Cochise College Regular Governing Board Meeting s2
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Douglas Campus 6:00 p.m.
1.01 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair, at 6:02 p.m.
Board Members Present: Dr. Michael Carter Mr. David DiPeso Dr. John Eaton Mrs. Jan Guy
Board Members Absent: Mrs. Jane Strain
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
1.03 Adoption of Agenda
Dr. Nicodemus noted a correction to the agenda. Item 4.01.9, states May 12, 2007 as the effective retirement date for Bill Saathoff. The actual effective retirement date is May 25, 2007. The agenda was adopted as revised.
1.04 Citizen’s Interim
There were no requests to address the Board.
1.05 Standing Reports
1.05.1 Senate Report
Ms. Denise Merkel provided a report. The Senate met in January for the primary purpose of filling a seat vacated by an employee who left the college last semester. The seat has been filled by Rachael Brantley, who represents the Classified Association on the Sierra Vista Campus.
1.05.2 Student Government Association (SGA)
Kasandra Garcia, President of the Douglas Campus Student Government Association, reported on student activities that have occurred or will occur in the Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2007 future. Thus far, they have held a tailgate party, a casino night and a dating game. In honor of Black History Month, on February 28th, they plan to show
“Glory Road”. On March 6th a comedian will provide entertainment. A Karaoke Night is planned for the week of March 26th, and Spring Fest is planned for the first week in April. The Student Government will present the COOKIES Program at the Western Regional Honors Council Conference in Anaheim, CA on April 12- 14, 2007. Also planned are Red & White Hollywood Night on April 20th, a Pool Party the week of April 23rd, and a Study Break Breakfast the week of April 30th.
1.5.3 College President Report
Dr. Nicodemus acknowledged the work of Dr. Macaela Cashman, the Professional Growth Committee, Mr. Howell, and Dr. Michelich in preparing for the Faculty/Staff Development Day, where there were approximately 21 different break-out sessions in which Cochise College faculty and staff presented best practices. Dr. Nicodemus gave an overview of the presentation, 21st Century Learning Environment, given by the keynote speaker, Dr. Kathy Small, from Northern Arizona University.
Dr. Nicodemus provided an update on the legislative session. There will be, in the Senate Higher Education Committee, an amendment looking at legislation that currently focuses on dual enrollment. There have been negotiations to withdraw the language regarding 50% funding of dual enrollment. The compromise would be that there would be greater reporting requirements around dual enrollment to the point of providing more financial information. Dr. Nicodemus also provided an update on the state oversight of community colleges discussion at the legislature. She anticipates that Rep. Burns will be inviting presidents to a meeting with legislators to discuss possible language, etc.
1.5.4 Monthly Financial Report
The Financial Report for January 2007 was presented and accepted as submitted.
2.1 Acceptance of Minutes from the Regular meeting of January 9, 2007 2.2 Acceptance of Minutes from the Special meeting of January 19, 2007
The minutes of the Regular and Special meetings held on January 9, 2007 and January 19, 2007, of the Cochise College Governing Board were accepted and entered into record.
3.1 Communications
Dr. Nicodemus shared correspondence from Karen Strongin, General Manager of the Cochise County Fair Association, thanking the College for donating a stage for use during their events, and a letter from Cheryl Kawasaki, commending two lectures she attended on the Douglas Campus. Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2007
4.1 Consent Agenda*
Dr. Eaton moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
The following items were approved:
4.01.1 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Angela Carreira, Adult Education Lead Teacher) 4.01.2 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Ashley Hamilton, Student Recruitment Coordinator) 4.01.3 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Bruce Merriman, Coordinator, MOS Credentialing) 4.01.4 * Lateral Transfer – Administrative Support (P. Denisse Escarcega, Coordinator, Early Childhood Care and Education Program) 4.01.5 * Classified; Resignation (Ricardo Villaescusa, Facilities Service Worker) 4.01.6 * Administrative Support; Resignation (Virginia Taylor, MOS Credentialing Coordinator) 4.01.7 * Classified; Retirement (Joyce Youngblood, Office Specialist Senior) 4.01.8 * Faculty; Retirement (Dori DuVall, Academic Counselor) 4.01.9 * Faculty; Retirement (Bill Saathoff)
Dr. Joanna Michelich introduced Ashley Hamilton, Bruce Merriman, and P. Denisse Escarcega to the Governing Board. Mrs. Guy welcomed all to Cochise College.
4.2 Administrative Support Appointment – Transfer Analyst
The administration brought forward a recommendation to hire Katherine Boyer as the full time Transfer Analyst. Dr. Carter moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to approve the hiring of Ms. Boyer. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Dr. Nicodemus introduced Ms. Boyer to the Board.
4.3 Request for .49 Employment
Mr. DiPeso moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the continuation of the .49 employment request for Ms. Faye Douglas, as a Counselor for this coming Fall 2007 and Spring 2008. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.4 Request for .49 Employment
Dr. Carter moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to approve the continuation of the .49 employment request for Ms. Catherine Knapp, as a Counselor for this Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2007 coming Fall 2007 and Spring 2008. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.05 Request for .49 Employment
Dr. Carter moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the continuation of the .49 employment request for Mr. Manny Martinez, as an Instructor for this
coming Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 semesters. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.06 Request for .49 Employment
Dr. Carter moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to approve the continuation of the .49 employment request for Mr. Larry McAlister for this coming Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 semesters. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.7 Proposal to Issue Request for Proposals (RFP’s) for Both Architectural Services and a Construction Manager at Risk for All Douglas Campus Master Facilities Plan Projects
Dr. Carter moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion authorizing the College to issue RFP’s for architectural services and a CM@Risk for the Douglas Campus Master Facilities Plan projects. This will allow the administration to engage the architects and the construction firm in helping develop the campus Master Facilities Plan. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.8 Proposal to Expand the Scope of the DLR Architectural Contract to Include All Master Facilities Plan Projects on the Sierra Vista Campus
Dr. Carter moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion extending the DLR architectural services contract to include all of the Sierra Vista Campus Master Facilities Plan projects. Dr. Nicodemus stated that, in the current budget, resources were allocated around anticipation of moving forward with building projects, and is comfortable with the budget that was approved a year ago, and anticipates that contingency funds will not need to be used. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.9 Proposal to Expand the Scope of the Sundt CM@Risk Contract to Include All Master Facilities Plan Projects on the Sierra Vista Campus
Dr. Carter moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion extending the Sundt Construction Manager at Risk contract to include all of the Sierra Vista Campus Master Facilities Plan projects. Dr. Nicodemus explained that this follows the process called Construction Management at Risk where the construction firm is engaged early on with the architectural firm, benefiting the institution. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2007
4.10 Continuation of Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Arizona State University West/College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Mr. DiPeso moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the President to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement with Arizona State University West/College of Teacher Education and Leadership. Dr. Nicodemus stated that this is a program that the College has previously been engaged in as a result of Arizona State University receiving a grant to work with the Douglas Unified School District. Early indications are that this has been a
very positive partnership. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.11 Proposed General Education Outcomes
Dr. Eaton moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to approve the proposed General Education Outcomes. Dr. Michelich stated that beginning in 2004, a committee was appointed, and Mr. Chuck Hoyack was the Chair of the General Education Taskforce. That group spent 1 ½ years studying the current outcomes for sufficiency and adequacy, looking statewide at what others were doing. Dr. Michelich commended Mr. Hoyack for the excellent job he has done in pulling all of this information together. Mr. Hoyack reviewed the process and explained that while this has been a long process, he feels the recommendation in front of the Board is a good product. Dr. Nicodemus commended Mr. Hoyack and the work of the committee. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.12 Agreement for Cochise College Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Student Education
Dr. Carter moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the President to sign the agreement between Carondolet St. Mary’s Hospital and Cochise College. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.13 Discussion of Annual Evaluation for the College President
Dr. Michael Carter moved and Dr. John Eaton seconded a motion to enter into executive session. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Mrs. Guy adjourned the regular meeting at 6:45 p.m. The Board entered into executive session at 6:50 p.m.
The Board moved from executive session at 7:20 p.m. and adjourned the regular session.
Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Respectfully Submitted:
Loretta Mountjoy, Executive Administrative Assistant
Dr. Michael Carter, Secretary of the Governing Board