Board Review 9/3/2000 Biochem Test 1 5

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Board Review 9/3/2000 Biochem Test 1 5

Board Review 4/5/2018 Biochem Test 1 1

1. Extracellular ammonia is transported from 9. Which is responsible for carboxylation Rx? skeletal muscle to the liver by? A. Pyrodoxine A. L—Ornithine B. Biotin Tin Box B. L—Ketoglutarate C. Thiamine C. L—Glutamate D. ATP A. L—Alanine 10. Which is the active form of folate? 2. The molecule that enzymes act upon is known A. Folic acid as? B. Folacin A. Product C. Dihydrofolate B. Proteins H. Tetrahydrofolate C. Amino acids B. Substrate 11. DNA complementary strand would be which for 5’ ATGCTACG 3’ 3. Which is a product of Pyruvate and can inner A. 5’ TACGATGC 3’ the TCA cycle? B. 5’ UACGAUGC 3’ C. Acetyl CoA I. 3’ TACGATGC 5’ A. CO2 C. 3’ UACGAUGC 5’ B. Isocitrate C. Oxaloacetic 12. Which is considered to be the most saturated? A. Coconut oil 4. Skip, it was a drawing of DNA and RNA that B. Corn oil needed to be compared. C. Sunflower oil D. Safflower oil 5. The Monosaccharide in the structure is a? C==OOH 13. Which is lacking in the strict vegetarian’s diet? C A. Vitamin D.  rickets C B. Ascorbic acid vitamin C.  scurvy C C. Cobalamine B12 C==OH D. Tocopherol vitamin E. A. Aldohexose B. Pentohexose 14. Which is an important adjunct in the absorption D. Ketopentose of glucose? C. Ketohexose A. Chromine assist insulin B. Selenium goes with vitamin E. 6. Which disease would occur if there was a C. Magnesium deficiency in the enzyme for the conversion of D. Zn assist vitamin A. Phenylalanine to tyrosine? A. Maple syrup urine disease 15. Which is the best source of dietary vitamin C.? E. Phenylketonuria A. Eggs and oil B. Tyrosemia J. Broccoli and fruit C. Ketohexose B. Pork C. Cereals and grain 7. Pantothentic acid is necessary for production of? 16. Glucose is highest in which of the following F. Coenzyme A foods? A. Amino acids A. Eggs B. Cobalamine B. Soy protein C. Cytochrome B C. Cereals  starch D. Animal liver  protein 8. As the density of lipoproteins is increased ? decreases and ? increases? 17. Beta oxidation occurs in ? and is a ? process? A. Protein, sterol A. Cytoplasm, oxidation B. Tricylycerol, sterol K. Mitochondria, reduction G. Triacylglycerol, proteins B. Ribosomes, reduction C. Protein, triacylgycerol C. Muscles, isotonic Board Review 4/5/2018 Biochem Test 1 2

18. Which vitamin required for the uptake of 27. Which is the function of ascorbic acid? Lipoproteins in the intestines? S. Increased iron absorption A. B. 5 B. B-1 28. Malate is off the by which of the following C. C. A. Citrate D. K. B. Oxaloacate C. Isocitrate 19. A. deficiency of vitamin B12 causes what kind D. Succinate of anemia? L. Pernicious 29. Which provides nicotinanide A. Microcytic T. Serotonin B. Hypochromic A. Methionine C. Hyperchromic B. Lysine C. Glycine 20. Which is responsible for forming D-oxyribose for ribonucleic acid 30. All amino acids at a pH of 7 has its isoelectric A. Oxidation point at a pH of 6, therefore it will be? B. Reduction A. In the form of a Zwitter ion C. Decarboxylation U. Negatively charged D. Transamination  B6 B. Positively charged C. It’s isoelectric point 21. What cycle contains coenzyme Q? A. Glycolysis 31. A 100Kg adult male requires approximately B. TCA how many g. of dietary protein per day? M. Electron transport chain A. 20 C. Urea cycle B. 40 V. 75 22. Anaerobic Glycolysis yields how many ATP? C. 150 A. 0 N. 2 32. Sucrose can be broke down to what and what? B. 6 A. Glucose, glucose  Maltose C. 8 B. Glucose, Galactose  lactose C. Glucose, Fructose  Sucrose 23. Ketones results from? D. Glucose, Maltose A. Glycolysis of glucose B. Gluconeogenesis of amino acids 33. Which is the most active form of vitamin D.? C. Beta oxidation A. HMG CoA O. Incomplete oxidation of fats B. Ergocalciferol C. 25 Hydroxycalciferol 24. Which are pyrimidines? W. 1,25 Dehydroxycalciferol P. Uracil, cytosine A. Thiamine, adnine 34. Which is the regulating enzyme in cholesterol B. Adnine, guanine biosynthesis? C. Guanine, cytosine X. HMG CoA reductase A. Lipoprotein lipase 25. What type of bond holds DNA strands together B. Phosphofructokinase Q. H C. Xanthine oxidase A. Ester B. S 35. Which  the Serum Ca levels? C. Peptide A. Calcitonin Y. Parathormone 26. Which is the limiting amino acid in grains? B. Thyroxine R. Lysine C. Adrenaline A. Methionine B. Leucine Board Review 4/5/2018 Biochem Test 1 3

36. Which is not part of an animal cell membrane? 45. Which is the greatest source of pectin? A. Cholesterol A. Melt B. Phosphatidal HH. Fruit Z. Tristeapisin B. Meat C. Egges 37. The alpha Helix and data pleated sheets are what type of structures? 46. skip A. Primary protein structures AA.Secondary protein structures 47. Which is responsible for producing endogenous B. Tertiary protein structures Triglycerides? A. LDD 38. What type of bond holds DNA bases together B. HDL BB. Esther C. IDL A. S D. VLDL B. Peptide C. H 48. By which mechanism the humans eliminate cholesterol? 39. Which one is specifically for elongation of a A. Metabolism of carbon dioxide fatty acid chain in biosynthesis? B. Metabolism of CoA A. Hydrolase C. Excretion via urine CC.NADPH II. Excretion via feces B. FADH2 C. Thiamine phosphosphate 49. Which is a polypeptide hormone? A. Epinephri 40. What is the reducing agent in fatty acid JJ. Insulin biosynthesis? B. Testosterone A. Biotin C. Cortisol B. Carbon dioxide DD.NADPH 50. What type of bonds are between amino acids? C. FAD KK. Peptide A. Amide 41. Oxidation of FA yielding CO2 & H2O going B. H through beta oxidation goes through? C. S A. TCA and Gluconeogenesis B. Pentose phosphate pathway and TCA 51. Which is a characteristic of a spontaneous C. TCA an electron transport train reaction? D. TCA and Glycolysis A. Standard free energy is negative B. And enzyme catalyzed the reaction 42. Most cells can rapidly synthesize Aspartate C. Gibbs free energy is negative from? D. Frequency is greater than free energy A. Citrulline EE. Oxaloacetata 52. How a bases are found on the carbons? B. Pyruvate A. 1 C. Malate B. 2 LL. 3 43. Which is a branch chain amino acids? C. 4 A. Tyrosine B. Tryptophan 53. Acetyl CoA carboxylase catalyzes the C. Phenylalanine conversion of acetyl CoA to? FF. Leucine A. Maylonyl CoA B. Pyruvate 44. Which is not a derivative of tyrosine? C. Succinate A. Thyroxine D. Alpha ketogluterate GG. Serotonin B. Epinephrine C. Norepinephrine Board Review 4/5/2018 Biochem Test 1 4

54. Which is a product of Pyruvate may enter the 64. Skip TCA cycle? MM. Acetyl CoA 65. What is not a product of the pentose phosphate pathway? 55. Purine N is derived from? A. ATP NN.Amino acids/uric acid B. NADPH A. Amino acid/creatine C. Fructose-6-phosphate B. Uric acid/amino acids D. 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde C. Amino acid/urea 66. Which is a mucoPolysaccharides 56. tRNA is responsible for? A. Amylose A. Information to the ribosomes B. Glycogen B. Binds 2 DNA strands C. HemiCellulose C. Supplying amino acids to complete a TT. Hyaluronic acid specific protein chain. D. Transcription of a code or protein 67. What characteristics distinguish starch from production Cellulose? A. Starch is digestible by humans in 57. Skip Cellulose is not.

58. What glycosidic bond is found in Glycogen 68. The biosynthesis of cholesterol begins with? A. Beta 1 6 UU.Acetyl CoA B. Beta 1 4 A. Malony CoA C. Alpha 1 4 B. Mevalonate OO. Alpha 1 4 and 1 6 C. Sequalene

59. What depicts reverse transcription 69. The reductive step in fatty acid biosynthesis A. DNA RNA requires? B. RNA RNA A. NAD C. RNA DNA VV.NADPH D. DNA DNA B. Acetyl CoA C. FAD2 60. Lack of B12 results in a deficiency of what? A. Pyruvate 70. What’s the final stage in the complete B. Hemocystine metabolism of fat? PP. Glycine WW. TCA cycle C. Methionine A. Beta oxidation cycle B. Anerobic Glycolysis 61. What amino acid is converted to indole in the C. Aerobic Glycolysis intestine? A. Alanine 71. What is the significant intermediate in B. Phenylalanine cytoplasmic biosynthesis of fatty acids? QQ. Tryptophane A. Mevalonic C. Ornithine B. Acid Pyruvic acid XX.Malonye CoA 62. What carbon source supplies the glycerol C. Beta hydroxybuctyric acid portion of the triglyceride for lipogensis? A. HMG CoA 72. Free radicals are highly radicals substances that RR.Acetyl CoA result from what type of lipids? B. Glucose YY.Peroxidation C. Palmitate A. Hydrogenation B. Esterification 63. What is a for carbon glucose precursor? C. Saturation SS. Glycerate A. Pyruvate B. Fumerate Board Review 4/5/2018 Biochem Test 1 5

73. What are components of triglycerides? 82. Which do not contribute directly to the total A. Cholesterol and Phospholipids amino acid pool of the body? B. Cholesterol and fatty acids A. Dietary nucleic acids ZZ. Fatty acids and glycerol C. Fatty acids and Phospholipids 83. What process converts pyruvic acid to Alanine? A. Transamination 74. Homocysteriene is a product of the demineralization of? 84. What nutrients form a coenzyme which is used A. Alanine directly for amino acid Transamination? AAA. Methionine A. Pyroxine B. Phenylalanine C. Glutamine 85. What is catecholamine synthesized from? A. Epinephrine 75. What is not an effect on the hydrogenation , vegetable oil? 86. How many essential amino acids are aromatic? A. Prolonged shelf life A. 2 B. Decreased iodine # BBB. Lower melting point 87. Thyroxime is derived from? C. Destruction of essential fatty acids A. Threonine B. Tyrosine 76. To generate an unsaturated fatty acid a C. Tyramine saturated fatty acid must undergo? D. Thiamine CCC. Reduction A. Oxidation 88. Enzymes that catalyze the interconversion of B. Hydrogenation UDP-Galactose with UDP –glucose is an? C. Deamination A. Epimerase

77. Following the action of lipoprotein lipase the 89. Enzymes that occur in the liver but not in the very low density lipoprotein remnant becomes? brain or muscle tissue? A. Free fatty acid A. Glucose-6-phosphatase B. High density lipoprotein DDD. Low-density lipoprotein 90. The quarternary structure of hemoglobin refers to what? 78. Cholesterol is not a part of which food? A. Association of beta and alpha subunits A. Fish B. Beef 91. What amino acid has the greatest positive net EEE. Peanuts charge at the normal pH of blood? C. Whole milk A. Cysteine

79. What lipids comprise the majority of dietary 92. Dietary protein allowances for a person fats? weighing 80 kg is about how may grams? A. Glycolipid A. 64 g of protein FFF. Triglyceride every 10 kg body weight = eight grams B. Cholesterol protein. C. Lipoproteins

80. Oxaloacetate is the alpha keto of? A. Alanine B. Glutamic acid C. Threonine GGG. Aspartic acid

81. Catobolism of heme results in formation of? A. Bile acids HHH. Bilirubin

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