Regents Writing Cotton B
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Regents Writing Cotton B
REGENTS WRITING 1500 Semester 1 FALL Miss Cotton PIONEER CENTRAL ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL Classroom: C-109 [email protected] I am available after school Telephone: or on a free period by 716-492-9300 EXT. 1309 appointment
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND GOALS Regents Writing is a required course for seniors who must pass the ELA Regents exam. This course focuses on the listening, reading, and writing skills needed for success on the exam. Students will analyze their previous effort on the Regents Exam with their teacher to understand their strengths and weaknesses. A program of instruction will then be tailored to meet each individual’s needs. LEARNING GOALS OF THE COURSE To prepare students for the listening task of the English Regents exam. To prepare students for the reading comprehension task of the English Regents exam. To prepare students for the literature analysis task of the English Regents exam. To prepare students for the critical lens task of the English Regents exam.
COURSE TEXT(S) AND/OR RESOURCES [websites] Parents, although all of the books on the list below have literary merit, some may be more suitable for more mature students. We urge you, therefore, to carefully review the list and to help your son or daughter make a selection that is appropriate for his or her interests, age, reading level, and maturity.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne Teacher made materials previous Regents exams
Teacher Webpage: Click High School then Teacher Tab
GENERAL EXPECTATIONS: READY, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE Academic Honesty: The Pioneer Central High School policy will be adhered to in all cases of academic misconduct. Plagiarism is a serious offense. All work is expected to be your own, original undertaking. Using another’s work, with or without their permission and attempting to pass it off as your own is never permitted and will be severely penalized. (Consequences for academic dishonesty will be given consistent with the Code of Conduct). Statement Regarding Student Conduct: Preparing to become a graduate of Pioneer involves more than academic preparation in the classroom. Every day you need to demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors that are consistent with our Code of Conduct. All adults in our school will be watching to see that you are developing appropriate behavior and will provide you with feedback on your journey toward becoming world-class citizens.
1 Consequences for Misbehavior 1. Step 1- Verbal Warning 2. Step 2-Move seat/ Confiscation of object 3. Step 3-Written Referral/ Removal from room Class Attendance and Active Participation: In accordance to the code of conduct, students will be written up if they are tardy to class more than three times. In addition, excessive unexcused absences will be written up. Student Submissions of required work: All assignments for this class will be completed during the class unless a student has been absent with a legal excuse. Class assignments must be completed in a timely manner as directed by the teacher.
GRADING Class participation and classwork 30% Composition assignments/ projects 40% Quizzes/ practice exams 30%
MAJOR LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS (there may be more or less assignments given at the teacher’s discretion): Tentative Timeline Topic Due Date (if possible) Week 1 Introductions and Warm-up Activities Week 2-3 Review literary elements Week 4-6 Review of previous Regents exam Regents exam practice Week 7-10 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Reading groups and parallel Regents tasks Week 11-12 Regents exam practice Building reading comprehension skills Week 13-15 Study of student selected Literature- review project Week 16-18 Final Regents exam practice
Distractions Students may bring snacks and drinks to class, as long as they do not become a distraction and do not cause the student to be tardy to class. Cell Phone Policy Electronic devices are not allowed in class. I will TAKE any cell phone if it is being used or it rings in class for any reason. The first time I have to do this, I will keep it for the period. Then if I have to do this again, I will keep it until the end of the day. For the third infraction, I will give it to the office, from which a parent/guardian must pick it up.
2 Regents Writing Cotton B
Signed Sheet: Please make sure you have read through the entire syllabus carefully. Then, sign and have a parent/guardian sign below and return the bottom half of this page only to your teacher as soon as possible.
I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of Miss Cotton’s syllabus for English 12B- Regents Writing.
Parent/ Guardian Signature Student Signature
Printed Name and Date Printed Name