Town of West Point s3
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Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statues 19.84 the Plan Commission of the Town of West Point held their semi-monthly meeting on Thursday, September 4, 2008 at the West Point Town Hall, N2114 Rausch Road, Lodi, Wisconsin. The meeting was posted in three places as required by law and on the web. Kevin Kessler called the meeting to order at 7: 40 p.m. Members present were: Kevin Kessler, Fred Madison, Sheila Landsverk, Nathan Sawyer (7:41), Ron Schoepp, Wayne Houston and Gordon Carncross (town board representative). Also present were Mary Ann Johnson, Secretary of the Plan Commission, Dean Schwarz, Town Chairman, Attorney Brian Kleinmeier, Town Attorney Jeff Clark and John McKenna, representative of MEI (Town Engineer).
Agenda #1 Walking tour of Charles and Kim Brown property W11895 Reynolds Road– A walking tour of the Charles and Kim Brown property was held at 7:00 p.m. Those present were: John McKenna (MEI); Kevin Kessler and Sheila Landsverk (Plan Commission); and Charlie Brown (owner).
Agenda #3 Approve minutes – August 21, 2008. The minutes had been emailed to the Plan Commission members prior to the meeting for their review. A motion was made by Sheila Landsverk to approve the minutes of August 21, 2008, 2nd by Ron Schoepp – motion carried with a correction
Agenda #4 – Correspondence - Kevin Kessler had received a copy of a letter sent to Chairman Dean Schwarz from John Bluemke, Director of Columbia County Planning and Zoning regarding updates to be made in planning and zoning procedures.
Agenda # 5 – Citizen Input – None
Agenda #6 - 2 lot CSM for Steve Jackson on N1545 Chrisler Road – Plan Commission reviewed items still needed for this project – including a letter from the DNR regarding an Endangered Resources Review to satisfy requirement 1.e in the Initial Application Checklist. The Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions draft document has been revised and updated by Attorney Bryan Kleinmeier whom is more familiar with the new land division ordinance. Because of the building envelope on the western lot will be within the 100' if the 15% slope, and to protect the agricultural lands from development, this request will also need a variance to the 100' setback in the town ordinance. The variance is given in accordance with Section 6.16 B of the Land Division Ordinance. A motion was made by Sheila Landsverk to recommend to the Town Board approval of the 2 lot CSM contingent on the Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions as prepared by Attorney Bryan Kleinmeier being signed with no substantial revisions, and with a September 4, 2008 Page 1 of 4 fore-mentioned variance, 2nd by Fred Madison – 6 yes – 1 no (Gordon Carncross) motion carried. Gordon Carncross stated it may be the best West Point can get but he felt the discussion was focused wrongly on how many houses could be built and not on the productivity of the land.
Agenda #7 –Initial Application for Lysenko Family at W12849 Juniper Drive -Rod Lysenko and his sister Celia are the personal representatives and provided a completed Initial Application which included – detailed site maps and proof of ownership. The Lysenko's requested a variance to the requirement for a building envelope designation on the new lot, as per Section 6.16B of the Land Division Ordinance since their preference is to keep the second lot in agriculture and not act on the building right for many years to come, if ever. The is considering completing a siting ordinance soon, which would satisfy the public interest regarding the future building site. A motion was made by Sheila Landsverk that the Plan Commission considered Lysenko's Initial Application complete, including a variance for siting the building envelope based on compliance with Section 6.16 B of the Land Division Ordinance and they should move ahead with the Certified Survey Map and return to the Plan Commission when it is completed, 2nd by Gordon Carncross – motion carried. It was explained that there would need to be a Public Hearing as part of the CSM approval process.
Agenda #8 – Initial Conference/Application Checklist for Charles and Kim Brown at W11895 Reynolds Road – Chairman Kevin Kessler and Sheila Landsverk overviewed for the Plan Commission the site visit. Charlie Brown would like to divide his 35 ace agricultural parcel, separate approximately 4 acres which the home is on and have the rest of the land deed restricted to agriculture. There will be no new building rights created. At the county level, this will mean re-zoning the parcel with the home to rural residential, and the agricultural land to an Ag overlay. This land division is requested for a divorce, and an adjoining agricultural land owner is interested in the agriculture land, not the house. The Plan Commission reviewed the Initial Application Checklist. Item 1-6 were deemed not applicable since there is no new home involved. A motion was made by Sheila Landsverk to have Charlie Brown return to the Plan Commission at a later date with the following items to complete his Initial Application: Evidence of ownership, the existing CSM, and the air photo of the property, 2nd by Wayne Houston – motion carried.
Agenda #9 – Initial Conference/Application Checklist for Bruce Richmond at W1307 State Highway 188. – This is the Initial Conference for Bruce Richmond. Bruce Richmond has just under 41 acres of residentially zoned land with one home on it and he is looking at making two lots, the western proposed lot with his home on it to be 18.74 acres and the eastern proposed lot to be 21.99 acres. He is not considering dividing the lot that his home is on further – but the approximate 22 acre lot will be sold for development. Discussion ensued on September 4, 2008 Page 2 of 4 whether or not Bruce Richmond should designate on building envelope on this new lot or if the Plan Commission should consider it could potentially have ten new homes since it residentially zoned. Attorney Bryan Kleinmeier voiced the opinion that it would be in the best interest of the town to defer discussion on ten potential homes to a time when some new owner requests it. The Plan Commission will defer requiring a building envelope on this new lot since they are working on a new siting ordinance that would come into play should a new owner opt for just one new home on the 21.99 acre site. Bruce Richmond will return to the Plan Commission with evidence of ownership/title commitment and that should complete his initial application. Whether or not a new Public Hearing is required for the CSM for the land division is a the town discretion, since the Plan Commission held a Public Hearing for a 3 lot CSM for Bruce, Doug and Sharon Richmond on June 5, 2008.
Agenda #10 – Combining 2 lots for Sean & Carla Cleary (W12660 Pleasant View Park Road and W12654 Pleasant View Park Road)– Tax Parcels #771.A1 and #711 which are sub standard lots into 1 lot and a variance is needed for side lot and front lot setback to build a home and remove current home. Jim Grothman and Dan Heffron, Jr. were present to represent Sean and Carla Cleary, whom own the property through SMC Investments. Sean and Carla Cleary wants to join the two lots which he owns, tear down the existing home on the one lot, and build a new 6,000 sq. ft. plus home. The building envelope of the new home is proposed on the top of an existing stormwater pipe and easement which were installed in the med 1990's. A draft map from Jim Grothman indicated anew stormwater pipe that would detour around the house, with many sharp angles and manholes on top of the juncture. The Plan Commission and Town Engineer John McKenna indicated that they has misgivings with the viability and maintenance of this proposed re- routing of the stormwater pipe, and we should look at re-routing in the town owned land. The Town Engineer John McKenna voiced concern with elevation benchmarks. Other concerns are: erosion control during construction and a long term plan for the existing boathouse which is improperly sited. The requirement for variances is hardship. The Town Engineer John McKenna will review and get back to the Plan Commission.
Agenda #11 - Discussion of the Chapter 6 of Land Division and Subdivision Ordinance - Tabled
Agenda #12 – Town Board Report - Gordon Carncross gave a report of the Town Board Meeting, of August 14, 2008.
Agenda #13 LESA Committee Report Fred Madison gave a report of the LESA Committee of the August 25, 2008. The next meeting is scheduled for October 6, 2008.
September 4, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Agenda #14 Next Meeting Agenda – Thursday, September 18, 2008 is the next meeting and on the agenda is: Chapter 6 of Land Division and Subdivision Ordinance, Proposed Siting Ordinance, Length of Driveway, 100 foot from slope, and Town Board Report.
Agenda #15 Adjourn Meeting - A motion was made by Fred Madison to adjourn the meeting at 10:37 PM, 2nd by Wayne Houston- motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Mary Ann Johnson, Plan Commission Secretary
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