The Patronis Physical Education Challenge 3rd Grade

This challenge was developed for 3rd grade children to encourage them to practice and improve their motor skills. It is such a pleasure to be able to recognize and reward our students for their efforts. We believe that involvement in a challenging PE program leads to a healthy and active lifestyle that will follow these children into adulthood.

The Challenge is not a one-time test, but rather a set of activities that the students can practice and improve upon. Students are encouraged to take as many chances as needed to complete each of the challenges, within the pacing guidelines. We encourage students to practice at home. All of the challenges are aligned with the Florida State Standards for Physical Education.

In keeping with Patronis’ special area grading process, we have established minimum requirements for receiving a performance grade of “S “ for each deadline according to the pacing guide. The Patronis PE Challenge Award requirements are slightly higher and students will be recognized with certificates, and medallions. Your child’s Physical Education grade does count towards Honor Roll. Please note the time line and qualifications below for the Patronis PE Challenge awards.

Physical Education Assessment (80%) ~ your performance grade according to the pacing guide, each grading due date. Last assessment must be completed by April 17, 2015. 3rd grade ~ 4 out of 9 challenges to earn a grade of “S”.

PE Challenge Awards ~ Medallion, Gold, Silver & Bronze Last assessment must be completed by March 13, 2015 to earn awards.

3rd grade ~ Medallion ~ 9 out of 9 ~ Super Stars Gold 8 out of 9 Silver 7 out of 9 Bronze 6 out of 9

A special medallion is awarded to any student that can successfully complete ALL 9 challenges. An awards ceremony will be held in the Spring to present our awards for students achieving bronze, sliver, gold or medallion.

~ 3rd Grade Challenges ~ These are the nine tasks that make up the PE Challenge Assessment.

Partner Paddle ~ with a partner, using a paddle, volley a ball back and forth 12 times (6 each) without the ball touching the ground. Hula Hoop ~ hula hoop around body (waist) for 60 seconds without the hoop touching the ground. Jump That Rope ~ continuously jump a single rope using two feet together in a big jump, little jump pattern for 60 seconds. Cup Stacking ~ complete a 3 – 6 – 3 cup stacking pattern. No fumbles, must use the 3 – 2 – 1 method when stacking the 6 stack and must use both hands to up stack or down stack. Complete the pattern in 10 seconds or less. Partner Throw and Catch ~ throw and catch a ball 16 times (8 each) to a partner 20 feet away without the ball touching the ground. Step with the opposite foot from the arm you are using to throw. When catching the ball, you must remain standing and behind the line. Racket Strike ~ continuously strike a ball up in the air with a racket for 60 seconds without the ball touching the ground., while standing in a hoop. Ball Bounce ~ continuously dribble a ball with one hand for 60 seconds. Line Dance ~ successfully complete an entire line dance sequence without any mistakes. Agility Drill ~ start in the middle of a 10 foot marked off area, move to either right or left line, bend down and touch the line with either hand, then reverse directions running to touch the other line. Continue moving right and left for 10 seconds making 8 successful touches with a hand.

Line Dance Sequence: 4 count rhythm

Grapevine right three steps, and clap (4 counts) Grapevine left three steps and clap (4 counts)

Grapevine right three steps, and clap (4 counts) Grapevine left three steps and clap (4 counts)

Walk forward three steps and clap (4 counts) Walk backward three steps and clap (4 counts)

Walk forward three steps and clap (4 counts) Walk backward three steps and clap (4 counts)

Jump forward (1 count) Jump backward (1 count) Jump forward (1 count) Jump backward (1 count)

Two heel clicks (2 counts) Tap right foot front twice (2 counts) Tap right foot back twice (2 counts)

Tap right foot front once (1 count) Tap right foot back once (1 count) Tap right foot to the side once (1 count) Swing right leg back and slap with left hand while making ¼ turn (1 count)

Repeat entire sequence 3 more times

We hope you join us in our excitement about this program. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions ~ [email protected] or [email protected]

Coach Dart & Coach Hooper