Catholic Schools Office Letter
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1. ELIGIBILITY Before completing the Application Form, applicants are asked to ensure that they can demonstrate the essential criteria for the position as advertised. To be eligible to apply for a substantive Religious Education Coordinator position, applicants must meet the academic qualifications or be enrolled in an appropriate course. For more detailed information on appropriate courses, please see appendix A.
Applicants are encouraged to seek advice about their qualifications and eligibility to apply for an REC position from their school principal, schools consultant or a member of the Evangelisation and Catholic Formation Team at the Catholic Schools Office.
Note: There is an expectation for all existing diocesan employees that 3 years would normally be completed in the current role before application for another role would be considered.
2. NOMINATED REFEREES Applicants are required to provide the names of three (3) referees: a) Parish Priest or Priest of the parish in which you worship b) Current Principal/Employer c) Current Schools Consultant/Area Administrator
The Application and Information Package contains documentation for each of these nominated referees. It is the applicant’s responsibility to: ● discuss with and check that these people are prepared to be nominated as referees and will support the application; ● forward the documentation (Information for Referees and the relevant Referee Form) along with a copy of the position description to these people, at least a week before the closing date; ● check before the closing date with each referee to ensure they have emailed their reference to CSO so that the selection process can proceed.
3. LETTER OF APPLICATION AND LEADERSHIP DOMAIN STATEMENT A letter of application, addressed to the Director of Schools, must accompany an application. This letter should generally outline the reasons for the application and the suitability of the applicant for the particular position.
The applicant must also submit a separate attached statement (of no more than five (5) pages) to the application letter stating how they meet each of the advertised criteria and the position description leadership domains (Appendix B).
In preparing this document it is advisable to refer to The Catholic School Religious Education Coordinator position description (Appendix C).
4. SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION Applications can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to: The Recruitment Team Catholic Schools Office, PO Box 967, Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Note: If making multiple applications a separate letter of application should be supplied for each school for which an application is made. All other application documents submitted for a Religious Education Coordinator position can be included for subsequent applications. These documents will be kept on file for 1 year, after which time they will be destroyed. APPLICATION FORM FOR THE POSITION OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR
Mr Mrs Ms Dr Br Sr Fr
Given Name/s:
Former Name/s (if applicable):
If a member of a congregation, indicate congregation:
Parish Where You Regularly Worship: Religion:
Residential address:
Mailing address:
Home phone: Work phone:
Mobile phone: Email:
WWC DOB: number:
Teachers on Net Seek CSO Website Cath News How did you hear about the role: Other :
Are you of Aboriginal descent? Yes No AND/OR
Are you of Torres Strait Islander descent? Yes No
Do you intend to apply for leave portability from your current employer? Yes No
Current VISA Class (if applicable):
VISA reference number (if applicable):
Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) (if applicable):
School/s Attended Years of Attendance Certificate/s Awarded
TERTIARY EDUCATION (including current incomplete courses):
Degree/Diploma/Certificate Name and Location of Institution Year/s of Attendance Conferred
Please provide certified copies of official academic transcripts with this application.
Details Years
Name of school/place of employment:
Address of school/place of employment:
Name of principal/employer:
Current school enrolment (if applicable):
Current employment - starting date:
Current position: Other position/s held in present employment:
Current salary:
PAST EMPLOYMENT (in reverse order from most recent employer – no further back than 15 years):
Reason for Name and address of Position/s held From To resignation/ employment (incl. Classes taught) termination
☐ Existing employee Go to Section E - Referees ☐ New to the Diocese Complete Section D
The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for supporting quality teaching in NSW. To start or return to work as a teacher in a NSW school, you must be accredited by NESA.
The first step in the accreditation process is to apply for Conditional or Provisional Accreditation through the NESA website (
Teachers who have worked in a NSW school before 1 October 2004, and have not had a break from teaching in NSW of more than 5 years, do not currently need to be accredited. From 2018 all teachers in NSW will need to be accredited with NESA to start, continue or return to teaching. See NESA website for further details.
Please answer the following questions:
1. What is your NESA accreditation number?______
2. What is your NESA accreditation level?
Conditional Provisional Proficient Highly Accomplished Lead 3. What date did you achieve accreditation at this level?
4. What is your ‘achieve by date’ for accreditation or end of maintenance period?
5. Is your membership status ‘active’ Yes No See your online NESA account. If you answered "no", please contact NESA as you are currently not eligible to teach.
6. Are you currently financial with NESA? Yes No Attach copy of your NESA identification card evidencing financial currency If you answered "no", please contact BOSTES to pay your fee as you are currently not eligible to teach.
Please attach a copy of the following documents:
a) A copy of your NESA registration card or payment receipt
b) Teacher Summary Report (see your online NESA account) which will show your: name NESA accreditation number current level of accreditation date you achieved accreditation at this level achieve by date / end date for maintenance period ‘Active’ membership status
1. Parish Priest or Priest of the Parish in which you regularly worship: Name: Parish: Address: Postcode: Phone number:
2. Current Principal/Employer: Name: School/organisation: Address: Postcode: Phone number:
3. Current Schools Consultant/Area Administrator/ Head of Curriculum/ Head of Governing Body: Name: Organisation: Address: Postcode: Phone number:
Are there any relevant (child-related) criminal charges or convictions on your record?
Yes No
If yes please give a brief description:
Have you ever been the subject of a child protection investigation or an allegation of ‘reportable conduct’ (sexual offence/misconduct, assault, ill treatment, neglect or psychological harm of a child)? Yes No
If yes please give a brief description: Have you ever been the subject of an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) that was made for the purpose of protecting a child or young person from harm? Yes No
If yes please give a brief description:
Are you aware of any reason or concern, held by another person, which may make you unsuitable to work in child related employment? Yes No
If yes please explain:
CRIMINAL CONVICTION - Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence? Yes No
If yes please explain:
DISCIPLINARY ACTION - During the last 5 years have you ever been the subject of formal disciplinary action and/or a formal process relating to your work performance? If yes, provide details. Yes No
If yes please explain: Do you have any illness/injury that may impact on your capacity to perform the inherent requirements of the position, or that may be aggravated by the duties of this position? Yes No
If yes please explain:
Do you have a Worker’s Compensation illness/injury that would render you unable to carry out the inherent requirements of the position? Yes No
If yes please explain:
Is there any other information regarding your health history that may need to be known when considering your application for employment?
Note: Prior to the offer of any appointment, an applicant may be required to undergo a medical examination by a practitioner nominated by the Director of Schools if it is envisaged that it may affect the applicant’s capacity to carry out the role. In accordance with the declaration in the Application Form if an applicant does not meet the requirements on medical grounds the appointment may not proceed.
Are you aware of any potential conflicts of interest, either real or perceived which may arise if you are successful in obtaining the position you have applied for? Yes No
If yes please explain: Signature (electronic if appropriate): Date: Appendix A
In addition to holding basic qualifications and accreditation as a Religious Education teacher, the position of Religious Education Coordinator (REC) requires additional qualifications and appropriate experience.
If a teacher is preparing for the role of REC and considering a course different to those listed below, he/she should discuss the proposed course with the Assistant Director Evangelisation and Catholic Formation.
Transcripts indicating study programs undertaken should be submitted with applications.
Some courses which provide the credible academic strength for the position of REC include:
Master of Theology Master of Religious Education Master of Educational Leadership with substantive study in Religious Education, Theology and Catholic School Leadership
Other courses of study may also be appropriate. The Evangelisation and Catholic Formation Team personnel at the CSO are available to discuss matters relating to qualifications. Appendix B
For all advertised positions, a list of essential and desirable criteria for selection is drawn up. These criteria are applied during the shortlisting process and the selection interview. The selection of Religious Education Coordinators is based on the degree to which applicants meet the following criteria:
Essential Criteria All applicants must meet the following essential requirements for the position:
be a practising Catholic; sound understanding of and commitment to Catholic Education; ability to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the religious dimension of the Catholic school; four-year-trained teacher qualification; accredited teacher of Religious Education; credible academic strength in Religious Education or Theology OR commitment to study at a Masters level with substantive study in Religious Education, Theology and Catholic School Leadership approximately five (5) years teaching experience in preferably two (2) Catholic schools; model excellent classroom teaching practice that reflects quality pedagogy; experience in teaching Religious Education; proficient in the development of classroom programs for Religious Education and for the Key Learning Areas; highly developed interpersonal skills; can work effectively as a member of a team; demonstrate positive relationships with students, staff, parents and clergy; be able to demonstrate effective organisational and administrative skills.
The panel looks for evidence that proves the essential criteria are met.
Specific Criteria These are relevant to and reflecting the specific needs of the school. They are developed as a result of consultation with the selection panel and are applied by the panel prior to the shortlisting of applicants. Appendix C
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Broken Bay are established by the Bishop in the context of the local parish, to educate and form young people in the faith tradition, offering them experiences of following Jesus in the Catholic community. Catholic schools participate in the church’s mission to educate students in discipleship within the Catholic tradition in a quality learning environment.
The Religious Education Coordinator is a key member of the leadership team of a Catholic school and exercises his/her ministry under the leadership of the Principal within the school leadership team, in collaboration with clergy, teachers, parents, CSO staff and other members of the faith community who contribute to the life of the Catholic school.
The Principal has final responsibility for facilitating, promoting and ensuring the quality of the school’s outcomes for students and for meeting the expectations of the Catholic community. The Assistant Principal and the Religious Education Coordinator, as members of the school leadership team, assist the Principal in decision making processes and fulfilling this role. The Director of Schools delegates specific responsibility for Religious Education to the Religious Education Coordinator through the Principal.
Whilst the Principal also has final responsibility for the development and implementation of the Religious Education program for Years K-6 or 7-12, this responsibility is shared with the Religious Education Coordinator, who also assists to support parents/guardians in their role as religious educators of their children.
The Religious Education Coordinator is an exemplary teacher who provides an excellent role model for other teachers, especially in the area of Religious Education and in their understanding of quality teaching and learning that is holistic and informed by a distinctive Catholic world-view.
The position description for the Religious Education Coordinator in the Diocese of Broken Bay is drawn from five key domains of leadership: Religious Leadership, Educational Leadership, Human Resources Leadership, Organisational Leadership and Collaborative Leadership
It is expected that the specific responsibilities of the role are negotiated annually by the Principal and the Religious Education Coordinator in the form of an active position description.
These responsibilities will take into account factors such as: the school’s Mission Statement and Strategic Plan; the annual goals and outcomes of the Religious Education program as set out in the yearly action plan; DSS priorities and initiatives; the particular talents, strengths and experience of the Religious Education Coordinator; the religious dimension of the curriculum; the developmental needs of the Religious Education Coordinator; release time as designated by the CSO; needs of the Parish. Key Domains of Leadership:
1. Religious Leadership In working collaboratively with the school leadership team in the exercise of Religious Leadership, the Religious Education Coordinator will: 1.1 promote the mission of the contemporary Catholic church; 1.2 give witness to the Gospel; 1.3 foster the spiritual life of the school community; 1.4 provide leadership in the understanding and implementation of the Religious Education curriculum; 1.5 promote and support the religious dimension in all facets of school life; 1.6 actively promote the Catholic school within the parish(es); 1.7 give leadership in the facilitation of ritual/celebration/liturgy/prayer/retreat programs; 1.8 support a rich sacramental life within the parish setting; 1.9 guide and support pastoral care policies and programs; 1.10 promote a commitment to social justice as part of our call to discipleship; 1.11 build religious leadership density.
2. Educational Leadership In working collaboratively with the school leadership team in the exercise of Educational Leadership, the Religious Education Coordinator will: 2.1 build and maintain a challenging and innovative learning environment; 2.2 support and promote an educational vision; 2.3 facilitate a commitment to the achievement of student learning outcomes; 2.4 develop and implement a dynamic contemporary curriculum; 2.5 facilitate quality teaching and learning, particularly in religious education; 2.6 develop and promote authentic assessment and reporting processes; 2.7 facilitate the management of learning resources in religious education; 2.8 nurture and facilitate the school as an authentic professional learning community and centre of faith formation.
3. Human Resources Leadership In working collaboratively with the school leadership team in the exercise of Human Resources Leadership, the Religious Education Coordinator will: 3.1 support and participate in the recruitment and selection processes of staff based on clear criteria, appropriate involvement of stakeholders, and diocesan requirements; 3.2 assist in deploying, managing and supervising staff to ensure optimum delivery of services to students; 3.3 support compliant workplace practices; 3.4 assist in the development of effective orientation and induction programs for new staff; 3.5 support teachers to attain Institute of Teachers accreditation requirements; 3.6 encourage and support teachers to meet Religious Education accreditation requirements; 3.7 participate in and implement performance appraisal processes; 3.8 encourage and promote succession planning initiatives at all levels; 3.9 renew people’s energy, trust and confidence. 4. Organisational Leadership In working collaboratively with the school leadership team in the exercise of Organisational Leadership, the Religious Education Coordinator will: 4.1 develop and implement, in collaboration with the Principal, leadership team and staff, strategic and annual plans; 4.2 adhere to legal, statutory and school system requirements; 4.3 support the protocols and systems which are in place for the management, security, retention and storage of information; 4.4 understand and support the effective financial management of the school, in particular the RE/KLA budget; 4.5 provide for appropriate risk management; 4.6 manage the religious education resources.
5. Collaborative Leadership In working collaboratively with the school leadership team in the exercise of Collaborative Leadership, the Religious Education Coordinator will: 5.1 integrate the values of the Gospel into relationships, communication and decision-making; 5.2 share leadership responsibility, accountability and decision-making among those directly concerned; 5.3 network with parish, neighbouring schools and the local community to share knowledge and resources to build community; 5.4 inspire and engage the school community; 5.5 promote and provide opportunities for the diverse personal gifts of members of the school community; 5.6 foster the collaborative governance model; 5.7 promote the school in the parish, wider community and the Diocese of Broken Bay; 5.8 actively support parents in the faith development of their children. Capabilities for the Religious Education Coordinator (REC) in the Catholic School
The capabilities of the REC represent an integration of knowledge, skills, personal qualities and understanding. These capabilities assist RECs to identify areas for personal and professional learning.
Mission Capabilities
Contributing actively to the building of a community of disciples Giving personal witness to the Gospel Developing scriptural and theological understandings Developing an understanding of a Catholic Worldview and of Catholic Character Developing knowledge of self in relationship with God, others and all of creation
Personal Capabilities 1 Developing self-knowledge Displaying imagination and vision Showing confidence, optimism and resilience Exemplifying honesty and integrity Integrating work and personal life Demonstrating compassion and generosity of spirit Displaying attentiveness to the everyday moments
Relational Capabilities 1 Demonstrating emotional maturity Developing knowledge of self in relationships with others Cultivating productive working relationships Enabling honest, open and respectful dialogue Being hopeful and inspiring hope in others Cherishing and challenging the heart and mind
Professional Capabilities 1 Generating curriculum that is relevant, challenging and purposeful Creating and sustaining safe and challenging learning environments Engaging creatively with the art and science of teaching and learning Being contextually aware and responsive Committing to the ongoing development of professional knowledge and practice INFORMATION FOR REFEREES
The Catholic Schools Office, Broken Bay (CSO) requires applicants for Religious Education Coordinator positions to nominate three (3) referees to support their application. The nominated referees are:
Parish Priest of the Parish where the applicant regularly worships; Current Principal/Employer; Current Schools Consultant/Area Administrator.
The selection process relies heavily on accurate referee assessment for its validity and effectiveness.
For Parish Priest referees:
In the event that the applicant is shortlisted for interview, the Parish Priest of the school where the vacancy is advertised may be in contact for a more detailed reference.
For other professional referees:
In completing the form, the assessment of the applicant should be in relation to the specific position and in the context of the position description and school profile. It is also important for the referee to indicate personal knowledge of the applicant.
Referees acting in an advocacy role will need to fully support the application. If there is a perception that there are limitations in the applicant's immediate capacity for the position, it would be expected that the applicant is advised of the reservations.
For Schools Consultant/Area Administrator referees:
In completing the form, it is important to be conscious of the role a Schools Consultant/Area Administrator assumes. It is not the role of a referee as such, i.e. an advocacy role, but rather the role of one representing the employer, carrying out a professional assessment.
It is hoped that the Schools Consultant/Area Administrator and the applicant have a chance to speak in terms of the assessment of his/her potential/readiness for the position at this stage of his/her career development.
Interviewing panels rely heavily on the confidential responses made by Principals/Directors/ Consultants who have the task of giving some input to the process in such a significant way.
The assessment contained in the referee form is one of the most critical pieces of information utilised by panels in both shortlisting and discerning the final decision. Please note: All referee reports and forms are to be received by the Recruitment Team by the closing date for applications as informed by the applicant. PARISH PRIEST REFERENCE FORM FOR A RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR APPLICANT
Name of Applicant:______
Parish Priest to tick the appropriate boxes:
The applicant is a practising Catholic Yes No Unsure
I recommend this applicant for the position of Religious Education Coordinator Yes No Unsure
Signature (electronic if appropriate):
Name: ______
Parish: ______
Date: ______
Please email this reference by the closing date to [email protected] CURRENT PRINCIPAL/EMPLOYER REPORT FOR A RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR APPLICANT
Confidential to Interview Panel
Applicant: Name: Current Position:
Referee: Name: Current Position: School/Organisation: Work Address: Postcode: Contact Phone No: In what capacity do you know the applicant?
Number of years I have known the applicant professionally: GIVEN YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE APPLICANT, PLEASE RATE THE APPLICANT IN EACH OF THE AREAS BELOW, BY TICKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX USING THE FOLLOWING RATING CODE: 4 = Outstanding 3 = Very Good 2 = Satisfactory 1 = Poor U = Unable to Comment
4 3 2 1 U
In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to ensure that primacy is given to faith formation of students in an authentic Catholic community.
Are there any strengths and/or weaknesses that would affect the applicant’s capacity to provide sound religious leadership?
4 3 2 1 U 2.0 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP: In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to ensure the existence of an optimum learning environment that provides for outcomes in curriculum, quality teaching and learning, assessment and co- curriculum activities.
Are there any strengths and/or weaknesses that would affect the applicant’s capacity to provide sound educational leadership?
In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to develop positive employer/employee relationships, promote a collaborative culture and build a sustainable future.
Are there any strengths and/or weaknesses that would affect the applicant’s capacity to provide sound human resources leadership?
In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to implement and manage efficient and effective administrative and financial practices within resourcing constraints and legal and policy requirements.
Are there any strengths and/or weaknesses that would affect the applicant’s capacity to provide sound organisational leadership?
In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to develop an inclusive and collaborative school community based on trusting relationships and mutual respect.
Are there any strengths and/or weaknesses that would affect the applicant’s capacity to provide sound collaborative leadership?
6.0 LEADERSHIP STYLE: Please comment on the applicant's leadership style:
7.0 READINESS FOR THE POSITION: Please comment on the applicant's readiness for this leadership position:
Would you recommend the applicant for this leadership position? YES / NO (please delete) Comment:
Signature (electronic if appropriate):
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Your contribution to the selection process is appreciated.
Confidential to Interview Panel
Name: Current Position:
Name: Current Position: Organisation/School: Work Address: Postcode: Contact Phone No: In what capacity do you know the applicant:
Number of years I have known the applicant professionally: Please email this reference by the closing date to [email protected] The applicant’s capacity to provide leadership across the following dimensions: 1.0 RELIGIOUS LEADERSHIP: In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to ensure that primacy is given to faith formation of students in an authentic Catholic community. 2.0 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP: In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to ensure the existence of an optimum learning environment that provides for outcomes in curriculum, quality teaching and learning, assessment and co-curriculum activities. 3.0 HUMAN RESOURCES LEADERSHIP: In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to develop positive employer/employee relationships, promote a collaborative culture and build a sustainable future. 4.0 ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP: In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to implement and manage efficient and effective administrative and financial practices within resourcing constraints and legal and policy requirements. 5.0 COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP: In working collaboratively within the school leadership team to develop an inclusive and collaborative school community based on trusting relationships and mutual respect. Strengths of the applicant based on the above dimensions:
Areas for development of the applicant based on the above dimensions:
RECOMMENDATION: Would you recommend the applicant for this leadership position? YES / NO (please delete) Comment:
Signature (electronic if appropriate): Date:
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Your contribution to the selection process is appreciated.
Catholic Worldview is a comprehensive perception of the universe, revealed to us in Jesus that provides insights into the meaning of life and how to live it.
Catholic Worldview is experiencing life through the eyes of our Catholic faith.
Catholic Worldview perceives:
1. God as Trinity, a communion of Persons who love us and invite us to share in their divine life for all eternity;
2. the action of the Spirit in the world, inviting and empowering all people to respond to the divine love;
3. Jesus as God's Son, who saved us through his life, death and resurrection, and through whom we enter into the life of God;
4. the meaning and purpose of life as grounded in God's love for us and our response as disciples of Jesus;
5. the Church as the communion of disciples that makes present to the world the mystery of Jesus and, through its sacramental life, makes us part of that mystery;
6. the presence of God in our daily life, in the Eucharist, in the Sacred Scriptures and in the living tradition of the Church;
7. the cross of Jesus in the struggles and hardships of life and approaches them as Jesus did his cross, with trust and confidence in God;
8. each human being as a unique person created in the image of God, having an inalienable dignity that is always to be respected;
9. an imperative to proclaim to others the love we receive from Jesus, by loving them as Jesus loves us;
10. an obligation to work to create social conditions in which the unique dignity of each person is respected and all human rights protected. EMPLOYMENT COLLECTION NOTICE
1. In applying for this position you will be providing the CSO and the school you have applied for with personal information.
2. If you provide us with personal information, for example, your name and address or information contained on your resume, we will collect the information in order to assess your application for employment. We may keep this information on file if your application is unsuccessful in case another position becomes available.
3. The Diocesan School System’s (DSS) Privacy Policy, accessible on the CSO’s website, contains details of how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how you may seek access to and correction of your personal information which the school or CSO has collected and holds. However, access may be refused in certain circumstances such as where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others. Any refusal will be notified in writing with reasons if appropriate.
4. We will not disclose this information to a third party without your consent unless otherwise permitted to. We usually disclose this kind of information to the Catholic Education Commission NSW and the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations.
5. We are required to collect information regarding whether you are or have been the subject of an Apprehended Violence Order and certain criminal offences under Child Protection laws. We may also collect personal information about you in accordance with these laws.
6. The school or CSO may use online or ‘cloud’ service providers to store personal information and to provide services to the school that involve the use of personal information, such as services relating to email, instant messaging and education and assessment applications. Some limited personal information may also be provided to these service providers to enable them to authenticate users that access their services. This personal information may reside on a cloud service provider’s servers which may be situated outside Australia. Further information about the school’s or CSO’s use of on online or ‘cloud’ service providers is contained in the DSS Privacy Policy.
7. If you provide us with the personal information of others, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to us and why.
You can obtain further information about privacy from:
the School Principal
The Privacy Officer Catholic Schools Office P O Box 967 Pennant Hill 1715