Working for Quality

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Working for Quality

“Working for quality and diversity in British broadcasting”

Founded by Jocelyn Hay in 1983



Page 2 - 000:- VLV Responses to UK Government, Council Of Europe and European Commission Consultations.

Page 8 - 100:- VLV Responses to ITC, Radio Authority, Broadcasting Standards Commission and BBC Consultations

Page 12 - 200:- Reports & Transcripts of VLV Conferences and Seminars

Page 19 - 300:- Other VLV Productions/Publications

Page 19 - 400:- Back issues of VLV Quarterly Newsletters

Page 20 Broadcasting Research Unit=s Archive

Page 22 - 600:- European Alliance of Listeners= & Viewers= Associations (EURALVA) Reports

Page 23 Order Form

Voice of the Listener & Viewer (VLV) is an independent, non-profit-making association representing the citizen and consumer interests in broadcasting. VLV speaks for listeners and viewers on the full range of broadcasting issues. VLV has no political, commercial or sectarian affiliations and is funded by it’s members. VLV is concerned with the issues, funding, institutions and regulation that underpin the British broadcasting system, especially the principles of public service broadcasting. VLV does not handle complaints.

VLV holds public conferences throughout the UK. Its interests include children’s and educational broadcasting. VLV produces a quarterly newsletter and briefings on broadcasting developments.

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 1 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Ref: 001/VLV/00 VLV Responses to UK Government, Council of Europe and European Commission Consultations

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 001:85 First Response to the Peacock Inquiry on Financing the BBC (30 August 1985) 4.00

002:85 Second Response to the Peacock Inquiry on Financing the BBC (30 December 1985) 4.00

003:87 Response to the Government Green Paper: ARadio Choices & Opportunities@ (Cm 92 February 1987) (29 June 1987) 7.50

004:87 Technical Appendix to the above: Wavebands, channels and satellites (2 September 1987) 2.50

005:88 Memorandum to: House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee: Inquiry into the Implications of Satellite & Cable Television (12 Feb 1988) 5.00

006:89 Response to Government White Paper: Broadcasting in the 90's (Cm 517 November 1988) (28 February 1988) 5.00

007:89 Supplementary Comments by VoL on the White Paper ABroadcasting in the 90's@ (27 April 1989) 2.50

008:90 Briefing Paper No 1 on the Broadcasting Bill to Members of Standing Committee F (5 January 1990) 2.50

009:90 Briefing Paper No 2 on the Broadcasting Bill to Members of Standing Committee F (7 February 1990) 2.50

010:90 Briefing Papers for Members of House of Commons at Report Stage of Broadcasting Bill (3 May 1990) 2.50

011:90 Briefing Papers for Members of House of Lords on the Broadcasting Bill (19 June 1990) 2.50

012:93 VLV=s Response to the 1992 Government Green Paper on the Future of the BBC (Cm.2098 November 1992) (29 April 1993) 7.50

013:93 VLV=s Presentation to the Hearing organised under the auspices of the Steering Committee on the Mass Media for the Council of Europe at Strasbourg (29 June 1993) 4.50

014:93 VLV=s Submission to the Select Committee for the National Heritage=s Inquiry into the Future of the BBC (10 June 1993) 4.00

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 2 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 015:94 VLV=s Response to the Inquiry into the Future of the BBC conducted by the Select Committee for the National Heritage in 1993 (10 January 1994) 4.50

016:94 VLV=s Evidence Submitted to National Heritage Committee on >Sport Sponsorship & Television Coverage= (February 1994) 4.00

017:94 VLV=s Evidence Submitted to Department of National Heritage on >Review of Cross-Media Ownership= (24 February 1994) 3.00

018:94 VLV=s Response to European Commission Green Paper >Strategy Options to Strengthen the European Programme Industry in the Context of the Audio- Visual Policy of the European Union= (28 June 1994) 5.50

018a:94 VLV=s Response to Consultation by Radio Communication Agency of the Department of Trade & Industry on >The Future Management of the Radio Spectrum= (20 July 1994) 5.50

019:94 VLV=s Response to Government=s White Paper on >The Future of the BBC= (Cm.2621) (27 October 1994) 7.50

020:95 VLV=s Submission on >Media Concentration and Pluralism and Information Superhighway= to European Select Committee >B=, House of Lords (21 February 1995) 3.50

020a:95 Proposals for a Broadcasting Consumer Council - June 1995 6.50

020b:95 VLV=s Presentation to the Hearing organised under the auspices of the Steering Committee on the Mass Media for the Council of Europe at Strasbourg (20 June 1995) 4.50

021:95 VLV=s Response to Government=s Proposals on Media Ownership (Cm.2872 May 1995) (31 August 1995) 8.50

022:95 VLV=s Response to Government Proposals for Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting (Cm.2946) (20 October 1995) 5.00

023:95 VLV=s Briefing Paper No 1 on Broadcasting Policy (23 November 1995) 4.50

024:95 VLV=s Response to the Green Paper of the Committee of the European Communities on Copyright & Related Rights in the Information Society (28 November 1995) 2.50

025:95 VLV=s Briefing Paper No 2 on Broadcasting Policy (20 December 1995) 2.50

026:96 VLV=s Briefing Paper re: Rights to Broadcast Video-Recordings of UK Sporting Events (12 February 1996 ) 2.50

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 3 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 027:96 VLV=s Briefing Paper No 3 on Broadcasting Policy (5 March 1996) 2.50

028:96 VLV=s Response to DTI Consultation (11/1/96) on the Regulation of Conditional Access Services for Digital Television (15 March 1996) 2.50

029:96 VLV=s Briefing Paper No 4 on Broadcasting Policy (May 1996) 2.50

030:96 VLV=s Briefing Paper No 4 on Broadcasting Policy - Suggested Amendments To the Broadcasting Bill (7 June 1996) 2.50

031:96 VLV=s Response to Department of National Heritage >Consultation Paper on Co-Operation between Multiplex Providers for Digital Terrestrial Television (pub. 24 May 1996) (10 June 1996) 2.50

032:96 VLV=s Submission to Department of National Heritage on >V-Chip= (14 June 1996) 4.50

032a:96 Joint VLV, NCC and CA letter to President of the Board of Trade re Amendments to Conditional Access Licencing Clauses in 1996 Broadcasting Bill (25 June 1966) 2.50

033:96 VLV=s Response to Consultation Paper by Department of Trade & Industry on Detailed Implementation Proposals for the Regulation of Conditional Access Service for Digital Television (12 August 1996) 3.50

034:96 VLV=s Response to the Department of Trade & Industry on Spectrum Management into the 21st Century (CM 3252)(14 October 1996) 2.50

034a:96 VLV=s Briefing Paper >Paying for Public Service Broadcasting= (November 1996) 6.00

034b:96 VLV Response to Final Consultation Paper by Department of Trade & Industry on The Regulation of Conditional Access Services for Digital Television (27 November 1996) (11 December 1996) 5.00

035:97 VLV=s Response to Consultative Document issued by the Director General of Telecommunications on draft OFTEL Guidelines for Conditional Access (24 January 1997) 5.50 036:97 VLV=s Evidence Submitted to The National Heritage Select Committee on >The Future of the BBC= (12 February 1997) 6.50

037:97 VLV=s Response to the BBC=s Digital Service Proposition Document (3 April 1997) 6.50

038:97 VLV=s Response to Events Listed Under Part IV of the Broadcasting Act 1996 (29 August 1997) 4.00

039:98 VLV=s Response to Final Consultation on Listed Events Under Part IV of the Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 4 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Broadcasting Act 1996 (19 January 1998) 4.50

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 040:98 VLV=s Submission to House of Commons Select Committee in Response to their Inquiry into Audio-Visual Communications and the Regulation of Broadcasting (26 January 1998) 7.50

041:98 VLV=s Response to the Commission of the European Communities on its Green Paper [Com(97)62] on the Convergence of the Telecommunications, Media and Information Technology Sectors and the Information Society Approach (26 March 1998) 6.00

042:98 VLV=s Response to Article 3a of the Revised >Television Without Frontiers= Directive of the European Council of Ministers (27 March 1998) 4.00

043:98 VLV=s Response to Consultation Paper on the Reform of Party Political Broadcasts (2 April 1998) 6.00

044:98 VLV=s Response to Consultation Green Paper (Cm3898) by Department of Trade & Industry: A Fair Deal for Consumers, Modernising the Framework for Utility Regulation (31 May 1998) 4.00

045:98 VLV=s Response to Department of Trade & Industry Directive 97/66/EC on the Processing of Personal Data and the Protection of Privacy in the Telecommunications Sector (17 June 1998) 2.50

046:98 VLV=s Response to Government=s Consultation Document on Television; The Digital Future (25 August 1998) 3.50

047:98 VLV=s Response to Scottish Office Review of Aspects of Gaelic Broadcasting (7 October 1998) 2.50

048:98 VLV=s Response to Welsh Office Broadcasting in Wales and the National Assembly (9 October 1998) 2.50

049:98 VLV=s Response to Green Paper Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport in July 1998: Regulating Communications : approaching convergence in the Information Age (30 November 1998) 6.50

050:99 VLV=s Response to the Secretary of State for culture, Media & Sport to carry out a Review of BBC Funding (30 March 1999) 5.00

051:99 VLV=s Response to a Report by David Graham & Associates for British Television in overseas markets for Department for Culture, Media & Sport On Building a Global Audience (25 June 1999) 4.50

052:99 VLV=s Response to >Regulating Communications: The Way Ahead= - Results of Consultation on Convergence Green Paper published by DTI and DCCM (26 August 1999) 4.50

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 5 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer 053:99 VLV=s Response to Scottish Office Gaelic Broadcasting Task Force (8 September 1999) 2.50

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 054:99 VLV=s Response to The Future Funding of the BBC to the Report of the Independent Review Panel set up by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport in July 1999 Chairman: Gavyn Davies (31 October 1999) 10.00

055:99 VLV=s Reponse to the Inquiry by the Select Committee for Culture, Media and Sport into the Future Funding of the BBC (31 October 1999) 5.00

056:99 VLV=s Response to Office of Fair Trading on United News and Media / Carlton Television Merger (23 December 1999) 2.50

057:00 VLV=s and incorporating EURALVA=s Response to The European Commission Communication >Towards a new framework for electronic communications infrastructure and associated services= The 1999 Communications Review (15 February 2000) 5.00

058:00 VLV=s response to the Joint DCMS/DTI consultation on the forthcoming Communications Reform White Paper (July 2000) 10.00

059:01 VLV=s response to the Government=s White Paper on A New Future for Communications (12 February 2001) 8.00

060:01 VLV=s response to the Government=s Proposed New Digital Services from The BBC (27 February 2001) 2.50

061:01 VLV=s response to the consultation by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport on The BBC=s Online GCSE Proposals (27 April 2001) 2.50

062:01 VLV=s response to DCMS consultation re: BBC=s Proposals for New Digital Services (28 June 2001) 2.00

063:01 VLV=s response to the Independent Review of Radio Spectrum Management - A consultation paper issued by the DTI and HM Treasury (September 2001) 6.00

063a:01 VLV’s response to Parliamentary Briefing on Office of Communications Bill Committee State (House of Lords) (29 October 2001) 1.50

064:01 VLV’s response to Parliamentary Briefing on Office on Communications Bill (19 November 2001) 2.50

065:02 Submission by VLV to a Consultation document issued by the Director General of Telecommunications on 30 October 2001 7.00

066:02 VLV’s Response to the Inquiry into Broadcasting by the Parliamentary Committee for Culture, Media and Sport (January 2002) 3.00

066a:02 VLV’s submission to consultation by DCMS & DTI on Digital Television: The Principles for Spectrum Planning 2.00 Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 6 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer 067:02 VLV’s response to the Review of the Progress Towards Digital Switchover by the DCMS (9 May 2002) 2.50

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 067a:02 VLV’s Evidence submitted to the review conducted by Richard Lambert on Independent Review of BBC News 24 2.00

068:02 VLV’s response to the Review of Radio Spectrum Management by the DTI and HM Treasury (10 May 2002) 2.50

069:02 VLV’s Observations & Reservations about 2002 Draft Communications Bill submitted to Joint Committee, Houses of Parliament (7 June 2002) 5.00

070:02 Memo from VLV on Draft Communications Bill presented to Parliament on 7 May 2002 by the Secretary of State for the Department of Trade & Industry and Secretary of State for the Department of Culture, Media & Sport (August 2002) 7.00

071:02 Submission by VLV to the Electoral Commission’s Party Political Broadcasting Review (August 2002) 2.50

071a:02 VLV’s consultation on the Future Structure of OFCOM (6 September 2002) 2.50

072:02 VLV’s Response to the Communications Bill on its Second Reading in the House of Commons (27 November 2002) 1.00

073:02 VLV’s Response to the Communications Bill on its Second Reading in the House of Commons (2 December 2002) 1.00

074:03 VLV’s response to Department of Culture, Media & Sport ‘Carriage of New BBC Channels on NTL’s Network (5 March 2003) 5.50

075:03 VLV’s Response to House of Lords Briefing Paper on the Communications Bill - Amendments proposed by VLV (20 March 2003) 5.50

076:03 VLV’s Response to House of Lords Briefing Paper No 2 on the Communications Bill - Amendments proposed by VLV (24 April 2003) 5.50

077:03 VLV’s Response to House of Lords Briefing Paper No 3 on the Communications Bill - Amendments supported by VLV (14 May 2003) 1.00

078:03 VLV’s Response to House of Lords Briefing Paper No 4 on the Communications Bill - Amendments supported by VLV (19 May 2003) 1.00

079:03 VLV’s Response to House of Lords Briefing Paper No 5 on the Communications Bill - Amendments supported by VLV (2 June 2003) 1.00

080:03 VLV’s Response to House of Lords Briefing Paper No 6 on the Communications Bill - Amendments to be moved on Report (20 June 2003) 1.50

081:03 VLV’s Reponse to House of Lords Briefing Paper No 7 on the Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 7 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Communications Bill – Amendments to be moved at 3rd Reading (7 July 2003) 1.00

Ref: 002/VLV/00

Responses to Radio Authority, Independent Television Commission, Broadcasting Standards Commission and BBC Consultations Ref: Title Price (UK) £

101:90 Radio Authority: draft code on Programme Sponsorship (1 September 1990) 2.50

102:90 ITC: draft code on Programme Sponsorship (29 November 1990) 2.50

103:90 ITC: draft code on Religion, Advertising/Sponsorship (29 November 1990) 2.50

104:90 ITC: draft code on Impartiality (14 December 1990) 2.50

105:90 ITC: draft Programme Code (6 December 1990) 2.50

106:90 ITC: draft code on Technical Performance (14 December 1990) 2.50

107:91 ITC: Channel 5 Licence (17 December 1991) 2.50

108:93 ITC: Discussion Document on Digital Television (5 August 1993) 2.50

109:93 ITC: Code of Programme Sponsorship (27 September 1993) 2.50

110:93 ITC: Consultation Document on the Future of Channel Five (15 October 1993) 2.50

111:94 VLV=s Evidence Submitted to the Radio Authority on The Future Use Of 105-108 MHz (April 1994) 2.50

113:95 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation on Channel 5 Licence Applications (12 June 1995) 3.00

114:96 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation re: Licensing of Digital Television (8 July 1996) 2.50

115:96 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Code of Advertising Standards and Practice: Rule 5 (4 October 1996) 2.50

116:96 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Code of Advertising and Alcohol (4 October 1996) 2.50

117:96 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation on Nominated News Providers for Channel 3 (30 October 1996) 2.50

118:96 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Review of ITC Code of Programme Sponsorship (14 November 1996) 4.00

119:97 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Draft Code on Sports and other Listed Events Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 8 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer (3 January 1997) 2.50 120:97 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation on Competition Investigation into Premium Channel Bundling (10 January 1997) 4.50

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 121:97 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation on Draft Code of Conduct on Electronic Programme Guides (17 February 1997) 4.50

122:97 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation on the Award of Licences to Operate Digital Terrestrial Television Multiplex Services (14 March 1997) 4.00

123:97 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Code of Advertising Standards and Practice of Bingo on Television (20 March 1997) 4.00

124:97 VLV=s Response to Radio Authority=s Code of Advertising and Sponsorship Of Bingo on Radio (21 March 1997) 4.00

125:97 VLV=s Response to Radio Authority Consultation on The Future Use of 225kHz Long Wave Frequency of 6 February 1997 (14 April 1997) 4.00

125a:97 VLV=s Response to ITC Advertising Minutage on the Terrestrial Analogue Television Services (10 July 1997) 4.00

126:97 VLV=s Response to Draft Amendments to the ITC Programme Code (29 August 1997) 4.00

127:97 VLV=s Response to ITC Revision of Rule 25, Pricing Claims (29 August 1997) 2.50

128:97 VLV=s Response to ITC Revision of Rule 29, Matrimonial and Introduction Agencies (29 August 1997) 2.50

129:97 VLV=s Response to Second Phase of ITC=s Consultation on Bundling in the Pay-TV market (28 September 1997) 6.00

130:97 VLV=s Response to ITC Consultation on Revisions to the Channel Four Licence (8 December 1997) 4.50

131:98 VLV=s Response to RA Proposed Changes to News and Current Affairs Guide (24 April 1998) 4.00

132:98 VLV=s Response to ITC Competition Investigation into Channel Bundling in The Retail Pay-tv Market (5 May 1998) 4.00

133:98 VLV=s Response to BBC=s Consultation on >On-line= Services (12 June 1998) 2.50

134:98 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation on Local Television Advertising Rules (1 July 1998) 2.50

135:98 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation on Digital Television, Interoperability

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 9 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer and Open Access (16 July 1998) 2.50

136:98 VLV=s Response to ITC=s Consultation re: Changes to Listed Events Code (6 August 1998) 2.50

137:98 VLV=s Comments on RA=s DAB: Notes for Guidance for Applicants and Digital One Bid (3 September 1998) 2.50

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 138:98 VLV=s Response to ITC Consultation on: Changes to ITV Weekday Evening Schedules, including >News at Ten= (28 October 1998) 4.50

139:98 VLV=s Response to Evidence Submitted to The Film Education Working Group of the BFI (8 December 1998) 3.00

140:99 VLV=s Response to BBC Consultation: The BBC and Parliamentary Broadcasting, March 1999 (12 May 1999) 4.50

141:99 VLV=s Response to ITC and OFTEL Joint Consultation on the Bundling of Television and Telephony (15 June 1999) 2.50

142:99 VLV=s Response to ITC Consultation on the Rules on Medical Professional Endorsement of Commercial Products in Television Advertising (2 September 1999) 4.00

143:99 VLV=s Response to BBFC Classification Guidelines 1999-2000 (24 December 1999) 2.50

144:00 VLV=s Response to ITC Consultation on Listed Events Code (31 January 2000) 2.50

145:00 VLV=s Response to ITC on United News & Media/Carlton Television Merger 2.50 (10 Feburary 2000)

146:00 VLV=s Response to RA Consultation on Cross Media Public Interest Test for Virgin 1215 AM arising out of intention by Scottish Media Group to acquire Ginger Media Group (10 February 2000) 2.50

147:00 VLV=s Response to RA Consultation on its draft Revised Advertising and Sponsorship Code (31 May 2000) 2.50

148:00 VLV=s Response to OFTEL and OFT study document on Competition in E-commerce (12 June 2000) 4.00

149:00 VLV=s Response to ITC Consultation on Joint ITC, OFTEL and OFT Advice to Government on Digital Television (June 2000) 6.00

150:00 VLV=s response to OFTEL and OFT study document on Competition in E-commerce (June 2000) 2.00

151:00 VLV=s response to ITC Consultation on Regionalism in ITV (August 2000) 2.00

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 10 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer 152:00 VLV=s response to ITC Consultation on Public Service Broadcasting (23 August 2000) 2.50

153:00 VLV=s response to the ITC Revisions to the ITC Programme Code (14 September 2000) 2.00

154:00 VLV=s response to New Service from the BBC (15 November 2000) 3.50

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 155:00 VLV=s response to BBC Consultation on >A Digital Curriculum (16 November 2000) 3.50

156:00 VLV=s response to BBC Consultation on the Future of Educational Broadcasting (16 November 2000) 4.50

157:00 VLV=s response to Revision of the Radio Authority Advertising & Sponsorship Code - Limited Sponsorship by Betting & Gaming Companies (21 December 2000) 1.00

157a:02 VLV’s submission to a Consultation Document issued by the Director General of Telecommunications on 30 October 2001 (25 January 2002) 4.50

157b:02 VLV’s submission to Consultation of Future AM Waveband Strategy Launched by Radio Authority (April 2002) 1.00

158:02 VLV’s response to the Review of Radio Spectrum Management by Prof Martin Cave (10 May 2002) 2.50

159:02 VLV’s response to ITC on Applications for Licences to operate Digital Multiplexes B,C & D (21 June 2002) 6.00

160:02 Consultation on Local News for Independent Local Radio Launched by the Radio Authority (June 2002) 3.00

161:02 VLV’s submission to the Electoral Commission’s Party Political Broadcasting Review, August 2002 (August 2002) 2.50

162:02 VLV’s response to Radio Authority Consultation on Local News for Independent Local Radio June 2002 (August 2002) 1.00

163:02 VLV’s response to ITC Consultation on Options for Change in DTT Transmission Mode (16 September 2002) 1.00

164:02 VLV’s response to DTI/Patent Office Consultation Paper on the Implementation in the UK of EC Directive 2001/29/EC on the Harmonisation of Certain Aspects of Copyright & Related Rights in the Information Society (18 September 2002) 5.00

165:02 VLV’s response to ITC Consultation on progress towards Digital Switchover (October 2002) 5.00

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 11 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer 166:03 VLV’s response to the Competition Commission Consultation on the proposed merger of Carlton Communications Plc and Granada Plc (11 April 2003) 1.00

167:03 VLV’s response to the Competition Commission Consultation on the proposed Carlton Communications Plc and Granada Plc Merger Inquiry: Chapter 7 (19 June 2003) 1.00

168:03 VLV’s response to DTI – Implementing Digital Switch-over: a draft strategy (30 June 2003) 1.50

Ref: 003/VLV/97 Reports and Transcripts of VLV Conferences and Seminars

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 201:85 What is Public Service Broadcasting and how should it be funded? Report of a Conference held by VoL on 18 May 1985 10.00

202:91 Behind the Programmes: Does the Audience Matter? One Day Conference on the Future of the BBC by VoL on 17 April 1991 (4 cassettes available) 10.00

203:91 >Pressures on the Programme Makers= - One Day Conference by VoL on 28 November 1991 (3 cassettes available) 10.00

204:92 >Viewers & Listeners at the Centre of Broadcasting Policy?= one-day conference by VLV on 6 April 1992 (3 cassettes available) 10.00

207:92 >The BBC Charter: Letting the Audience Speak= - one-day conference by VLV on 16 July 1992 (3 cassettes available) 10.00

208:92 >What Future for the BBC?= - one-day conference by VLV on 26 November 1992 10.00 (2 cassettes available only)

209:92 1992 Series of Westminster Seminars to raise public debate on broadcasting issues in advance of publication of 1992 Government Green Paper on the Future of the BBC: (1 cassette available only)

a Introduction to the series - Lord Thomson of Monifieth (20 February 1992) 7.50 (1 cassette available only)

b The European Experience - Prof K Dyson & Graham Mytton (2 March 1992) 7.50 (1 cassette available only)

c Options for Radio - David Hatch, Managing Director, BBC Radio (12 March 1992) 7.50 (1 cassette available only)

d Past Experience in Broadcasting as a Guide to Future Plans - Viscount Whitelaw KT CH MC (14 July 1992) (1 cassette available only) 7.50

e The Future of Broadcasting in Scotland (held in Edinburgh) - Prof A Thompson (8 September 1992) (2 cassettes available only) 7.50 Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 12 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer f What Future for Children=s Programmes - Sandie Hastie, Julia Jones and Roy Thompson, Deputy Head of BBC TV (3 December 1992) (2 cassettes available) 7.50

g What Future for Speech and Drama - Anthony Sampson, Alan Plater and Nicholas Fraser, Commissioning Editor, Channel 4 (9 December 1992) 7.50 (2 cassettes available)

h What Future for Religious Broadcasting - one-day seminar (27 January 1993) 10.00 (4 cassettes available only)

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ i What Future for Regional Broadcasting - Melvyn Bragg, Chairman of Border Television & Ron Neil, Managing Director, BBC Regional Broadcasting (10 February 1993) (1 cassette available only) 6.50

j What Future for Educational Broadcasting - one-day seminar (17 February 1993) 10.00 (3 cassettes available only)

k The Green Paper & the Future of the BBC - The Rt Hon Peter Brooke, MP, Secretary of State for the National Heritage (24 February 1993) (1 cassette available only) 6.50

l What Future for Farming & Rural Programmes - half-day seminar - Mrs Joan Davies, NWFI & Mr David Scott, Royal Agricultural Society (10 March 1993) 7.50 (2 cassettes available only)

m What Future for Live Music - Nicholas Snowman, South Bank Centre, Sally Groves & Barry Knight of BBC Radio 2 (16 March 1993) (2 cassettes available only) 6.50

210:93 3-Day International Conference - What Future for Public Service Broadcasting? - A Global Inquiry for Listeners & Viewers - by VLV 2-4 April 1993 15.00 (13 cassettes available only)

210a:93 Dinner Speech by David Puttnum at above International Conference (2 April 1993) 6.50

211:93 ‘A Watershed for British Broadcasting’ one-day conference by VLV – 27 April 1993 (4 cassettes available only) 10.00

212:93 >Changing Patterns in Broadcasting: For Better or Worse?= One-day Conference by VLV - 25 November 1993 (3 cassettes available only) 10.00

214:94 >The Fear of Crime: the Broadcasters= Responsibilities= One-day Conference by VLV, supported by the Broadcasting Standards Council - 24 March 1994 15.00 (4 cassettes available)

215:94 British Broadcasting and the Global Market - One-day Conference – 26 April 1994 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

215a:94 VLV=s Second International Conference >The Price of Choice: Public Service Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 13 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Broadcasting in a Competitive Market= 24-26 June 1994 Published by John Libbey & Co (9 cassettes available) Special price 7.50

216:94 The White Paper and the Future of the BBC, The Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell, MP, Secretary of State for the National Heritage - an Evening Seminar 3 November 1994 (1 cassette available) 7.50

217:94 The Broadcasters and the Audience - One-day Conference – 24 November 1994 (2 cassettes available only) 15.00

218:95 Children & Television: Enticement, Incitement or Entertainment? - One-day Conference, supported by the Broadcasting Standards Council - 29 March 1995 15.00

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 219:95 Politics & Accountability in Broadcasting - One-day Conference - 24 April 1995 15.00 (4 cassettes available)

220:95 The BBC and the Reporting of Parliament - an evening seminar held jointly with The Hansard Society at the Palace of Westminster - 23 May 1995 6.50 (1 cassette available)

221:95 >Digital Broadcasting: The Consumer Perspective= a VLV Symposium, at the Palace of Westminster - 28 September 1995 (2 cassettes available) 15.00

222:95 >Broadcasting & Cultural Identity= one-day Symposium in Edinburgh with the Scottish Association of Smallscale Broadcasters (28 October 1995) 15.00 (3 cassettes available)

223:95 >A Changing Landscape for British Broadcasting= a one-day Conference - 30 November 1995) (3 cassettes available) 15.00

224:96 >Serving the Citizen: Broadcasting and the General Election= a one-day Conference held jointly with The Hansard Society - 28 March 1996 17.50 (4 cassettes available)

225:96 >Broadcasting in Britain: Standards in a Competitive Market= - one-day Conference - 29 April 1996 (3 cassettes available) 15.00

226:96 VLV=s 3rd International Conference - >Broadcasting in Europe: Serving the Citizen Satisfying the Consumer= 13-15 June 1996 in London (10 cassettes available) 18.95

227:96 >Children & Television: Meeting their Needs into the Digital Age= - one-day Conference - 1 October 1996 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

228:96 >Pledges, Promises & Performance= - one-day Conference - 28 November 1996 15.00 (2 cassettes available)

229:97 Evening Seminar at House of Lords with Lord Inglewood, Under Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage on 3 March 1997 10.00 Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 14 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer (1 cassette available)

230:97 >Regional Broadcasting in the Digital Age= one-day conference at University Of Wales in Cardiff on 12 March 1997 (3 cassettes available) 15.00

231:97 >Broadcasting, Competition and the Consumer= one-day conference on 22 April 1997 (3 cassettes available) 15.00

232:97 >Children=s Television in the Multi-Channel Age= one-day conference on 7 October 1997 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

233:97 Westminster Seminar with Mark Fisher, MP, Under Secretary of State at Department of Culture, Media & Sport -3rd November 1997 (1 cassette available only) 10.00

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 234:97 >Competition, Funding and Public Service= one day Conference 19 November 1997 (3 cassettes available only) 15.00

235:97 >Broadcasting in Scotland: Post Devolution= one day Conference In Stirling on 29 November 1997(3 cassettes available) 15.00

236:98 VLV=s 4th International Conference >Citizens, Consumers or Punters? The Future for Viewers & Listeners in Europe= 5-7 March 1998 20.00 (9 cassettes available)

237:98 >Competitive Pressures in Broadcasting: the effects on news & cultural Programmes= one-day conference 29 April 1998 (4 cassettes available only) 15.00

238:98 >Broadcasting in Scotland: New Politics: New Technology: New Opportunities= one day Conference in Glasgow 4 June 1998 (3 cassettes available only) 15.00

239:98 >Meeting the Controller BBC Radio 4' - Speaker James Boyle, Controller Evening seminar 16 September 1998 (1 cassette available) 8.00

240:98 >Children, the Internet and Interactive Television= One day conference 28 September 1998 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

241:98 >Broadcasting in Wales: the new agenda= One day conference 22 October 1998 (3 cassettes available) 15.00

242:98 >Public Service Broadcasting: its purpose in the digital age= Keynote speaker: Sir John Birt, BBC Director General One day conference 18 November 1998 (3 cassettes available) 15.00

243:98 ‘Broadcasting in Scotland: A Changing Agenda’ one day conference in Edinburgh 28 November 1998 Not available

244:99 >Broadcasting, Democracy and Social Inclusion= Three day International Conference 17-19 February 1999 (9 cassettes available) 25.00 Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 15 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer 245:99 >Broadcasting in Britain: What is its Future= One day conference in Cambridge, 15 April 1999 (3 cassettes available) 15.00

246:99 >Public Service Broadcasting in a Commercial Age: value for money One day conference 22 April 1999 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

247:99 >Regulating Television and Complying with the Law= on 4 May 1999 Half-day seminar in Glasgow in Association with Glasgow University of Law 9.00 (2 cassettes available only)

248:99 >Broadcasting in Wales: the New Millennium= one day conference in Swansea, 13 October 1999 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

249:99 >Broadcasting in Northern Ireland: the New Millennium= one day conference in Belfast, 20 October 1999 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 250:99 >Broadcasting & Politics: Past & Future= one day conference in 15.00 Edinburgh, 27 October 1999 (3 cassettes available only)

250:99a VLV Lecture by the Most Revd Richard Holloway at Moray House Edinburgh 15:00

251:99 >Funding & Scheduling Children=s Programmes= one day conference In London W8, 11 November 1999 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

252:99 >Broadcasting and Cultural Diversity= one day conference in London WC1 25 November 1999 (3 cassettes available only) 15.00

253:99 >Broadcasting, Parliaments and the People= one day conference with The Hansard Society in London, 8 December 1999 (5 cassettes available only) 15.00

254:00 The Rt Hon Chris Smith, MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport >Analogue Switch-over= an evening seminar 9 March 2000 10.00 (2 cassettes available)

255:00 >News at When?: The Future for News on ITV= afternoon seminar in London on 27 March 2000 (2 cassettes available) 12.50

256:00 >Broadcasting: Spoilt for Choice?= one day conference in London WC1 on 13 April 2000 (4 cassettes available) 15.00

257:00 >Public Service Broadcasting in the Information Society= 3-day conference Held in London WC2 17-19 May 2000 (11 cassettes available only only) 30.00

258:00 >Viewing: Fact or Fiction? one-day conference in London W1 with The CCIS, University of Westminster on 27 June 2000 (5 cassettes available only) 15.00

259:00 ‘Meet the New Controller of Radio 4’ evening seminar with Helen Boaden Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 16 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer 25 September 2000 – 2 cassettes only

260:00 ‘Broadcasting and Fiction: Drama & Comedy and Communications White Paper’ one-day conference in Glasgow – 14 October 2000 not available

261:00 ‘Education or Educative’ evening seminar in London – 30 October 2000 (2 cassettes only available only) 10.00

262:00 ‘Children and Television: a public service or a licence to exploit’ one day conference in London – 1 November 2000 not available

263:00 ‘Public Service Broadcasting Coming of Age’ one day conference in London – 28 November 2000 (3 cassettes only available only) 15.00

264:01 VLV Westminster Seminar on White Paper with Culture Secretary Rt Hon Chris Smith, MP- 1 February 2001 (2 cassettes only available) 10.00

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 265:01 ‘Broadcasting and Wales: the new future for Communications’ one day conference in Aberystwyth – 14 March 2001 not available

266:01 ‘More Broadcasting: Fewer Rules’ one day conference in London 5 April 2001 (4 cassettes only available) 17.50

267:01 ‘Public Service Broadcasting and Citizenship in the Information Society’ three-day conference in London – 6-8 June 2001 (10 cassettes only available) 35.00

268:01 ‘A Digital Curriculum’ an evening seminar in London 26 September 2001 (2 cassettes only available) 10.00

269:01 ‘Broadcasting & Scottish Devolution’ one-day conference in Edinburgh - 13 October 2001 not available 270:01 ‘Children & Television: Facing the Future’ one day conference in London – 1 November 2001 (0 cassettes available) not available

271:01 ‘Broadcasting and the New Environment’ one-day conference in London – 28 November 2001 (0 cassettes available) not available

272:02 ‘Broadcasting to Primary Schools: Introducing the Digital Curriculum’ evening seminar in London – 5 February 2002 (3 cassettes only available) 10.00

273:02 ‘Broadcasting, Wales and the New Environment’ one-day conference in Cardiff – 28 February 2002 (4 cassettes only available) 15.00

274:02 ‘Broadcasting to the Nations and the English Regions’ one-day conference – 21 March 2002 (4 cassettes only available) 17.50

275:02 ‘Terrorism, Trade & Truth’ three-day conference in London - 24-25 April 2002 (10 cassettes only available) 30.00

276:02 VLV Westminster Seminary with the Culture Secretary, Rt Hon Tessa Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 17 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Jowell MP – 14 May 2002 (2 cassettes only available) 12.50

277:02 ‘Broadcasting, Scotland & the New Communications Bill’ one-day conference in Edinburgh – 12 October 2002 not available

278:02 Broadcasting, Life Long Learning & the New Communications Bill’ evening seminar in London – 15 October 2002 (2 cassettes only available) 12.50

279:02 ‘What Future for Children’s TV & Radio’ one-day conference in London – 6 November 2002 (4 cassettes only available) 20.00

280:02 ‘The Communications Bill: getting it right!’ one day conference in London – 28 November 2002 (3 cassettes only available) 18.50

281:02 VLV Evening on Communications Bill’ evening seminar in London – 2 December 2002 (3 cassettes only available) 12.50

Ref: Title Price (UK) £ 282:03 VLV Westminster Seminar with Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP. Culture Secretary for the Department of Culture, Media & Sport – 21 January 2003 (1 cassette only available) 7.50

283:03 ‘Broadcasting, Wales and the new Regulatory Framework’ one day conference in Swansea – 26 February 2003 (3 cassettes only available) 20.00

284:03 ‘The Communications Bill: content or commerce – which matters most?’ one-day conference in London – 30 April 2003 (3 cassettes only available) 20.00

285:03 ‘What Price the Proms and the Excellence of BBC Music?’ afternoon seminar in London 7 July 2003 (2 cassettes only available) 7.50

286:03 Media Literacy for Adults – an evening seminar of the VLV Forum for Educational Broadcasting in London – 30 October 2003 (2 cassettes available) 10.00

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 18 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Ref: 003/004/VLV/97

Other VLV Productions/Publications

Ref: Title Price (UK) £

301:92 >No Licence to Kill= the BBC 30 minute Television Programme about the BBC and its role and future made by VLV with help from BBC Community Programme Unit broadcast in BBC2 Open Space - on 13 April 1992 at 7.40pm VHS VIDEO 7.50

302:92 Post-Production Transcript of above Programme 6.00

303:92 VLV=s Second International Conference >The Price of Choice: Public Service Broadcasting in a Competitive Market= 24-26 June 1994 Published by John Libbey & Co (ISBN: 086196 4772) 17.50

304:02 Review of the Progress Towards Digital Switchover 1.50

Other Publications

401:00 Back issues of VLV Quarterly Newsletter (each) .80

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 19 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer 402:01 Research Paper on >Changing Patterns in Broadcasting= by Steven Barnett and Ivor Gaber of Goldsmiths College dated 25 November 1993 presented at VLV Conference on 25 November 1993. Funded by The Voice of the Listener Trust 7.50

403:02 UPDATE ON ABOVE RESEARCH Research Paper on >From Divergence to Convergence? Changing Broadcast News Agendas 1993-1998' dated 18 November 1998 presented at VLV Conference on 18 November 1998. Funded by The Voice of the Listener Trust 7.50



The Broadcasting Research Unit was an independent company with charitable status which commissioned research into different aspects of broadcasting in the UK and abroad. The BRU was formed in 1980. It was disbanded in January 1991 when its archive was donated to VLV.

The following reports and books published by the BRU are available from VLV.

Reports: PRICE £ 1982 Television and the Riots: A report for the Broadcasting Research Unit by Howard Tumber 6.50

1986 Television and the Miners= Strike by Guy Cumberbatch, Robin McGregor & John Brown of Aston University with David Morrison of BRU 9.00

1989 Review of Research into Public Attitudes in the UK Toward Programme Standards with Reference also to related research in Western Europe and the USA. (Report to the Broadcasting Standards Council). 15.00

1989 Cross-Media Ownership and Its Impact on Opinion: A case Study by S Barnett 9.00

1989 Response to the White Paper: Broadcasting in the >90s 7.50

1990 Identifying the Undefinable: An Essay on Approaches to Assessing Quality in Television In the UK, by T Leggatt 7.50

1990 Measuring Television Audiences: How Viewers Assess Programmes by P Mills 10.00

1992 Quality in Television: The Views of Professionals by T Leggatt 10.00 Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 20 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer BOOKS

The Public Service Idea in British Broadcasting: Main Principles - published by BRU 3.00

Invisible Citizens: British public opinion and the future of broadcasting, by D Morrison, published by BRU/John Libbey (1988) 10.00

Keeping Faith? Channel Four and its Audience by D Docherty, D Morrison and M Tracey, published by BRU/John Libbey (1988) 15.00

Journalists at War: the dynamics of news reporting during the Falklands conflict by D Morrison and H Tumber, published by Sage (1988) Paperback 10.95

Video World-Wide, by M Alavarado published by UnESCO/John Libbey/BRU (1988). Normal price ,21.00 Special price 5.00

PRICE £ The Listener Speaks: the radio audience and the future of radio by S Barnett & D Morrison, published by HMSO (1989) 7.95

Images of Disability on Television by G Cumberbatch and R Negrine, published by Routledge (November 1991) (Hardback) 35.00

School Television in Use by P Croll and D Moses, published by John Libbey (1991) 12.50

Television in schools by R Moss, C Jones & B Gunter, published by John Libbey (1991) 14.50

Further BRU Reports - Pre-1989

1985 Summary of Evidence to the Peacock Committee by Jeanette Peasey & David Docherty 2.50

1985 Peacock, Polls and Puffery by Steven Barnett & David Docherty 2.50

1985 Australian Broadcasting: Public Service: Private Confusion by Steven Barnett 2.50

1985 New Zealand Broadcasting: A Tale of Two Channels by Steven Barnett 2.50

1986 Canadian Broadcasting; Under the Volcano by David Docherty 2.50

1986 French Broadcasting: the Market Approach takes Over by Raymond Kuhn 2.50

1986 Irish Broadcasting: Surviving advertising, the Irish Experience by David Docherty 2.50

1986 German Broadcasting: The Mirror Cracked by David Docherty & Jeanette Peasey 2.50

1986 The Peacock Debate in the UK by Steven Barnett & David Docherty 2.50

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 21 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer 1986 Pricing the Radio Spectrum by Steven Barnett 2.50


Ref : Title Price £

601:98 EURALVA=s Response to the Commission of the European Communities on its Green Paper [Com(97)62] on the Convergence of the Telecommunications, Media and Information Technology Sectors and the Information Society Approach (26 March 1998) 4.00

602:00 VLV=s and EURALVA=S Response to The European Commission Communication >Towards a new framework for electronic communications infrastructure and associated services= The 1999 Communications Review (15 February 2000) 5.00

603:03 EURALVA’s response to the Review of the Television Without Frontiers Directive 2003 (14 July 2003) 6.00

Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 22 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee No. 4407712. Page 23 Registered office: 101 King’s Drive, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5BQ

Honorary Officers: Jocelyn Hay MBE Chairman Bob Fletcher Secretary Colin Thompson FCA FIRM Treasurer “Working for quality and diversity in British broadcasting”

Founded by Jocelyn Hay in 1983 ORDER FORM

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