Fall 2015 Trimester
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Acoustic Guitar
Fall 2015 Trimester
Mr. Prosch-Jensen
Course Information
The objective of this class is to help students become guitarists who can read and play music. Basics such as guitar tuning, guitar anatomy, music reading, picking, strumming, scales, chords, and musicality will be covered in this course. Students are required to provide their own acoustic guitars for this course unless they have an arrangement with the instructor to rent a school instrument. If a student doesn’t have access to a guitar, they will be required to drop the course. School rentals will be provided in a first-come first serve manner.
Required Materials
Acoustic Guitar (steel string, classical, or gypsy jazz) 3 Ring Binder with writing paper Pencil
Goals for the trimester/year
Guitar will be focusing on providing students with the tools necessary to learn and compose songs of their choice. By the end of the first trimester, students will be able to:
Identify the parts of an acoustic guitar Properly tune a guitar Play a variety of open chord shapes and bar chords Strum using finger-picking and a guitar pick Identify the keys in which their tunes are and be able to play those chords and scales
Grading and Assessment Policy
The breakdown of grades is as follows:
25% Rehearsal Etiquette (100 points total) 25% Instrument Readiness (100 points total) 25% Binders/Daily Journals 25% Playing Tests/Quizzes/Assignments Each trimester, everyone in this class starts with 100 points for rehearsal etiquette. When disciplinary action needs to be taken, 10 points will be removed from a student’s rehearsal etiquette. In addition, instrument readiness will have 100 points as well and will follow the same procedure. Students need to have their instruments ready with their instructional material and PENCILS (pens are not acceptable).
Procedures and Routines
Music Room policies revolve around one word: Respect. This includes respecting others, equipment, sheet music, the room’s cleanliness, etc. In this spirit, procedures for students and the instructor to follow have been put into place:
1. 2 minutes after bell rings, students are in their seats with instruments and music ready to begin lesson/session. 2. Instruments will always be used for the purpose of making music only 3. During rehearsal, the instructor starts and stops instrument sounds 4. After each session, students will return music stands to their rack and their chairs to the appropriate location. (So that the custodian has access to the floors next period)
When procedures aren’t followed, routines will be used to correct behavior in succession:
1. Stern glance 2. Ask student what procedure is for correct behavior 3. Student moved to different seat in room and 10 points lost in rehearsal etiquette 4. Student asked to go into music office and parents/guardians contacted 5. Student sent to school office
Students are expected to come to class focused and ready to learn. Everyone in the classroom has a right to education and a right to learn. When that right is impeded by someone distracting the class, it is an issue.
Attendance is a crucial part of all classes because there are always concepts covered in class that aren’t in the books or papers. Music classes are no different from this.
Students are allowed up to 3 unexcused tardies for the trimester. Each unexcused tardy after the 3rd will result in a 10 point loss to rehearsal etiquette and a lunch detention. On a student’s 2nd unexcused absence, a call home will be made. On a student’s 3rd unexcused absence, his/her rehearsal etiquette will be marked to a 0. Grading Scale:
93-100% = A 90-92.9% = A- 87-89.9% = B+ 83-86.9% = B
80-82.9% = B- 77-79.9% = C+ 73-76.9% = C 70-72.9% = C-
67-69.9% = D+ 63-66.9% = D 0-62.9% = F
Phones and Electronics
Cell phones and other electronics must be turned off and be OUT OF SIGHT in the Band Room unless Mr. Prosch-Jensen asks you to pull one out. Should you be asked to put your phone or other electronic devices away, you will lose participation points. If it becomes habit, Mr. Prosch-Jensen will take your device away until the end of the class period. Any arguing or refusal to hand said electronics over, and students may be asked to go to the office.
Food and Drink
Except for water, there is NO food or drink in the band room. Nothing is worse for guitars than grease, flakes, or crust getting on the strings and fret board. Respect your guitar to get the best results from it.
Instrument Rentals & Maintenance Fees
Local music stores like Columbia River Music all have reasonably priced rentals, starter packs and basic supplies for all instruments. Columbia River Music’s number is (541) 298-4326 (The Dalles). The advantage of renting from a dealer is that they rent newer instruments (most of Columbia High School’s instruments are quite old). They are also able to provide you with a loaner should the horn need to go in for repairs; the CHS instruments often don’t have back-ups. Most music stores also have a “rent to own” option should you find that appealing.
School rentals are very limited and at a first come first serve basis. School rentals are $50 per school year. This fee will cover a portion (roughly 50%) of the maintenance costs each instrument receives at the end of the year. Basic maintenance costs often include replacing pads, standard adjustments, removing small dents, cleanings, etc.
Should an instrument be lost or damaged beyond the basic maintenance cost a student’s parents will be fined with the difference. For instance, if an instrument was dropped on the floor, or hot cocoa dumped down the bell of the instrument, the student and their parents would responsible for the repair costs. Take proper care of your instrument and there won’t be any need for additional repairs.
We understand that this rental fee may come as a great stress, but rest assured, financial assistance is available for families who qualify according to the free and reduced lunch program. Parents may also pay in monthly installments ($5 per month) if the $50 total is too much at the beginning of the year. For more information please contact Mr. PJ. Music is available to any student who wishes to participate. We’ll make it work!
Substitute Teacher Expectations
Being a sub for music is no easy task, especially for someone with no musical experience. Be respectful and helpful to the substitute teachers as it will make everything easier for everyone! I was a sub for a year before starting here so I know how tough it can be. Subs will be instructed to write down the names of students who choose not to follow class procedures which will be addressed accordingly (Loss of credit, detentions, etc).
Instrument and Equipment Policy
You may place your instrument:
Gently on the floor, under your seat In its case (best option) In the hands of another responsible music student
Do NOT place your instrument:
On any station above ground level (Chairs, Music Stands, or Benches) In settings other than Guitar Class never walk away from your instrument for any reason!
Unless personally instructed by Mr. Prosch-Jensen, school owned instruments are never allowed to leave the Music Room.
Private Lessons
Students will be given extra credit for each private guitar lesson taken outside of class. Notes will be needed to provide evidence of the lesson. Al Hare in Hood River is an excellent source for lessons and can be contacted at (503) 206-9302 2015 Fall Trimester Syllabus Contract
The music instructor reserves all rights to amend this syllabus as necessary in the best interest of the CHS Music Program.
Please sign and return this page of the contract to Mr. Prosch-Jensen no later than Friday, September 4th. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you so much and I look forward to a fantastic trimester!
[email protected] or (541) 399-2904
Student’s Full Name (please print neatly)
I understand that to succeed I need to meet the expectations outlined in the Acoustic Guitar Syllabus. I understand my role and I agree to meet or exceed these expectations.
Student Signature Date
I have read and understand the Acoustic Guitar Syllabus and its expectations. I will do my best to support my student by encouraging them in their schoolwork and offering what assistance I can. ______
Parent/Guardian Signature Date