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ST. MARY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL, th N INGLEWOOD “Learning Today, Wisdom Tomorrow”
Religious Education Policy 2010
Authentic Religious Education extends and deepens a student’s way of knowing. The acquired knowledge is relevant and significant and is internalised as a result of genuine educational process. The Catholic school’s core purpose is explicitly religious.
Source of Life
Vision Statement
We believe that St. Mary’s School is a welcoming, caring and forgiving environment where:
We teach the Catholic faith and the gospel values through action, attitude in our daily lives and through relationships with others. Enlivened by faith, we promote dignity and a sense of self-worth and uniqueness amongst all individuals. We foster a partnership of shared responsibility between children, family, staff, parish and community. Children are given equal opportunities to develop a love of learning through a well-balanced experiential curriculum which encourages the child to develop a positive self-image and become active, independent learners who are challenged to reach their full potential. Children learn to respect, tolerate, and co-operate with others of different gender, creed, ability, culture and background. Teachers are encouraged to keep up to date with new methods and current thinking which enable children to learn through a variety of teaching approaches and strategies.
Mission Statement
Because we believe firmly in our Vision statements we are committed to:
Actively encouraging faith development. Celebrating scripture, sacraments and liturgies. Providing an environment that caters for the development of the whole person. Providing a learning environment that is relevant and meaningful for the students by starting the learning process from the child’s own experiences. Provide a range of curricula that will lead to the overall development of each child with regard to his/her spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and educational needs. Providing instruction in a variety of strategies to maximise the learning experience of all children. Providing a curriculum that is relevant for life; continually evolving and allowing for individuality. Providing continued development of staff, programs and resources. Promoting effective communication and collaboration. Ongoing evaluation of our Teaching and Learning strategies.
Belief Statements
We believe Religious Education enables us to develop a deepening relationship with God. We believe Religious Education links our Christian story to our personal story, connecting life and faith and faith and culture. We believe Religious Education is sharing and experiencing Scripture in order to develop a relationship with Jesus, which will be reflected in our lives. We believe Religious Education urges us to reflect upon and celebrate meaningfully within a Spirit-filled community. We believe Religious Education occurs in communion with families, school and parish.
In line with our Source of Life Core Document it is our aim to contribute to the lifelong process of Religious Education. Its purposes are:
to foster within each individual a growing understanding of and relationship with God. to help individuals to understand themselves and the Catholic faith tradition and to have an appreciation of the faith traditions of others. to enable individuals to participate fully in the life of the Catholic community. to heighten individual commitment to bringing their faith to meaningful encounters with their community. (Sandhurst School Improvement Framework 2005, Source of Life Core Document, 2005).
The curriculum is guided by the Source of Life Core Document and Curriculum Framework and is delivered using the Shared Christina Praxis methodology.
Religious Education Curriculum & Practice
The Religious Education Curriculum has its foundation in a classroom based program. Religious Education is documented through Unit Overviews and teachers’ weekly programs and is planned in accordance with the Source of Life sequential unit outlines, as set out in the Religious Education Scope and Sequence. The curriculum also takes into account the Liturgical Calendar, community events relevant to Parish and community outreach. Issues of social justice are embraced within our curriculum units and as conscientious members of the greater community.
Prayer - Within the context of daily prayer and planned Religious Education class activities, children explore a range of prayer experiences, appropriate to age and faith development. Our community gathers on a regular basis to celebrate significant Liturgical and school events.
Social Justice & Outreach - To provide relevant and real life experiences of Christian outreach, classes participate in activities relevant to units of work or liturgical/community events, which involve enhancing the lives of others within our community. Our student leadership provides opportunity to extend student involvement in justice issues. Christian Education for Personal Development - Over a two year cycle all students are involved in the units of work in the Source of Life document related to Personal Development. These are supported with the CEPD Curriculum Framework. Cross Curricular Links - The Christian message is paramount to all teaching in our school, as such, teaching across all curriculum areas incorporates the Gospel message and provides opportunities to model Christian values at all times. Within the Religious Education and Integrated Curriculum Scope and Sequence, classes periodically undertake integrated units which are driven by Religious Education units. The Catholic perspective is emphasised throughout integrated units.
Staff Accreditation
It is a Diocesan requirement that all teachers of Religious Education are accredited to teach Religious Education or are undertaking to achieve accreditation.
Staff Personal & Professional Faith Development
The Source of Life Core document provides insight into the philosophy and implementation of the Religious Education Curriculum. Staff are encouraged through whole school professional development and personally to depth their understanding of current issues relevant to our Faith, and to take opportunities to enhance their own Faith Journeys.
Leadership & Community Partnerships
The school’s Catholic identity is ensured through the Position of Leadership held by the Religious Education Coordinator (REC). The Staff of St Mary’s supports the REC in the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Catholic Identity. The School Board, Staff, REC and Parish Priest work together to implement the Religious Education Policy and to maintain the profile of our school’s Catholicity. The Staff are encouraged to be models of and leaders in Ministry by attending Vigil Masses at a parish level. Our grade 5/6 Leadership Team participate in volunteer activities on a weekly basis at the nearby Hostel. They show service by providing companionship and friendship to the residents. The Whole School along with the Lions Club and Land Care take part each year in the planting of trees around the community. Parents are acknowledged as the first and most important teachers in Faith Education. The school provides opportunities and endeavours to support families in their Faith Development. The REC liaises with the Parish Priest and Parish teams and support staff so as to promote links between school and Parish, and will support staff in developing links with Parish groups.
Sacramental Program The REC supports the School Sacramental Program by running the Steps in Faith Program at St Mary’s School during after school hours. The program is run every second year and families are invited to support their child at each lesson.
Religious Education Resources The REC in consultation with staff members takes responsibility for the ordering, monitoring, and maintenance of resources for the teaching of Religious Education. It is an expectation that teaching resources recommended in the Source of Life unit outlines are accessible to all staff. Staff are encouraged to take advantage of the CEO Resource Centre and ICT options to access further resources.
Religious Education Coordinator’s Role Description
Generic Leadership Role To be committed to the vision of the school To work as an effective team member To support the building of community To provide ongoing support to staff To commit to ongoing professional development To take responsibility for school improvement and effectiveness in Catholic identity
Area of Responsibility Promotes the religious dimension of school activities. Implements a school based ‘Steps in Faith’ Sacramental Program every second year. Ensures that the four functions of ministry are alive and practiced within the school: word, witness, welfare, worship. Monitors curriculum programs utilising the Source of Life. Ensures religious symbols are placed appropriately around the school. Liaises with the parish Priest and the Parish community. Promotes an atmosphere of mutual respect between groups which make up the school community. Promotes and supports faith and personal development of staff. Promotes and supports curriculum development in Religious Education. Provides suitable resources for Religious Education. Facilitates development and review of policy in Catholic identity. Monitors and supports accreditation of staff. Leads the development of teaching and learning in Religious Education. Provides link between school staff and Sandhurst Religious Education Team. Ensures that there are school and class liturgies and coordinates the celebration of significant events that are relevant to the religious ethos of the school.
Appendix to Religious Education Policy
The Religious Education Policy is currently enacted through the following practical applications and in keeping with the current School Improvement Framework.
Prayer Daily prayer in classroom All classrooms have a prominent and appropriate Prayer Focus Prayer to begin meetings School Assemblies begin and end with prayer Children say Grace before lunch each day Study of Prayer through Source of Life curriculum units Prayer services to mark conclusions of units Liturgy Opening and concluding of year whole school masses Seeing that Liturgy is a way of celebrating Scripture and the life of Jesus School Liturgies are held every Friday afternoo Celebrations of Sacraments of Initiation Seasonal celebrations as a school - Easter, Pentecost, Advent Masses to signify significant feast days - eg. Assumption Supporting sacramental program in class/school celebrations Class Liturgies as part of R.E Units Scripture Scripture is used as an integral part of Religious Education units Use of Scripture in prayer
Justice and Outreach Relevance to community needs Project Compassion Caritas “Just Leaders” Program Mission Week Reconciliation Services, recognitions of National Week of Healing Inclusion of justice issues in units of work Weekly visits to Aged Care facilities Links To Parish Liaison with Parish Priest Parish Teams Community Groups Aged Care Facilities Partnerships with Parents Invitations to Liturgies Sacramental Program Information evenings Newsletter items with Catholic Identity focus Information regarding the profile of Catholic Identity included at school Information Evenings Planning for Religious Education Planning and review of Scope and Sequence for Religious Education Yearly Planner each year Support for planning Religious Education units for Junior, Middle and Senior School each term Staff Personal & Professional Development REC notifies staff of all available Professional Development opportunities available through the CEO Staff meeting prayer time and Catholic Identity agenda items allow for the exploration of faith issues Diocesan Religious Education Coordinator days Whole school Faith Formation professional development Cluster Conferences Formation of the School Student Leadership Team Biannual interviews with staff to determine PD interests/needs Resources
Resources for Source of Life Units on purchase plan Accessed through CEO Resource Centre