* PTSD = Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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* PTSD = Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Appendix 2: Table I: Overview of purpose, participants, source population, dimension of work functioning and instrument used for work functioning in workers with CMDs in 36 observational studies (1990-2009). Study Purpose of measuring work Participants Source population Dimension of work Instrument First author functioning, reported by functioning authors/according to classification intervention programming Evans 2009 To explore the relationship between 99 workers with 842 utility workers Work role limitations, Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) (51) PTSD and occupational functioning/ (subsyndromal) deployed after the WTC generic (34) 1: to quantify the magnitude PTSD disaster in the US Geuze 2009 To test the hypothesis that 25 workers with Veterans treated in a Work role limitations, Short Form Health Survey 36 (SF-36) (53) performance on memory tests would PTSD military psychiatric generic (116) predict current occupational hospital in the functioning/ 3a to study determinants Netherlands Buist- To evaluate which limitations mediate 847 depressed Participants of study in Lost productivity World Health Organization: 3 questions bouwman in the relation between depression participants general population in on role functioning at home and in paid 2008 (76) and role functioning/ Belgium, France, employment. How many days out of the 3a to study determinants Germany, Italy, the past 30 were you (i) totally unable to Netherlands, and Spain work or carry out your normal activities; (ii) able to work, but had to cut down on what you did or not get as much done as usual; and (iii) able to work, but had to cut back on the quality of your work or how carefully you worked because of problems with either your physical health, your mental health, or your use of alcohol or drugs? Judd 2008 What is the long-term impact of 358 depressed Patients of psychiatric Work role limitations, LIFE subscales for occupational (59) depression on work role functioning/ participants inpatient and outpatient generic functioning (98) 1: to quantify the magnitude facility in the US Michon 2008 To evaluate whether personality traits 450 workers with Subsample of participants Work role limitations, Groningen Social Disability Schedule (64) are associated with impairments in CMDs of study in general generic (GSDS) (117) work functioning in workers with population in the CMDs/3a to study determinants Netherlands Pjrek 2008 To examine the effects of treatment 25 participants Outpatients of Psychiatry Lost productivity/ Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) (67) on the negative social consequences with Seasonal department of Medical Work role limitations, (34) of Seasonal Affective Disorder/ Affective Disorder University in Austria generic 3a to study determinants Study Purpose of measuring work Participants Source population Dimension of work Instrument First author functioning, reported by functioning authors/according to classification intervention programming Schwenk To explore the impact of depression 130 depressed 1154 physicians in the US Lost productivity/ Single items: (i) Depression has 2008(70) in physicians on professional workers Work role limitations, decreased work productivity (ii) difficulty standing/1: to quantify the magnitude generic fulfilling professional responsibilities Angst To test the clinical relevance of 591 participants Subsample of participants Work role limitations, Two single items: 2007(44) recurrent brief depression/ with recurrent of a prospective generic Work impairment: (1) yes/no; (2) Other purpose brief depression epidemiological Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) 0-100 study of depression in Zurich, Switzerland Esposito To estimate the impact of mood and 233 workers with Participants of study in Work role limitations, Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS 6) 2007 (118) anxiety disorders on presenteeism/ anxiety or general population in generic (105) 1: to quantify the magnitude depressive Canada disorder Gilmour To examine associations between 489 Participants of study in Work role limitations, Two single questions: 2007(54) depression and work functioning/ depressed general population in generic 1.How much do the depressed feeling 1: to quantify the magnitude participants Canada interfere with your ability to work at a job (0-10) 2. Does a long-term physical or mental health condition reduce the amount or kind of activities you can do at work? Rytsala To prospectively 186 depressed Psychiatric in- and Work role limitations, 1. The Social and Occupational 2007(68) investigate factors predicting long- participants outpatients participating in generic Functioning Assessment Scale term work disability in depressed a prospective (SOFAS) (35) patients/other purpose epidemiological study of 2. The Social Adjustment Scale-Self depression in Finland Report (SAS-SR) (104) Waghorn To explore impact of anxiety or 370 depressed Subsample of participants Work role limitations, Self-reported reduced care taken at 2007(72) depression on work performance/ participants + of study in general generic work and work accomplishment 1: to quantify the magnitude 716 participants population in Australia with anxiety Wisniewski Comparison of several Quality of Life 1.597 depressed Participants of clinical Work role limitations, Work and Social Adjustment Scale 2007(73) instruments, including the WSAS/ no participants study on medication generic (WSAS) (36) purpose clarified effectiveness (outpatients) in US Study Purpose of measuring work Participants Source population Dimension of work Instrument First author functioning, reported by functioning authors/according to classification intervention programming Adler 2006 To investigate (1) the effect of 572 depressed Primary care patients in Work role limitations, Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) (15) depression on job performance in a participants the US specific (108) working population (2) the degree to which symptom severity is predictive of job performance/ 3b to study predictive factors Demytte- To examine whether co morbid 5.489 participants Participants of study in Lost productivity Two questions of the work loss index of naere depression and pain result in greater with symptoms of general population in the World Health Organization: 2006(77) disability than depression without mood and anxiety Belgium, France, 1. How many days out of the past 30 pain/3a to study determinants disorders Germany, Italy, the were you able to work and carry out Netherlands, and Spain your normal activities but had to cut down on what you did or not get as much done as usual because of problems with either your physical health, your mental health, or your use of alcohol or drugs? 2. How many days out of the past 30 did you cut back on the quality of your work or how carefully you worked because of problems with either your physical health, your mental health, or your use of alcohol or drugs? Eisen To learn about psychosocial 197 participants Patients of an Obsessive- Work role limitations, The Social and Occupational 2006(49) functioning and quality of life in with Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder generic Functioning Assessment Scale Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Compulsive clinic in US (SOFAS) (35) particularly with regard to their Disorder relationship with symptom severity/ 3a to study determinants Hidalgo To better understand the patient 145 participants Callers to the Anxiety Lost productivity/ Work Productivity and Activity 2006(56) population and its needs/ with Obsessive- Disorders Association of Work role limitations, Impairment Questionnaire (WPAI) 1: to quantify the magnitude Compulsive America (ADAA) in US generic (111) Disorder Study Purpose of measuring work Participants Source population Dimension of work Instrument First author functioning, reported by functioning authors/according to classification intervention programming Hourani To examine the association between 12.756 Participants of study of Work role limitations, Single item: During the past 12 months, 2006(58) stress and productivity loss/ participants with active duty military generic how much did stress at work interfere 1: to quantify the magnitude stress symptoms personnel in the US with your ability to perform your military job (a lot, some, a little, not at all, had no stress at work in the past 12 months) Kessler To yield information on the workplace 342 depressed Subsample of participants Lost productivity World Health Organization. 2006(78) costs of major depressive disorder/ participants of study in general Health and Productivity Questionnaire 2: to quantify the costs population in US (HPQ) (94) Oloyede To examine the relation between work 250 participants Workers in the banking Lost productivity Work Induced Stress and Productivity 2006(80) induced stress and perceived with stress industry of Lagos Nigeria Scale productivity/1: to quantify the symptoms Reference not reported magnitude Pflanz To examine the relationship between 809 participants Active duty U.S. Air Force Unable to determine Own items on work performance, not 2006(85) distress complaints and work with stress personnel in US specified performance/ symptoms 1: to quantify the magnitude Waghorn, To identify effects contributing to 370 depressed Subsample of participants Work role limitations, Two single questions: 2006(13) impaired work performance among participants of study in general generic 1. During the past 4 weeks, have you people with affective disorders/ + population in Australia accomplished less than you would like 3a to study determinants 716 participants as a result of any emotional problems, with anxiety such as feeling depressed or anxious? 2. During the past 4 weeks, did you not do work or other regular daily activities as carefully as usual as a result of any emotional problems, such as feeling depressed or anxious? Haslam Study the effects of prescribed 54 participants Participants from diverse Quality of output/ Qualitative group interview of 2005ab(20) medication on with anxiety occupational settings in Work role limitations, workers/patients and of experts work performance/ and/or UK specific 3a to study determinants depressive disorder in last 2 years Study Purpose of measuring work Participants Source population Dimension of work Instrument First author functioning, reported by functioning authors/according to classification intervention programming Waghorn Understanding the impact of anxiety 745 participants Subsample of participants Work role limitations, Short Form Health Survey 12 (SF-12) 2005(71) disorders on employment could with an anxiety of study in general generic (33) inform public policy development in disorder population in Australia. facing the challenge of aging populations/ 1: to quantify the magnitude Adler Examine the impact of dysthymia on 69 participants Primary care patients in Lost productivity/ Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) 2004(37) functional and productivity losses/ with dysthymia the US Work role limitations, (108) 1: to quantify the magnitude specific Latas To examine the effects of panic 72 participants Outpatients of psychiatric Lost productivity/ National Institute of Mental Health Panic 2004(62) disorder with agoraphobia on work with panic clinic in Serbia and Work role limitations, Questionnaire (NIMH-PQ) (99) capacity/1: to quantify the magnitude disorder with Montenegro generic agoraphobia Lerner To (1)describe the impact of 389 depressed Primary care patients in Lost productivity/ Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) 2004a(40) depression on worker productivity and participants the US Work role limitations, (108) (2) determine whether depressed specific worker’s vulnerability to productivity loss is increased by the type of work he or she performs/ 3a to study determinants Lerner Assessing work outcomes among 229 depressed Participants of study Lost productivity/ Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) 2004b(14) workers with depression/ participants among physician Work role limitations, (108) 1: to quantify the magnitude attendees in US specific Wang Examining the relationship 286 workers: Airline and customer Work role limitations, Participants were repeatedly alerted 2004(42) between major depression and work depressed service employees in US specific with pager and then asked to rate their performance/ participants work performance at that time on 7- 1: to quantify the magnitude point scales. Stewart To estimate the impact of depression 219 depressed Subsample of participants Lost productivity Worker and Health Interview (WHI) (83) 2003(12) on labor costs in the workforce/ participants of study in general 2: to quantify the costs population in US Kennedy To evaluate the work disabilities of 228 participants Participants of clinical Work role limitations, Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) 2002(60) participants with CMDs/ with CMDs drug trials generic (34) 1: to quantify the magnitude Study Purpose of measuring work Participants Source population Dimension of work Instrument First author functioning, reported by functioning authors/according to classification intervention programming Druss To examine the potential value of a 1.200 depressed Employees of three major Work role limitations, Single item: effectiveness at work, on a 2001(48) health benefits package in improving participants corporations in the US generic score of zero (unable to accomplish workplace productivity as input for an anything because of health) to 100 (at employer-purchaser/ best, with no health problems) 1: to quantify the magnitude Berndt Examining the financial burden for a 478 participants Employees (data Lost productivity Objective measurement by company 2000(75) company accompanying workers’ with CMD processors) of a large computer tracking the number of illnesses as input for employers and national insurance firm in claims processed daily by each policymakers/ 2: to quantify the costs US employee Dewa To examine how mental Approximately Subsample of participants Lost productivity/ 3 single items: 2000(21) illness effects the national economy in 131 participants of study in general Effort to be how many days in the previous 30 they terms of lost productivity/ with CMD (3.1% population in Canada productive had been 1: to quantify the magnitude of 4225) 1. completely unable to function normally 2. partially unable to function normally 3. able to function normally only with extreme effort Wittchen To examine the impairments 150 participants Participants recruited Lost productivity/ Work Productivity and Activity 2000(74) associated with social phobia/ with Social through advertisements in Work role limitations, Impairment Questionnaire (WPAI) (111) 1: to quantify the magnitude Anxiety Disorder newspapers in Germany generic Martin To address the problem of depressive 256 participants Participants of a study on Work role limitations, Measure of social and technical 1996(41) distortion by comparing self-report using diazepam tranquilizer use in the US specific performance at work as assessed by and external reports of the subject’s co-workers performance at work/other purpose

* PTSD = PostTraumatic Stress Disorder Table II: Overview of purpose, participants, source population, dimension of work functioning and instrument used for work functioning in workers with CMDs in 18 intervention studies (1990-2009). Study Purpose of measuring work Participants Source population Dimension of Instrument First author functioning, reported by work authors/according to functioning Study classificationPurpose of measuring intervention work Participants Source population Dimension Instrument First author programmingfunctioning, reported by of work Knekt Evaluationauthors/according of intervention/ to 326 participants with Outpatients of psychiatric facility Workfunctioning role The Social Adjustment Scale-Self 2008(61) 6:classification to examine the intervention anxiety or depressive in Finland limitations, Report (SAS-SR) (104) effectivenessprogramming disorder generic MuhonenLo Sasso EvaluationA cost- benefit of intervention/ analysis of 80198 depressed depressed participants OutpatientsPrimary care of patients alcohol-clinics treated inin WorkLost role TheSingle Social item: and Occupational 20082006(65)(79) 6:intervention to examine from the the withparticipants comorbid alcohol Finlandpractices randomly assigned to an limitations,productivity FunctioningProductivity atAssessment work during Scale the effectivenessemployer perspective. To dependence enhanced treatment intervention or generic (SOFAS)previous 2 (35) weeks on a 0 (nothing at Salminen Evaluationexamine financial of intervention/ incentives 51 depressed participants Primaryto usual care patientsin US in Finland Work role Theall accomplished) Social and Occupational to 10 (best 2008(69) 6:for to implementation examine the of the limitations, Functioningpossible work Assessment performance) Scale scale effectivenessintervention/ generic (SOFAS) (35) Allgulander Evaluation7: to provide of input intervention/ for cost- 329 participants with Participants of open label clinical Work role 1. Work Limitations Questionnaire 2007(39) 6:effectiveness to examine the GAD* study of effect of medication in limitations, (WLQ) excluding physical Carpenter effectivenessEvaluation of intervention/ 15 depressed participants variousOutpatients industrialized from mood countries clinic of a specificWork role subscaleThe Social(108) and Occupational 2005(45) 6: to examine effectiveness hospital in the US with inadequate limitations, 2.Functioning Self-reported Assessment efficacy at Scale work on response to initial treatment generic Visual(SOFAS) Analogue (35) Scale (VAS) Colombi Employer wanted to assess 61 depressed participants Workers from paint manufactory Work role NoSingle reference question: reported Ferrero2005(46) Evaluationthe effect of of Employee intervention/ 95 participants with GAD* Communityattending the mental Employee health Assistance Worklimitations, role TheHow Social much andwould Occupational you say your 2007(52) 6:Assistance to examine Program/ the servicesProgram inin Italythe US. limitations,generic Functioningability to function Assessment at work Scalehas effectiveness6: to examine effectiveness generic (SOFAS)changed since(35) your counseling Hedges Evaluation of intervention/ 3.361 participants with Meta analysis of effect of Work role Sheehanbegan? Disability Scale (SDS) 2007Rost (55) 6:Examining to examine the the clinical and socialNumber anxiety of depressed disorder medicationWorkers receiving (SSRI) integrated in US care limitations,Lost (34)Not reported 2005(82) effectivenesseconomic value of integrated participants not reported as part of intervention study in the genericproductivity Wang Evaluationcare models of as intervention/ input for 604 depressed WorkersUS covered by a managed Lost World Health Organization. 2007(84) 6:purchasers to examine of thehealth care/ 7: participants behavioral health plan servicing productivity Health and Productivity effectivenessto provide input for cost- 16 large companies from diverse Questionnaire (HPQ) (94) effectiveness sectors (airline, insurance, Allgulander Evaluation of intervention/ 378 participants with banking,Participants public of clinical utility, statestudy of Lost Endicott Work Productivity Scale 2004(38) 6: to examine effectiveness GAD* government,medication (outpatients) manufacturing) in and productivity/ (EWPS) (90) containingAustralia, broad distributions of Work role occupationsCanada, Denmark, in US Norway, and limitations, Sweden. specific Davidson Evaluation of intervention/ 279 participants with Patients from medical centers in the Work role Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) 2004(47) 6: to examine effectiveness GAD* US limitations, (34) generic Rost Evaluation of intervention/ 326 depressed Primary care patients treated in Lost Single item: productivity at work 2004(81) 6: to examine effectiveness participants practices randomly assigned to an productivity during the previous 2 weeks on a 0 enhanced treatment intervention or (nothing at all usual care in US accomplished) to 10 (best possible work performance) scale

Study Purpose of measuring Participants Source population Dimension of Instrument First author work functioning, work reported by functioning authors/according to classification intervention programming Hilsenroth Evaluation of intervention/ 27 depressed participants Patients admitted for Work role The Social Adjustment Scale- 2003(57) 6: to examine effectiveness individual psychotherapy at a limitations, Self Report (SAS-SR) (104) community outpatient psychological generic The Social and Occupational clinic in US Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) (35) Papakostas To examine whether 92 participants with Outpatients of a research hospital in Work role LIFE subscales for occupational 2003(66) occupational functioning is treatment resistant US limitations, functioning (98) predictive of clinical depression generic response/ other purpose Akhondzadeh Evaluation of intervention/ 36 participants with GAD* Outpatients in Iran Work role Not reported 2001(43) 6: to examine effectiveness limitations, generic Mavissakalian To examine whether panic 71 participants with panic Participants of clinical study of effect Work role Scales for disability associated 2000(63) disorder is clinically disorder and 46 with of medication (outpatients) in US. limitations, with anxiety symptoms different from GAD*/ GAD* generic Other purpose

* GAD= Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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