Table 1: Details of Cases in Study 1

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Table 1: Details of Cases in Study 1

Table e-2: Details of cases in Study 2 Scheltens Scheltens Non- PM Age Clinical Clinical Other frontal frontal Lesioned lesioned Case Gender delay Hypertension Diabetes Neuropathological findings (y) Dx stroke# VRFs PVH DWMH area* area^ (h) score score 24 90 M 3 CVD 3 & 5y Y N TIA; MI 2 5 Y - Multiple infarcts; SVD 25 81 F 17 Normal N Y N MI 1 1 - Y Normal brain 26 63 M 5 AD 14y Y N TIA 2 6 Y Y AD 27 78 F 8 DLB N Y N TIA 2 5 Y Y Mixed dementia 28 72 M 6 FTD N N N N 2 5 Y Y FTD 29 77 F 36 PD N N N N 2 5 Y - PD 30 70 M 16 AD N N N TIA 1 1 - Y CBD; infarcts 31 81 F 7 FTD N Y N N 2 6 Y - FTD 32 79 F 5 FTD 6y Y N MI; HL 2 6 Y - AD; PD 33 79 F 22 AD N N N N 2 6 Y Y AD 34 68 M 10 Normal N Y N IHD 1 1 - Y Normal brain 35 65 M 7 CBD N N N N 1 5 Y Y MND 36 94 M 5 DLB N N N N 2 6 Y Y PD 37 82 M 7 FTD N N N TIA 2 6 Y - FTD 38 77 M 5 DLB N N N N 1 1 - Y DLB 39 61 M 20 AD N N N HL 1 0 - Y AD 40 76 M 5 DLB N Y N MI; HL 1 0 - Y PD 41 62 M 47 PSP N Y N N 2 1 - Y CBD; PSP 42 80 F 13 PSP N N N N 1 1 - Y PSP 43 74 F 5 Normal N N N MI 2 0 - Y Normal brain AD Alzheimer’s disease; CBD corticobasal degeneration; CVD cerebrovascular disease; DLB dementia with Lewy bodies; Dx diagnosis; F female; FTD frontotemporal dementia; HL hyperlipidaemia; IHD ischaemic heart disease; M male; MI myocardial infarct; MND motor neuron disease; N no; PD Parkinson’s disease; PM postmortem; PSP progressive supranuclear palsy; SVD small vessel disease; TIA transient ischaemic attack; VRFs vascular risk factors; Y yes. *Area corresponding to a WMH taken; ^Area corresponding to normal white matter taken; # time prior to death.

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