Midwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (Mwacsm)
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INS T RUC T I O NS : Please complete all sections of the abstract submission form. See the document: Instructions for Abstract Submission for further details. The abstract should be saved as a Microsoft Word file with the lead author’s last name first initial (i.e., Cook S.docx), and emailed to [email protected] . The subject line should read: “NEACSM Abstract Submission – (Lead Author’s Name)”. If the abstract is not complete it may not be eligible for presentation. Complete abstracts must be received by 5pm (EST) on Friday, September 15, 2017.
The 2017 Annual Meeting will be held October 19-20 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI.
Direct questions to Jacob Earp, Ph.D. (Free Communications Co-Chair) at [email protected]
1. First Author/Presenter: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email:
Status: □Faculty □Student □Professional
2. University/College Affiliation:
3. Are you a NEACSM member? Yes No
4. Requested Presentation Format*? Poster Slide No Preference
5. Applying for Student Award**? Yes No
Bachelor’s Master’s Doctoral 6. Category of student award competition**?
7. If a graduate student, do you want to be considered Yes No for the President’s Cup? (must be currently enrolled student at time of Fall meeting) 8. Faculty Sponsor’s Name and Affiliation:
8. Faculty Sponsor’s Email:
* The Abstract Review Committee will make the final determination of whether an abstract is accepted as a poster or slide presentation.
** Student must be a member of NEACSM. The competition category (i.e., bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral) should be based on what program the student was in when the work was completed. For example, if the candidate is currently a master’s student and presenting work done while in a bachelor’s program, the competition category chosen should be Bachelor’s. This is true for doctoral students presenting work done in a master’s program or a doctoral graduate presenting work done while a doctoral student. Students have one year from graduation from a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral program to present in that category. ABSTRACT [The abstract should be entered as shown in the sample available on the website. The body of the abstract should not exceed 350 words or 300 words if a table, chart or figure is included. This does not include the title, author(s), affiliations, and grant funding.]