Annual Rho Chi Chapter Report s7

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Annual Rho Chi Chapter Report s7

Annual Chapter Report – 2016-2017

Please complete your Annual Chapter Report, adhering strictly to the format below, and submit it to the National Office via e-mail ([email protected]) by May 15.

Date of report submission: 5/14/17 Name of School/College: University at Buffalo, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Chapter name and region: Omega Chapter, Region 1 Chapter advisor’s name and e-mail address: Karl Fiebelkorn, [email protected] (If chapter has a co-advisor, please list name and email address):

For split campuses, please list advisor and email address for each campus, if applicable: N/A

Delegate who attended the Rho Chi Annual Meeting: Shirley Chen & Amy Shaver (Note: Any chapter failing for three successive years to have a delegate at the National Convention shall be declared “inactive” by the Executive Council and may not elect members unless and until reinstated – Article 4, Section 3, Rho Chi Society Bylaws) Note that Advisors attending the National Conventions may serve as delegates in the absence of a student or non- student member delegate—Article 7, Section 7, Rho Chi Society Bylaws.

Date delegate’s name submitted to Rho Chi.: 2/2/17

Past year’s officers and e-mail addresses: President: Rachael Cardinal, [email protected] Vice President: Anthony DeGelorm, [email protected] Secretary: Kaitlyn Victor, [email protected] Treasurer: Shirley Chen, [email protected] Historian: Danielle Kieck, [email protected]

New officers and e-mail addresses for next academic year: (If not yet elected, please indicate date of anticipated election and report names within one week of election)

President: Patrick McGrath, [email protected] Vice President: Anil Melathe, [email protected] Secretary: Nicole Petrella, [email protected] Treasurer: Cody Racha, [email protected] Historian: Jenny Chan, [email protected]

The Rho Chi Society National Office Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Telephone: (919) 843-9001 Fax: (919) 962-0644 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report

Number of Rho Chi student members at college or school, listed by class year and program (and by campus if more than one campus):

P4 members (23): P3 members (29): P2 members (27): Mario Beccari Allison Altman – dual Lukas Brightman Allison Binkley degree (PharmD/MPH) Arthur Chan Collin Clark Brandon Bailey Jenny Chan Nicolette Dibuduo Rachael Cardinal Danjin Chen Maya Holsen Shirley Chen Christy Cheruvil Fang Chi Hu Jessica Costello Elissa Chu Dennis Huang Christopher DeFedele Cory Coleman Kent Lee – dual degree – dual degree Emily Hart (PharmD/MBA) (PharmD/MBA) Ye Ri Kim Vince Lee Anthony DeGelorm Rachel Klosko Mark Levy Kateylyn Evans Melissa McGowan Connie Liu Kylee Gross Patrick McGrath Vincent Mark Yao Guan Anil Melathe William Michaels Danielle Kieck Sneha Monzy Alison Milbrand Ha Young Ko Richard Moore Ha Uyen (Cecilia) Pham Andy Lam Yoscar Ogando Melissa Rombola Kaitlin Landolf Nicole Petrella Nicholas Servati Xiaolong Li Cody Racha Kevin Szeto Alyssa Nobel Meghan Rice Angeline Walker Brenda Olivo Ankit Senjalia Andrew Wilsey Woojin Park Shelina Siu Qianqian Yin Adam Parker Courtney Skriptshak Francine Yung Haley Peer Nicole VanNostrand Cody Zhang Alyssa Pellitieri Dominick Varis Alex Principino – dual Taoran Wang degree (PharmD/MPH) Gigi Yam Ahmed Saeed – dual Stacie Yi degree (PharmD/MBA) Amy Shaver – dual degree (PharmD/MPH) Kaitlyn Victor Justin Watt Sabrina Weisz Lindsey Wratten Kelsey Violanti

Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report


Date Attendance Agenda Action Steps 5/4/2016 Officers (Old & Pass on information Was informed what New)- Transition on how to run the events needed to be Meeting (10) Omega Chapter to completed for incoming officers Omega Chapter 5/9/2016 Officers, Advisor (6) Planning for Discussed goals for upcoming year upcoming year 6/6/2016 Officers (5) Planning events for Discussed plan for summer prior to asthma devices and school starting P1 Orientation 8/29/2016 Officers (5) Planning events for Discussed follow up fall with asthma devices 9/21/2016 Officers (5) Following up with fall Discussed organizing events distribution of asthma devices & IV practice for P2s 12/12/2016 Officers (5) Planning events for Discussed plan for winter break induction ceremony location 1/31/2017 Officers (5) Planning events for Discussed plan for spring semester ordering cords and review schedules for semester 2/24/2017 Officers, Advisor, and Inviting new members Announced new new initiates (33) members of Rho Chi 4/20/2017 Officers, Advisor, and Induction Dinner Invited new members families of new and their families. initiates (68) Invited two speakers (one faculty & alumni of Rho Chi) to speak 5/3/2017 Officers (Old and Pass on information Trained new officers New)- Transition on how to run the on the Meeting (10) Omega Chapter to responsibilities/ and incoming officers roles 5/10/2017 Officers, Members Welcoming new Ordered pizza & (current P3s and new members, thanking wings for members initiates (P2s), P4s current members & who attended as an who came back to P4s for their hard end of the year party hold reviews (25) work this year

Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report

Strategic Planning: What goals were set that relate to the Rho Chi mission? (Limit 0.5 page)

There were many goals we created and met for our Omega Chapter during the 2016-17 school year. One goal was to promote academic success by incorporating additional hours to our tutoring office hours, continuing P2 pharmacotherapeutic class reviews, and implementing new review sessions for first and third year pharmacy students. These programs also helped meet other goals, such as encouraging the intellectual development of leaders through these programs as well as promoting ethical standards within our organization. Another goal of our chapter this year that relates to the Rho Chi mission was advancing the pharmacy practice, assisting in the development of future leaders, and fostering collaboration by connecting current with past Rho Chi members through a new event we implemented. The last goal that we made sure to set was informing other students about what Rho Chi offers with intellectual and professional development.


There were many new programs and events that the Omega Chapter implemented throughout the year to foster intellectual and professional development. One new program was incorporating the Rho Chi Honor Society Omega Chapter into the P1 orientation in late August, 2016. In this program, the Omega Chapter spoke about effective study tips and time management in order to ease the transition of new first year students into the professional school as well as promote what our organization offers. Another implementation that occurred shortly after the fall semester began, on August 31st, was called the Rho Chi Networking Event, which connected current Rho Chi members to Rho Chi alumni. 20 Rho Chi members and 8 alumni attended this event and created several mentorships between each other. Throughout the fall semester we organized the Asthma Device Sale, which encouraged the P1 students to have physical devices for their learning and for counseling patients once they become interns. This sale occurred late October and 137 P1 students participated. Additionally, we brought in a guest speaker to talk to the P1 class to discuss a hot topic in pharmacy so they are aware of our evolving field. One of our professors, Dr. Edward Bednarczyk, spoke about Medical Marijuana and its progress in NYS on November 16th. In order to encourage academic success to the second year students, Rho Chi organized an IV compounding practice also in November, which allowed third year Rho Chi members to teach P2s how to compound IVs effectively so their confidence can build in this area of pharmacy practice. Lastly, we organized a CPR class through the American Heart Association so pharmacy students can learn BLS in preparation to help the community in the future if any emergent situation arises. In the spring semester, it was decided to change the location for our induction ceremony of the new initiates in order to promote a more professional environment, which happened mid- April (4/20/17). Prior to this, we held our new Executive Board elections on 4/19/17. More details about the induction ceremony is mentioned later in the report. We also hosted another guest lecture for the first year pharmacy students. Dr. Kimberly Zammit, a clinical pharmacist, discussed Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM), on April 18th and talked about the objectives and goals as well as the success of the program throughout the years. Another event that was implemented in the spring was the Rho Chi Pizza Party, which occurred on May 10th. This was organized by our Omega Chapter to welcome the new members, thank the current

Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report members for their efforts and hard work this semester, as well as thank the P4s who came back to host P3 reviews, which will be discussed shortly. Throughout the entire 2016-17 year, our most important goal was to promote academic excellence of UB pharmacy students. Therefore, we implemented P1 Pharmacology reviews because feedback was given in previous years that this subject was extremely difficult compared to the other classes taken during the first year. Additionally, we added an extra tutoring session (instead of once weekly it was twice weekly), in order to provide more availability and opportunity for students to reach out for help with subjects they are struggling in. Throughout the year, the Omega Chapter has continued the P2 Rho Chi Therapeutics Reviews roughly every week during both semesters in order to quiz the second year pharmacy students on the material that was being taught so they can be well-prepared for their exams. Last but not least, the Omega Chapter implemented the P3 Therapeutics Reviews in order to help the rest of our colleagues succeed academically. Available P4 Rho Chi students came back to review and quiz the third year pharmacy students on our therapeutics series. The new and old programs our Rho Chi Omega Chapter implemented has contributed to a very successful academic year.

Financial/ Budgeting: Due to the regulations of our School of Pharmacy Student Association (SPSA), we forfeit our previous balance from last year with the assumption that we may spend according to the potential revenue we plan to generate for the upcoming year, which was submitted as ~$4,000. Our main revenue, as in previous years, is our Rho Chi Asthma Device Sale, which bought in over $700 for our future events. Other events or items needed to be paid for, such as our CPR class in the fall semester and new initiate dues in the spring semester, were paid for by the students themselves, so it brought in $0 to our organization. Our main revenue (the asthma device sale) helped pay for the deposit of our induction ceremony, which was our main expenditure. Total cost for the ceremony came out to be ~$1,800 for 68 people in attendance, but majority of that cost (~$1,700), was paid for by the attendees for their own meals. Our Omega Chapter paid for the meals of the guest speakers as well as the executive board. Since we made more than what we spent, we chose to host a pizza party in order to welcome new members, thank current P3 members for their hard work, and also thank returning P4s who came back to host P3 reviews. The cost for this party was $92. After the year ended, we ended up having a profit of ~$25, but this amount will be forfeited by the end of May 2017.

Initiation Function: Our Rho Chi Induction Ceremony took place on Thursday, April 20th, 2017 at the Foundry Hotel & Banquet. Twenty-seven P2s were inducted at this time. On April 19th, we also held our election process so the new Executive Board could be inducted into their positions during the ceremony. Seven faculty members, our faculty advisor, as well as the Dean attended this memorable ceremony. The rest of the 68 attendees were the families and friends of the new initiates. The Dean spoke a few words to the new initiates, and then one Rho Chi alumni and one Rho Chi faculty member also spoke to the new initiates and gave advice. Our Rho Chi alumni, Dr. Thomas Platek, was a graduate in the class of 1968, so this year was his 50th anniversary of being inducted into Rho Chi. The wisdom that resonated while he spoke about not burning bridges, always giving back to the community, and to keep your options open in the pharmacy field will always be remembered. Our other speaker who is a current UB faculty member, Dr. Erin Slazak, spoke to the initiates about what it means to be in Rho Chi. She

Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report mentioned that it is not all about achieving high grades, but rather having leadership and involvement, and also being well-balanced to enjoy time with friends and family. Everyone enjoyed this sit down ceremony and will remember the words of those who spoke when they continue to develop into leaders.

Evaluation/Reflection: For the 2016-17 school year, our goal was to encourage academic excellence as well as professionalism in our school. Therefore, we chose to implement several new programs to achieve this goal. Our Omega Chapter Executive Board first attempted to promote growth and the development of future leaders of our profession by hosting a Rho Chi Networking Event. The goal of this event was to create mentorships between current members and alumni and it turned out to be a success, as exemplified by the connection made between an alumni member, who owned an independent pharmacy, and a current Rho Chi PharmD/MBA candidate who was interested in pursuing this career path. A bigger location with some free appetizers may have helped with the turnout of 20 Rho Chi members and 8 alumni. Throughout the year, the Omega Chapter had also implemented P1 Pharmacology Reviews as well as P3 Therapeutics Reviews in order to promote academic excellence. These reviews were a success and positive feedback was provided. However, towards the end of the semester, less students attended, which shows that there is always room for improvement in these reviews (P2 reviews included). Therefore, it may be appropriate for next year to consider having snacks for those who attend in order to increase turnout towards the end of the semester. In the spring semester, the biggest change was choosing a different location for the Rho Chi Induction Ceremony. In previous years, the location was at Chef’s, but there were several complaints about the food, so less faculty attended. When we collaborated with The Foundry this year, there were double the faculty who attended. Positive feedback was given on the sit down dinner rather than a buffet with limited number of food options (as it was previously). Therefore, switching locations was extremely beneficial and collaboration with this company will most likely happen in the future. These new changes and implementation of new programs were extremely time consuming to set up because there were no set guidelines as to how to go about organizing them. However, since their implementation, feedback from students will be utilized to improve these programs or even wipe them out completely if the majority think they weren’t necessary or needed. Overall, this year was a success in promoting academic excellence as well as fostering collaboration with the P4 students as well as P1 students when hosting reviews and having two tutoring sessions a week. This allowed the school to become a more tight-knit community where P1s could be mentored by P3s on not just related to academics, but on professional and personal development.

Other information: N/A

If your chapter would like to be considered for the Most Improved Chapter Award, please complete the following form on a separate page.

Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report

Most Improved Chapter Award

Some chapters have been relatively inactive in past years, but current students/advisors have made great strides to increase the activities/projects of their chapters. Rho Chi has instituted a designation for the “Most Improved Chapter Award” to recognize such strides. In order to be eligible for this award, a chapter must meet all the basic chapter requirements requested within the chapter annual report. Furthermore, the chapter annual report, names of elected officers, and the name of the chapter delegate to the Rho Chi Society National Office must be submitted to the Rho Chi National Office by the respective deadlines for each of these items. The chapter must send a representative to the Rho Chi Society Annual Meeting. In addition, chapters must have “active” chapter status for at least 2 consecutive years (e.g., new schools must be in at least the third year of chapter activity).

If your chapter would like to be considered for the “Most Improved Chapter Award,” indicate the significant improvement(s) of your chapter below. Limit to one page.

Name of School/College: University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Chapter name and region: Omega Chapter, Region 1

Name of member submitting statement: Rachael Cardinal

Name of Chapter Advisor: Karl Fiebelkorn

Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report

To Whom It May Concern, We would appreciate your consideration in nominating the Rho Chi Omega Chapter for the “Most Improved Chapter Award”. Our chapter has been well established for over 50 years and the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (UB SPPS) accepts between 120-140 students in each class. Therefore, the top 20% accepted into Rho Chi is a smaller number compared to larger institutions. With this in mind, we don’t have as many members as we would like to promote the development of future pharmacy leaders both academically and professionally. However, even with approximately twenty-five members each year, the amount of work our Omega Chapter has dedicated to encouraging student success in not just classes but through leadership roles as well as on rotations is extremely satisfying, especially with the number of new programs we implemented just this year alone. There were several events and programs that we implemented throughout the year. These included the Rho Chi Networking Event, P1 Pharmacology Reviews, P3 Therapeutics Reviews, adding additional tutoring hours, and the end of the year thank you Rho Chi Pizza Party. P2 reviews were not included here because those have been an ongoing requirement for our members and has constantly received positive feedback from students. Our Omega Chapter wanted to promote the importance of success in the classroom, as mentioned before, but also emphasize the importance of networking and connecting with pharmacists. Therefore, we organized the Rho Chi Networking Event, which connected current Rho Chi members with Rho Chi alumni to form mentorships, which then may lead to job opportunities in the future. P1 and P3 reviews were also implemented because feedback was given last year on the difficulty of these courses, so we thought it would be appropriate to address these concerns this year. The other program and event mentioned previously was the tutoring sessions held by our Omega Chapter as well as the Rho Chi Pizza Party. Feedback provided last year showed that the tutoring sessions were beneficial to students, however, these were held at the end of the week, which may have affected the utilization of this service since most exams were taken at the beginning of the week. Therefore, we decided to add two tutoring sessions this year, one at the start of the week and one towards the end. This change had a huge impact on student success because the turnout from last year to this year with tutoring nearly doubled in one semester. This turnout along with positive feedback not just from the tutoring sessions, but also the reviews and events, shows how much influence the Omega Chapter has on the students within our school. Therefore, we hope to continue to promote success academically, professionally, and personally and to be role models for future leaders. This leads to the last event that was implemented, the Rho Chi Pizza Party. This was organized at the end of the year to welcome the new initiates, thank the current members for their hard work, and thank the P4s who returned to help host the P3 Therapeutics Reviews since these reviews were not required of them. This event was important to the Executive Board because we continuously ask the members within our chapter to promote the mission and goals of Rho Chi, but we feel that these members should be thanked for their contributions to the organization. Therefore, we did this event to foster future leaders who will remember these actions and will do something special to thank the members of their future company or organization. We believe that recognizing and showing appreciation for our dedicated members is as important as promoting academic excellence for our students.

Revised 9-12-14 Appendix 1

Chapter Activities Report Template Omega Chapter, University at Buffalo Activity Table Category of Title of Brief How Does Years the If Activity has Been How Many How Many Financial Activity1 Activity Description2 This Activity Activity Ongoing for >1 Members Students (non- Information Align With the has Been Year, What Participated in members) for the Rho Chi Ongoing? Evaluations Have the Activity? and/or Patients Activity Mission Been Done to were impacted [Budget Statement? Assess the Success by the Required, of the Activity and Activity? Fundraising What Improvements Amount] Have Been Done Over the Past Year? Intellectual Time Members Academic 0 (started ---- 7 Rho Chi 137 $0 Leadership Management presented on Success/ this year) members, 137 Activity & Study effective skills Fostering P1s Skills for P1 year to Leaders Presentation incoming students College of Rho Chi Current Rho Foster 0 (started ---- 20 members, 0 $0 Pharmacy Networking Chi members Collaboration, this year) 8 alumni Event Event were able to Advance connect with Pharmacy Rho Chi Practice alumni

The Rho Chi Society National Office Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Telephone: (919) 843-9001 Fax: (919) 962-0644 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report

Fundraising Asthma P1s were sold Encourage >5 years Student feedback on 5 E-board, 137 Cost $1224, Device Sale inhalers for Success/ cost, lowered cost 137 P1s Brought in class Ethical throughout years $1950 = experience Standards of ($25 to $15) $726 made Counseling Clinical CPR P1 & P2 Academic 2 years Student feedback, 30 P1s/P2s 30 Cost $1350, Pharmacy Certification students were Success/ only open to P1& Brought in Experience Course able to get Fostering P2 since P3 get $1350= $0 BLS certified Leaders certified made Intellectual Tutoring Tutored P1 & Academic >5 years Student feedback on 2 Rho Chi / 50-100 $0 Leadership Sessions x2 P2 students on Success/ a survey done by week, ~50- weekly any topic Fostering school. Increased to 100 students Leaders 2 sessions a week entire year Intellectual P1 Conducted Academic 0 (started ---- 4 Rho Chi, 30-40 $0 Leadership Pharmacology reviews to the Success/ this year) 30-40 P1s Reviews P1 class on Fostering Pharmacology Leaders Intellectual P2 Conducted Academic >5 years Student feedback on 2-3 Rho Chi, 40 $0 Leadership Therapeutics reviews to the Success/ a survey done by 40 P2s Reviews P2 class on Fostering school. Incorporated therapeutics Leaders more questions in review Intellectual P3 P4s conducted Academic 0 (started ---- 1-2 P4s, 30- ~30-40 $110. Gave Leadership Therapeutics reviews to the Success/ this year) 50 P3s gift cards to Reviews P3 class on Fostering P4s who therapeutics Leaders returned. Intellectual P2 IV Practiced IV Academic 2 years Student feedback 10 Rho Chi, 30 $0 Leadership Compounding compounding Success/ through a survey. 30 P2s Practice with P2 Fostering Had longer students and Leaders availability so more gave advice on students can how to succeed practice

Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report

Intellectual Medical Dr. Advancing 3 years Student feedback. 1 speaker, 137 137 $0 Leadership Marijuana Bednarczyk Pharmacy Incorporated P1s Lecture presented on Practice/ different speakers. NYS law on Fostering MMJ Leaders Intellectual CDTM Dr. Zammit Advancing 3 years Student feedback. 1 speaker, 137 137 $0 Leadership Lecture presented on Pharmacy Incorporated P1s CDTM in NY Practice/ different speakers. Fostering Leaders Intellectual Induction New members Fostering Since Feedback from 32 Rho Chi, 36 Cost $1,800, Leadership Ceremony were inducted Leaders became a attendees. Did a 30 family, 8 paid by into national chapter different location d/t faculty + attendees society (>50 c/o old location advisor ($1700) + years) Rho Chi paid for E- Board Intellectual Pizza Party Thanked Encouraging 0 (started ---- 20 Rho Chi 0 $92 for Leadership members Correct Ethical this year) food Standards Guidelines:

1. For each activity within a category use a separate line in the table (you may add more lines as you see fit)

2. Keep your descriptions of each activity brief limiting overall table to 3 pages or less. Appendix 2

Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report

Rho Chi Chapter Annual Report Template (Omega Chapter)

Amount Amount Debited Credited ITEM ($$ spent) ($$ raised) Balance Comment Start estimate from last $4,000.00 year Peak Flow Meter Cost $1,224.00 $2,776.00 Asthma Device Sale $1,950.00 $4,726.00 CPR Student fees $1,350.00 $6,076.00 30 students, ~$45 each CPR Cost $1,350.00 $4,726.00 Induction Ceremony Deposit $300.00 $4,426.00 Reserved The Foundry Honor Cords/ Stationary $350.00 $4,076.00 Inductee Rho Chi Dues Paid by Members $1,755.00 $5,831.00 27 members x $65 Inductee Rho Chi Dues to National Org. $1,755.00 $4,076.00 Induction Ceremony Meals Paid by Attendees $1,700.00 $5,776.00 68 attendees x $25 Induction Ceremony Cost $1522.22 $4,253.78 Total Cost- Initial deposit Gift Cards for Returning P4 Students $110.00 $4,143.78 11 P4s returned x $10 Flowers for Induction Ceremony $25.00 $4,118.78 27 Inductees, 2 Speakers Pizza for Rho Chi Thank You Party $92 $4,026.78 Pizza, Wings, & Soda

Revised 9-12-14

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