Oncology Nursing Society

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Oncology Nursing Society


DATE: Thursday, April 28, 2016

PLACE: San Antonio, TX, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, 217 Foyer, Tables 3-4

TIME: 11:30 AM (CT) – 12 PM (CT)

RECORDER: Diane Flynn

ATTENDEES: Sangeeta Agarawal [email protected] Mary K. Anderson [email protected] Michele Barber [email protected] Laura Birmingham-Williams [email protected] Carol Blecher [email protected] Maggie Bolton [email protected] Carolina Caso [email protected] Paula Cavelle [email protected] Ann Culkin [email protected] Mary Kate Egan [email protected] Laura Fennimore [email protected] Diane Flynn [email protected] Sara Gatt [email protected] Pam Ginex [email protected] Erica Hall [email protected] Chelsea Immel [email protected] Teresa James [email protected] Tim Johnson [email protected] Sarah Kaveney [email protected] Linda Kernick [email protected] Sheri McMahon [email protected] Jack Raatz [email protected] Lin Rasmussen [email protected] Myrna Rauckhorst [email protected] Chris Sydenstricker [email protected] Linda Writz [email protected]

I. Introductions L. Kernick welcomed members; membership over 200 nurses. The group was asked if anyone was interested in serving as a co-coordinator(s) moving forward. Pam Ginex from MSKCC and Mary Anderson from Louisville, KY volunteered. The group wants to share best practices and all were encouraged to post on the ORA Focus Group Virtual Community.

II. Presentation M. Anderson presented – she works in a 26 oncology practice. 8 years ago they became a specialty pharmacy; are EMR, QOPI. Felt ASCO/ONS guidelines very helpful; clinic nurses/navigators do the education. They use EPIC, have tweaked it to include QOPI standards. Nurse calls patient once/week until they get the drug; the system triggers lab nurse appointments; also have a recall list built into EMR (similar to mammogram recall list), have an oral chemo safety sheet. did a presentation. P. Ginex – MSKCC reported they don’t have QDPI certification but it is a component of the strategic plan. They use Lexiconp to print out education materials for patients. How patients take meds is so important in the oral arena.

M. Egan from UPMC discussed their education process; they educate nurses/recertify annually. Pharmacists develop individual “cheat sheet” for each drug, can be easily accessed via computer (SharePoint).

III. Group Needs a) Survey of membership re: EMR (Epic, Cemer, etc.) b) Need for ongoing education of patients re: adherence c) Templates, samples need to be on Virtual Community d) QOPI standards are on Virtual Community e) Payors need to be lobbied re: reimbursement for interim visits – use ms, diabetes, HIV Hepc sucessess as examples f) What motivates patients to adhere to medication regimen? g) Group examples were shared re: suceesses getting MD to comply with notifying nurse patient place done orals 1. Having financial coordinator flag oral patients and follow through with reimbursement 2. Using TRXT messaging that includes education h) Oral adherence packages available (helpsy is one, staff was present) i) Will try to improve distribution of notifications from ONS – L. Kernick to address

IV. Adjournment L. Kernick thanked attendee for their interest in the group and participation in the meeting.

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