Q.1______Includes Doctoral Dissertations, Scholarly Articles, Top-Level Government Agreements

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Q.1______Includes Doctoral Dissertations, Scholarly Articles, Top-Level Government Agreements


Quiz Eng201 | Quiz Date: May 14, 2014 : 10 AM Morning Q.1 ______includes Doctoral dissertations, scholarly articles, top-level government agreements etc. Formal writing Informal writing

Q.2. The memos, letters and reports you write, display your ------, or lack of ability to communicat efficiency Q.4. The message senders need to assess their message from the eyes of the ______to be sure that they have included all the relevant information. writers administrator receiver All of the above

Q.5. Most ……… messages suffer from problems with clarity, relevance, grouping and completeness Sequential * Length Casual Disorganized

Q.6. Choose the correct option: Accuracy can be achieved by providing Unknown facts and appropriate word acronyms and familiar phraseology accurate facts and figures and appropriate words lengthy phrases and jargons

Q.7. The letter begins with the ______new all necessary details are provided in the middle part. In closing the letter refers to the main point and states the desired action good * bad sad non of above

To decode a message is to: ► reject a message ► translate ideas into code ► evaluate a message ► interpret a message (Page 44)

3. To improve organizational communication, ------need to recognize and overcome communication barriers. ans. Managers 4. The writing process in business messages consists of _____ steps. ans. Three 6. The______of the document helps you decide how to precede, how to respond to the audience, which information to focus on, and which channel or medium to use. Ans: definite purpose

Defining your Purpose The definite purpose of the document helps you decide how to precede, how to respond to the audience, which information to focus on, and which channel or medium to use. 7. The key to successful communications is to make the reader feel that the most important person in our business relationship is the ------. ans. Reader 9. In oral communication, what matters most is _____ ans. How you say it 10. Solicited and unsolicited are types of ------. ans. Formal reports

Question No 1 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of effective business messages? Select correct option: Limited to just a couple of people Clarifies and condenses information Provides practical information Gives facts clearly

Question No 4 In many organizations the final piece of writing is a team effort; with more than one writer working on a single document is called ______. Select correct option: collaboration scheduling technology all of above Collaboration In many organizations the final piece of writing is a team effort, with more than one writer working on a single document.

Question No 5 ------and ------is used to develop a topic by examining its similarities and differences. Select correct option: Cause, effect Process, product Comparison, contrast All of above Comparison and Contrast: Use comparison and contrast to develop a topic by examining its similarities or dissimilarities to another thing, process, or state. Comparison emphasizes the similarities, contrast the differences. A paragraph may use both comparison and contrast. In the following example, two kinds of electrical cable are compared. The aim here is to convey the superiority of A over B for two categories of performance.

Question No 6 ______is important, not only because it genuinely improves the reader's ability to understand your material, but also because it gives the reader confidence in your ability to assert control over detail. Select correct option: Consistency Consideration Conciseness Completeness

Question No 7 In resume, the best way to list your jobs is in ----. Select correct option: random order chronological order reverse chronological order none of above

Question No 8 Courtesy means not only thinking about receiver but also valuing his ______Select correct option: Feelings Proposal Goodwill All of above Question No 9 Which one of the following is NOT a quality of good business and administrative writing? Select correct option: Clear Concise Complimentary Correct

Question No 10 ______Medium is the best when you don’t need immediate feedback, but you do need speed. Select correct option: Electronic Written Oral All of above

Answers: Q1)Limited to just a couple of people Q2)Through communication probe Q3)Place the name and professional objectives at the top Q4)collaboration Q5)Comparison, contrast Q6)Consistency Q7)chronological order Q8)Feelings Q9)Complimentary Q10)Electronic ------2- ——— can be achieved if the document is theoretically accurate and represents the subject very well Document Accuracy Stylistic Accuracy Technical Accuracy Structural clarity 4- Which of the following skills make the oral communication effective? Outlining and planning Preparing overheads or other display media Rehearsing & Delivery All of the above 6-It is usually really handy to have letters of ……… from previous employers Demotion Recommendation Dismissal Declination

7- Why document’s objective should be stated at the beginning? To motivate readers to read further To gain readers’ attention To impress readers Both a & b 10- Which one of the following establishes a series of observations and emphasizes each element? Exemplification Analysis Enumeration Comparison and contrast

A fault in the communication procedure where the meaning of the message is lost ‘in translation’ from intention to language or from language to understanding is called...... distortion noise redundancy feedback

Which of the following messages aim to influence audiences who are inclined to resist, so they depend heavily on strategic planning?

Considerate message courteous message informative message persuasive message

Which of the following factors enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of your message?

Feedback encoding Transmission decoding

Which guideline should be followed to ensure Courtesy?

Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative Use expressions that show respect Omit irritating expressions all of the above

If your message is specific, definite and vivid; which of the following principle has been applied? completeness correctness Conciseness Concreteness

As a student you communicate for ------purposes while as an employee you will communicate for ------purpose Educational, instrumental

Persuasive, influential

Convincing, winning

None of

a message is a signal that serves as: stimuli for a receiver noise reduction stimuli for a speaker stimuli for a mass audience

Choose the best option. Feedback is a listener’s:

Verbal or nonverbal responses to a message.

Acceptance of a message

Verbal critique of you message

Aversion to a message

Why information in a message should be well organized? It helps motivation the audience to accept your message It helps to get your ideas across without upsetting the audience People will understand exactly what you mean All of the above

In a sentence, unity means that

You must have one main idea

You can have one or more idea which must be closely related

You should nave one main and one supporting idea

Both I and II The------is best implemented by expressing your message in term of the audience’s interests and needs

You attitude

We attitude

I attitude non

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one Which of the following is best when you don’t need immediate feedback, but you do need speed? Written massage Electronic message Oral massage informal massage

We’re having a barbecue next wee_____?

Will you come

Did you come

Do you come

Were you coming

How can you make your message forceful?

By using comparisons

By using figurative language

Both I or II

None of the above Both and medium have a few qualities in common. They don’t want immediate feedback and avoid distortion in communication.

Written and electronic

Written and oral

Oral and electronic

None of the above

Quiz Eng201 | Quiz Date: May 14, 2014 : 11 : 00 PM Night Q1. Choose the correct option from the following: The seven C’s apply to …………………. Only oral communication Only written communication None of above * Both Oral or written

Q2. Choose the correct version of the following incorrect sentence. ‘I left smoking long ago

I gave up smoking long ago I let go smoking long ago. I lament smoking long ago. I am free from smoking long ago.

Q3. Speaker controls ------of presentation. response pace sound system All of the above

Q4. Do you ever take someone else's food or drink from the office refrigerator? Always * Sometimes Never Rarely

Q5. Which of the following should be the ultimate goal of persuasive speaking? To reinforce the attitudes, beliefs, and values an audience already holds To inoculate an audience against counter persuasion To change attitudes & motivate an audience to act All of the above

Q6. Choose the correct option from the following: Structural Clarity is a way to increase ……… of your document. Clarity Courtesy Conciseness * Completeness Q8. ------are objects used to convey non-verbal messages about self-concept. Paralanguage Artifacts Kinetics Gestures Q9. n oral presentation, we should use direct approach if our audience is …………… . passive * assertive assertive receptive Q10. A bad news message varies from a good news message in structure, tone and ------. Formation Information * Description

Which of the three components is part of the human communication process?

Feedback, message, critiquing

Message, recording, feedback

Message, noise, feedback

Noise, feedback, jargon

Identify the option which can replace the part starting with if in the following statement. Full- time college students should spend at least six hours a week studying if you want to succeed.

If he wants to succeed

If they want to succeed

If he or she wants to succeed

No change is required

______and ______cannot occur together.

Unity, coherence

Conciseness, wordiness

Coherence, conciseness

Unity, wordiness The first step of audience analysis is to______

Examine the time and place of your speech. examine the speaking occasion examine the location of your speech examine the size of your audience.

When you turn your ideas into a message, you are the||||||



Decoder analyzer

Revision is a chance for you to look critically at a document______

if it's really worth saying

if it says what you wanted to say, and

if a reader will understand what you're saying

All of above

To communicate effectively, one should develop not only skills, but also a______with others

Sense of empathy

Sense of humor

Sense of understanding

All of above Effective business communication is not______





Of all the announcers, gary spoke

More clearer

More clearly

The more clearest

The clearest

Quiz Eng201 | Quiz Date: May 15, 2014 : 12 AM Q2. Do you ever take someone else's food or drink from the office refrigerator?

always some time never realy always *

Q3. Mr., Ms., and Mrs. Are: Professional titles Standard titles Courtesy titles None of the above

Q4. It is usually really handy to have letters of ...... from previous employers. Demotion Recommendation * Dismissal Declination Q5. Which one of the following is an example of a nonverbal message? Jargon Yelling Mumbling Eye contact * Q6. Developing a major presentation is much like writing a/an ------. memo informal report thesis * formal report Q7. In the composition of a business message technology like Microsoft Word affects the composing process by ______. decreasing productivity increasing effectiveness decreasing both productivity and effectiveness increasing both productivity and effectiveness *

Q8. Table of contents, problem statements, and even strategic repetition promote ______Structural clarity Document clarity * Stylistic clarity Q9. ______is achieved through a balance between precise language and familiar language. Clarity Correctness Credibility Concreteness Q10. …………… Communication refers to the flow of communication when it takes place in departments working side by side. Vertical Lateral Upwards Downwards Q11. Speakers usually experience difficulty in ensuring that the message is:

Conveyed precisely Conveyed precisely, understood correctly, and acted upon promptly and as desired * Acted upon promptly and as desired Understood correctly

Q12. How can you make your message forceful? By using comparisons By using figurative language Both i & ii Q13. The root of the word "credibility" is "credo," which means "I believe" in ………….

Greek Arabic Latin * English

Q. 1 ______concerns the careful use of language to express meaning. Document Accuracy Stylistic Accuracy Technical Accuracy

Q2. When asked to deliver a speech at the last moment, the type of delivery style you will use is ______Memorization Manuscript Impromptu Extemporaneous Q3. A group of people who are compelled to assemble and listen to a speaker are known as a______Captive audience Voluntary audience Interested audience Elective audience Q4. Credibility is a measure of your believability based on how much trust you evoke and how reliable you are. True False Q5. Which of the followings are included in Functional words?

Conjunctions, prepositions, nouns, pronouns. Conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns Conjunctions, prepositions, articles, adjectives Conjunctions, interjections, articles, pronouns

Q6. Communication that seems inconsequential can become very important if information it contains is ______. inappropriate but grammatically correct complete and effective full of facts and business jargons concise but incomplete Q7. Choose the correct option from the following: Oral presentations can be formal or informal, depending upon------purpose. Explicit Implicit Inherent All of the above Q8. Style guides are widely used in the professions and in organizations to achieve a uniform document look by identifying formal requirements for ______

Document appearance Document length Document density All above

Q.10. How many steps are essential for successful oral statement? 5 6 7 8

Q2. If your message is specific, definite and vivid; which of the following principle has been applied? Completenes Correctness Conciseness Concreteness Q3. What you write at work represents not only you but also your ______. department your employer writing capabilities both a and b * Q5. True courtesy involves being aware not only of the perspectives of others, but also their___ sentiments attitudes feelings ideas

Q7. Choose the correct option: Accuracy can be achieved by providing ______. unknown facts and appropriate words acronyms and familiar phraseology accurate facts and figures and appropriate words lengthy phrases and jargons

Q8.They arrived in the middle of the night...... because their flight was detained because their flight was dispatched because their flight was delayed because their flight was defused

Q10. Which of the following is not an example of the pair of words? Accept, except Farther, further Between, among * Receive, deceive

Q.1. Which one of the following a speaker should not take into consideration while making a presentation? Psychographics Time of speech Speaking occasion Size of audience * Q2. Which role of a reader determines action or reaction of an organization when confronted with a particular situation? Implementers’ role Advisors’ role Decision Makers’ role Policy makers’ role Q3. In message composition the main idea should be supported by three to five minor details major details prosaic details complimentary details Q4. Choose the correct option from the following: Phantom readers are called ……………..…readers.

Unnamed Fake Original Unique

Q5. The oral communication is ------in its nature and brings back immediate result. conventional conversational communal sensational Q6. Why important observations, suggestions, or objections should be written?

To persuade the reader To create permanent records To make communication more effective All of the above

Q7. Choose the correct option from the following: The seven C’s apply to

Both written and oral communications Only oral communication Only written communication None of above

Q8. How many aspects does Accuracy have? 6 5 4 3

Q9. It is estimated that business people spend from ………… Percent of their time at work communicating.

20 to 30 50 to 70 60 to 90

Q.10. In writing commercial correspondence, it is important to employ a friendly yet efficient ------. emotion mood tone feeling

Q1, It stems from a sincere you-attitude. Mechanical insertion of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ is not helpful. Rather it is politeness that grows out of respect and concern for others.’ The above statement describes which of the following?

Consideration Courtesy Politeness Credibility

Q3. ‘Don’t make false promises. People are more likely to react positively to your message when they have confidence in you.’ The above statement is an example of ------. Good will Credibility Persuasion None of the above

Q4. Which of the following are real but unnamed readers?

Phantom Readers Future Readers Complex Readers Technical Readers

Q5. Which of the followings are included in Functional words?

Conjunctions, prepositions, nouns, pronouns Conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns Conjunctions, prepositions, articles, adjectives Conjunctions, interjections, articles, pronouns

Q6. ______is achieved through a balance between precise language and familiar language.

Clarity Correctness Credibility Concreteness

Q7. The quality that gives force to important parts of sentences and paragraphs is called ______. emphasis clarity completeness * consideration

Q.9 Choose the correct option for the following wordy expression. ______is a short, familiar and conversational word for ‘have need for'. Desire Need Soon Because

Q.10 Communication is considered effective when it achieves ……… from the receiver. desired goals and objectives ncentives investment action * Q.11. Most ……… messages suffer from problems with clarity, relevance, grouping and completeness. sequential lengthy casual disorganized Q.12. How do People react to your message when they have confidence in you? positively negatively neutrally unlikely Q.13. Which of the following have both; a denotative meaning and a connotative meaning? Closed words Content words Structure word Strong words Q14. Mark the statement as true/false. Grandiloquence is an important aspect of conciseness True * False in______stage of persuasive plan, you provide relevant evidence to proce your claim



Attention desire

4 In the communication process, to encode means to .

Correct Answer: translate ideas into a code.

8 Feedback can come in the form of . Your Answer: verbal and nonverbal listener responses.

9 In the communication process, a receiver is . Your Answer: the person who decodes a message.

1 An example of a communication channel is . Your Answer: face-to-face conversation. 1 In interpersonal communication, ethics 4 . Your Answer: are important.


1 Which of the following is an example of a nonverbal message? 5 . Your Answer: Eye contact

1 The ability to communicate effectively 6 . Correct Answer: can be learned.

1 If something is said in error, it must be understood that interpersonal 7 communication is . Correct Answer: irreversible.

1 A message can only be deemed effective when it is 8 . Your Answer: understood by others and produces the intended results.

1 Learning to communicate with others is key to 9 . Your Answer: establishing rewarding relationships.


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