Minutes of the 20Th Meeting of the Steering Committee on Integrated Watershed Management

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Minutes of the 20Th Meeting of the Steering Committee on Integrated Watershed Management


The 20th meeting of the Steering Committee on Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) was held on 18.08.2011 under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary (LR) in the Committee Room of Department of Land Resources at NBO Building, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi. The list of participants is at Annexure-I.

2. The Joint Secretary welcomed the participants and requested the State representatives from Haryana, Karnataka, Orissa, Punjab, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh to present the proposals to the Committee for appraisal.


(i) The Principal Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Govt. of Haryana, made a presentation on State Perspective & Strategic Plan and Preliminary Project Reports submitted in respect of new projects under IWMP by the SLNA, Haryana. He informed that out of 5361 micro-watersheds in the State, 1580 micro-watersheds have been covered under various watershed schemes in the State. 1974 micro-watersheds covering an area of 13.88 lakh ha are reported as untreatable. These untreatable micro-watersheds include reserved forest areas also. Since, the forest areas irrespective of their type, falling within the watershed project are now covered under IWMP, Steering Committee suggested to include the same under treatable micro-watersheds.

(ii) In the presentation, Principal Secretary (RD), Haryana proposed to take up 47 IWMP projects covering an area of 1,79,531 lakh ha during 2011-12 against the allocated target 1.03 lakh ha. The Steering Committee observed discrepancy in the number of micro-watersheds in some of the proposed IWMP projects and suggested to correct the same after verification. The state representative agreed for the same. Regarding recruitment of the experts and staff in the SLNA, it was informed that the advertisement has already been issued and interview is to be conducted for selection of suitable candidates.

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 1 The Principal Secretary (RD), Govt. of Haryana assured to complete the same within a month.

(iii) Regarding the progress in the engagement of experts & staff in the dedicated institutions at district and project levels, it is observed that the process for the same is underway and is expected to be completed by December, 2011.

(iv)The Steering Committee also suggested organizing a workshop at Chandigarh on DPR preparation in September, 2011.

(v) The Committee also discussed about the progress of implementation of DDP & IWDP projects in the State. During the discussion, State representative assured to furnish requisite information documents in respect of closed projects by December, 2011 and complete ongoing projects by December, 2012.

(vi)The Committee appraised and cleared all the 47 projects covering an area of 1,79,531 ha in 7 Districts of Haryana for the year 2011-12 proposed by Haryana also recommended for release of first installment to all projects subject to correction of number of micro-watersheds in each proposed project. The list of projects appraised & cleared is at Annexure-II.


(i) The Commissioner, Watershed Development Department, Karnataka made a presentation on the progress of ongoing watershed projects of Department of Land Resources in the State of Karnataka. The State has proposed to take up new projects covering a total area of 6.54 lakh ha during the year 2011-12 against the minimum tentative target of 5.48 lakh ha allocated by DoLR.

(ii) Regarding the progress in the engagement of experts & staff in the dedicated institutions set up at different levels, it was observed that the State has made satisfactory progress in positioning the experts and staff at various levels.

(iii) The expenditure under Entry Point Activities (EPAs) is quite good whereas in capacity building it was observed that more than 50 % of the physical target has been achieved while the corresponding expenditure is comparatively less. The State representative was asked to look into this aspect.

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 2 (iv)The Committee was informed that 119 DPRs for projects sanctioned during 2009-10 have already been prepared but are yet to be uploaded on website. In this regard, it was informed by the State that they have prepared DPRs following net planning and the same is available at URL of PLAN. The Committee suggested that the same may be linked to DoLR website.

(v) The State Govt. informed that works in all the 119 projects sanctioned during 2009-10 have started. The State reported an expenditure of Rs. 52.82 crore against the total availability of Rs. 126.54 crore, for the projects sanctioned during 2009-10. The expenditure is Rs. 24.00 crore against the total available funds of Rs. 131.15 crore released for the projects sanctioned in 2010-11. Looking to the low expenditure of the available funds under IWMP, the Committee suggested expediting the implementation of the programme and expenditure.

(vi)The State representative informed that the State Government will be able to complete all ongoing Hariyali projects of IWDP, DPAP and DDP before 31.12.2012. It was further informed that the pending UCs for the pre-Hariyali projects will be submitted by March 2012 and for all the Haryali projects by March 2013.

(vii) The Committee deliberated upon the proposal of the State Government and appraised & cleared 139 projects covering an area of 6,54,833.95 ha in 29 Districts of Karnataka for the year 2011-12. However, as the tentative target allocated for the State is only Rs. 5.48 lakh ha, the Committee directed that only 5,48,264.47 ha be considered for release of 6 % of central funds at this stage and release of central assistance for additional project area of 1,06,569.48 ha will be considered after August 2011, after taking stock of the demands received from other States. The list of projects appraised & cleared is at Annexure-.


(i) The Special Secretary and Director, Orissa Watershed Development Mission made a presentation on performance of the IWMP projects sanctioned to the State during 2009-10 and 2010-11. The State has proposed for an area of

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 3 3.80 lakh ha for the year 2011-12 against the target of 3.55 lakh ha. He said that out of this proposed area, 2.71 lakh ha falls in 15 districts identified as IAP districts.

(ii) Regarding the pre-IWMP projects in the State, he informed that there are 40 projects under IWDP, out of which one has been closed and the remaining 39 would claim the next installment(s) by January, 2012. Similarly, there are 254 projects under DPAP and the next installment(s) would be claimed by January, 2012. He informed that there are 34 Utilization Certificates pending with the State for Rs. 18.74 crore. These would be submitted by March, 2012. He assured that all these projects would be completed within the deadline of December, 2012 fixed by DoLR.

(iii) It was informed to the Committee that all the 26 districts of the State have been covered under IWMP and WCDCs have been set up in all of them. The funds for setting up of WCDCs for 23 districts have been received. He requested for release of institutional funds for remaining 3 districts.

(iv)He informed that the DPRs are being prepared on microwatershed basis under IWMP and, so far 403 DPRs out of 610 have been prepared for the project sanctioned during 2009-10. The remaining DPRs would be completed by September, 2011. The DPRs for the project sanctioned during 2010-11 will be completed by March, 2012. He further informed that 40 DPRs have been uploaded on the website of the Department, www.orissawatershed.org. Remaining DPRs will be uploaded on the website after completion.

(v) The State representative said that the State is experiencing difficulty in getting people through service provider as the tax deductions, management cost, mandatory deductions for EPF, ESI, etc. amount to huge deductions from the gross salary of the contract employee resulting in considerably lesser net pay. The Committee opined that specific requests in this regard may be sent to DoLR for examination.

(vi) The Committee observed that the progress in the EPAs is satisfactory. The Committee opined that the GPS coordinates should also be displayed on the signboard for assets being created under EPA. The CEO assured to get the same displayed on the signboards.

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 4 (vii) The Committee appraised and cleared the proposal of the State for taking up 68 projects covering 3,79,974 ha in 18 Districts for the year 2011- 12. The list of projects is at Annexure-II.


(i) The Technical Expert (Livelihoods), SLNA, Punjab made a presentation on the activities taken up under the IWMP projects sanctioned for Punjab during 2009- 10 and 2010-11. The State has proposed for an area of 0.79 lakh ha in 9 Districts for the year 2011-12 against the target of 0.73 lakh ha.

(ii) It was informed to the Committee that only 8 IWDP projects are currently ongoing in the State and the proposals for release of next installment(s) will be submitted to the DoLR latest by September 2011. The State representatives informed that all efforts are being made to complete all these ongoing projects within the timelines prescribed by DoLR.

(iii) The Committee observed that only 50 % of the WDTs have been engaged so far in the IWMP projects sanctioned for the year 2009-10 and 2010-11. The expenditure in respect of SLNA and WCDCs was also very low (26 %). The State representative informed that the process of appointment of WDTs is in the final stages and the expenditure is likely to pick up once the same is completed.

(iv) The State representative mentioned that the DPRs for the 6 projects sanctioned during 2009-10 have been prepared and uploaded in the departmental website http://dswcpunjab.gov.in. He further assured that the preparation of DPRs for the rest 13 projects sanctioned during 2010-11 would be completed by October 2011.

(v) The Committee opined that the progress in the capacity building activities was poor during 2010-11. The State representative informed that efforts have been made to impart trainings in a planned way during the current year. The State has reported a total expenditure of Rs. 4.14 crore out of the project funds released so far, which is very low. The State representative informed that expenditure will increase as watershed works would be taken up soon utilizing the balance 14 % of central funds for the projects sanctioned in 2009-10 which were released during July, 2011.

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 5 (vi) Regarding the Districtwise proposals of the State for the year 2011-12, the Committee observed that the maps were prepared on subwatershed basis. Considering the need for treatment of the wasteland/ degraded lands in the State, the Committee appraised and cleared 12 projects falling in Kandi area of the State (Hoshiarpur, Mohali, Pathankot, Ropar, and SBS Nagar Districts) covering a total area of 67,220 ha (list at Annexure-II) subject to splitting of project area of Hoshiarpur VII and VIII into manageable sizes and submission of districtwise maps on microwatershed basis

(vii) The Committee was of the opinion that the projects proposed in non-Kandi areas should be considered only after submission of detailed progress by the State, for the projects sanctioned in non-Kandi areas for the year 2010-11, including activities undertaken in the non-Kandi areas and the likely impacts of those activities, alongwith Districtwise microwatershed maps.


(i) The performance of the IWMP projects sanctioned to Tripura during 2009-10 and 2010-11 was presented by the CEO, SLNA. The State has proposed for an area of 0.30 lakh ha for the year 2011-12 against the minimum tentative target of 0.56 lakh ha allocated. The CEO, SLNA informed that the proposal for balance 0.26 lakh ha would be submitted in about two months.

(ii) Among the pre-IWMP schemes, only IWDP is operational in the State. He informed that out of the total 22 IWDP projects (4 - pre-Hariyali and 18 - Hariyali), none have been completed so far. 16 projects have been closed as they were non- performing. At present only 6 projects are on-going. These projects are facing difficulty as the mid term evaluation report (MTER) has not been submitted by NIRD, Guwahati so far. He informed that the 17 utilization certificates involving Rs. 1.08 crore pending with the State would be submitted by March, 2012. The Committee opined that NIRD, Guwahati should be contacted for expeditious submission of these MTERs and in case there is any difficulty in getting the MTERs from NIRD, Guwahati, the State may consider getting these projects evaluated by some other Agency/ individual. The State representative agreed to take early action in this matter.

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 6 (iii) The State representative informed that WCDCs have been set up in all 4 districts of the State where IWMP is operational. The funds for setting up of WCDCs for 4 districts have been received. He informed that the office staff have been engaged in SLNA & WCDC very recently and the remaining four posts of Accountants in WCDC would be filled up by September, 2011.

(iv)The CEO, SLNA stated that DPRs for all 10 projects sanctioned during 2009- 10 have been prepared, of which 4 have been uploaded on the website of the Department, www.agritripura.nic.in. The DPRs of balance 6 projects would be uploaded by September 2011. Regarding the preparation of DPRs for the projects sanctioned during 2010-11, he informed that the same would be completed by December, 2011.

(v) The Committee observed that the progress in the EPAs is satisfactory but the capacity building activities need more attention of the SLNA. On the poor progress in the capacity building activities, the CEO informed that due to non- availability of institutions/ NGOs in the State, the progress is not upto the mark. He further informed that, WASSAN has been involved recently, for hand holding in DPR preparation as well as for capacity building.

(vi)The Committee noticed that the financial progress of the projects sanctioned during 2009-10 has not been satisfactory and there is need to expedite the pace of expenditure further.

(vii) After discussions on the districtwise proposals for the year 2011-12, the Committee appraised and cleared a total area of 30,125 ha (11 projects) in all the 4 Districts of the State. The list of these projects is at Annexure-II.


(i) The Principal Secretary (Land Development & Water Resources) made a presentation on performance of the IWMP projects sanctioned to State during 2009-10 and 2010-11. The State has proposed for an area of 5.23 lakh ha in 54 non Bundelkhand Districts against the target of 5.63 lakh ha for the year 2011-12. It was informed to the Committee that for 2011-12, a total area of 2.70 lakh ha in Bundelkhand Districts of Uttar Pradesh was appraised and

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 7 cleared by the Committee in its 13th meeting held on 16.07.10 and the 6 % of the central funds has also been released to the State during June 2011.

(ii) Regarding the implementation of pre-IWMP projects, the State representative informed that the proposals for 6 IWDP projects and 53 DPAP projects, which are ongoing, will be submitted soon and assured to complete all these projects before the deadline of December 2012. It was informed that the State will expedite action for submitting pending UCs under IWDP and DPAP.

(iii) Regarding the progress in the engagement of experts & staff in the dedicated institutions set up at different levels, it was observed that the State had made good progress in positioning the experts and staff at various levels. However, the Committee observed that the expenditure for the same was too low. The State representative informed that the Department has engaged half of the staff on deputation basis for which the salaries are borne from the State budget and payment of salaries for the other contract staff is pending for the last few months. The Principal Secretary also requested for prescribing the qualifications for the post Assistants in Watershed Cell cum Data Centre, as of now no qualification is laid down. The Committee informed that the SLNA may decide the same. Further, it was informed to the State representative that SLNAs have been given the flexibility to vary the type and no. of experts and staff to be engaged in the dedicated institutions at different levels, adhering to the financial limits prescribed under recurring expenses.

(iv)The State has informed that the DPR preparation for 246 projects out of 249 projects sanctioned upto 2010-11 has been completed and approved by the SLNA. Of these, 50 DPRs have been uploaded in the Department’s website, http://upldwr.up.nic.in. A brief presentation of model DPR for IWMP projects of Uttar Pradesh was made by Dr. Ramesh Singh, Sr. Scientist (SWC), National Research Centre for Agro-forestry (ICAR), Jhansi. The Committee observed the DPR format has some lacunae. It does not include mandatory features like executive summary, baseline data, demography details, resource maps, annual action plans indicating physical and financial targets, the types of entry point activities identified, arrangements for convergence, monitoring including social audit, etc. The Committee advised to refer to DPRs prepared by other States like Gujarat which are available in the website, MIS and AAP formats

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 8 circulated by DoLR and other documents to ensure that a comprehensive quality DPR is prepared for effective implementation of the projects.

(v) The Committee observed that the progress in the EPAs is satisfactory. However, the Committee opined that the display boards for the same, indicating the name of the project, name of the work, expenditure for the work, GPS coordinates, etc., be maintained prominently for ensuring transparency and awareness about the project. The Principal Secretary mentioned that the target under capacity building of WC level stakeholders for the year 2010-11 could not be achieved in full due to the Panchayat elections held during last year. However, he assured that efforts are being made to cover up the shortfall in achievements of last year during the current year.

(vi)The Committee observed that the pace of implementation of various activities under these projects is very slow and needs to be expedited. The State representative assured to take immediate steps for the same. The State has reported a total expenditure of Rs. 110.84 crore out of Rs. 172.01 crore released so far for the projects sanctioned during 2009-10 and 2010-11.

(vii) Further, the Principal Secretary mentioned that thrust has is being given to capacity building activities and necessary instructions have been given to the District and project level officers for timely and proper implementation of the projects as per the AAPs.

(viii) The State representative informed that the empanelment of evaluating agencies by the SLNA is under progress and the evaluation of the activities undertaken in the Preparatory Phase of the projects sanctioned during 2009- 10 would be completed latest by December 2011. It was informed by the Department that only gist of the evaluation reports submitted by the evaluation agency for a particular batch of projects be compiled and forwarded by SLNA to DoLR.

(ix)Regarding the proposals for the year 2011-12, the Committee appraised and cleared all the 106 projects covering a total area of 5,23,137 ha falling in 54 non-Bundelkhand districts of the State (as per Annexure-II), subject to making necessary correction in the project area proposed for treatment arrived at from the total project area.

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 9 9. During this meeting, a total of 18.35 lakh ha has been appraised and cleared for the States of Haryana, Karnataka, Orissa, Punjab, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh. The Statewise details have been summarised in Annexure-III.

10. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks.


Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 10 Annexure-I

List of participants in the 20th meeting of the Steering Committee on Integrated Watershed Management Programme held on 18.08.2011 at Nirman Bhavan, Department of Land Resources, New Delhi

1. Shri Prabhudayal Meena, Additional Secretary (LR), DoLR - In chair 2. Dr. Savita Anand, JS (WM), DoLR 3. Dr. A.K. Sikka, Technical Expert, NRAA 4. Smt. Krishna Tyagi, CCA, MoRD 5. Shri V.M. Arora, Director, DoLR 6. Smt. Arti Chaudhary, AIGF, DoLR 7. Dr. C.P. Reddy, DC, DoLR 8. Shri Kumar Garison, SO, DoLR 9. Shri Kumaravel S, TO, DoLR 10. Smt. Shanu Bhat, TO, DoLR 11. Shri Yashpal Singh Narwaria, TO, DoLR 12. Shri Dharmendra Kumar, TO, DoLR 13. Shri Virendra Singh, Additional Commissioner (RFS), Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC), Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India 14. Shri Ramkumar, CEO, GSWMA, Gujarat 15. Shri Jayant Deshamukh, Director (Agricultrue) & CEO, SLNA, Maharashtra 16. Shri M. Mohamed Ikbal, Technical Expert, SLNA, Tamil Nadu 17. Dr. M.K. Salooja, Director, School of Agriculture, IGNOU, New Delhi 18. Shri Gangadhora Murugan, Economist, National Resource Centre, Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation, New Delhi 19. Dr. K. Srinivas Reddy, Principal Scientist (SWCE), CRIDA (ICAR), Hyderabad 20. Dr. Sudhanshu K K Mishra, Assistant General Manager, NABARD, New Delhi 21. Shri Uday Raj, General Manager, RRSC- South, ISRO, Banglore 22. Shri Yogesh Kumar, Principal Secretary, Dept. of Land Development and Water Resources, Uttar Pradesh 23. P. Raghvaendra Rao, Principal Secretary (Rural Development), Harayana 24. G.B. Reddy, Director and CEO, SLNA, Orissa Watershed Development Mission, Orissa 25. Shri M.S. Goudar, Commissioner (Watershed) & CEO, SLNA, Karnataka 26. Dr. A Rajanna, Director, Watershed Development Department, Karnataka 27. Shri Saradindu Das, CEO, SLNA (IWMP), Tripura 28. Shri Lal Bihari, Administrator, Ramganga Command, Uttar Pradesh

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 11 29. Shri R.K. Ram, Technical Expert (AE), SLNA, Uttar Pradesh 30. Shri Sukhwinder Singh Kahlon, Technical Expert (Livelihood), SLNA, Punjab 31. Shri Vikas Rastogi, Technical Expert (GIS), SLNA, Uttar Pradesh 32. Shri Sanjeeb K.Bohidar, Asst. Manager, Orissa Watershed Development Mission, Orissa 33. Shri Arun Kumar, Research Officer, Rural Development Department, Harayana 34. Shri Suresh Chand Verma, Project Officer, Rural Development Department, Harayana 35. Dr. Ramesh Singh, Sr. Scientist (SWC), National Research Centre for Agro-forestry, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh 36. Shri Vasu Mangla, Engineer ,Water & Power Consultancy Services (WAPCoS), Haryana 37. Shri Kailash Ram, Dy. Director, Dept. of Land Development and Water Resources, Uttar Pradesh 38. Shri S.K. Verma, Dy. Director, Ramganga Command, Dept. of Land Development and Water Resources, Uttar Pradesh 39. Shri Ugrasen Shahi, Dy. Director, Dept. of Land Development and Water Resources, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh 40. Shri Shankar Dau, Dy. Director, Dept. of Land Development and Water Resources, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh 41. Shri R K. Pandey, Evaluation Officer, Ramganga Command, Dept. of Land Development and Water Resources, Uttar Pradesh 42. Shri Gurbinder Singh Dillon, Soil Conservation Officer, Soil & Water Conservation Dept., Punjab 43. Shri R.K. Chaudhray, SA, Sarada Command, Dept. of Land Development and Water Resources, Uttar Pradesh

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 12 Annexure-II List of projects under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), for the year 2011-12, appraised and cleared by the Steering Committee in its 20th meeting held on 18.08.11 HARYANA (Area in ha and Rs. in lakh)

S. Area Total Central State Weight No. of No District Project name proposed for project Share Share Name of PIA age MWS* . treatment cost^ (90%) (10%) 1 Bhiwani IWMP-1/ 11-12 107.5 6 4950 594.00 534.60 59.40 ASCO Bhiwani 2 IWMP-2/ 11-12 104 3 2650 318.00 286.20 31.80 ASCO Bhiwani 3 IWMP-3/ 11-12 107.5 5 5000 600.00 540.00 60.00 ASCO Bhiwani 4 IWMP-4/ 11-12 107.5 6 4919 590.28 531.25 59.03 ASCO Bhiwani 5 IWMP-5/ 11-12 105 4 3047 365.64 329.08 36.56 ASCO Dadri 6 IWMP-6/ 11-12 105 3 3200 384.00 345.60 38.40 ASCO Dadri Subtotal 27 23766 2851.92 2566.73 285.19 7 Hisar IWMP-1/ 11-12 90 5 3674 440.88 396.79 44.09 ASCO Hisar 8 IWMP-2/ 11-12 65.5 6 3932 471.84 424.66 47.18 ASCO Hisar 9 IWMP-3/ 11-12 70.5 3 3069 368.28 331.45 36.83 ASCO Hisar 10 IWMP-4/ 11-12 70 6 3544 425.28 382.75 42.53 ASCO Hisar 11 IWMP-5/ 11-12 77.5 5 3474 416.88 375.19 41.69 ASCO Hisar 12 IWMP-6/ 11-12 65 4 3878 465.36 418.82 46.54 ASCO Hisar 13 IWMP-7/ 11-12 65 3 3373 404.76 364.28 40.48 ASCO Hisar Subtotal 32 24944 2993.28 2693.94 299.34 14 Mahendra IWMP-1/ 11-12 120 15 4671 560.52 504.47 56.05 STO M/garh 15 garh IWMP-2/ 11-12 120.5 10 4585 550.20 495.18 55.02 ASCO Narnaul 16 IWMP-3/ 11-12 115 11 4191 502.92 452.63 50.29 ASCO Narnaul 17 IWMP-4/ 11-12 115 9 3294 395.28 355.75 39.53 ASCO Narnaul 18 IWMP-5/ 11-12 113 6 3094 371.28 334.15 37.13 ASCO Narnaul 19 IWMP-6/ 11-12 113 8 4691 562.92 506.63 56.29 ASCO M/garh 20 IWMP-7/ 11-12 113 11 3372 404.64 364.18 40.46 ASCO M/garh Subtotal 70 27898 3347.76 3012.99 334.77 21 Rewari IWMP-1/ 11-12 65 9 5059 607.08 546.37 60.71 ASCO Rewari 22 IWMP-2/ 11-12 82.5 20 4570 548.40 493.56 54.84 ASCO Rewari 23 IWMP-3/ 11-12 85 6 4091 490.92 441.83 49.09 ASCO Rewari 24 IWMP-4/ 11-12 88.5 7 3344 401.28 361.15 40.13 ASCO Rewari 25 IWMP-5/ 11-12 77.5 20 4616 553.92 498.53 55.39 ASCO Rewari 26 IWMP-6/ 11-12 65 15 3420 410.40 369.36 41.04 ASCO Rewari Subtotal 77 25100 3012.00 2710.80 301.20

27 Ambala IWMP-1/ 11-12 80 5 3317 398.04 358.24 39.80 ASCO, Ambala 28 IWMP-2/ 11-12 73.5 6 4958 594.96 535.46 59.50 ASCO, Ambala 29 IWMP-3/ 11-12 73.5 6 4628 555.36 499.82 55.54 ASCO, Ambala 30 IWMP-4/ 11-12 81 4 3199 383.88 345.49 38.39 ASCO, Ambala 31 IWMP-5/ 11-12 81 4 3870 464.40 417.96 46.44 ASCO, Ambala 32 IWMP-6/ 11-12 75 4 4003 480.36 432.32 48.04 ASCO, Ambala 33 IWMP-7/ 11-12 75 3 2507 300.84 270.76 30.08 ASCO, Ambala Subtotal 32 26482 3177.84 2860.05 317.79 34 Panchkula IWMP-1/ 11-12 81 4 3336 400.32 360.29 40.03 ASCO Panchkula 35 IWMP-2/ 11-12 88.5 4 4752 570.24 513.22 57.02 ASCO Panchkula 36 IWMP-3/ 11-12 73.5 6 3526 423.12 380.81 42.31 ASCO Panchkula 37 IWMP-4/ 11-12 85 7 5267 632.04 568.84 63.20 ASCO Panchkula 38 IWMP-5/ 11-12 73 3 2146 257.52 231.77 25.75 ASCO Panchkula 39 IWMP-6/ 11-12 75 6 4239 508.68 457.81 50.87 ASCO Panchkula 40 IWMP-7/ 11-12 80 4 2754 330.48 297.43 33.05 ASCO Panchkula

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 13 S. Weight No. of Area Total Central State District Project name Name of PIA No Subtotal age MWS*36 proposed26020 for project3122.40 Share2810.17 Share312.23 41 Yamuna IWMP-1/ 11-12 81 6 4340 520.80 468.72 52.08 ASCO, Yamunanagar nagar 42 IWMP-2/ 11-12 86 5 3629 435.48 391.93 43.55 ASCO, Yamunanagar 43 IWMP-3/ 11-12 86 4 2978 357.36 321.62 35.74 ASCO, Yamunanagar 44 IWMP-4/ 11-12 75 5 3617 434.04 390.64 43.40 ASCO, Yamunanagar

45 IWMP-5/ 11-12 75 6 3996 479.52 431.57 47.95 ASCO, Yamunanagar 46 IWMP-6/ 11-12 80 7 4062 487.44 438.70 48.74 ASCO, Yamunanagar

47 IWMP-7/ 11-12 80 4 2699 323.88 291.49 32.39 ASCO, Yamunanagar Subtotal 37 25321 3038.52 2734.67 303.85 ASCO, Yamunanagar Grand Total (47 Projects) 311* 179531 21543.72 19389.35 2154.37 ^ Unit cost of all the projects is Rs. 12000 per ha * Subject to correction

KARNATAKA (Area in ha and Rs. in lakh) Area No. Uni Total Central State Sl. Weigh proposed Name of the District Project name of t Project share share No. -tage for PIA MWS cost cost (90%) (10%) treatment 1 Bagalakote IWMP-9/11-12 103.00 9 5063.46 0.15 759.52 683.57 75.95 TWDO, WDD 2 Bagalakote IWMP-10/11-12 93.00 9 4788.28 0.15 718.24 646.42 71.82 TWDO, WDD 3 Bagalakote IWMP-11/11-12 93.00 4 2091.00 0.15 313.65 282.28 31.37 TWDO, WDD Total 22 11942.74 1791.41 1612.27 179.14 4 Bangalore Rural IWMP-6/11-12 117.50 10 4230.63 0.12 507.68 456.91 50.77 TWDO, WDD 5 Bangalore Rural IWMP-7/11-12 117.50 12 5117.74 0.12 614.13 552.72 61.41 TWDO, WDD Total 22 9348.37 1121.81 1009.63 112.18 6 Belagavi IWMP-15/11-12 113.00 9 4212.50 0.15 631.88 568.69 63.19 TWDO, WDD 7 Belagavi IWMP-16/11-12 110.00 8 3733.04 0.15 559.96 503.96 56.00 TWDO, WDD 8 Belagavi IWMP-17/11-12 108.00 9 5277.58 0.15 791.64 712.48 79.16 TWDO, WDD 9 Belagavi IWMP-18/11-12 105.00 9 4156.00 0.15 623.40 561.06 62.34 TWDO, WDD 10 Belagavi IWMP-19/11-12 105.00 8 4600.00 0.15 690.00 621.00 69.00 TWDO, WDD 11 Belagavi IWMP-20/11-12 103.00 3 2080.00 0.15 312.00 280.80 31.20 TWDO, WDD Total 46 24059.12 3608.88 3247.99 360.89 12 Bellary IWMP-13/11-12 125.00 10 5000.00 0.15 750.00 675.00 75.00 TWDO, WDD 13 Bellary IWMP-14/11-12 110.50 9 4085.20 0.15 612.78 551.50 61.28 TWDO, WDD 14 Bellary IWMP-15/11-12 103.00 8 4590.00 0.15 688.50 619.65 68.85 TWDO, WDD 15 Bellary IWMP-16/11-12 98.00 7 4822.78 0.15 723.42 651.08 72.34 TWDO, WDD Total 34 18497.98 2774.70 2497.23 277.47 16 Bidar IWMP-9/11-12 115.50 8 4979.66 0.12 597.56 537.80 59.76 TWDO, WDD 17 Bidar IWMP-10/11-12 112.50 10 6970.65 0.12 836.48 752.83 83.65 TWDO, WDD 18 Bidar IWMP-11/11-12 112.50 9 5633.00 0.12 675.96 608.36 67.60 TWDO, WDD 19 Bidar IWMP-12/11-12 102.50 8 5414.87 0.12 649.78 584.80 64.98 TWDO, WDD Total 35 22998.18 2759.78 2483.79 275.99 20 Bijapura IWMP-14/11-12 112.50 8 5674.00 0.15 851.10 765.99 85.11 TWDO, WDD 21 Bijapura IWMP-15/11-12 112.50 8 4679.00 0.15 701.85 631.67 70.18 TWDO, WDD Total 16 10353.00 1552.95 1397.66 155.29 22 Chikkaballapura IWMP-10/11-12 115.50 8 3800.00 0.12 456.00 410.40 45.60 TWDO, WDD 23 Chikkaballapura IWMP-11/11-12 112.50 10 4523.40 0.12 542.81 488.53 54.28 TWDO, WDD 24 Chikkaballapura IWMP-12/11-12 97.50 13 5482.97 0.12 657.96 592.16 65.80 TWDO, WDD 25 Chikkaballapura IWMP-13/11-12 92.50 10 4655.12 0.12 558.61 502.75 55.86 TWDO, WDD Total 41 18461.49 2215.38 1993.84 221.54 26 Chamarajanagara IWMP-7/11-12 130.00 10 5166.21 0.12 619.95 557.95 62.00 TWDO, WDD 27 Chamarajanagara IWMP-8/11-12 127.50 12 6389.14 0.12 766.70 690.03 76.67 TWDO, WDD 28 Chamarajanagara IWMP-9/11-12 125.00 12 5682.96 0.12 681.96 613.76 68.20 TWDO, WDD 29 Chamarajanagara IWMP-10/11-12 122.50 16 6440.08 0.12 772.81 695.53 77.28 TWDO, WDD

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 14 Area No. Uni Total Central State Sl. Weigh proposed Name of the District Project name of t Project share share No. -tage for PIA MWS cost cost (90%) (10%) treatment Total 50 23678.39 2841.42 2557.27 284.15 30 Chikkamagalur IWMP-6/11-12 87.50 7 4516.71 0.12 542.01 487.81 54.20 TWDO, WDD 31 Chikkamagalur IWMP-7/11-12 85.50 12 5303.21 0.15 795.48 715.93 79.55 TWDO, WDD 32 Chikkamagalur IWMP-8/11-12 85.50 9 5165.00 0.15 774.75 697.28 77.47 TWDO, WDD 33 Chikkamagalur IWMP-9/11-12 82.50 16 5381.16 0.12 645.74 581.17 64.57 TWDO, WDD Total 44 20366.08 2757.98 2482.19 275.79 34 Chitradurga IWMP-13/11-12 95.50 7 4904.66 0.12 588.56 529.70 58.86 TWDO, WDD 35 Chitradurga IWMP-14/11-12 95.50 5 3893.84 0.12 467.26 420.53 46.73 TWDO, WDD 36 Chitradurga IWMP-15/11-12 95.50 7 5178.07 0.12 621.37 559.23 62.14 TWDO, WDD 37 Chitradurga IWMP-16/11-12 95.50 9 5646.02 0.12 677.52 609.77 67.75 TWDO, WDD 38 Chitradurga IWMP-17/11-12 95.50 8 4559.51 0.12 547.14 492.43 54.71 TWDO, WDD Total 36 24182.10 2901.85 2611.66 290.19 39 Dakshina Kannada IWMP-6/11-12 88.00 18 4157.98 0.15 623.70 561.33 62.37 TWDO, WDD 40 Dakshina Kannada IWMP-7/11-12 88.00 10 4000.00 0.15 600.00 540.00 60.00 TWDO, WDD 41 Dakshina Kannada IWMP-8/11-12 83.00 26 4934.00 0.15 740.10 666.09 74.01 TWDO, WDD Total 54 13091.98 1963.80 1767.42 196.38 42 Dharwad IWMP-10/11-12 106.50 8 6363.00 0.12 763.56 687.20 76.36 TWDO, WDD 43 Dharwad IWMP-11/11-12 105.00 8 4108.54 0.12 493.02 443.72 49.30 TWDO, WDD 44 Dharwad IWMP-12/11-12 93.50 8 5072.93 0.12 608.75 547.88 60.87 TWDO, WDD 45 Dharwad IWMP-13/11-12 102.00 8 3022.38 0.12 362.69 326.42 36.27 TWDO, WDD Total 32 18566.85 2228.02 2005.22 222.80 46 Davanagere IWMP-9/11-12 112.50 13 4805.04 0.12 576.60 518.94 57.66 TWDO, WDD 47 Davanagere IWMP-10/11-12 107.50 14 5454.98 0.12 654.60 589.14 65.46 TWDO, WDD 48 Davanagere IWMP-11/11-12 107.50 16 5000.00 0.12 600.00 540.00 60.00 TWDO, WDD 49 Davanagere IWMP-12/11-12 97.50 11 5096.52 0.15 764.48 688.03 76.45 TWDO, WDD Total 54 20356.54 2595.68 2336.11 259.57 50 Gadag IWMP-9/11-12 113.00 12 5225.00 0.12 627.00 564.30 62.70 TWDO, WDD 51 Gadag IWMP-10/11-12 111.00 16 5496.00 0.12 659.52 593.57 65.95 TWDO, WDD Total 28 10721.00 1286.52 1157.87 128.65 52 Gulbarga IWMP-15/11-12 102.00 10 5510.55 0.12 661.27 595.14 66.13 TWDO, WDD 53 Gulbarga IWMP-16/11-12 90.00 9 5012.54 0.12 601.50 541.35 60.15 TWDO, WDD 54 Gulbarga IWMP-17/11-12 90.00 9 5164.68 0.12 619.76 557.78 61.98 TWDO, WDD 55 Gulbarga IWMP-18/11-12 85.50 10 5587.62 0.12 670.51 603.46 67.05 TWDO, WDD 56 Gulbarga IWMP-19/11-12 85.50 10 5035.18 0.12 604.22 543.80 60.42 TWDO, WDD 57 Gulbarga IWMP-20/11-12 82.50 11 5652.49 0.12 678.30 610.47 67.83 TWDO, WDD Total 59 31963.06 3835.56 3452.00 383.56 58 Hassan IWMP-12/11-12 78.00 9 4450.00 0.12 534.00 480.60 53.40 TWDO, WDD 59 Hassan IWMP-13/11-12 67.50 8 3900.00 0.12 468.00 421.20 46.80 TWDO, WDD 60 Hassan IWMP-14/11-12 63.00 9 5000.00 0.12 600.00 540.00 60.00 TWDO, WDD Total 26 13350.00 1602.00 1441.80 160.20 61 Haveri IWMP-12/11-12 135.00 10 4835.62 0.12 580.27 522.24 58.03 TWDO, WDD 62 Haveri IWMP-13/11-12 115.00 13 2200.00 0.12 264.00 237.60 26.40 TWDO, WDD 63 Haveri IWMP-14/11-12 100.00 9 5308.39 0.12 637.01 573.31 63.70 TWDO, WDD 64 Haveri IWMP-15/11-12 99.50 10 4575.57 0.12 549.07 494.16 54.91 TWDO, WDD Total 42 16919.58 2030.35 1827.31 203.04 65 Kodagu IWMP-2/11-12 93.50 10 4123.47 0.15 618.52 556.67 61.85 TWDO, WDD 66 Kodagu IWMP- 3/11-12 89.00 10 5179.00 0.15 776.85 699.17 77.68 TWDO, WDD Total 20 9302.47 1395.37 1255.84 139.53 67 Kolar IWMP-11/11-12 117.50 10 5000.90 0.12 600.11 540.10 60.01 TWDO, WDD 68 Kolar IWMP-12/11-12 115.00 11 4892.65 0.12 587.12 528.41 58.71 TWDO, WDD 69 Kolar IWMP-13/11-12 112.50 15 5322.88 0.12 638.75 574.88 63.87 TWDO, WDD 70 Kolar IWMP-14/11-12 112.50 14 5815.65 0.12 697.88 628.09 69.79 TWDO, WDD Total 50 21032.08 2523.86 2271.48 252.38 71 Koppal IWMP-9/11-12 101.12 8 5145.00 0.12 617.40 555.66 61.74 TWDO, WDD 72 Koppal IWMP-10/11-12 93.22 11 4990.00 0.15 748.50 673.65 74.85 TWDO, WDD

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 15 Area No. Uni Total Central State Sl. Weigh proposed Name of the District Project name of t Project share share No. -tage for PIA MWS cost cost (90%) (10%) treatment 73 Koppal IWMP-11/11-12 92.05 9 4225.00 0.15 633.75 570.38 63.37 TWDO, WDD 74 Koppal IWMP-12/11-12 91.00 10 5047.00 0.15 757.05 681.35 75.70 TWDO, WDD Total 38 19407.00 2756.70 2481.04 275.66 75 Mandya IWMP- 7/11-12 105.00 12 4050.00 0.15 486.00 437.40 48.60 TWDO, WDD 76 Mandya IWMP- 8/11-12 105.00 15 5124.00 0.12 614.88 553.39 61.49 TWDO, WDD 77 Mandya IWMP- 9/11-12 101.00 13 4275.00 0.12 513.00 461.70 51.30 TWDO, WDD 78 Mandya IWMP-10/11-12 96.00 18 5000.00 0.12 600.00 540.00 60.00 TWDO, WDD 79 Mandya IWMP-11/11-12 91.00 9 4570.00 0.12 548.40 493.56 54.84 TWDO, WDD 80 Mandya IWMP-12/11-12 91.00 18 3857.00 0.12 462.84 416.56 46.28 TWDO, WDD 81 Mandya IWMP-13/11-12 87.50 17 4632.00 0.12 555.84 500.26 55.58 TWDO, WDD Total 102 31508.00 3780.96 3402.87 378.09 82 Mysore IWMP-8/11-12 99.00 14 5036.63 0.12 604.40 543.96 60.44 TWDO, WDD 83 Mysore IWMP-9/11-12 92.50 10 5309.60 0.12 637.15 573.44 63.71 TWDO, WDD 84 Mysore IWMP-10/11-12 92.50 12 5461.30 0.12 655.36 589.82 65.54 TWDO, WDD 85 Mysore IWMP-11/11-12 92.50 15 6452.57 0.12 774.31 696.88 77.43 TWDO, WDD Total 51 22260.10 2671.22 2404.10 267.12 86 Raichur IWMP-10/11-12 87.50 6 3790.00 0.12 454.80 409.32 45.48 TWDO, WDD 87 Raichur IWMP-11/11-12 87.50 11 5880.80 0.15 882.12 793.91 88.21 TWDO, WDD 88 Raichur IWMP-12/11-12 85.00 7 3670.00 0.15 550.50 495.45 55.05 TWDO, WDD 89 Raichur IWMP-13/11-12 78.00 10 4520.00 0.15 678.00 610.20 67.80 TWDO, WDD 90 Raichur IWMP-14/11-12 73.00 10 5500.00 0.12 660.00 594.00 66.00 TWDO, WDD Total 44 23360.80 3225.42 2902.88 322.54 91 Ramanagar IWMP-6/11-12 105.50 21 5609.89 0.12 673.19 605.87 67.32 TWDO, WDD 92 Ramanagar IWMP-7/11-12 100.00 15 4917.65 0.12 590.12 531.11 59.01 TWDO, WDD 93 Ramanagar IWMP-8/11-12 95.50 16 5390.03 0.12 646.80 582.12 64.68 TWDO, WDD Total 52 15917.57 1910.11 1719.10 191.01 94 Shimoga IWMP-14/11-12 115.50 13 4793.79 0.15 719.07 647.16 71.91 TWDO, WDD 95 Shimoga IWMP-15/11-12 115.50 10 2853.75 0.15 428.06 385.25 42.81 TWDO, WDD 96 Shimoga IWMP-16/11-12 110.50 11 3794.01 0.15 569.10 512.19 56.91 TWDO, WDD 97 Shimoga IWMP-17/11-12 110.50 11 3815.16 0.15 572.27 515.04 57.23 TWDO, WDD 98 Shimoga IWMP-18/11-12 108.00 12 3820.25 0.15 573.04 515.74 57.30 TWDO, WDD 99 Shimoga IWMP-19/11-12 108.00 9 2649.45 0.15 397.42 357.68 39.74 TWDO, WDD Total 66 21726.41 3258.96 2933.06 325.90 100 Tumkur IWMP-19/11-12 119.00 11 5400.20 0.12 648.02 583.22 64.80 TWDO, WDD 101 Tumkur IWMP-20/11-12 113.00 12 5116.46 0.12 613.98 552.58 61.40 TWDO, WDD 102 Tumkur IWMP-21/11-12 110.00 11 5791.80 0.12 695.02 625.52 69.50 TWDO, WDD 103 Tumkur IWMP-22/11-12 97.50 11 4818.18 0.12 578.18 520.36 57.82 TWDO, WDD 104 Tumkur IWMP-23/11-12 93.00 11 4616.52 0.12 553.98 498.58 55.40 TWDO, WDD 105 Tumkur IWMP-24/11-12 85.00 8 3785.00 0.12 454.20 408.78 45.42 TWDO, WDD Total 64 29528.16 3543.38 3189.04 354.34 106 Udupi IWMP- 4 /11-12 90.50 10 3500.00 0.15 525.00 472.50 52.50 TWDO, WDD 107 Udupi IWMP- 5 /11-12 90.50 11 4220.00 0.15 633.00 569.70 63.30 TWDO, WDD Total 21 7720.00 1158.00 1042.20 115.80 108 Uttara Kannada IWMP-7/11-12 110.50 13 2960.15 0.15 444.02 399.62 44.40 TWDO, WDD 109 Uttara Kannada IWMP-8/11-12 108.00 19 3458.49 0.15 518.77 466.89 51.88 TWDO, WDD 110 Uttara Kannada IWMP-9/11-12 105.00 16 5000.00 0.15 750.00 675.00 75.00 TWDO, WDD 111 Uttara Kannada IWMP-10/11-12 102.50 17 4470.48 0.15 670.57 603.51 67.06 TWDO, WDD 112 Uttara Kannada IWMP-11/11-12 100.50 11 1272.44 0.15 190.87 171.78 19.09 TWDO, WDD 113 Uttara Kannada IWMP-12/11-12 97.50 19 6164.85 0.15 924.73 832.26 92.47 TWDO, WDD 114 Uttara Kannada IWMP-13/11-12 92.50 13 3256.58 0.15 488.49 439.64 48.85 TWDO, WDD Total 108 26582.99 3987.45 3588.70 398.75 115 Yadgir IWMP-4/11-12 97.50 12 3893.16 0.12 467.18 420.46 46.72 TWDO, WDD 116 Yadgir IWMP-5/11-12 80.00 16 7169.27 0.12 860.31 774.28 86.03 TWDO, WDD Total 28 11062.43 1327.49 1194.74 132.75

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 16 Area No. Uni Total Central State Sl. Weigh proposed Name of the District Project name of t Project share share No. -tage for PIA MWS cost cost (90%) (10%) treatment Total (Phase-A) 116 projects 1285 548264.47 71407.01 64266.31 7140.70 PROJECTS APPRAISED & CLEARED FOR PHASE-B 1 Bagalakote IWMP-12/11-12 90.00 7 3588.93 0.15 538.34 484.51 53.83 TWDO, WDD 2 Bangalore Rural IWMP-8/11-12 100.00 13 4216.43 0.12 505.97 455.37 50.60 TWDO, WDD 3 Belagavi IWMP-21/11-12 103.00 5 2271.00 0.15 340.65 306.59 34.06 TWDO, WDD 4 Bijapura IWMP-16/11-12 115.00 10 5210.00 0.15 781.50 703.35 78.15 TWDO, WDD 5 Bijapura IWMP-17/11-12 112.50 7 5005.00 0.15 750.75 675.68 75.07 TWDO, WDD 6 Chikkamagalur IWMP-10/11-12 87.5 8 5224.91 0.15 783.74 705.37 78.37 TWDO, WDD 7 Chitradurga IWMP-18/11-12 95.50 6 4609.42 0.12 553.13 497.82 55.31 TWDO, WDD 8 Dakshina Kannada IWMP-9/11-12 73.00 19 5000.00 0.15 750.00 675.00 75.00 TWDO, WDD 9 Dakshina Kannada IWMP-10/11-12 73.00 12 5000.00 0.15 750.00 675.00 75.00 TWDO, WDD 10 Davanagere IWMP-13/11-12 87.00 11 5224.00 0.12 626.88 564.19 62.69 TWDO, WDD 11 Gadag IWMP-11/11-12 110.00 12 5263.87 0.12 631.66 568.49 63.17 TWDO, WDD 12 Gadag IWMP-12/11-12 108.00 20 5826.00 0.12 699.12 629.21 69.91 TWDO, WDD 13 Hassan IWMP-15/11-12 67.00 10 4900.00 0.15 735.00 661.50 73.50 TWDO, WDD 14 Hassan IWMP-16/11-12 66.00 11 4570.00 0.12 548.40 493.56 54.84 TWDO, WDD 15 Haveri IWMP-16/11-12 115.00 11 5635.00 0.12 676.20 608.58 67.62 TWDO, WDD 16 Kodagu IWMP-4/11-12 95.00 12 5000.00 0.15 750.00 675.00 75.00 TWDO, WDD 17 Kolar IWMP-15/11-12 105.00 14 5130.01 0.12 615.60 554.04 61.56 TWDO, WDD 18 Mysore IWMP-12/11-12 92.50 13 6679.77 0.12 801.57 721.41 80.16 TWDO, WDD 19 Shimoga IWMP-20/11-12 108.00 12 3419.52 0.15 512.93 461.64 51.29 TWDO, WDD 20 Shimoga IWMP-21/11-12 80.00 10 3009.79 0.15 451.47 406.32 45.15 TWDO, WDD 21 Tumkur IWMP-25/11-12 62.16 10 4232.83 0.12 507.94 457.15 50.79 TWDO, WDD 22 Udupi IWMP- 6 /11-12 90.50 17 5000.00 0.15 750.00 675.00 75.00 TWDO, WDD 23 Uttara Kannada IWMP-14/11-12 87.50 15 2553.00 0.15 382.95 344.65 38.30 TWDO, WDD Total (Phase-B) 23 projects 265 106569.48 14443.80 12999.43 1444.37 Grand Total (Phase A+B) 139 projects 1550 654833.95 85850.81 77265.74 8585.07

ORISSA (Area in ha and Rs. in lakh) Area Total Central State S. Weight- No. of proposed District Project Name Project share share Name of the PIA No. age MWS for Cost^ (90%) (10%) treatment 1 Boudh IWMP-4 / 11-12 122.5 8 5800 696.00 626.40 69.60 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 2 Boudh IWMP-5 / 11-12 105.5 9 5700 684.00 615.60 68.40 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 3 Boudh IWMP-6 /11-12 102.5 11 5500 660.00 594.00 66.00 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 4 Bolangir IWMP-7 /11-12 120.5 7 5200 624.00 561.60 62.40 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 5 Bolangir IWMP-8 /11-12 120.5 7 5120 614.40 552.96 61.44 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 6 Cuttack IWMP-4 /11-12 120 7 5090 610.80 549.72 61.08 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 7 Cuttack IWMP-5 / 11-12 111 14 6365 763.80 687.42 76.38 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 8 Deogarh IWMP-2 / 11-12 103 9 5673 680.76 612.68 68.08 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 9 Deogarh IWMP-3 /11-12 98.5 10 6495 779.40 701.46 77.94 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 10 Deogarh IWMP-4 /11-12 105.5 11 5563 667.56 600.80 66.76 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 11 Deogarh IWMP-5 /11-12 101.5 9 5184 622.08 559.87 62.21 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 12 Dhenkanal IWMP-3 /11-12 90.5 13 5545 665.40 598.86 66.54 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 13 Dhenkanal IWMP-4 /11-12 90.5 13 5218 626.16 563.54 62.62 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 14 Dhenkanal IWMP-5/11-12 90.5 8 5139 616.68 555.01 61.67 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 15 Ganjam IWMP-3 /11-12 98 10 6050 726.00 653.40 72.60 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 16 Ganjam IWMP-4/11-12 125 8 5300 636.00 572.40 63.60 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 17 Ganjam IWMP-5/11-12 98 12 6373 764.76 688.28 76.48 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 18 Jajpur IWMP-2/11-12 101 9 5734 688.08 619.27 68.81 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 19 Jajpur IWMP-3/11-12 106 8 5025 603.00 542.70 60.30 JSCO, Agri. Dept.

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 17 Area Total Central State S. Weight- No. of proposed District Project Name Project share share Name of the PIA No. age MWS for Cost^ (90%) (10%) treatment 20 Jharsuguda IWMP-3/11-12 105 10 5863 703.56 633.20 70.36 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 21 Jharsuguda IWMP-4/11-12 105 8 5996 719.52 647.57 71.95 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 22 Jharsuguda IWMP-5/11-12 105 10 5886 706.32 635.69 70.63 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 23 Kalahandi IWMP-6/11-12 104.5 6 4675 561.00 504.90 56.10 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 24 Kalahandi IWMP-7/11-12 104.5 9 5259 631.08 567.97 63.11 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 25 Kalahandi IWMP-8 /11-12 104.5 7 4021 482.52 434.27 48.25 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 26 Kalahandi IWMP-9/11-12 114.5 7 4037 484.44 436.00 48.44 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 27 Kalahandi IWMP-10/11-12 102 7 4008 480.96 432.86 48.10 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 28 Kandhamal IWMP-12/11-12 125.5 8 5200 624.00 561.60 62.40 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 29 Kandhamal IWMP-13/11-12 125.5 9 5050 606.00 545.40 60.60 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 30 Kandhamal IWMP-14/11-12 125.5 6 4404 528.48 475.63 52.85 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 31 Kandhamal IWMP-15/11-12 125.5 7 4150 498.00 448.20 49.80 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 32 Kandhamal IWMP-16/11-12 125.5 6 5100 612.00 550.80 61.20 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 33 Koraput IWMP-8/11-12 103 7 6500 780.00 702.00 78.00 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 34 Koraput IWMP-9 /11-12 103 5 5100 612.00 550.80 61.20 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 35 Keonjhar IWMP-5/11-12 110.5 8 5756 690.72 621.65 69.07 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 36 Keonjhar IWMP-6/11-12 112.5 13 5510 661.20 595.08 66.12 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 37 Keonjhar IWMP-7/11-12 110 14 6450 774.00 696.60 77.40 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 38 Keonjhar IWMP-8/11-12 110 13 6800 816.00 734.40 81.60 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 39 Keonjhar IWMP-9 / 11-12 115.5 12 6400 768.00 691.20 76.80 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 40 Keonjhar IWMP-10 / 11-12 113 9 5841 700.92 630.83 70.09 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 41 Mayurbhanj IWMP-10 / 11-12 102.5 15 6820 818.40 736.56 81.84 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 42 Mayurbhanj IWMP-11 / 11-12 117 11 6040 724.80 652.32 72.48 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 43 Mayurbhanj IWMP-12 / 11-12 117 11 6700 804.00 723.60 80.40 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 44 Mayurbhanj IWMP-13 / 11-12 117 11 5561 667.32 600.59 66.73 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 45 Mayurbhanj IWMP-14 / 11-12 117 11 6000 720.00 648.00 72.00 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 46 Nayagada IWMP-6 / 11-12 96 10 6600 792.00 712.80 79.20 CDA / NGO 47 Nayagada IWMP-7 / 11-12 110 10 5450 654.00 588.60 65.40 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 48 Nayagada IWMP-8 / 11-12 110 10 6300 756.00 680.40 75.60 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 49 Nuapada IWMP-9 / 11-12 97.5 7 5001 600.12 540.11 60.01 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 50 Nuapada IWMP-10 / 11-12 97.5 9 6013 721.56 649.40 72.16 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 51 Nuapada IWMP-11/ 11-12 97.5 7 5276 633.12 569.81 63.31 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 52 Nuapada IWMP-12 / 11-12 97.5 6 5001 600.12 540.11 60.01 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 53 Nuapada IWMP-13 / 11-12 97.5 6 5050 606.00 545.40 60.60 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 54 Nuapada IWMP-14 / 11-12 110 5 5024 602.88 542.59 60.29 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 55 Rayagada IWMP-7 / 11-12 115.5 9 6560 787.20 708.48 78.72 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 56 Rayagada IWMP-8 / 11-12 115.5 8 4850 582.00 523.80 58.20 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 57 Rayagada IWMP-9 / 11-12 115.5 8 6180 741.60 667.44 74.16 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 58 Rayagada IWMP-10 / 11-12 110.5 8 6120 734.40 660.96 73.44 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 59 Sundergarh IWMP-8 / 11-12 103 11 5665 679.80 611.82 67.98 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 60 Sundergarh IWMP-9 / 11-12 103 8 5551 666.12 599.51 66.61 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 61 Sundergarh IWMP-10 / 11-12 105 11 5000 600.00 540.00 60.00 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 62 Sundergarh IWMP-11 / 11-12 110.5 10 6340 760.80 684.72 76.08 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 63 Sundergarh IWMP-12 / 11-12 105 12 6250 750.00 675.00 75.00 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 64 Sundergarh IWMP-13 / 11-12 105 7 6309 757.08 681.37 75.71 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 65 Sambalpur IWMP-5 / 11-12 118 10 5011 601.32 541.19 60.13 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 66 Sambalpur IWMP-6 / 11-12 118 10 5500 660.00 594.00 66.00 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 67 Sambalpur IWMP-7 / 11-12 118 9 5150 618.00 556.20 61.80 JSCO, Agri. Dept. 68 Sambalpur IWMP-8 / 11-12 117 10 6572 788.64 709.78 78.86 JSCO, Agri. Dept. Total 624 379974 45596.88 41037.19 4559.688 ^ Unit cost of all the projects is Rs. 12000 per ha

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 18 PUNJAB# (Area in ha and Rs. in lakh) Area No. Total Central State S. Weight- proposed District Project Name of Project share share Name of the PIA No. age for MWS Cost^ (90%) (10%) treatment Divisional Soil 1 Hoshiarpur IWMP-7/11-12* 97.5 4 10306 1236.72 1113.05 123.67 Conservation Officer (DSCO), 2 Hoshiarpur IWMP-8/11-12* 97.5 4 9001 1080.12 972.11 108.01 Dept. of Soil & Water Conservation 3 Hoshiarpur IWMP-9/11-12 97.5 2 6359 763.08 686.77 76.31 (DSWC), 4 Hoshiarpur IWMP-10/11-12 97.5 2 5100 612.00 550.80 61.20 Hoshiarpur 5 Mohali IWMP-1/11-12 97.5 1 6517 782.04 703.84 78.20 DSCO, DSWC, 6 Mohali IWMP-2/11-12 97.5 1 6230 747.60 672.84 74.76 Mohali 7 Pathankote IWMP-1/11-12 87.0 2 5406 648.72 583.85 64.87 DSCO, DSWC, 8 Pathankote IWMP-1/11-12 87.0 1 3988 478.56 430.70 47.86 Gurdaspur 9 Ropar IWMP-4/11-12 89.5 1 1908 228.96 206.06 22.90 DSCO, DSWC, 10 Ropar IWMP-5/11-12 89.5 3 5150 618.00 556.20 61.80 Mohali SBS Nagar 11 IWMP-3/11-12 97.5 3 4375 525.00 472.50 52.50 (Nawan Shahar) DSCO, DSWC, SBS Nagar Nawan Shehar 12 IWMP-4/11-12 97.5 2 2880 345.60 311.04 34.56 (Nawan Shehar) Total (12 projects) 26 67220 8066.40 7259.76 806.64 # subject to submission of districtwise maps on microwatershed basis * subject to splitting of project area of Hoshiarpur VII and VIII into manageable sizes ^ Unit cost of all the projects is Rs. 12000 per ha

TRIPURA (Area in ha and Rs. in lakh) No. Area Total Central State S. Weight- District Project Name of proposed for Project share share Name of the PIA No. age MWS treatment Cost^ (90%) (10%) Supdt. of Agri. 1 5 Bagafa & South Tripura IWMP-7/11-12 105.5 3054 458.10 412.29 45.81 Matabari Agri. Subdivision Dy. Project Officer 2 South Tripura IWMP-8/11-12 103.75 6 4086 612.90 551.61 61.29 (DPO), South Tripura Supdt. of Agri. 3 Dhalai IWMP-4/11-12 92.5 3 1377 206.55 185.90 20.65 Gandacherra 4 Dhalai IWMP-5/11-12 92.5 3 2436 365.40 328.86 36.54 DPO, Dhalai 86.25 Supdt. of Agri. 5 North Tripura IWMP-5/11-12 2 1867 280.05 252.05 28.00 Kadamtala 6 North Tripura IWMP-6/11-12 80 3 3663 549.45 494.51 54.94 DPO, N. Tripura Supdt. of Agri. 7 North Tripura IWMP-7/11-12 86.25 2 1716 257.40 231.66 25.74 Kanchanpur Supdt. of Agri. 8 West Tripura IWMP-8/11-12 85 1 1867 280.05 252.05 28.00 Dukli Supdt. of Agri. 9 West Tripura IWMP-9/11-12 87.5 2 3599 539.85 485.87 53.98 Bishalgarh 10 West Tripura IWMP-10/11-12 98.33 3 3233 484.95 436.46 48.49 DPO, West Tripura Supdt. of Agri. 11 West Tripura IWMP-11/11-12 98.33 3 3227 484.05 435.65 48.40 Mohanpur

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 19 No. Area Total Central State S. Weight- District Project Name of proposed for Project share share Name of the PIA No. age MWS treatment Cost^ (90%) (10%) Total 33 30125 4518.75 4066.91 451.84

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 20 UTTAR PRADESH (Area in ha and Rs. in lakh) Area No. Total Central State S. Weight- proposed District Project Name of Project share share Name of the PIA No. age for MWS Cost* (90%) (10%) treatment BSA, LDWR, 1 Agra IWMP-6/ 11-12 83 12 5000 600.00 540.00 60.00 Agra 2 Aligarh IWMP-3/ 11-12 87.5 10 5114 613.68 552.31 61.37 BSA, LDWR, 3 Aligarh IWMP-4/ 11-12 87.5 10 5014 601.68 541.51 60.17 Aligarh 4 Allahabad IWMP-5/ 11-12 100 13 5100 612.00 550.80 61.20 BSA, LDWR 5 Allahabad IWMP-6/ 11-12 95 7 4625 555.00 499.50 55.50 Allahabad 6 Allahabad IWMP-7/ 11-12 95 7 4475 537.00 483.30 53.70 7 Ambedkar Nagar IWMP-3/ 11-12 90 8 4500 540.00 486.00 54.00 BSA, LDWR 8 Ambedkar Nagar IWMP-4/ 11-12 90 9 5200 624.00 561.60 62.40 Ambedkar Nagar 9 Auraiya IWMP-3/ 11-12 90 14 5520 662.40 596.16 66.24 BSA, LDWR, 10 Auraiya IWMP-4/ 11-12 90 14 5828 699.36 629.42 69.94 Auraiya 11 Azamgarh IWMP-4/ 11-12 90 6 5520 662.40 596.16 66.24 BSA, LDWR 12 Azamgarh IWMP-5/ 11-12 90 3 4510 541.20 487.08 54.12 Azamgarh 13 Badaun IWMP-5/ 11-12 72.5 6 3319 398.28 358.45 39.83 BSA, LDWR 14 Badaun IWMP-6/ 11-12 72.5 5 2501 300.12 270.11 30.01 Badaun 15 Bahraich IWMP-5/ 11-12 72.5 5 4250 510.00 459.00 51.00 BSA, LDWR 16 Bahraich IWMP-6/ 11-12 72.5 5 5750 690.00 621.00 69.00 Bahraich 17 Ballia IWMP-4/ 11-12 89.5 6 5620 674.40 606.96 67.44 BSA, LDWR 18 Ballia IWMP-5/ 11-12 89.5 7 4580 549.60 494.64 54.96 Ballia 19 Balrampur IWMP-4/ 11-12 85 5 4784 574.08 516.67 57.41 BSA, LDWR 20 Balrampur IWMP-5/ 11-12 85 5 5724 686.88 618.19 68.69 Balrampur 21 Barabanki IWMP-5/ 11-12 72 5 3860 463.20 416.88 46.32 BSA, LDWR 22 Barabanki IWMP-6/ 11-12 73 4 3590 430.80 387.72 43.08 Barabanki 23 Bareily IWMP-3/ 11-12 80.5 12 4220 506.40 455.76 50.64 BSA, LDWR 24 Bareily IWMP-4/ 11-12 80.5 12 6402 768.24 691.42 76.82 Bareily 25 Basti IWMP-4/ 11-12 90 3 5150 618.00 556.20 61.80 BSA, LDWR 26 Basti IWMP-5/ 11-12 90 2 4930 591.60 532.44 59.16 Basti BSA, LDWR, 27 Binjor IWMP-5/ 11-12 92.5 7 5838 700.56 630.50 70.06 Bijnor 28 Bulandshaher IWMP-4/ 11-12 77.5 10 5070 608.40 547.56 60.84 BSA, LDWR, 29 Bulandshaher IWMP-5/ 11-12 82.5 6 4774 572.88 515.59 57.29 Bulandshaher 30 CSJM Nagar IWMP-5/ 11-12 75 7 5420 650.40 585.36 65.04 BSA, LDWR 31 CSJM Nagar IWMP-6/ 11-12 75 8 4580 549.60 494.64 54.96 CSJM Nagar 32 Deoria IWMP-4/ 11-12 82.5 3 4870 584.40 525.96 58.44 BSA, LDWR 33 Deoria IWMP-5/ 11-12 82.5 5 5510 661.20 595.08 66.12 Deoria 34 Etah IWMP-4/ 11-12 85 4 4928 591.36 532.22 59.14 BSA, LDWR, 35 Etah IWMP-5/ 11-12 90 2 5282 633.84 570.46 63.38 Etah 36 Etah IWMP-6/ 11-12 90 3 3986 478.32 430.49 47.83 BSA, LDWR, 37 Etawah IWMP-4/ 11-12 95 11 5310 637.20 573.48 63.72 Etawah 38 Faizabad IWMP-4/ 11-12 85 8 4950 594.00 534.60 59.40 BSA, LDWR 39 Faizabad IWMP-5/ 11-12 85 11 5060 607.20 546.48 60.72 Faizabad 40 Fatehpur IWMP-4/ 11-12 92 11 4570 548.40 493.56 54.84 BSA, LDWR 41 Fatehpur IWMP-5/ 11-12 92 10 4480 537.60 483.84 53.76 Fatehpur 42 Firiozabad IWMP-3/ 11-12 90 6 5130 615.60 554.04 61.56 BSA, LDWR, 43 Firiozabad IWMP-4/ 11-12 90 6 4236 508.32 457.49 50.83 Firozabad 44 Ghazipur IWMP-3/ 11-12 90 9 5500 660.00 594.00 66.00 BSA, LDWR 45 Ghazipur IWMP-4/ 11-12 90 9 5649 677.88 610.09 67.79 Ghazipur 46 Gonda IWMP-4/ 11-12 92.5 4 4800 576.00 518.40 57.60 BSA, LDWR 47 Gonda IWMP-5/ 11-12 92.5 4 5200 624.00 561.60 62.40 Gonda 48 Gorakhpur IWMP-4/ 11-12 77.5 5 5700 684.00 615.60 68.40 BSA, LDWR 49 Gorakhpur IWMP-5/ 11-12 72.5 3 5400 648.00 583.20 64.80 Gorakhpur

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 21 Area No. Total Central State S. Weight- proposed District Project Name of Project share share Name of the PIA No. age for MWS Cost* (90%) (10%) treatment 50 Hardoi IWMP-5/ 11-12 82.5 6 5465 655.80 590.22 65.58 BSA, LDWR 51 Hardoi IWMP-6/ 11-12 82.5 3 5445 653.40 588.06 65.34 Hardoi BSA, LDWR, 52 J.P.Nagar IWMP-4/ 11-12 95.5 6 3188 382.56 344.30 38.26 Ghaziabad 53 Jaunpur IWMP-5/ 11-12 77.5 9 5500 660.00 594.00 66.00 BSA, LDWR 54 Jaunpur IWMP-6/ 11-12 77.5 5 2500 300.00 270.00 30.00 Jaunpur 55 Kannauj IWMP-4/ 11-12 95 10 6027 723.24 650.92 72.32 BSA, LDWR, 56 Kannauj IWMP-5/ 11-12 95 6 2720 326.40 293.76 32.64 Kannauj 57 Kanpur Nagar IWMP-4/ 11-12 95 11 5000 600.00 540.00 60.00 BSA, LDWR, 58 Kanpur Nagar IWMP-5/ 11-12 95 9 5000 600.00 540.00 60.00 Kanpur 59 Kaushambi IWMP-3/ 11-12 85 3 5075 609.00 548.10 60.90 BSA, LDWR 60 Kaushambi IWMP-4/ 11-12 85 4 5725 687.00 618.30 68.70 Kaushambi 61 Kushinagar IWMP-4/ 11-12 77.5 7 6350 762.00 685.80 76.20 BSA, LDWR 62 Kushinagar IWMP-5/ 11-12 77.5 3 5550 666.00 599.40 66.60 Kushinagar 63 Lakhimpur Khiri IWMP-4/ 11-12 85 4 5621 674.52 607.07 67.45 BSA, LDWR 64 Lakhimpur Khiri IWMP-5/ 11-12 85 3 6011 721.32 649.19 72.13 Lakhimpur Khiri BSA, LDWR 65 Lucknow IWMP-5/ 11-12 73 9 4105 492.60 443.34 49.26 Lucknow 66 Mahrajganj IWMP-4/ 11-12 77.5 5 4686 562.32 506.09 56.23 BSA, LDWR 67 Mahrajganj IWMP-5/ 11-12 77.5 8 5741 688.92 620.03 68.89 Mahrajganj 68 Mainpuri IWMP-3/ 11-12 95 1 4710 565.20 508.68 56.52 BSA, LDWR, 69 Mainpuri IWMP-4/ 11-13 95.5 6 2535 304.20 273.78 30.42 Mainpuri 70 Mainpuri IWMP-5/ 11-12 95.5 9 5230 627.60 564.84 62.76 BSA, LDWR, 71 Mathura IWMP-4/ 11-12 79.5 8 5000 600.00 540.00 60.00 Agra 72 Mau IWMP-3/ 11-12 82.5 4 4600 552.00 496.80 55.20 BSA, LDWR, 73 Mau IWMP-4/ 11-12 82.5 4 4100 492.00 442.80 49.20 Mau 74 Mirzapur IWMP-4/ 11-12 83.5 15 5000 600.00 540.00 60.00 75 Mirzapur IWMP-5/ 11-12 83.5 15 5200 624.00 561.60 62.40 BSA, LDWR 76 Mirzapur IWMP-6/ 11-12 83.5 14 6415 769.80 692.82 76.98 Mirzapur 77 Mirzapur IWMP-7/ 11-12 83.5 13 5919 710.28 639.25 71.03 BSA, LDWR, 78 Moradabad IWMP-3/ 11-12 90 12 5020 602.40 542.16 60.24 Moradabad BSA, LDWR 79 Pilibhit IWMP-4/ 11-12 87.5 8 5000 600.00 540.00 60.00 Pilibhit 80 Pratapgarh IWMP-5/ 11-12 70.5 11 4110 493.20 443.88 49.32 BSA, LDWR 81 Pratapgarh IWMP-6/ 11-12 70.5 10 5445 653.40 588.06 65.34 Pratapgarh 82 Raebareli IWMP-4/ 11-12 85 6 5750 690.00 621.00 69.00 BSA, LDWR 83 Raebareli IWMP-5/ 11-12 85 9 4250 510.00 459.00 51.00 Raebareli BSA, LDWR, 84 Rampur IWMP-3/ 11-12 90 10 5060 607.20 546.48 60.72 Rampur 85 Sant Kabir Nagar IWMP-4/ 11-12 80 2 4993 599.16 539.24 59.92 BSA, LDWR Sant 86 Sant Kabir Nagar IWMP-5/ 11-12 80 4 4948 593.76 534.38 59.38 Kabir Nagar 87 Sant Ravidas Nagar IWMP-3/ 11-12 95 4 4750 570.00 513.00 57.00 BSA, LDWR Sant Sant Ravidas Nagar 88 IWMP-4/ 11-12 95 5 5760 691.20 622.08 69.12 Ravidas Nagar 89 Shahjahanpur IWMP-4/ 11-12 87.5 2 5750 690.00 621.00 69.00 BSA, LDWR 90 Shahjahanpur IWMP-5/ 11-12 87.5 7 4250 510.00 459.00 51.00 Shahjahanpur 91 Shravasti IWMP-4/ 11-12 90 8 5300 636.00 572.40 63.60 BSA, LDWR 92 Shravasti IWMP-5/ 11-12 90 7 5400 648.00 583.20 64.80 Shravasti 93 Siddharth Nagar IWMP-3/ 11-12 77.5 9 4312 517.44 465.70 51.74 BSA, LDWR 94 Siddharth Nagar IWMP-4/ 11-12 77.5 4 4042 485.04 436.54 48.50 Siddharth Nagar 95 Sitapur IWMP-5/ 11-12 75 3 4750 570.00 513.00 57.00 BSA, LDWR 96 Sitapur IWMP-6/ 11-12 75 6 5350 642.00 577.80 64.20 Sitapur 97 Sonbhadra IWMP-4/ 11-12 110 13 5150 618.00 556.20 61.80 BSA, LDWR

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 22 Area No. Total Central State S. Weight- proposed District Project Name of Project share share Name of the PIA No. age for MWS Cost* (90%) (10%) treatment 98 Sonbhadra IWMP-5/ 11-12 110 11 4850 582.00 523.80 58.20 99 Sonbhadra IWMP-6/ 11-12 90 10 3830 459.60 413.64 45.96 Sonbhadra 100 Sonbhadra IWMP-7/ 11-12 90 9 4200 504.00 453.60 50.40 101 Sultanpur IWMP-2/ 11-12 75 9 4890 586.80 528.12 58.68 BSA, LDWR 102 Sultanpur IWMP-3/ 11-12 75 10 5210 625.20 562.68 62.52 Sultanpur 103 Unnao IWMP-4/ 11-12 93 7 5200 624.00 561.60 62.40 BSA, LDWR 104 Unnao IWMP-5/ 11-12 93 6 5700 684.00 615.60 68.40 Unnao 105 Varanasi IWMP-4/ 11-12 77.5 6 5250 630.00 567.00 63.00 BSA, LDWR 106 Varanasi IWMP-5/ 11-12 77.5 5 4870 584.40 525.96 58.44 Varanasi Total (106 projects) 760 523137 62776.44 56498.79 6277.65 * Unit cost of all the projects is Rs. 12000 per ha

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 23 Annexure-III


(Amount - Rs. in Crores) Total Total Total Central Date of no. of Total State Amount of State Area (ha) Share meeting projects project cost Share 6% of C/S (C/S) cleared (10%) (90 %) 11th Madhya Pradesh meeting 29 161228 193.47 174.13 19.35 10.48 (Bundelkhand) 08.03.10 13th Uttar Pradesh meeting 53 269843 323.81 291.43 32.38 17.49 (Bundelkhand) 14.07.10 18th meeting Tamil Nadu 56 271093 325.31 292.78 32.53 17.57 18.03.11 Andhra Pradesh 173 747117 896.54 806.89 89.65 48.41 Arunachal Pradesh 13 47600 71.40 64.26 7.14 3.86 Phase-I 104 531232 686.17 617.55 68.62 37.05 19th Gujarat Phase-II 34 181019 235.68 212.11 23.57 12.73 meeting Total 138 712251 921.85 829.66 92.18 49.78 21.06.11 Jharkhand 19 100062 120.07 108.07 12.01 6.48 Meghalaya 14 37500 56.25 50.63 5.63 3.04 Rajasthan 229 1301201 1819.99 1638.00 182.00 98.28 Total 586 2945731 3886.10 3497.51 388.61 209.85 Haryana 47 179531 215.44 193.89 21.54 11.63 Phase-I 116 548264 714.07 642.66 71.41 38.56 Karnataka Phase-II 23 106570 144.44 129.99 14.44 7.80 20th Total 139 654834 858.51 772.65 85.85 46.36 meeting Orissa 68 379974 455.97 410.37 45.60 24.62 18.08.11 Punjab 12 67220 80.66 72.60 8.07 4.36 Tripura 11 30125 45.18 40.67 4.52 2.44 Uttar Pradesh 106 523137 627.76 564.99 62.78 33.90 Total 383 1834821 2283.52 2055.17 228.36 123.31 Total appraised so far for 2011-12 1107 5482716 7012.21 6311.02 701.23 378.70

Minutes of 20th Steering Committee for IWMP – 18.08.11 24

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