[Judge] This is a criminal case brought by the Town of Whoville alleging that Mr. Grinch has knowingly engaged in abusive conduct against his animal, Max the dog. Mr. Grinch acknowledges using Max as a working dog, but he denies the allegations that he overexerted or abused the animal. I will now swear in the jury. Will the jury please rise and raise your right hands? Please indicate your agreement by saying, “I do.” Do you swear or Jury Selection affirm that you will base your decision solely on the evidence presented before you in this case, not allowing any prior judgments or class work to influence your final verdict? [Jury Members] I do. Please be seated. The burden of proof in this case in on the prosecution team and is proof by a preponderance of the evidence. [Judge] Counselors, please introduce yourselves and your clients, respectively, beginning with the prosecution team. [Prosecution] … [Defense] … Opening [Judge] The prosecution may now give an opening statement. Statements [Prosecution] Thank you, your honor. May it please the court and counsel. … give your opening statement… [Judge] The defense may now give an opening statement. [Defense] Thank you, your honor. May it please the court and counsel. … give your opening statement… [Judge] We will now hear the testimony. Prosecutors, you may call your first witness to the stand. [Prosecution] Your honor, we call *** to the stand. [Judge] Mr./Ms. Witness, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? [Witness] I do. Presentation of [Judge] Counselor, you may begin your questioning. the Prosecution … Case [Prosecution] No further questions, your honor. (prosecutors’ [Judge] Thank you counselor. Defense, would you like to question the direct witness? examination / [Defense] Yes, your honor. (or) The defense has no questions, your honor. defense cross- … examination) [Defense] No further questions, your honor. [Judge] Thank you, Mr./Ms. Witness. You may step down. Does the prosecution wish to call any more witnesses? … [Prosecution] (if no more witnesses) The prosecution rests its case, your honor. Presentation of [Judge] We continue with the presentation of the defense. Defense counsel, the Defense you may call your first witness to the stand. Case [Prosecution] Your honor, we call *** to the stand. (defense’s [Judge] Mr./Ms. Witness, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and direct nothing but the truth? examination / [Witness] I do. prosecution’s [Judge] Counselor, you may begin your questioning. cross- … examination) [Defense] No further questions, your honor. MOCK TRIAL SCRIPT: Case #1

[Judge] Thank you counselor. Prosecutors, would you like to cross-examine the witness? [Prosecution] Yes, your honor. (or) The prosecution has no questions for the witness, your honor. … [Judge] Thank you, Mr./Ms. Witness. You may step down. Does the defense wish to call any more witnesses? [Defense] (if no more witnesses) The prosecution rests its case, your honor. [Judge] We will now hear closing arguments, beginning with the prosecutors. [Prosecution] Thank you, your honor. Members of the jury … present your closing argument Closing … Arguments [Judge] Defense, your closing argument please. [Defense] Thank you, your honor. Members of the jury … closing argument … [Judge] Members of the jury, the parties have presented their cases. It is time for you to decide the case. You should begin by electing a presiding juror to lead the deliberation. Now it is your job to decide whether Mr. Grinch Jury Instructions knowingly engaged in abusive conduct against his animal, Max the dog. You will now be sequestered and are not to discuss this case outside of class with anyone except your fellow jurors until the verdict is read. Read jury instructions… Jury Deliberation [Judge] Will the presiding juror please read the verdict? Verdict [Juror] We, the jurors, find the defendant, Mr. Grinch, (guilty or not guilty) of animal abuse. If found guilty… [Judge] This court will reconvene next Friday at 11:00 a.m. for the sentencing of Mr. Grinch for the crime of abusive conduct against his Sentencing dog Max. If found not guilty… [Judge] Mr. Grinch, you are hereby cleared of all charges and free to go. (Judgment & Sentence)