To-Date.

Selected Service

1. Faculty Advisor to Beta Alpha Psi, Accounting Honorary, December 1989 to May 1994.

Curriculum Revision and Development

1. Responsible for the development of 547/549 in 2012 Curriculum Revision.

2. Developed a new version of the 547 and 549 graduate accounting information systems courses in 2007.

3. Developed a graduate course on Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 1998.

4. Redesigned the graduate course on Enterprise Information Technologies, 1996-1998.

5. Completely redesigned Accounting 452 in 1995-1996 to be an Enterprise Database Course, dealing largely with REA/REAL models.

6. Developed Systems portion of Accounting 452-A during 1992. Developed Systems portion of Accounting 452-B during 1993. Consolidated both into a revised version of 452-A during 1993. Refined 452-A during 1994.

44 Ph. D. Student Committees

1. Jong-Eun June, “Density-based Search space-Limited Subspace Clustering for Gene Expression Data” USC Computer Science, October 2013.

2. John Hegarty, “Leveraging lessons learned in organizations through implementing practice-based organizational learning and performance improvement An opportunity for context-based intelligent assistant support (CIAS),” Information Systems, University College Cork, Ireland, June 2013.

3. Joesph Clark, “Developing a Theory of Digitally-Enabled Trial-Based Problem Solving Through Simulation Methods: The Case of Direct-Response Marketing ,” USC, IOM, May 2011 – September 2012.

4. George Konstantinidis, Proposal Committee, USC Computer Science, February 2012 – May 2012.

5. Stephen Tratz, Semantically-Enriched Parsing for Natural Language Understanding, USC, Computer Science, September 2010 – August 2011.

6. Young-Ki Park, “The dynamics of opportunity and threat management in turbulent environments: the role of information technologies,” USC, IOM, June 2009 – May 2011.

7. Rumi Ghosh, “Disentangling the Social Web – A Study of Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks,” USC, Computer Science, April 2011, Proposal Committee.

8. Gloria Lilly Chen, USC, IOM, Committee, April 2010 – November 2010.

9. “Statistical Approaches for Inferring Category Knowledge from Social Annotation,” Anon Plangprasopchok, USC Computer Science, November 2008 – August 2010.

10. “An Algorithmic Approach for Static and Dynamic Gesture Recognition,” Pavini Farid, USC Computer Science, October 2008 – August 2009.

11. “Interactive Querying of Temporal Data by Example,” Jing Jin, USC Computer Science/ISI, September 2008 – August 2009.

12. “Learning Paraphrases from Text,” Rahul Bhagat, USC Computer Science/ISI, March 2008 to-date.

13. “Extraction and semantic annotation of unstructured, ungrammatical data online,” Mathew Michelson, USC Computer Science/ISI, August 2007 – November 2008.

14. “Knowledge Acquisition from Text Corpora via Knowledge Pattern Discovery,” Donghui Feng, USC Computer Science/ISI, November 2006 to-date.

45 15. “Interactively Building Information Integration Agents,” Rattapoom Tuchinda, USC Computer Science/ISI, May 2006 – July 2008.

16. "An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web and Natural Language," Feng Pan, USC Computer Science/ISI, August 2005 to September 2007.

17. "Natural Language Generation for Text-to-Text Applications Using an Information- Slim Representation" Radu Soricut, USC Computer Science/ISI, May 2005 – August 2006.

18. “Interesting Instance Discovery in Multi-Relational Data,” Shou-de Lin, USC Computer Science/ISI, August 2004 to August 2006.

19. “Large Scale Knowledge Acquisition,” Deepak Ravichandran, USC Computer Science/ISI, December 2003 - May 2005.

20. “Noun Phrase Translation,” Philipp Koehn, USC Computer Science, May 2002 - July 2003.

21. “Translating Named Entities Using Bilingual and Monolingual Resources,” Yaser Al-Onaizan, USC Computer Science, May 2000 - April 2003.

22. “Rapid Multi-Agent Conflict Resolution,” Hyuckchul Jung, USC Computer Science, April 2000 - October 2003.

23. “ Temperment Based Information Filtering: A Human Factors Approach to Information Recommendation,” Cha-Hwa Lin, USC Computer Science, 1999 – 2001.

24. "Realizing Business Benefits from the Use of Enterprise Systems" Shari Shang, University of Melbourne, Australia, May 2001 – September 2001.

25. “ Learning High Accuracy Rules for Object Identification,” Shelia Tejada, USC Computer Science/ISI, 1999 – December 2001.

26. “Ontology-based Information Selection,” Latifur R Khan, USC Computer Science, August 1999- June 2000.

27. “Software Agents: In Search of Improved Executive Support in Environmental and Strategic Management,” Shuhua Liu, Turku Center for Computer Science, Abo Akademi University, Finland, 1999 - 2000

28. “Execution Monitoring and Diagnosis in Multiagent Environments,” Gal Kaminka, USC Computer Science/ISI, 1999-2000.

29. "Optimizing Information Mediators by Selectively Materializing Data," Naveen Ashish, USC Computer Science, 1998 - 2000.

46 30. “ A Script-based Approach to Modifying Knowledge-based Systems,” USC Computer Science, Isaac Marcelo Tallis, 1997-1999.

31. "Planning by Rewriting," Computer Science, USC Jose-Luis Ambite, 1996-1999.

32. "Semantic Heterogeneity Resolution in Federated Databases by Meta Data Implanation and Stepwise Evolution," USC, Computer Science, Goksel Aslan, 1996- 1998.

33. “An Approach to Discovery in Database Networks,” Computer Science, Jonghyun Kahng, 1994 - 1997.

34. “Learning Semantic Knowledge for Database Query Optimization,” USC Computer Science Chun-Nan Hsu, 1994 - 1996.

35. “ Internet Resource Discovery Topical Clustering and Visualization Using Latent Semantic Indexing ,” USC Computer Science, Shih-Hao Li, 1994 - 1996.

36. “ A Framework for Supporting Data Integration Using Materialized and Virtual Approaches,” USC Computer Science, Gang Zhou, 1994-1996.

37. “ On the Design and Evaluation of Rule-based Systems,” Computer Science, Prabhakar Gokul Chander, Concordia University, May 1996.

38. “ Automated Rank-Constrained Probability Generation: A Knowledge Elicitation Tool for Belief Network Construction,” USC Computer Science, Mansi Hsieh, 1995 - 1996.

39. “ Knowledge-based Organizational Pricess Redesign,” Mark Nissan, IOM, 1994- 1995.

40. "An Object Based Conceptual Design/Evolution Methodology," USC Computer Science, Norman Chen, 1992-1994.

41. "Planning and Scheduling Software Manufacturing Projects," USC Computer Science, Ali Safavi, 1990-1991.

42. "Query by Committee," USC Computer Science, Thomas Hinke, 1989-1991.

43. "Object Oriented Accounting Systems," Accounting (Ph. D. Proposal), Nils Kandelin, 1988.


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