Additional Information on Crosscutting Issues Gender & Environment
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LIVES Monthly Field Activities Update Month: June 2014 Region: Tigray Activities on Capacity Development Observations/action required Eastern zone of Tigray CD on business skills and gender Will facilitate for more ToT on basic business skills were conducted from 11-13 June 2014 at business skill uptake, Wukro, Kilte Awlaelo district. A total of 16 trainees (15M/1F) gender related data participated in the ToT. The trainees were from coops offices, Small and collection and analysis. Micro-Enterprises (MSE), and private operators on dairy (both from the region) and vet services providing PLCs (Romadi Livestock Production & Veterinary Services-operating in the regional capital, and Medhanye- Wolde-Abraha & Abraha Slaughter Service Partnership-operating in Wukro town). The training was organized by LIVES agribusiness expert (Dereje Legesse) in collaboration with eastern zone LIVES coordination office. On 13 June 2014, 20 (16M/4F) composed of LIVES focal persons, livestock and irrigation experts from zone and districts of eastern zone of Tigray trained on gender data collection, analysis and reporting across intervention districts in Wukro, Kilte Awlaelo district. The training was given by LIVES Gender Expert (Dr Epherem Tessema). CD on use and management of AKC Will be coached for improved Five (3M/2F) AKC managers from eastern zone of Tigray were trained on use and management of the the use and management of knowledge centers from 14 to 15 June 2014 AKC services. in Dessie, Amhara region. The training was organized by LIVES HQ experts (Fanos and Dr Mamusha). Coaching and mentoring/training Coaching and mentoring of On 04 June 2014, the LIVES regional livestock expert and eastern zone farmers will continue as usual. LIVES coordinator conducted a coaching and mentoring visit to Atsbi- Womberta and Ganta Afeshum districts. The objective of the visit was to monitor small ruminant breeding and identify farmers for initiating community sheep improvement program and sheep fattening group formation and to discuss chopper and shredder operating group formation status. Participants of the discussion were six experts (5M/1F). Coaching mentoring provided for 2 extension workers (2M), 6 farmers (5M/1F) on analyzing the quality of silage in Hayelom PA in Atsbi Womberta district Coaching provided for couples in improved dairy management in Genfel PA, K/Awlaelo district Dr Yayneshet gave a training on Research Methodology and Experimental Designs to TARI’s Agricultural Mechanization and Rural Energy researchers (11 M)) on 20 June 2014 in Wukro, Kilte Awlaelo district. Central zone of Tigray CD on business skills and gender Will facilitate for more business ToT on basic business skills were conducted from 8-10 June 2014 at skill uptake, gender related Axum, central zone. A total of 8 trainees (6M/2F) participated in the data collection and analysis. ToT. The trainees were from coops offices and MSE. The training was organized by LIVES agribusiness expert (Dereje Legesse) in collaboration with eastern zone LIVES coordination office.
On 10 June 2014, 16 (16M) composed of LIVES focal persons, livestock and irrigation experts from zone and districts of eastern zone of Tigray trained on gender data collection, analysis and reporting across intervention districts in Axum town, central zone. The training was given by LIVES Gender Expert (Dr Epherem Tessema). CD on use and management of AKC Will be coached for improved Four (2M/2F) AKC managers from central zone of Tigray were trained on use and management of the the use and management of knowledge centers from 14 to 15 June 2014 AKC services. in Dessie, Amhara region. The training was organized by LIVES HQ experts (Fanos and Dr Mamusha). CD on Ethio-Ribrab transitional beehive Will follow up the uptake and CD on the construction and use of Ethio-Ribrab were introduced in performance of the transitional collaboration with TARI in Laelay Maitchew (Lesalso and Dura PAs), Adwa hives. (Bet Hans PA) and Ahferom (Laelay Migaria Tsemri PA) districts of Central Tigray. The ToT participants included district experts, DAs and private model beekeepers experienced in traditional and improved beehive management:
Two district experts (2M) (Animal Production Team Leader and Beekeeping Technicians), 1DA (1M) and 7 model beekeepers (6M, 1F) were trained in the construction and use of Ethio-Ribrab hive from 6 to14 June 2014 in Betehanes PA, Adwa district. Three district experts (3M) (Animal Production Team Leader, Beekeeping Expert and Beekeeping Technicians), 2DAs (2M) and 9 model beekeepers (9M) were trained in the construction and use of Ethio-Ribrab beehive between 15-21 June 2014 in Laelay Migaria Tsemri PA, Ahferom District. Wereda 2 experts (2M) (Livestock Production Team Leader and Beekeeping Expert), 2 DAs (1M, 1F) and 11 model beekeepers (8M/3F) were trained in the construction and use of Ethio-Ribrab beehive from 6- 14 June 2014 in Lesaleso and Dura PAs in Laelay Maitchew District. So far about 28 Ethio-Ribrab hives were constructed during the ToT in three districts.
CD on improved silage making and poultry 1. One dairy farmer (1M) was trained as trainer for others on improved silage making using plastic bags (about 100 kg using Chopped Maize Stover (86 Kg) and Alfalfa (4Kg)) from in Dura PA in L/Maichew district. Other 8 casual observers (7M/1F) also appreciated the multiple uses of the portable chopper 2. Two dairy farmers (all M) were coached on improved silage making using plastic bags in Bet Hans PA, Adwa district. 3. Awet poultry group with ten members (6M/4F) was coached in improved Feed and proper house and bedding in Wedi Keshi PA, Adwa District. 4. Three farmers (1M/2F) in Mariam Shewito PA and 10 farmers (9M/1F) in Bet Hans were coached in improved forage production and use with particular attention on Alfalfa in Adwa district. 5. Three women poultry producers coached in Mariam Shewito PA in Adwa district 6. Two extension workers (2M) coached on the quality evaluation and utilization of silage for dairy cows in Bete Hans PA in Adwa district. 7. District extension staff in Laelay Maitchew district briefed about the use of portable chopper for multiple uses and the need to introduce/attach business model to operating the machine 8. A district forage expert coached on the management requirements of two improved legumes-Arachis glabrata and A. pintoi) in a public nursery site in Dura PA, Laelay Maitchew district. Two men poultry producers coached in Dura PA in Laelay Maitchew district Activities on Knowledge Management Observations/action required Central Tigray zone 1. 30 experts (26M/ 4F) used the AKC in Laelay Maitchew district. 2. 21 experts (17M/4F) used in the zonal Axum AKC. 3. 96 experts (93M/3F) used the AKC in Adwa District. Activities on Promotion Observations/action required Region Region: Gebremedhin Woldewahid participated in the Integrated Decision Support System (IDSS) SWAT and APEX modeling application workshops held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 09 – 13 June, 2014. The workshop was jointly organized by Texas A&M University, IWMI and ILRI. Partnership with Livestock Marketing Development (LMD, Dr Kebede) on promoting milk marketing on a continuous/regular basis discussed. Possible areas of collaboration identified and in the near future LIVES and LMD will organize zonal milk promotion events. Central Tigray zone The 14the World Milk Day (WMD) was colorfully Will follow up the development and linkages of milk celebrated in the Central Zone of Tigray in market continuously. Continuous promotion will be Axum and Adwa towns. In Axum town, the facilitated in collaboration with partners. milk day was celebrated at Abraha-we- Atsbiha complete primary school and in Adwa at Queen Shaba Complete Primary Schools. The number of participants in Axum were 456 (264M/192F), and in Adwa 380 (222M/158F). The participants in the World Milk Day included dairy producers, hotels/restaurant owners/super market owners, students, teachers, community representatives, agricultural experts, administration officials and a private milk processor. Activities on Value Chain Development by Observations/action required commodity Eastern Tigray zone 1. LIVES facilitated and supported the Will get technical support on apple management. development of private apple orchard development in eastern zone. A young farmer (Megistu Abay from Tsenkanet PA, Saesie Tsaeda Emba district) requested LIVES for technical support on apple establishment in his farm. LIVES facilitate the linkage with grafted/rootstock apple sources in Atsbi-Womberta. On 23 June 2014, Mengistu Abay bought 200 grafted apple seedlings and 50 apple rootstock at a cost of 4000ETB and transported to his farm. The types of apple seedlings purchased were BR (50), Crisipine (70), Redchief (38) and granny (42) and MM 106 apple rootstock (50). 2. Following the experience sharing visit on 03-04 May 2014, two staff from Ganta Will facilitate the value chain based dairy Afeshum district coops office and two development linking with credit. from Adigrat MSE made a an experience sharing visit to Daero Dairy Coop in Agulaee and Mekelle Milk Marketing groups and individual. As a result the Adigrat MSE managed to form two partnership groups and private individual who have interest and willing to work on dairy marketing. Adigrat MSE will arrange credit availability in collaboration with DECSI. LIVES will take responsibility of capacity building of the dairy marketing group and individuals. So far the groups and individuals have visited Mekelle dairy marketing groups and individuals by themselves on 10 May 2014.
Activities on Documentation/Research Observations/action required
Eastern Tigray zone Atsbi sheep survey with title “Production system description and characterization of local sheep population in Atsbi-Womberta Villages for designing breeding strategies” was started on 15 June 2014. Sheep farmers interview was conducted from 15 to 23 June 2014. The phenotypic characterization part of survey was started on 16 June 2014. It is expected to be completed by 07 July 2014. Two Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) researchers (Woldeyesus Gebreyohans and Yemane Tikubet) have been conducting the survey with facilitating role of LIVES eastern zone coordinator and supervision of Livestock Regional Expert (Dr Yayneshet). A brief report on World Milk Day celebration in the central zone sent to FAO’s Dairy Outlook • Dr Yayneshet presented a paper entitled ‘Differential effects of three grazing management regimes on vegetation and soils in a highland mixed crop-livestock system’ at the Grassland Day organized by TARI in Maichew
Activities on Project Management Observation/action required
1. Candidate drivers for eastern zone 1. Follow up will continue. interviewed and the status candidate performance reported under the mentoring of HR. The selected candidate identified and recruitment is being on progress. 2. Regional and zonal LIVES staff joint meeting 2. Follow up will continue. conducted to review the annual plan for 2014/15, complete every staff’s performance management and prepare for data collection in a systematic manner
Additional information on crosscutting issues – gender & environment:
LIVES gender and agribusiness experts from head quarter conducted coaching and mentoring visit to eastern zone of Tigray. Objective of the visit was;To get firsthand experience on the ongoing research for development interventions and coaching and mentoring of zonal and district experts in eastern zone of Tigray. The LIVES headquarter experts (Dr Ephrem Tesema- Gender expert & Dereje Legesse- Agribusiness expert) visited coached and mentored three districts in eastern zone of Tigray. In Ganta Afeshum district the experts visited dairy and fruit producing farmers in Sasun PA, lemlem milk coop in Mai-mesanu PA. in Saesie Tsaeda Emba district the experts visited vegetable and alfalfa plots in Hadushiwot PA and apple fruit seedling producer in Maimegelta PA where LIVES is working closely with farmers. The third district visited by the experts was Kilte Awlaelo. Negash PA was visited for small ruminant fattening group farmers activities and experiences. In all these two day coaching and monitoring visit by LIVES staff, a total of 10 experts (all male) and 11 farmers (4F, 7M) were coached and mentored.
Any other relevant update not captured above:
LIVES headquarter livestock experts (Drs Solomon Gizaw and Peter Hooper) together with Dr Yayneshet Tesfay, Dawit Weldemariam and Haile Tilhaun conducted monitoring visit to central and eastern zone of Tigray from 16-17 June 2014. Purpose of the visit was to monitor and coach the livestock activities in eastern zone of Tigray. During the visit in each district representative PAs and a number of farmers with dairy, apiculture, small ruminant and fodder development interventions were visited. Input producers/service providers were also visited. Various discussions were held with producers, service providers and livestock development agents.
Report prepared by:
_____Tigray LIVES team______