512 29 ½ Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504

Mesa County Workforce Development Board - Quarterly Meeting Agenda December 9, 2016

Location: We will be meeting in Room C of our Business Center, 512 29 ½ Road, Grand Junction. Please enter through the north entrance

Call In Option: Within DHS Facilities – 4300 / Local Area – (970) 683-4300 / Toll Free – (877) 394-5806 Access Code - 0164124 # ------

1. Tim Fry called the meeting to order at 7:36am

a. An attendance sheet was circulated for roll call.

b. Minutes were sent out prior to the meeting for review.

b.i. Diane Schwenke made a motion to approve 11/9/2016 Meeting Minutes.

b.ii. Barbara Traylor Smith 2nd the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Minutes were unanimously approved.

2. Workforce Center Director update – Tracey Garchar

a. John Flanagan is no longer the WFC Director

a.i. The WFC Director is a direct report of Tracey Garchar, Executive Director of Mesa County Department of Human Services. The WFC Director oversees 80+ staff, many community efforts including this board.

b. Curtis Englehart has been appointed, with support of Mesa County Commissioners, as the New Workforce Center Director

b.i. This board will continue to interface with the WFC Director to accomplish goals set forth.

c. Q - Is there an MOU in place that states WFC staff is the staff of the board?

c.i. The board delegates the day to day responsibilities to the WFC Director

d. A board member (with fiduciary responsibility) should see the MOU and possibly expand & rework it to clearly articulate in order to be effective.

d.i. The document is a delineation of responsibilities.

d.ii. WIOA added a level of formality & expectation, multi agencies and interests navigated thru the WFC.

e. It was suggested that all board members get a copy of current MOU and allow the Executive committee to clarify communications and operations.

f. A request was made that Curtis email a list of every committee member and Executive committee members.

512 29 ½ Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504

3. Looking ahead – Review of WDB Capacity Building exercise – Board direction

a. Tim Fry presented a power point to review what Board responsibilities are (Purpose of WIOA, What drives WFC services, engage more community members)

a.i. The 1st direction to head in is creating and defining committee structure.

b. This board is moving from “getting everything in place” to “getting to responsibilities”

4. Workforce Center Metrics – Review - The goal is for Mesa County to be at Colorado State standard or above.

a. The board has requested a metric sheet, updated for each meeting, which shows where the board is with each responsibility

b. Review of 3rd Quarter Workforce Volume Report

b.i. Compares Mesa County to Pueblo County as these counties are similar in population, local demographics, and economic conditions

b.ii. Compares Mesa County to State of Colorado.

c. Requests made for future review:

i. Define Youth & Dislocated worker

ii. Create a table to compare 3rd quarter of 2015 and 2014 to identify trends; Mesa County and Pueblo County

iii. Identify degree attained

iv. Attach cost of living adjustment for average wages

v. Reference Labor Market Information

vi. Provide a list of all 64 counties – as a separate document

5. Employment Services Programs overview presented by Celina Kirnberger

a. Average of 900 job openings posted per month

a.i. Q – How many were filled? Exit data difficult to collect (no news is good news)

512 29 ½ Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504

a.ii. Q - How many businesses are using these services?

a.iii. Q – What percent of job openings in Mesa County are posted through WFC?

a.iii.1. Trend data on a one page dashboard will be helpful to the board going forward

All Prove It and Work Keys services are complimentary to the employer Class schedule is on WFC website. 6. Business / Updates

a. Program Updates – Work Ready Communities/ Career Wise Apprenticeship Program

a.i. Curtis will be in Dallas for his last Work Ready community Academy.

a.i.1. Employers recognize and are supporting NCRC – Goal of 117 businesses, currently have 70

a.i.2. Mesa County is at 94% of our goal to be a certified work ready community

a.ii. Career wise – report from Diane Schwenke, Matt Diers, and Dennis Bailey

a.ii.1. Business recruitment needs 35 apprenticeship positions

a.ii.2. School Counselors now working to recruit kids w/ online application process – targeting sophomores

a.ii.2.a. 3 year program earning minimum wage and receiving HS credits.

a.ii.2.b. Student can come out w/ diploma and associates degree.

a.ii.2.b.i. Target date Feb 1.

a.ii.3. One Stop Operator Procurement – Update

a.ii.3.a. No formal update. Committee will convene and then deliver update to board.

a.ii.3.b. Requirements for progress have been met

a.ii.4. WIOA / Title I RFP (Executive Committee recommendation)

a.ii.4.a. No formal update. An RFP will go out, contract up 6/30.

a.ii.5. Policies – 15-16 Banned - Flagged Client / 15-17 Business Service Guidance

a.ii.5.a. Motion was made to approve 15-16 by William Byers . Diane Schwenke 2nd the motion. All in favor, none opposed

512 29 ½ Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504

a.ii.5.b. Motion was made to approve 5-17 by Diane Schwenke. William Byers 2nd the motion. All in favor, none opposed.

Both motions passed unanimously.

b. Resignations submitted by Eric Goertz – Business, Chris Thomas – business and Kevin Shearrow – Required partner in vocational rehab

b.i. Jon Maraschin made a motion to accept all three resignations. Diane Schwenke 2nd the motion. All in favor, none opposed

b.ii. Potential nominees to fill vacated board positions

b.ii.1. Chris Thomas recommended Community Hospital’s HR Director, Sheryl Coffey

b.ii.1.a. The Executive Committee unanimously approved the recommendation.

b.ii.1.b. Diane Schwenke made a motion to move the recommendation back to the Executive Committee to further discuss talent mapping. William Byers 2nd the motion.

b.ii.1.b.i. Diane suggested bringing new and additional nominees, specifically from the CEO level in healthcare.

b.ii.1.b.ii. Some board members submitted that individuals in an HR position would bring a valuable perspective to the board.

b.ii.1.b.iii. Diane Schwenke made a motion to allow executive board to discuss and table this conversation until the Executive Board can establish guidelines of who should be on the WDB Board. William Byers 2nd the motion. Majority in favor with Kelly Flennikin opposed, motion passed.

c. Open Discussion – Tabled due to time constraints

d. Other -Conflict of interest sheets need to be completed by board members and returned to Curtis

7. The meeting was adjourned by Tim Fry at 9:04am.