Tavares Middle School
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Umatilla Middle School
Teacher: Mr. Rednour Email: [email protected] 7th grade Math
Course content:
First Quarter (August 18 thru October 17): Solving Equations & Inequalities, Probability, Sampling & Comparing Populations, Patterns of Association with Bivariate Data Second Quarter (October 21 thru January 15): Geometric Constructions, Pythagorean Theorem, Geometric Relationships, 2-D Figures, 3-D Figures, Transformations, Congruence & Similarity Third Quarter (January 20 thru March 26): Exponents & Scientific Notation, Rational & Irrational Numbers, Functions, Introduction to Linearity Fourth Quarter: (April 06 thru June 04): Non-Linear Functions, Solving Linear Equations, Systems of Linear Equations, Real World Problem Solving with Expressions and Equations
Guidelines for Success: ATTEND CLASS – each day we learn important things Treat the classroom, everyone and everything in it, and yourself with RESPECT ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY-participate actively in your education, family, and culture COOPERATE-help out, compromise, follow directions, be willing to work with any other student Keep up with your grades and homework. Your grades will be posted online through skyward and periodically posted in class through your student ID number.
Classroom Rules: Actively participate in all class activities. Have all supplies everyday. Follow directions immediately. Remain in your assigned seat (with your back against the chair‘s back and your feet on the floor) unless you have permission to get up. Attend to personal needs before coming to class. G-U-M spells gum (as well as candy in my class) Three times results in a take home detention
Activities: Bell Ringer—a quick math question to answer when first entering in class. Class Work—Activities to learn and practice math strategies every day. Speed Tests-Multiplication and Addition Group Activities Journal/Blog Entries Centers 1 Grades: Grading Scale: A =90-100% B =80=89% C =70-79% D =60-69% F =Less than 60%
Classroom Procedures: Entering the classroom: 11. Be in seats before tardy bell rings. (Strictly enforced) 22. Check for your materials. 33. Sit in your assigned seat. 44. Sharpen pencil(s) if needed. 55. Quietly work on Bell Ringer until I signal for your attention.
Tardy to class: 11st: Warning 22nd: Take home detention with parent contact 33rd: 30 min detention with parent contact 44th: Referral 5
How to find out what the daily assignments are: Look on the white board. Every day the assignments will be listed there. You can also check my webpage for weekly assignments that will be due.
Turning in Assignments: Write your name, class period, and date on every assignment. If it’s late or you are turning the assignment in from an absence, please write “late” or “absent” depending on the situation for a 10% deduction. When the teacher signals that it is time to turn in your assignments pass it down as instructed. All assignments are stapled together so we know I didn’t lose it.
Finding out Grade Status: It‘s important to keep track of your grades. You will be able to see what grade you are currently earning each Monday, you‘ll also be able to see any assignments you are missing. You‘ll also be able to plan how you can improve your grade. Also don’t forget you can log into skyward with your computer log in information to check your grades online at any time.
Late, missing, or incomplete assignments: Generally, I feel it is always better to turn in something instead of nothing. If you have an excused absence, you have up to 5 days to finish your work for full credit. I do accept late work, taking 10% off of the earned grade for each day it is pass late. Each Monday when you receive your grades, you will be able to see if you have any missing assignments (sometimes I highlight these so they stand out). If you have a unique situation, like a long illness, you need to schedule a time to meet with me to make up your work.
Communication Procedures with parents and families: Students, it is often important for me to contact your family in order to find ways to help you be more successful in this class. Missing assignments (more than 2), absences, and sleeping in class are some of the reasons I might find it necessary to call home. Families, I am always available to answer questions, concerns, or just talk with you about how your student is progressing. Here‘s how to contact me: Email: [email protected]
Ending class I dismiss class. The bell is a signal to me that it is time to finish class. When the class is quiet and ready to go, I will dismiss a small group of students at a time.
Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations: If you break a rule, you may be assigned a consequence. Depending on the frequency and severity of the misbehavior, you may receive one or more of the following consequences:
1. Verbal warning 2. Time owed 3. Take Home detention 4. After school detention 5. Lunch detention 6. Family contact 7. Office referral
Bathroom passes: Students receive two free bathroom passes each quarter. Once those passes are used they may then trade a pass for a ten minute detention. This can be during there lunch or after school.
Consequences for Code of Conduct Violations: If a student breaks a rule that is covered by the Code of Conduct in your student handbook (fighting, possession of illegal substances, gang related activity, abuse, etc.), I must refer the situation to the office for the administrator to make decisions on parental contacts, police involvement, and other matters. This is part of my job, and not my decision. If you violate a Code of Conduct rule, it will be handled out of class.
I have read and I understand the course expectations for Mr. Rednour’s class.
Student (print):______
Student (sign):______
Parent / Guardian (sign):______
Date: ______