Title of Project: a Celebration of the Unification of the Voice of Nursing

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Title of Project: a Celebration of the Unification of the Voice of Nursing

Funding Proposal

Fiscal Year 2015-2016

Title of Project: A Celebration of the Unification of the Voice of Nursing

Originating Home Group Area: Finance and Sustainability Workgroup

Overall Project Goal: Increase team building, recognition and commitment to the work of the Center for Nursing while increasing the visibility of the ND Center for Nursing through an annual celebration that will over time serve as an annual fundraiser.

Overall Outcome Measures: # of participants at each event, # of dollars raised during events, # of legendary nurse awards

Brief Summary of Need for Project: Continued implementation of the original funding proposal including the assessment of a $30 nurse licensure fee will require continued promotion of the benefits of the Center for Nursing to all nurses. This is also an opportunity to further the development of a unified voice through team building, presentation of awards and celebrate accomplishments of the Center for Nursing.

Current Status of Year 2 of Project: A joint committee with the NDBON has started to plan the NDBON 100th year anniversary which will be held May 21, 2015. Work in being done in subcommittees for agenda planning, food/drink, music/entertainment, historical artifacts, silent auction, historical artifacts and communication/marketing. The event will include a gala which will feature NDBON awards and new ND Center for Nursing Legendary Nurse Awards.

Plans for Year 3 of Project: During year three of the project, a celebration will be planned to celebrate the fifth year of the ND Center for Nursing. The celebration will highlight the accomplishments of the Center and will include Legendary Nurse Awards. The celebration will be paired with another event such as the Spring Research Network conference and the in-person Leadership Team meeting which will focus on strategic planning. It is anticipated that approximately 200 people would attend with a registration fee of $25 for the evening event.

Year Annual Goal Annual Annual Estimated Annual Annual Estimated Operating Expenses Estimated Estimated In-Kind Personnel Revenue and Contributions Expenses Source 2015- Five-year ED- 5% FTE Food $4,000 Registration In-kind time 2016 celebration AD- 5% FTE Awards $500 $5,000 Marketing $800 Sponsorships Printing/supplies $500 $4,000 Entertainment $500 Silent Auction Room Rental $750 $1,000 Proposed Budget

2015-2016 Budget Summary

Annual Estimated Annual Total Estimated Net Program Personnel Expenses Estimated Program Revenue Cost Operating Expenses Expenses $7,050 $10,000

Proposed 2015-2016 Workplan: Group Meetings in September/October, December, February, April

Strategy Activities Month Activity Completion Responsible Status Person(s) Five Year Determine date, location, time September- 25% 50% 75% 100% Center for and initial logistics for October 2015 Nursing celebration Celebration Patricia Moulton Workgroup Determine sponsorship November- 25% 50% 75% 100% categories and start promoting. December 2015

Patricia Moulton Determine catering and other January- 25% 50% 75% 100% logistics such as entertainment February 2016 for event. Patricia Moulton Workgroup Develop silent auction materials January- 25% 50% 75% 100% and call for submissions. February 2016

Patricia Moulton Workgroup Finalize Legendary Nurse February-April 25% 50% 75% 100% Award categories and promote 2016 call for nominations. Patricia Moulton Board of Directors Hold event. May 2016 25% 50% 75% 100% Workgroup Evaluate event. June 25% 50% 75% 100% Workgroup Evaluate Collect data and evaluate October- 25% 50% 75% 100% project. overall project. December 2015

Patricia Moulton Write up evaluation report and January-March 25% 50% 75% 100% gather next steps feedback from 2016 workgroup. Patricia Moulton

2015-2016 Communications Plan for Celebration

Year/Annual Goal Activities Month/Responsible Activity Completion Status Person(s) Market 2016 celebration. Design save the date November- 25% 50% 75% 100% materials. December 2015

Kyle Martin Design promotional January-April 2016 25% 50% 75% 100% flyers, newsletter articles and facebook advertising. Kyle Martin Market celebration. Collect registrations for Set up registration portal September-October 25% 50% 75% 100% celebration. for celebration. 2015

Kyle Martin Promote opening of February-April 2016 25% 50% 75% 100% registration portal. Collect registrations. Kyle Martin

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