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Distr. Governing Council GENERAL of the United Nations Human HSP/GC/19/INF/11/Rev.1 UN-HABITAT Settlements Programme 13 June 2003
Nineteenth session Nairobi, 5 - 9 May 2003
MEMBERS ALGERIA Mr. Mihoubi Abdelhakim H.E. Boulares Ali First Secretary Deputy Minister of Housing and Town Permanent Mission of Algeria Planning to UN-HABITAT c/o Permanent Mission of Algeria to P.O. Box 64140 UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O. Box 64140 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 310 403/310 440 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 310 450 Tel: (+254 20) 310 403/310 440 Fax: (+254 20) 310 450 Email: [email protected] ARGENTINA H.E. Mr. Mohammed Haceine Echarif H.E. Mr. José Luis Casal Permanent Representative Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Algeria Permanent Mission of Argentina to UN-HABITAT to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 64140 P.O. Box 30283 Nairobi Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 310 403/310 440 Tel: (+254 20) 335 242 Fax: (+254 20) 310 450 Fax: (+254 20) 217 693 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Claudio P. Di Gregorio Mr. Sidali Keirandji Permanent Mission of Argentina Chairman of the 18th Session of the to UN-HABITAT Governing Council P.O. Box 30283 c/o Permanent Mission of Algeria Nairobi to UN-HABITAT Kenya P.O. Box 64140 Tel: (+254 20) 335 242 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 217 693 Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 310 403/310 440 Fax: (+254 20) 310 450 AUSTRIA H.E. Mr. Klaus Derkowitsch Mr. Bounafaa Lazhar Permanent Representative Director of ADL Permanent Mission of Austria Ministry of Housing and Town Planning to UN-HABITAT Algeria City House, 2nd Floor Wabera Street P.O. Box 30560 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 319 076 Fax: (+254 20) 342 290 Email: [email protected] 3
Mrs. Ariane Müller Mr. Abul Quasem Chowdhury Best Practices Hub Vienna Chief Engineer Viktorgasse 22 Public Works Department Wien 1040 Ministry of Housing and Public Works Austria Dhaka Tel: (+43 1) 505 5311 Bangladesh Fax: (+43 1) 505 3114 Tel: (+880 2) 881 4716/882 7448/956 2795 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+880 2) 716 7125 Email: [email protected] Mr. Karl Ernst Permanent Mission of Austria Prof. (Rtd.) Golam Rahman to UN-HABITAT Department of Urban and City House, 2nd Floor Regional Planning Wabera Street University of Engineering and Technology P.O. Box 30560 Dhaka 00100 Nairobi Bangladesh Kenya Tel: (+880 2) 812 8535 Tel: (+254 20) 319 076 Fax: (+880 2) 812 2010 Fax: (+254 20) 342 290 Email: [email protected] Dr. A. K. M. Ferdous Chowdhury Deputy Secretary (DEV.) Mrs. Gabriele Langschwert Ministry of Housing and Public Works Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Dhaka Forestry, Environment Water Bangladesh Management Tel: (+880 2) 716 4112/9332 499 Stubenbastei 5 Fax: (+880 2) 716 7125 1010 Viena Austria Tel: (+43 1) 515 221 208 Mr. Syed H. Loton Fax: (+43 1) 515 227 208 Secretary General Email: Radol (Non-Governmental Organization) [email protected] Dhaka Bangladesh Tel: (+880 2) 911 2871/912 8535 Fax: (+880 2) 812 2010 BANGLADESH Mr. MD Aminur Rahman Mr. Shah Ahmed Shafi Secretary Acting Permanent Representative Ministry of Housing and Public Works Permanent Mission of Bangladesh Dhaka to UN-HABITAT Bangladesh P.O. Box 41645 Tel: (+880 2) 716 0465 Nairobi Fax: (+880 2) 716 7125 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 570 701 Fax: (+254 20) 574 4133 Email: [email protected] 4 Email: [email protected]
BELGIUM H.E. Mr. Frédéric Renard Permanent Mission of Belgium to UN-HABITAT Mr. Hedwig Vanwalleghem P.O. Box 30461 Architect - Researcher 00100 Nairobi Vrye Universiteit Brussel Kenya c/o P.O. Box 30461 Tel: (+254 20) 522 011 00100 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 522 011 Email: Mrs. Roxane de Bilderling [email protected] Permanent Mission of Belgium to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 30461 00100 Nairobi Kenya BENIN Tel: (+254 20) 522 011 Mr. Aurélien Atidegla Email: [email protected] Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour la Promotion de l'Agriculture et du Developpement (GRAPAD) Prof. Dr. Henricus (Han) Verschure 04 BP 1119 Post Graduate Centre Human Cotonou Settlements Benin Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Tel: (+229) 324 883/Mobile: (+229 ) 955 478 Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 Fax: (+229) 380 172 B-3001 Heverlee Email: [email protected] Belgium Tel: (+32) 1632 1371 Fax: (+32) 1632 1984 M. André K. Deguenon Email: Directeur Adjoint de Cabinet/MEHU [email protected] BP 3621 Cotonou Benin Mr. B. Crabbé Tel: (+229) 315 596 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fax: (+229) 315 081 c/o P.O. Box 30461 00100 Nairobi Kenya M. Hippolyte Kpedotossi Tel: (+254 20) 522 011 Chef du service Architecture et Email: [email protected] Logement/DHC/MEHU BP 3621 Mr. Kris Panneels Cotonou Ministry of Foreign Affairs Benin c/o P.O. Box 30461 Tel: (+229) 315 596/963 007 00100 Nairobi Fax: (+229) 315 081 Kenya Email: [email protected] and Tel: (+254 20) 522 011 [email protected] 5
BRAZIL Dr. Erminia Maricato Executive Secretary Mr. José Joao de Magalhaes Braga Jr. Ministry of Cities Secretary of Planning Brasilia Planning Department Brazil Teresina to Future of Cities 64000 Teresina Brazil H.E. Mr. Joaquim A. Whitaker Salles Tel: (+86) 9989 9060 Permanent Representative Fax: (+86) 215 7522 Permanent Mission of Brazil Email: [email protected] to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 30754 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 376 5634 BURKINA FASO Fax: (+254 20) 376 6442 M. Oumar Ouedraogo Email: [email protected] Conseiller Technique du Ministre des Infrastructures, des Transports et de Mr. Wagner Siqueira l'Habitat Municipal Secretary for BP 18 Social Development Ouagadougou 01 City of Rio de Janeiro Burkina Faso Rio de Janeiro Tel: (+226) 258 930 Brazil Fax: (+226) 318 408 Tel: (+552 1) 2503 2358 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+552 1) 2273 6645 M. Léonard Simpore Mrs. Maria L. Wendel de Cerqueira Leite Premier Conseiller pres l'Ambassade du Special Advisor for Urban Celles to the Burkina Faso à Addis Ababa Mayor of Rio de Janeiro P.O. Box 19685 Brazil Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: (+251 1) 615 863 Mr. Kleber M. Fagundes dos Santos Email: [email protected] Secretary of Education Education Department Teresina to Future of Cities M. Oumarou Pare 64000 Teresina Directeur Général de l'Urbanisme et de Brazil l'Habitat Tel: (+86) 9986 5814 Ministère des Infrastructures, des Email: [email protected] Transports et de l'Habitat BP 18 Ouagadougou 01 6 Burkina Faso Mme. Chantal Baringuvu Tel: (+226) 342 992 Directeur Général de l'ECOSAT Fax: (+226) 340 529 Ministère des Travaux Publics et de Email: [email protected] l'Equipement BP 297 Bujumbura Burundi Tel: (+257) 222 664 Fax: (+257) 222 827 Email: [email protected]
Mde. Basilisa Sanou Directrice de l'Habitat Direction Général de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat M. Arthémon Muhitira Ministère des Infrastructures, des Directeur Général de la Société Transports et de l'Habitat Immobilière Publique (SIP/SM) BP 18 Ministère des Travaux Publics et de Ouagadougou 01 l'Equipement Burkina Faso BP 1860 Tel: (+226) 342 475 Bujumbura Fax: (+226) 340 529 Burundi Email: [email protected] Tel: (+257) 226 277 Fax: (+257) 220 737
M. Benoit Ntahomvukiye BURUNDI Directeur de la Gestion au Fonds de S.E.M. Balthazar Bigirimana Promotion de l'Habitat Urbain (FPHU) Ministre Ministère des Travaux Publics et de Ministère des Travaux Publics et de l'Equipement l'Equipement BP 1996 BP 1860 Bujumbura Bujumbura Burundi Burundi Tel: (+257) 224 986 Tel: (+257) 227 772/226 841 Fax: (+257) 223 225 Fax: (+257) 226 840 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
M. Francois Muhirwe CHILE Conseiller Technique Ministère des Travaux Publics et de H.E. Mr. Benjamin Concha l'Equipement Permanent Representative BP 1860 Permanent Mission of Chile Bujumbura to UN-HABITAT Burundi Nairobi Tel: (+257) 213 569 Kenya Fax: (+257) 226 840 Tel: (+254 20) 577 390/577 658 Email: [email protected] or Fax: (+254 20) 4349 707 [email protected] Email: [email protected] 7 Mr. Andres Barbe Email: [email protected] or Permanent Mission of Chile [email protected] to UN-HABITAT Nairobi Kenya Mr. Jorge Suarez-Velandia Tel: (+254 20) 577 390/577 658 International Affairs Fax: (+254 20) 4349 707 Ministry of Environment, Housing and Email: [email protected] Territorial Development Bogota Colombia Tel: (+571) 332 3400 Ex. 124/232 3733 Fax: (+571) 288 7567 Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
CHINA H.E. Mr. Guo Congli Permanent Representative CZECH REPUBLIC Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to UN-HABITAT Mr. Petr Kvacek P.O. Box 30508 Acting Permanent Representative Nairobi Permanent Mission of the Kenya Czech Republic to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+254 20) 272 2559 P. O. Box 48785 Fax: (+254 20) 520 927 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 273 1010 Fax: (+254 20) 273 1012 Mr. Yang Rong Deputy Representative Permanent Mission of the People's Mr. Jiri Skuhra Republic of China to UN-HABITAT Senior Advisor P.O. Box 42187 Ministry for Regional Development, Nairobi Housing Policy Department Kenya Staromestske nam. 6 Tel: (+254 20) 520 994 110 15 Praha 1 Fax: (+254 20) 520 927 Czech Republic Email: [email protected] Tel: (+420) 224 861 380 Fax: (+420) 224 861 176 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Carlos Gamba DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE Permanent Mission of Colombia to CONGO UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 48494 S.E.M. Kimbembe Mazunga Nairobi Ministre Kenya Ministère des Travaux Publics, Tel: (+254 20) 246 770/246 771-3 Aménagement du Territoire, Urbanisme Fax: (+254 20) 246 772 et Habitat 8 P.O. Box 15938 Kenya Kinshasa 1 Tel: (254 20) 570 360/570 278/298 Democratic Republic of the Congo Fax: (254 20) 570 383 Tel: (+243 81) 504 9926 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Dr. Mahmoud Sherif H.E. Mr. Tadumi On'okoko Chairman Permanent Representative Committee on Local Government Permanent Mission of the Democratic Cairo Republic of the Congo to UN-HABITAT Egypt P.O. Box 48106 Tel: (+20 2) 365 3737 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 229 771/2 Fax: (+254 20) 334 539
Mr. Ituneme Molenge Lisasi Conseiller Technique, Urbanisme Mr. Eassam Rashad et Habitat First Under-Secretary for Housing and Ministère des Travaux Publics, Utilities Aménagement du Territoire Department of Housing Sector Urbanisme et Habitat Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Democratic Republic of the Congo Communities Tel: (+241) 81 333 0673 Cairo Email: [email protected] Egypt Tel: (+20 2) 792 1540/1 Mr. Michael Bizimungu Mubare Fax: (+20 2) 792 1539 Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Democratic Dr. Fatima Saad El Din El Shahed Republic of the Congo to UN-HABITAT Department Manager-National Urban P.O. Box 48106 Observatory (Coordination) Nairobi General Organization for Kenya Physical Planning Tel: (+254 20) 229 771/2 Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Fax: (+254 20) 334 539 Communities Cairo Egypt Tel: (+20 2) 792 1520/21 EGYPT Fax: (+20 2) 792 1512 H.E. Ms. Nermeen Wafik Email: [email protected] Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Egypt Mr. Tamer El Mawaziny to UN-HABITAT First Secretary P.O. Box 30285 Department of Environment Nairobi 9 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Adem Bedru Cairo Parliamentarian Egypt Standing Committee of Infrastructure and Habitat Sub Committee Member House of Peoples Representatives Mr. Hassan Shawky P.O. Box 80001 Deputy Permanent Representative Addis Ababa Permanent Mission of Egypt Ethiopia, Federal Dem. Republic of to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+251 1) 555 121 P.O. Box 30285 Fax: (+251 1) 550 900 Egypt Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 570 360/278 298 Fax: (+254 20) 570 383 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mengistu Ayalew Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 45198 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 273 2050-3 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Mohamed Orabi Attache Mr. Abuye Aneley Alemu Permanent Mission of Egypt Advisor to the State Minister of Urban to UN-HABITAT Development P.O. Box 30285 Ministry of Federal Affairs Egypt P.O. Box 5608 Tel: (+254 20) 570 360/278 298 Addis Ababa Fax: (+254 20) 570 383 Ethiopia, Federal Dem. Republic of Email: [email protected] Tel: (+251 1) 150 062
FRANCE ETHIOPIA, FEDERAL DEM. REPUBLIC OF H.E. Mr. Pierre Jacquemot Permanent Representative Mr. Alka Namssi Permanent Mission of France Parliamentarian to UN-HABITAT Standing Committee Foreign Affairs and P.O. Box 41784 GPO Defence 00100 Nairobi House of Peoples Representatives Kenya P.O. Box 80001 Tel: (+254 20) 339 783-84 Addis Ababa Fax: (+254 20) 217 013 Ethiopia, Federal Dem. Republic of Email: [email protected] Tel: (+251 1) 555 129 Fax: (+251 1) 550 900 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Aurélie Royet-Gounin 10 Adviser Zusammenarbeit mbH GTZ Permanent Mission of France P.O. Box 5180 to UN-HABITAT Eschborn 65726 P.O. Box 41784 GPO Germany 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+49 6196) 791 660 Kenya Fax: (+49 6196) 796 104 Tel: (+254 20) 339 783-84 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 217 013 Email: [email protected] Mr. Bruno Brommer Permanent Mission of Germany Mr. Vincent Chasteloux to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of France P.O. Box 30180 to UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O. Box 41784 GPO Kenya 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 2712 2527 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 2714 886 Tel: (+254 20) 339 783-84 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 217 013 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Jean-Marie Tetart Ministry of Transport and Housing Paris GREECE France H.E. Mr. Ioannis Korinthios Tel: (+33 1) 3046 8130/33 6 0762 2062 Permanent Representative Email: [email protected] Permanent Mission of Greece to UN-HABITAT Mrs. Marie-christine Soulie P.O. Box 30543 Ministry of Transport and Housing Nairobi Paris Kenya France Tel: (+254 20) 340 722/340 744 Tel: (+33 1) 4081 2764 Fax: (+254 20) 216 044 Email: marie- Email: [email protected] [email protected] Mr. P. Psomopoulos Chairman Athens Centre of Ekistics 24 Strat. Syndesmon Athens 10673 GERMANY Greece Dr. Gerd Juntermanns Email: [email protected] Senior Advisor Gesellschaft für Technische 11 Ms. Panagiota Kaperoni-Blessiou Ms. Argyro Dimoudi City Planner Civil Energy Engineer Housing Policy Section Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning Planning and Public Works and Public Works 36 Trikalon and Mesogion Av. 36 Trikalon and Mesogion Av Athens 11526 Athens 11526 Greece Greece Fax: (+30 210) 646 8338 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. Dimitrios Emmanouil Ms. Magdalini Topouzidou City Planner Civil Engineer Research Section Department for International Relations Depos SA (Greek Public Corporation for and European Union Affairs Urban Development and Housing) Ministry of the Environment, Spatial 10-12 Dorylaiou Str. Planning and Public Works Athens 11521 Amaliados 15 Greece Athens 11523 Email: [email protected] and Greece depos1dotenet.gr Tel: (+30 210) 646 6531 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Stavros Velidis Urban Geographer Ms. Chryssi Papadeli Research Section Architect Depos SA (Greek Public Corporation for Hellenic Presidency Bureau Urban Development and Housing) Ministry of the Environment, Spatial 10-12 Dorylaiou Str. Planning and Public Works Athens 11521 11-13 Timoleontos Vassou Str. Greece Athens 11521 Email: [email protected] Greece Tel: (+30 210) 646 9946 Ms. Athena Baibas Fax: (+30 210) 646 8338 Architect/Planner Email: [email protected] Planning Department Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Mr. Athanasios Panagiotopoulos Planning and Public Works Chief of Consular Office/Head of 17 Amaliados Administration Athens 11523 Permanent Mission of Greece Greece to UN-HABITAT Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 30543 12 Nairobi Ministry of Urban Development Kenya and Poverty Alleviation Tel: (+254 20) 340 722/340 744 Nirman Bhavan Fax: (+254 20) 216 044 New Delhi 110003 India Tel: (+91 11) 2301 7479 Mr. Fotios Yiannopoulos Email: [email protected] Consular Attaché Permanent Mission of Greece to UN-HABITAT Hon. Mr. L.M. Mehta P.O. Box 30543 Assistant Minister Nairobi Ministry of Urban Development Kenya and Poverty Alleviation Tel: (+254 20) 340 722/340 744 Nirman Bhavan Fax: (+254 20) 216 044 New Delhi 110003 India Tel: (+91 11) 2301 7479 Ms. Eleni Iliopoulou Email: [email protected] Architect Planner Organisation of Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens Mr. L.D. Ralte Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning Deputy Permanent Representative and Public Works Permanent Mission of India 2 Panormou to UN-HABITAT Athens 11523 P.O. Box 30074 Greece Nairobi Email: [email protected] India Tel: (+254 20) 223 184 Fax: (+254 20) 316 242 Email: [email protected]
HAITI Mr. Paul Duret Mr. M.C. Mehanathan Ministère de la Planification et de la Personal Secretary to the Minister Cooperation Extérieure of State Palais des Ministères Champs de Mars Ministry of Urban Development Port-au-Prince and Poverty Alleviation Haiti Nirman Bhawan Tel: (+509) 228 2512/223 0114 New Delhi 110003 Fax: (+509) 223 4222 India Email: pl [email protected] or Tel: (+91 11) 2301 7479 [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. K.R. Alva INDIA Executive Director HUDCO Hon. Mr. Pon Radhakrishnan Manipal Centre, North Block 71 Minister of State Unit 7034704 13 No. 47 Dickenson Road to UN-HABITAT Bangalore 560042 P.O. Box 48868 India Nairobi Tel: (+91 80) 558 2602 Kenya Email: [email protected] or Tel: (+254 20) 271 4196 [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 271 3475 Email: [email protected]
Mr. K.K. Pandey Human Settlements Management Institute Mr. S. Sayoga Kadarisman India Habitat Centre First Secretary Lodhi Road Permanent Mission of Indonesia New Delhi 110003 to UN-HABITAT India P.O. Box 48868 Tel: (+91 11) 2436 0330 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 4196 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3475 Mr. S.D.K. Menon Email: [email protected] Permanent Mission of India to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 30074 Mr. Oswar Mungkasa Nairobi National Development Planning Agency Kenya Taman Suropati no. 2 Tel: (+254 20) 222 567 Jakarta 10310 Fax: (+254 20) 316 242 Indonesia Email: [email protected] Tel: (+62 21) 334 819 Fax: (+62 21) 334 4819
INDONESIA Mr. Aca Sugandi Apandi Mr. Tri Tharyat Director General of Housing Official and Settlement Department of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Settlement and Regional Republic of Indonesia Infrastructure Jakarta Patimura No. 20, Kebayoran Baru Indonesia Jakarta 12110 Tel: (+62 21) 384 8626 Indonesia Fax: (+62 21) 385 7315 Tel: (+62 21) 7279 6115 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+62 21) 723 2373 Email: [email protected] Mr. Zaenur Rofid Second Secretary Mr. Kemal Haripurwanto Permanent Mission of Indonesia Charge d'Affaires a.i. to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of Indonesia P.O. Box 48868 14 Nairobi Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 4196 Tel: (+254 20) 271 4196 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3475 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3475 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. Yasmi Adriansyah Mr. Busera Blasio O. Third Secretary Permanent Mission of Indonesia Permanent Mission of Indonesia to UN-HABITAT to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 48868 P.O. Box 48868 Nairobi Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 4196-98 Tel: (+254 20) 271 4196 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3475 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3475 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Ms. Ann Mwangi Mr. Novrizal Gani Permanent Mission of Indonesia Third Secretary to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of Indonesia to P.O. Box 48868 UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O. Box 48868 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 271 4196 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 271 3475 Tel: (+254 20) 271 4196 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 271 3475 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Stefano Indra Bramono IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) Indonesian Real Estate Association Mr. Alireza Esmaeilzadeh gd. Pusat Desain Jakarta GF. Ob Deputy Permanent Representative Gatot Subroto Kav. 53, Slipi Permanent Mission of Islamic Republic of Jakarta 10260 Iran to UN-HABITAT Indonesia P.O. Box 49170 Tel: (+62 21) 549 5190 Nairobi Fax: (+62 21) 549 5185 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 271 1257/0722 239 111 Fax: (+254 20) 272 8686/271 9696 Email: [email protected] Mr. Syamsuar Effendy Permanent Mission of Indonesia to UN-HABITAT Mr. Sharareh Amani P.O. Box 48868 Director General 15 Economic and Planning Office Permanent Representative Ministry of Housing Permanent Mission of Islamic Republic of Tehran Iran to UN-HABITAT Iran (Islamic Republic of) P.O. Box 49170 Tel: (+98 21) 321 2671 Nairobi Fax: (+98 21) 670 4176 Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 1257/0722 239 111 Fax: (+254 20) 272 8686/271 9696 Mr. Mohammad Motamedi Email: [email protected] Engineering Office of National Organization for Housing and Land Ministry of Housing Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) IRAQ Tel: (+98 21) 321 2671 Mr. Abdulsattar Y. Ismael Fax: (+98 21) 670 4176 Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Iraq to UN-HABITAT Mr. Keramat Nargesnedhad P.O. Box 49213 Head Nairobi Lorestan Province Department Kenya Ministry of Housing Tel: (+254 20) 581 143 Tehran Fax: (+254 20) 580 267 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: (+98 21) 321 2671 Fax: (+98 21) 670 4176 Dr. Abbas K.O. Abbas Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Iraq Mr. Seyyed Abdorrasool Poosti to UN-HABITAT Director General for City Development P.O. Box 49213 City Development and Districts Plans Nairobi Lorestan Province Department Kenya Ministry of Housing Tel: (+254 20) 581 143 Tehran Fax: (+254 20) 580 267 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: (+98 21) 321 2675 Fax: (+98 21) 670 4176
Mr. Ali Bagheri Expert of Ministry of Foreign Affairs ITALY City Development and Districts Plans Division for International Economic H.E. Mr. Carlo Calia Affairs Permanent Representative Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Mission of Italy Tehran to UN-HABITAT Iran (Islamic Republic of) P.O. Box 30107 Tel: (+98 21) 321 2671 Nairobi Fax: (+98 21) 670 4176 Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 337 356/337 016-17 Fax: (+254 20) 337 056 H.E. Mr. Seyed Ahmad Serajzadeh 16 Mrs. Marjlina Armellin Email: [email protected] First Secretary Permanent Mission of Italy to UN-HABITAT Mr. Kiyoshi Watariguchi P.O. Box 30107 Director Nairobi Coordination Division, National and Kenya Regional Planning Bureau Tel: (+254 20) 337 356/337 016/17 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Fax: (+254 20) 337 056 Transport Email: [email protected] 2-1-3 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100 8918 Miss Anna Costantini Japan Permanent Mission of Italy Tel: (+81 3) 5253 8352 to UN-HABITAT Fax: (+81 3) 5253 1709 P.O. Box 30107 Email: [email protected] Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 337 356/337 016-17 Mr. Shoji Sato Fax: (+254 20) 337 056 Senior Assistant, United Nations Administration Division Multilateral Cooperation Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs JAPAN Shiba-koen 2-11-1 Tokyo 105 8519 H.E. Mr. Makoto Asami Japan Permanent Representative Tel: (+81 3) 6402 2565 Permanent Mission of Japan Fax: (+81 3) 6402 2561 to UN-HABITAT Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 60202 00200 Nairobi Kenya Mr. Atsuhiro Yoshinaka Tel: (+254 20) 332 955 Deputy Permanent Representative Fax: (+254 20) 216 530 Permanent Mission of Japan Email: [email protected] to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 60202 00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 332 955 Fax: (+254 20) 216 530 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Takuji Hanatani Mr. Natsuo Ito Deputy Permanent Representative Deputy Director Permanent Mission of Japan National Planning Division, National and to UN-HABITAT Regional Planning Bureau P.O. Box 60202 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and 00200 Nairobi Transport Kenya 2-1-3 Kasumigaseki Tel: (+254 20) 332 955 Chiyoda-ku Fax: (+254 20) 216 530 17 Tokyo 100 8918 Kenya Japan Tel: (+254 20) 211 338 Tel: (+81 3) 5253 8356 Fax: (+254 20) 211 287 Fax: (+81 3) 5253 1570 Email: [email protected] Hon. Ms. Betty Tett Assistant Minister Mr. Yosuke Sakatani Ministry of Local Government United Nations Administration Division P.O. Box 42004 Multilateral Cooperation Department Nairobi Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kenya Shiba-koen 2-11-1 Tel: (+254 20) 514 876 Tokyo 105 8519 Fax: (+254 20) 300 233 Japan Tel: (+81 3) 6402 2565 Fax: (+81 3) 6402 2561 Hon. Mr. Joshua Toro Email: [email protected] Assistant Minister Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Housing Mr. Junichi Hosono P.O. Box 30260 Third Secretary Nairobi Permanent Mission of Japan Kenya to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+254 20) 272 3101 P.O. Box 60202 Fax: (+254 20) 272 2154 00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 332 955 Hon. Dr. Galgalo Guracha Fax: (+254 20) 216 530 Chairman Email: [email protected] Parliamentary Committee on Health National Assembly P.O. Box 62462 Nairobi Kenya KENYA Tel: (+254 20) 221 291 Hon. Mr. Raila A. Odinga Minister Mr. Erastus K. Mwongera Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Permanent Secretary Housing Ministry of Roads, Public Works and P.O. Box 67830 Housing Nairobi P.O. Box 30260 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 272 3101 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 272 2154 Tel: (+254 20) 271 6862 Fax: (+254 20) 272 2154
Hon. Mr. Najib Balala Minister H.E. Dr. David K.A. Kikaya Ministry of Gender Sports Culture and Permanent Representative Social Services Permanent Mission of the Republic of P.O. Box 45958 Kenya to UN-HABITAT Nairobi 18 P.O. Box 67830 National Housing Corporation Nairobi Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Kenya Housing Tel: (+254 20) 332 510 P.O. Box 30257 Fax: (+254 20) 332 743 Nairobi GPO Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 331 205 Fax: (+254 20) 311 318 Mrs. Grace N. Wanyonyi Email: [email protected] Director of Housing Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Housing Dr. Reuben M. Mutiso P.O. Box 75323 Architectural Association of Kenya Nairobi P.O. Box 54634 Kenya 00200 Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 271 3485 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 272 2154 Tel: (+254 20) 375 0751 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 374 5588 Email: [email protected] Mr. Maurice O. Oyugi Director Mr. Josiah Kiprotich Magut Building Research Centre Chairman P.O. Box 30260 Association of Local Government Nairobi Authorities of Kenya (ALGAK) Kenya P.O. Box 73328 Tel: (+254 20) 271 3539 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 271 3539 Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 249 695 Mr. Ambeyi Ligabo Head of IOC Division Mr. Augustine Odipo Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary-General P.O. Box 30551 Association of Local Government Nairobi Authorities of Kenya (ALGAK) Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 334 433 Kenya
Mr. Eric K. Makokha Chief Executive Officer Shelter Forum P.O. Box 9202 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 375 3181 Fax: (+254 20) 375 3180 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Dennis M. Rimber Managing Director 19 Eng. Francis N. Mwaura Director of Urban Development Ministry of Local Government P.O. Box 30004 Ms. Rosemary Wachira Nairobi Deputy Director Kenya Physical Planning Department Tel: (+254 20) 210 992 Ministry of Lands and Settlement P.O. Box 45025 00100 Nairobi Mr. Odindo Opiata Kenya Kituo Cha Sheria Tel: (+254 20) 271 3492 P.O. Box 7483 Fax: (+254 20) 271 6800 00300 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 576 290 Fax: (+254 20) 576 095 Mr. Charles W. Sikuku Email: [email protected] Assistant Director of Housing Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Housing Mr. Desterius B. Busuru 12th Floor Harambee Avenue National Co-operative and Housing Union P.O. Box 67830 (NACHU) Nairobi P.O. Box 51693 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 250 797/336 018 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 332 743 Tel: (+254 20) 271 0495/6 Fax: (+254 20) 271 0325 Email: [email protected] Mr. Justus A. Amaya Deputy Director of Urban Development Ministry of Local Government Ms. Mary Owino P.O. Box 67521 Deputy Permanent Representative Nairobi Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya Kenya to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+254 20) 212 494 Kenyatta International Conference Centre Fax: (+254 20) 212 493 P.O. Box 67830 Nairobi Kenya Mrs. Leah Muraguri Tel: (+254 20) 332 510 Assistant Director of Housing Fax: (+254 20) 332 743 Department of Housing Email: [email protected] Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Housing P.O. Box 75323 00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 713 485 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3485 20
Mr. Eliud T. Ndegwa Provincial Co-operative Officer Ministry of Co-operative Development P.O. Box 30202 Mr. Sylvester P.M. Kiai 00100 Nairobi Assistant Director Kenya Ministry of Water Resources, Tel: (+254 20) 340 098 Management and Development Fax: (+254 20) 340 098 P.O. Box 30521 Email: [email protected] Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 716 103 Dr. M. Charles Moturi Fax: (+254 20) 727 622 Programme Co-ordinator Email: [email protected] Technology Transfer Programme TTP-Kenya Industrial Research and Mr. Clarkson Karan Development Institute Mayor P.O. Box 30650 Kisumui City Council 00100 Nairobi P.O. Box 105 Kenya Kisumu Tel: (+254 20) 609 498/609 440 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 607 023 Email: [email protected] Mr. Joseph Mukui Ministry of Planning and National Mrs. Rose Akinyi Okoth Development Programme Coordinator Nairobi Urban Development Department Kenya Ministry of Local Government P.O. Box 30004 Nairobi Dr. Julius M. Malombe Kenya Chief Planning Officer Tel: (+254 20) 216 197 Ministry of Local Government Fax: (+254 20) 216 756 P.O. Box 30004 Email: [email protected] Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 340 973 Mrs. Agriphine W. Njoroge Fax: (+254 20) 212 493 Chief Inspector Email: [email protected] Directorate of Local Authorities Ministry of Local Government P.O. Box 30004 Mr. Jackson G. Muriithi Nairobi Public Health Officer Kenya Ministry of Health Tel: (+254 20) 210 992 P.O. Box 30016 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 7077 21 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Yabesh Monari Second Secretary Mr. Jack Mbugua Permanent Mission of the Republic of Town Clerk Kenya to UN-HABITAT Nairobi City Council Kenyatta International Conference Centre Nairobi P.O. Box 67830 Kenya Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 332 510 Mr. Nathan Mulinge Fax: (+254 20) 332 743 Director Housing Development Department (NCC) P.O. Box 52657 Mr. Thomas O. Ogutu 00200 Nairobi Senior Housing Planning Officer Kenya Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Tel: (+254 20) 796 675 Housing Fax: (+254 20) 780 25 P.O. Box 75323 Email: [email protected] Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 0733) 764 004 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3455 MALAWI Email: [email protected] Hon. Mr. Henry Midian Deputy Minister Mr. Wesley K Kirui Ministry of Local Government and District Senior Housing Planning Officer Administration Ministry of Roads, Public Works and P.O. Box 30312 Housing Lilongwe 3 P.O. Box 75323 Malawi 00200 Nairobi Tel: (+265) 178 9388/887 0932 Kenya Fax: (+265) 178 8083 Tel: (+254 20) 271 3485 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3485 Email: [email protected] Mrs. H.O. Ndilowe Principal Secretary Ministry of Housing Mr. Jackson M. Mwaura Private Bag 30548 Chief Programme Officer Lilongwe 3 National Housing Corporation Malawi Ministry of Road, Public Works Tel: (+265) 177 5955 and Housing Fax: (+265) 177 3720 P.O. Box 30257 Nairobi Kenya Mr. K.S.S. Chirwa Tel: (+254 20) 331 205 Senior Community Development Officer Fax: (+254 20) 311 318 Ministry of Housing 22 Private Bag 30548 Mr. C.A. Chakufa Lilongwe 3 Technical Services Manager Malawi Malawi Housing Corporation Tel: (+265) 177 5955 P.O. Box 414 Fax: (+265) 177 3720 Blantyre Malawi Tel: (+265) 167 6822 Fax: (+265) 167 2054
H.E. Mrs. J.P.A. Ndisale Mr. John Chikakwiya Permanent Representative Mayor Permanent Mission of Malawi Blantyre City Assembly to UN-HABITAT The Secretariat P.O. Box 30453 Town Hall Nairobi Civic Centre Kenya Private Bag 67 Tel: (+254 20) 444 0570/ 444 0569 Blantyre Fax: (+254 20) 444 568 Malawi Email: [email protected] Tel: (+265) 670 211 Fax: (+265) 670 417 Telex: 44536 Mr. Alex E. Malembo Email: [email protected] Chief Planning Officer Ministry of Local Government and District Administration Mr. John Chome P.O. Box 30312 Director Lilongwe 3 Town Planning and Estates Services Malawi Blantyre City Assembly Tel: (+265) 178 9388 The Secretariat Fax: (+265) 178 8083 Town Hall Civic Centre Private Bag 67 Mrs. R.A. Lemani Blantyre Board Chairperson Malawi Malawi Housing Corporation Tel: (+265) 670 211 P.O. Box 414 Fax: (+265) 670 417 Blantyre Telex: 44536 Malawi Email: [email protected] Tel: (+265) 883 9943 Fax: (+265) 167 1863 Prof. Donton S.J. Mkandawire Mr. M.S.S. Ndaferankhande Chief Executive General Manager Lilongwe City Assembly Malawi Housing Corporation Private Bag 1397 P.O. Box 414 Lilongwe 3 Blantyre Malawi Malawi Tel: (+265) 179 4830/177 2825 Tel: (+265) 167 6822 Fax: (+265) 179 4830/177 2825 Fax: (+265) 167 2054 Email: [email protected] 23 Mr. A.J.C. Kawonga Mr. J.J. Somba Technical Director Executive Secretary National Construction Industry Council National Construction Industry Council Private Bag 4146 Private Bag A145 Lilongwe 3 Lilongwe Malawi Malawi Tel: (+265) 172 5529 Tel: (+265) 727 539 Fax: (+265) 172 5535 Fax: (+265) 823 751 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Mr. M.J. Chirwa MALAYSIA Deputy General Manager (Operations) Mr. Dato Mohamad Saib Lilongwe Water Board Director General P.O. Box 96 Local Government Department Lilongwe Ministry of Housing and Local Malawi Government Tel: (+265) 175 0366 Level 4, Block K Fax: (+265) 175 2294 Damansara Town Centre Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 12579 Kuala Lumpur 50782 Mr. S.H. Kamkosi Malaysia New Building Society Tel: (+603) 2094 7033 P.O. Box 30350 Fax: (+603) 2095 4066 Lilongwe 3 Email: [email protected] Malawi Tel: (+265) 177 4400 Ms. Mahanum Itam Fax: (+265) 177 4661 Director General National Housing Department Mr. O.M.C. Kumbambe Ministry of Housing and Local Commissioner Government Malawi Police Service Level 7, Block K Private Bag 305 Damansara Town Centre Lilongwe 3 P.O. Box 12579 Malawi Kuala Lumpur 50782 Tel: (+265) 883 8697 Malaysia Fax: (+265) 179 979 Tel: (+603) 2094 7033 Fax: (+603) 2093 0709 Email: [email protected] Mr. M. Polela Board Chairman National Construction Industry Council Mr. Abd-Mutallib Jelani Private Bag A146 Deputy Director General Lilongwe Town and Country Planning Department Malawi Ministry of Housing and Local Tel: (+265) 996 0391 Government Fax: (+265) 882 5050 Jalan Cenderasari Email: [email protected] Kuala Lumpur 50646 Malaysia Tel: (+603) 2698 9211 24 Fax: (+603) 2693 1128 Principal Assistant Director Email: [email protected] Economic Planning Unit Prime Minister's Department Putarajaya 62502 Malaysia Tel: (+603) 8888 2836 Fax: (+603) 8888 3833
Mrs. Zainah Mohamed Director MEXICO Policy Planning and Development Division H.E. Ms Margarita Diéguez Ministry of Housing and Permanent Representative Local Government Permanent Mission of Mexico Level 3, Block K to UN-HABITAT Damansara Town Centre P.O. Box 1445 Kuala Lumpur 50782 00800 Nairobi Malaysia Kenya Tel: (+603) 2094 7033 Tel: (+254 20) 582 850 Fax: (+603) 2094 4133 Fax: (+254 20) 581 500 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Mr. Ambalawan Suppiah Principal Assistant Director Ms. Laura Espinosa Policy Planning and Development Division Deputy Permanent Representative Ministry of Housing and Permanent Mission of Mexico Local Government to UN-HABITAT Level 3, Block K P.O. Box 1445 Damansara Town Centre 00800 Nairobi Kuala Lumpur 50782 Kenya Malaysia Tel: (+254 20) 582 593 Tel: (+603) 2094 7033 Fax: (+254 20) 581 500 Fax: (+603) 2094 4133 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. Jesus Tamayo Sànchez Mr. Ahmad Anwar Adnan General Director of Urban Development Principal Assistant Secretary Secretaria de Desarrollo Social Ministry of Foreign Affairs Desarrollo Urbano Social Putarajaya 62602 Mexico Malaysia Tel: (+1 722) 5328 5000 Tel: (+603) 8887 4105 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+603) 8889 1717
Mr. Sergio Rivera Dominguez Ms. Serifah Habibah Abdul Majid Permanent Mission of Mexico 25 to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+254 20) 2710 647/2710 435/2710529 P.O. Box 1445 Fax: (+254 20) 2719 840 00800 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 582 0090 Fax: (+254 20) 581 500 Mr. Jamal Maatougui Email: [email protected] Permanent Mission of Morocco to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 61098 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 2710 647/2710 435/2710529 Fax: (+254 20) 2719 840 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Antonio Toca Fernandez General Director NETHERLANDS Strategic Studies Desarrollo Urban H.E. Mrs. M.W.J.A. van Gool Toluca Permanent Representative Mexico Permanent Mission of the Netherlands Tel: (+52 722) 213 9424 to UN-HABITAT Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 41537 Nairobi Kenya Mr. Francisco Covarrubias Gaitan Tel: (+254 20) 444 7412/5 Secretario de Desarrollo Fax: (+254 20) 444 7416 Urbano y Vivienda Email: [email protected] Gobierno del Estado de Mexico Conjunto Sedagro, Rancho San Lorenzo C.P. Mr. Peter R. Janus 52140 Metepec Deputy Permanent Representative Mexico Permanent Mission of the Netherlands Tel: (+1 722) 275 6268 to the UN-HABITAT Fax: (+1 722) 275 6269 P.O. Box 41537 Email: Nairobi [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 444 7412/5 Fax: (+254 20) 444 7416 Email: [email protected] MOROCCO H.E. Mr. Mohammed Chraibi Dr. Joep Bijlmer Permanent Representative Senior Policy Advisor Permanent Mission of Morocco Environment and Development to UN-HABITAT Department P.O. Box 61098 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nairobi P.O. Box 20061 Kenya 2500 EB The Hague 26 Netherlands Email: [email protected] Tel: (+31 70) 348 4685 Fax: (+31 70) 348 4303 Email: [email protected] NORWAY Ms. Peggy Vissers Mr. Roger Iversen Ministry of Foreign Affairs Political Advisor P.O. Box 20061 Ministry of Local Government and 2500 EB The Hague Regional Netherlands Development Tel: (+31 70) 348 4149 P.O. Box 8112 Dep Fax: (+31 70) 348 6167 Oslo 0032 Email: [email protected] Norway Tel: (+47) 2224 6812 Fax: (+47) 2224 2736 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Ronald Spreekmeester Director, Habitat Platform P.O. Box 30435 2500 GK The Hague Mr. Per Nygaard Netherlands Deputy Director General Tel: (+31 70) 373 8010 Ministry of Local Government Fax: (+31 70) 373 8311 and Regional Development Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 8112 Dep Oslo 0032 Norway Ms. Gerda Vrielink Tel: (+47) 2224 7102 Policy Advisor Fax: (+47) 2224 2736 Department of UN and IFI's Email: [email protected] Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 20061 2500 EB The Hague H.E. Mr. Kjell Harald Dalen Netherlands Permanent Representative Tel: (+31 70) 340 623 Permanent Mission of Norway Fax: (+31 70) 348 4003 to UN-HABITAT Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 46363 Nairobi Kenya Ms. Annet Monster Tel: (+254 20) 341 415-7 Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to Fax: (+254 20) 216 009 UN-HABITAT Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 41537 Nairobi Kenya Mr. Atle Bernt Fretheim Tel: (+254 20) 444 7412/5 Deputy Permanent Representative Fax: (+254 20) 444 7416 Permanent Mission of Norway 27 to UN-HABITAT Oslo 0302 P.O. Box 46363 Norway Nairobi Tel: (+47) 2296 1717 Kenya Fax: (+47) 2296 1816 Tel: (+254 20) 341 415-7 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 216 009 Email: [email protected] Ms. Marianne Oen The Norwegian Peoples Aid Ms. Elisabeth Schwabe-Hansen P.O. Box 8844 Youngstorget Senior Executive Officer Oslo NO-028 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway P.O. Box 8114 Dep Tel: (+47) 2203 7748 Oslo 0032 Fax: (+47) 2220 0870 Norway Tel: (+47) 2224 3696 Fax: (+47) 2224 9580 Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Greta Billing Mr. Christoffer Gronstad Deputy Director General Board Member Ministry of Local Government The Norwegian Youth Council and Regional Development c/o Klostergata 3A P.O. Box 8112 Dep Oslo 0656 Oslo 0032 Norway Norway Tel: (+47) 9011 8286 Tel: (+47) 2224 7225 Fax: (+47) 2325 6650 Fax: (+47) 2224 2735 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Mona Helland Adviser PAKISTAN Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development H.E. Mr. Hameed A. Kidwai P.O. Box 8112 Dep Permanent Representative Oslo 0032 Permanent Mission of Pakistan Norway to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+47) 2224 7146 P.O. Box 30045 Fax: (+47) 2224 2736 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 444 3911-12 Fax: (+254 20) 444 6507/444 3803 Ms. Anne Ruden Email: [email protected] Director The Norwegian State Housing Bank P.O. Box 5130 Mr. Ghulam Dastgir 28 Counsellor/DHC Mr. Derico Derupe Permanent Mission of Pakistan Attaché, Political Affairs Assistant to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of Philippines P.O. Box 30045 to UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O. Box 47941 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 444 3911-12 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 444 6507/444 3803 Tel: (+254 20) 575 604 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 725 897
Mr. Jamil Ahmad Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Pakistan POLAND to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 30045 Mr. Marek Bryx Nairobi Under-Secretary of State and Chairman Kenya State Office on Housing and Urban Tel: (+254 20) 444 3911-12 Development (SOHUD) Fax: (+254 20) 444 6507/444 3803 ul. Wspolna 2, 00-926 Email: [email protected] Warszawa Poland Tel: (+48 22) 661 8045 Fax: (+48 22) 628 4030 Email: [email protected]
PHILIPPINES H.E. Ms. Rosalinda Valenton-Tirona Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Philippines Mr. Zbigniew Szymanski to UN-HABITAT Director P.O. Box 47941 United Nations System and Nairobi Global Problems Department Kenya Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tel: (+254 20) 575 604 Warsaw Fax: (+254 20) 725 897 Poland Email: [email protected] Tel: (+48 22) 523 9400 Fax: (+48 22) 621 0217
Mr. Luisita F. Coson Attaché, UN Affairs Assistant H.E. Mr. Wojciech Jasinski Permanent Mission of Philippines Permanent Representative to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of the Republic of P.O. Box 47941 Poland to UN-HABITAT Nairobi Kabarnet Road Kenya P.O. Box 30086 Tel: (+254 20) 575 604 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 725 897 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 572 811/572 812 Fax: (+254 20) 572 814 29 Mr. Adam Kowalewski Email: [email protected] Chairman National Secretariat for the "Habitat Agenda" Mr. Vladimir P. Okeanov ul. Wspolna 2 Head of Chairman's Office 00-926 Warszawa Gosstroy of Russia Poland 8, Stroiteley Street, Build 2 Tel: (+48 22) 661 8324 Moscow 119991 Email: [email protected] Russian Federation Tel: (+95) 930 7668 Fax: (+95) 930 2372 Mr. Zbigniew Sawicki Email: [email protected] Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to UN-HABITAT Mr. Eduard Sinitsyn Kabarnet Road First Secretary P.O. Box 30086 Permanent Mission of the Russian Nairobi Federation to UN-HABITAT Kenya P.O. Box 30049 Tel: (+254 20) 572 811/572 812 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 572 814 Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 8700 Fax: (+254 20) 272 1888 Email: [email protected]
RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mr. Nikolay P. Koshman Mr. Boris Sidorov Chairman of Gosstroy of Russia First Secretary Gosstroy of Russia Permanent Mission of the Russian 8, Stroiteley Street, Build 2 Federation to UN-HABITAT Moscow 119991 P.O. Box 30049 Russian Federation Nairobi Tel: (+95) 930 6561 Kenya Fax: (+95) 930 2202 Tel: (+254 20) 272 8700 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 272 1888 Email: [email protected] H.E. Mr. Alexander Ignatiev Permanent Representative Mr. Alexander Zhurov Permanent Mission of the Russian Third Secretary Federation to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of the Russian P.O. Box 30049 Federation to UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O. Box 30049 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 272 8700 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 272 1888 Tel: (+254 20) 272 8700 30 Fax: (+254 20) 272 1888 Fax: (+221) 842 3431 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. Andrei Pronin Mr. Diame Sarr Second Secretary Counsellor Department of International Organizations Permanent Mission of Senegal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the to UN-HABITAT Russian Federation 17, Kabele House No. 777 32/34, Smolenskaya-Sennaya Africa Avenue Moscow P.O. Box 2581 Russian Federation Addis Ababa Tel: (+70 95) 244 4696 Ethiopia Fax: (+70 95) 244 2401 Tel: (+251) 611 376 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+251) 610 020 Email: [email protected]
M. Moussa Sy SENEGAL Député Adjoint au Maire BP 52 S.E.M. Niang Madicke Dakar Ministre Senegal Ministère de l'Habitat Tel: (+221) 822 5201 23 rue Calmette Fax: (+221) 822 3773 BP 2375 Dakar Senegal Tel: (+221) 822 5201 Fax: (+221) 822 5920 Email: [email protected]
M. Youssou Diop Directeur Mr. Malick Gaye Directeur Construction et Habitat Coordinator BP 2375 ENDA 23 rue Calmette BP 3370 Dakar Dakar Senegal Senegal Tel: (+221) 822 5201 Tel: (+221) 882 0942 Fax: (+221) 822 5920 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
M. Malick Diagne Mr. Racine Mbaye Directeur Director Général SN HLM Directeur Presse et Communication de la Rue 34a Colobane Ville de Dakar BP 401 Ministère de l'Habitat Dakar BP 52 Senegal Dakar Tel: (+221) 823 5417 Senegal 31 Tel: (+221) 849 0816 Tel: (+232 22) 235 033 Fax: (+221) 849 0826 Fax: (+232 22) 235 033 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. Namaidou Diagne Administrateur Gènèral Foundation Droit à la Ville (FDV) SPAIN BP 6652 Etoile Dakar Excmo. Sr. D. Anibal Jiménez Abascal Senegal Permanent Representative Tel: (+221) 849 0816 Permanent Mission of Spain to UN- Fax: (+221) 849 0826 Habitat Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 45503 00100 Nairobi GPO Kenya Mr. Mor Thioune Tel: (+254 20) 226 568 Ministère de l'Habitat Fax: (+254 20) 332 858 23 rue Calmette Email: [email protected] BP 2375 Dakar Senegal Excmo. Sr. Manuel Montobbio de Balanzo Tel: (+221) 822 2299 Embajador en Misión Especial para el Fax: (+221) 822 3773 Forum Email: [email protected] Universal de las Culturas, Barcelona 2004 Llull 95-97, Planta 6 Barcelona E-08005 Spain Tel: (+34 3) 3320 9010 Fax: (+34 3) 3320 9202 Email: [email protected]
SIERRA LEONE Mrs. Marta Garcia Nart Hon. Dr. J.C. Boima Consejera Técnica de la Secretaria Minister General Ministry of Works, Housing and Technical Subdirección General de Urbanismo Maintenance Dirección General de la Vivienda, la Freetown Arquitectura y el Urbanismo Sierra Leone Ministerio de Fomento Tel: (+232 22) 235 033 Nuevos Ministerio Fax: (+232 22) 235 033 Po de la Castellana, 67 Madrid 28071 Spain Mr. S.S. Tengbeh Tel: (+34 1) 697 7000 Director of Housing Fax: (+34 1) 697 8502 Ministry of Works, Housing and Technical Email: [email protected] Maintenance Freetown Sierra Leone 32 Ilmo. Sr. D. Luis Mateos Paramio Pl. Sant Jaume s/n Deputy Permanent Representative Barcelona E-08002 Permanent Mission of Spain Spain to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+34 3) 402 7446 P.O. Box 45503 Fax: (+34 3) 402 7877 00100 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 336 330/ 226 568 Fax: (+254 20) 332 858 Mr. Esteve Carames Email: [email protected] Departamento Relaciones Internacionales Barcelona Municipality Pca Sant Jaume s/n Mrs. Amparo Huici Barcelona E-08002 Jefe de Servicio Spain Secretaria General Tel: (+349 3) 402 7893 Dirección General de la Vivienda, la Fax: (+349 3) 402 7877 Arquitectura y el Urbanismo Email: [email protected] Ministerio de Fomento Nuevos Ministerio Po de la Castellana, 67 Madrid 28071 SRI LANKA Spain Tel: (+34 1) 697 7000 Hon. Mr. S.R.M. Arumugan Thondaman Fax: (+34 1) 697 8502 Minister Email: [email protected] Ministry of Housing and Plantation Infrastructure Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel: (+94 1) 802 825/ 862 827 Fax: (+94 1) 802 864 765 Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Margarita Obiols Directora Departamento Relaciones Internacionales H.E. Mr. Habeeb Mohamed Farook Ayuntamiento de Barcelona Permanent Representative Pl. Sant Jaume s/n Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka Barcelona E-08002 to UN-HABITAT Spain P.O. Box 48145 Tel: (+34 3) 402 7881 Nairobi Fax: (+34 3) 402 7877 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 572 627/575 925 Fax: (+254 20) 572 141 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Isabel Saurina Departamento Relaciones Internacionales Ayuntamiento de Barcelona Mr. W.D. Ailapperuma 33 Secretary Mr. M. Manimuththu Ministry of Housing and Plantation Chairman Infrastructure Land Reclamation and Development Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla Corporation Sri Lanka Ragagiriya Tel: (+94 1) 86225 Sri Lanka Fax: (+94 1) 864 765 Tel: (+94 1) 802 825/ 862 827 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+94 1) 802 864 765 Email: [email protected]
Mr. L.W. Jirasinghe Secretary Mr. C.A. Wijeyeweere Ministry of Housing Development Director N.H.D.A. Building Ministry of Housing and Plantation Sir Chittampalam Gardiner MW. Infrastructure Colombo 2 Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla Sri Lanka Colombo Tel: (+94 1) 423 483 Sri Lanka Fax: (+94 1) 423 485 Tel: (+94 1) 862 834 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+94 1) 802 864 765 Email: [email protected]
Mr. M.M.C. Ferdinando Additional Secretary Mr. Laxman Perera Ministry of Housing and Plantation Director Infrastructure Ministry of Housing and Plantation Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla Infrastructure Sri Lanka Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla Tel: (+94 1) 864 775 Sri Lanka Fax: (+94 1) 864 776 Tel: (+941) 802 825/ 862 827 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+941) 802 864 765 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sarath Munasinghe Chairman National Housing Development Authority Mr. Anura Dassanayaka National Housing Secretariat Project Director Colombo 2 Lanawa Environment Improvement and Sri Lanka Community Development Project Tel: (+94 1) 449 622 Ministry of Housing and Plantation Fax: (+94 1) 802 864 765 Infrastructure Email: [email protected] Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla Sri Lanka 34 Tel: (+94 1) 871 689 Kenya Fax: (+94 1) 864 765 Tel: (+254 20) 229 042-45 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 218 908 Email: [email protected]
Mr. L.S. Palansooriya Deputy General Manager Mr. Pelle Persson National Housing Secretariat Head of Urban Development Division National Housing Development Authority SIDA Colombo 2 SE-10525 Stockholm Sri Lanka Sweden Tel: (+94 1) 447 207 Tel: (+468) 698 5024 Fax: (+94 1) 449 562 Fax: (+468) 698 5640 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. W.M.S. Bandara Mr. Rolf Lindell Deputy Permanent Representative Director Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka Ministry of the Environment to UN-HABITAT SE-10333 Stockholm P.O. Box 48145 Sweden Nairobi Tel: (+468) 405 2071 Kenya Email: Tel: (+254 20) 572 627/575 925 [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 572 141 Email: [email protected] Ms. Sofia Ostmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs SE-11242 Stockholm Sweden SWEDEN Tel: (+468) 405 5897 H.E. Ms. Gun Eriksson Email: [email protected] State Secretary Ministry of Finance SE-10303 Stockholm Ms. Dorrit Alopaeus-Stáhl Sweden Director Tel: (+468) 405 1490 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Email: [email protected] SE-10339 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+468) 405 3740 Fax: (+468) 723 1176 Email: dorrit.alopaeus- [email protected]
H.E. Mr. Bo Goransson Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Sweden Mr. Jonas Westerlund to UN-HABITAT Deputy Permanent Representative P.O. Box 30600 Permanent Mission of Sweden Nairobi to UN-HABITAT 35 P.O. Box 30600 Permanent Mission of Turkey Nairobi to UN-HABITAT Kenya P.O. Box 64748 Tel: (+254 20) 229 042-45 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 218 908 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 Email: [email protected] Ms. Elisabeth Folkunger First Secretary Permanent Mission of Sweden Mr. Yasar Karayel to UN-HABITAT Deputy Under-Secretary P.O. Box 30600 Ministry of Public Works and Housing Nairobi C/o Permanent Mission of Turkey Kenya to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+254 20) 229 042-45 P.O. Box 64748 Fax: (+254 20) 218 908 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 Ms. Moa Bergman Email: [email protected] Communication Officer Permanent Mission of Sweden to UN-HABITAT Mr. Hidayet Atasoy P.O. Box 30600 Director General Nairobi Bank of Provinces Kenya C/o Permanent Mission of Turkey Tel: (+254 20) 229 042-45 to UN-HABITAT Fax: (+254 20) 218 908 P.O. Box 64748 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Email: [email protected] Mr. Robert Robinson Director Mr. Izzet Gücyener Economic Research and Planning Deputy Permanent Representative Ministry of Housing Permanent Mission of Turkey 2nd floor to UN-HABITAT 44-46 South Quay P.O. Box 64748 Port of Spain Nairobi Trinidad W.I Kenya Trinidad and Tobago Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Tel: (+868) 625 7663 Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 Fax: (+868) 625 2793 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
TURKEY H.E. Mr. Varol Özkocak Permanent Representative 36 Mr. Adnan Yildirim Mr. Mustafa Cingi Inspector Expert Under-Secretariat of Housing Housing Department Development C/o Permanent Mission of Turkey Administration to UN-HABITAT C/o Permanent Mission of Turkey P.O. Box 64748 to UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O. Box 64748 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 Email: [email protected]
Ms. Sevinc Deniz Deputy Head of Sewerage Department Ms. Pelin Ayan Bank of Provinces The Secretariat of Youth for Habitat C/o Permanent Mission of Turkey International Network to UN-HABITAT International Relations Department P.O. Box 64748 Youth Association for Habitat and Nairobi Agenda 21 Kenya Fulya mh., M. Pehlivan Sk. Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Ali sami Yen Apt., A Blok Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 No. 8/2 Email: [email protected] 34394 Mecidiyekoyi Istanbul Turkey Mr. Özer Bostanoglu Tel: (+90 212) 275 5519 Acting Chief of Section Fax: (+90 212) 275 7498 Ministry of Public Works and Housing Email: [email protected] C/o Permanent Mission of Turkey to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 64748 Nairobi Kenya UGANDA Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 Hon. Captain Edward Francis Babu Email: [email protected] Minister of State for Works, Housing and Communications (Housing) Ministry for Works, Housing and Mr. A. Tolga Acikmese Communications Expert P.O. Box 7122 Housing Department Development Kampala Administration Uganda C/o Permanent Mission of Turkey Tel: (+256 41) 349 487 to UN-HABITAT Fax: (+256 41) 342 232/254 740 P.O. Box 64748 Email: [email protected] Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 520 404/ 522 562 Fax: (+254 20) 522 778 Email: [email protected] 37 H.E. Mr. Francis K. Butagira Mr. Nkayarwa M. Thomas Permanent Representative Commissioner Inspectorate Permanent Mission of Uganda Ministry of Local Government to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 7037 P.O. Box 60853 Kampala Nairobi Uganda Kenya Tel: (+256 41) 258 101/256 533 Tel: (+254 20) 444 5420/444 9096 Fax: (+256 41) 258 127 Fax: (+254 20) 444 3772 Email: [email protected]
Hon. Mr. Nathan Byanyima Mr. Herbert Sekandi Member of Parliament Commissioner for Physical Planning Parliament of Uganda Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment c/o P.O. Box 60853 P.O. Box 1911 Nairobi Kampala Kenya Uganda Tel: c/o (+733) 901 852 Tel: (+256 41) 232 130 Fax: c/o (+254 20) 330 970 Fax: (+256 41) 232 130 Email: [email protected] Hon. Mr. Richard Sebuliba Mitumba Member of Parliament Mr. E. Kwisenshoni-Mwebihire Parliament of Uganda Permanent Mission of Uganda P.O. Box 3524 to UN-HABITAT Kampala P.O. Box 60853 Uganda Nairobi Tel: (+71) 832 574 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 444 5420/444 9096 Fax: (+254 20) 444 3772 Mr. K.S.B. Mubbala Director of Lands and Environment Mr. William Walaga Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment Ministry of Works, Housing and P.O. Box 7096 Communications Kampala P.O. Box 7122 Uganda Kampala Tel: (+256 41) 341 875/077 494 638 Uganda Email: [email protected] Tel: (+256 41) 259 778 Fax: (+256 41) 342 232 Email: [email protected] Ms. Sarah Ibanda Commissioner, Human Settlements Ministry of Works, Housing and Mr. Martin Kasekende Communications General Manager P.O. Box 7122 National Housing and Construction Kampala Corporation Uganda P.O. Box 659 Tel: (+256 41) 342 934 Kampala Fax: (+256 41) 342 232 Uganda Email: [email protected] 38
Mr. Nicholas J. Okwir Mr. Younis Al Sawaya Chief Executive Officer Head of Housing Studies Division Housing Finance Company of Uganda Ministry of Public Works and Housing P.O. Box 1539 P.O. Box 1828 Kampala Dubai Uganda United Arab Emirates Tel: (+256 41) 259 651-2/231 509 Tel: (+971 4) 269 3900 Fax: (+256 41) 341 429 Fax: (+971 4) 262 1380 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Gordon T. Mwesigye Town Clerk UNITED KINGDOM Kampala City Council Mr. Michael Parkes P.O. Box 7010 Senior Architectural and Physical Kampala Planning Advisor Uganda Department for International Development Tel: (+256 41) 231 446 (DFID) Fax: (+256 41) 231 916 1 Palace Street Email: [email protected] London SW1E 5HE United Kingdom Mr. Joseph Kimbowa Tel: (+44) ( 0) 20 7023 0789 The Town Clerk Email: [email protected] Entebbe Municipal Council Kampala H.E. Edward Clay Uganda Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of United Kingdom to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 30465 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 00100 Nairobi Mr. Abdullah Saif Bin Hindi Kenya Head of Housing Services Division Tel: (+254 20) 284 4000 Ministry of Public Works and Housing Fax: (+254 20) 719 664 P.O. Box 1828 Email: [email protected] Dubai United Arab Emirates Mr. Tony Lloyd-Jones Tel: (+971 4) 269 3900 University of Westminister Fax: (+971 4) 262 1380 35 35 Marylebone Road London NW1 5LS Mr. Abdullah Hamad Al-Shamsi United Kingdom Ministry of Foreign Affairs Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 1 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: (+971 2) 444 4488 Fax: (+971 2) 444 9100 39
Mr. John Virgoe Mr. Michael Mutter Deputy Permanent Representative c/o Department for International Permanent Mission of United Kingdom Development (DFID) to UN-HABITAT 1 Palace Street P.O. Box 30465 London SW1E 5HE 00100 Nairobi United Kingdom Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 284 4000 Fax: (+254 20) 284 4296 Dr. A.G. Tipple Email: [email protected] University of Newcastle 1 Palace Street London SW1E 5HE Mr. John Keane United Kingdom Urban and Rural Change Team Policy Division Department for International Development (DFID) UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA 1 Palace Street London SW1E 5HE Mr. Salome T. Sijaona United Kingdom Permanent Secretary Fax: (+44 (0) 20 7023 0704 Ministry of Lands and Human Settlements Email: [email protected] Development P.O. Box 9132 Dar-es-Salaam Mrs. Jacqueline Arkle United Republic of Tanzania Focal Point Tel: (+255 22) 212 1034 Permanent Mission of United Kingdom to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 30465 Mr. Yasser De Costa 00100 Nairobi Permanent Secretary Kenya Zanzibar Revolutionary Government Tel: (+254 20) 284 4000 Zanzibar Fax: (+254 20) 284 4296 United Republic of Tanzania Email: [email protected] H.E. Major Gen. Rtd. Murisho Sarakikya Permanent Representative Prof. Pat Wakely Permanent Mission of United Republic of Development Planning Unit Tanzania to UN-HABITAT University College of London P.O. Box 47790 9 Endsleigh Gardehs Nairobi London WC1H 0ED Kenya United Kingdom Tel: (+254 20) 331 056-7 Fax: (+254 20) 218 269 Mr. Theo Schilderman Email: [email protected] Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) The Schumacher Centre Bourton Hall Bourton on Dunsmore Rugby, CV23 9QZ United Kingdom 40
Mr. Joram Leonard Mgweno Dr. Tumsifu Jonas Nnkya Director of Human Settlements Director Ministry of Lands and Human Settlements Institute of Human Settlement Studies Development University College of Lands and P.O. Box 9132 Architectural Studies Dar-es-Salaam P.O. Box 35176 United Republic of Tanzania Dar-es-Salaam Tel: (+255 22) 212 1034 United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (+255 22) 277 5481 Fax: (+255 22) 277 5479 Mr. Wilson E. Mkama Email: [email protected] Citry Director Dar-es-Salaam City Council Office of the President Mr. Joseph Kessy P.O. Box 9084 Councillor/Executive Chairman Dar-es-Salaam Tabata Development Fund United Republic of Tanzania Dar-es-Salaam City Council Tel: (+255 22) 123 346 P.O. Box 8632 Fax: (+255 22) 125 589 Dar-es-Salaam Email: [email protected] United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (+255 22) 213 1710 Fax: (+255 22) 135 022 Mr. K.E. Kamando Minister Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Stanslaus E.S. Mongella Dar-es-Salaam Permanent Mission of United Republic of United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 47790 Nairobi Mr. Blasi Seleki Kenya Assistant Director Tel: (+254 20) 331 056-7 Human Settlements Development Fax: (+254 20) 218 269 Ministry of Lands Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 9344 Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Mr. Basilius Nchimbi Tel: (+255 22) 221 241 Secretary general Association of Local Government Ministry of Local Government Mr. Martin Madekwe United Republic of Tanzania Acting Director General National Housing Corporation P.O. Box 2977 Hon. Dr. Mahanga Milton Makongoro Dar-es-Salaam Member of Parliament United Republic of Tanzania National Assembly of Tanzania Tel: +(+255 22) 285 1433 P.O. Box 24003 Fax: (+255 22) 285 1442 Dar-es-Salaam Email: [email protected] United Republic of Tanzania Email: [email protected] 41
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mr. Seth Winnick H.E. Ms. Karen T. Levine Director, Office of Economic and Permanent Representative Development Affairs Bureau of Permanent Mission of the United States International Organizations of America to UN-HABITAT Department of State P.O. Box 606 2201 C Street NW Village Market Washington DC 20520 00621 Nairobi United States of America Kenya Tel: (+1 202) 647 1269 Tel: (+254 20) 363 6305 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 363 6427 Email: [email protected] Ms. Catherine Malinda Department of State Mr. Lee McBride c/o Permanent Mission of the Deputy Permanent Representative United States of America Permanent Mission of the United States to UN-HABITAT of America to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 606 P.O. Box 606 Village Market Village Market 00621 Nairobi 00621 Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 363 6305 Tel: (+254 20) 363 6305 Fax: (+254 20) 363 6427 Fax: (+254 20) 363 6427 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Carmen Lopez Ms. Sura Johnson Department of State Department of State P.O. Box 606 2201 C Street NW Village Market Washington, DC 20520 00621 Nairobi United States of America Kenya Tel: (+1 202) 647 1108 Tel: (+254 20) 363 6305 Fax: (+254 20) 363 6427 Email: [email protected] Ms. Marcia Glenn USAID 1300 Pennylvania Ave., NW Mrs. Yolanda Webster Washington, DC Department of State United States of America P.O. Box 606 Tel: (+1 202) 712 1549 Village Market Email: [email protected] 00621 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 363 6305 Fax: (+254 20) 363 6427 Email: [email protected] 42
Mrs. Joyce Muthama FSN Support Staff Department of State P.O. Box 606 Village Market 00621 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 363 6305 Fax: (+254 20) 363 6427 Email: [email protected] 43
AFGHANISTAN BAHRAIN H.E. Mr. Mohd Yousaf Pashtun Minister Mr. Abdul Jalil Al-Sebea Ministry of Urban Development Senior Architect and Housing Minister's Office Kabul Ministry of Works and Housing Afghanistan P.O. Box 5802 Tel: (+93 2 70) 282 072/290 322 Manama Fax: (+93 2) 230 0339 Bahrain Email: [email protected] Tel: (+973) 528 249 Fax: (+973) 528 249 Email: [email protected]
ANGOLA Ms. Kawkab Mubarak Senior Planning Researcher Mr. Adriano Joao Dos Santo da Silva Ministry of Works and Housing National Director of Housing P. O. Box 5802 National Direction Manama Ministry of Urban Planning Bahrain and Environment Tel: (+973) 528 249 P. O. Box 90 Fax: (+973) 528 249 Luanda Email: [email protected] Angola Tel: (+244 2) 091 511135 Drs. Johan Beth Mr. Aderito Mohamed Advisor to H.E. the Minister Executive Director Minister's Office Habitat Ministry of Works and Housing Ministry of Urban Planning P.O. Box 5802 and Environment Manama P. O. Box 90 Bahrain Luanda Tel: (+973) 528 249 Angola Fax: (+973) 528 249 Tel: (+244 2) 091 5111038 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr. Ahmed Al-Jowder Mr. Carlos Eloy Head of Detail Planning Section Economist / Adviser Physical Planning Directorate Ministry of Urban Planning P.O. Box 23103 and Environment Muharraq P. O. Box 90 Bahrain Luanda Tel: (+973) 528 266 Angola Fax: (+973) 533 506 Tel: (+244 2) 091 392796 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 44
BOTSWANA Mr. Victor Rantshabeng Ms. Tebogo Nkwe Deputy Permanent Secretary Botswana Consul General Kenya Ministry of Lands and Housing Consul General Private Bag 00434 P. O. Box 754 Gaborone 00606 Nairobi Sarit Botswana Kenya Tel: (+267) 390 4223 Tel: (+254 20) 444 7735 Fax: (+267) 391 1591 Fax: (+254 20) 444 9782 Email: [email protected]
Ms. Esther Serati Chief Housing Officer CAMBODIA Ministry of Lands and Housing Mr. Yao Ty Private Bag 00138 Secretary of State Gaborone Department of Land Management Botswana Ministry of Land Management, Urban Tel: (+267) 390 6547 Planning and Construction Fax: (+267) 390 6535 Phnom Penh Email: [email protected] Cambodia Tel: (+855) 23 884 959 Email: [email protected] Ms. Dineo Ellen Kgotso Housing Officer Department of Housing Ministry of Lands and Housing Private Bag 00138 CAMEROON Gaborone S.E.M. Haman Adji Abdoulaye Botswana Ministre Tel: (+267) 390 6547 Ministère de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat Fax: (+267) 390 6535 Yaounde Email: [email protected] Cameroon Tel: (+237) 222 1547 Ms. Eunice Naledi Mmono Fax: (+237) 222 1547 Principal Regional Planner Department of Town and Regional Mr. Jean Paul Missi Planning Inspecteur Général Ministry of Lands and Housing Ministère de la Ville Private Bag 0042 Yaounde Gaborone Cameroon Botswana Tel: (+237) 221 9917 Tel: (+267) 365 8593 Fax: (+237) 221 9917 Fax: (+267) 391 3280 Email: [email protected] 45
M. Thomas Mbondo Kanga M. Godfrey Membwange Directeur de l'Architecture et de Directeur des concours financiers au l'Habitat FEICOM Ministère de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat BP 718 Yaounde Yaounde Cameroon Cameroon Tel: (+237) 222 0518 Tel: (+237) 222 2728 Fax: (+237) 222 0518 Fax: (+237) 223 1759
M. Jean Claude Mbwentchou M. Daniel Ntye Ntye Chef de la Cellule des Etudes Chef de la Division de la coopération au DAH/MINUH Fonds d'Equipement et d'Intervention Ministère de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat Intercommunale FEICOM Yaounde BP 718 Cameroon Yaounde Tel: (+237) 223 0757 Cameroon Fax: (+237) 223 0757 Tel: (+237) 222 2728/987 3119 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+237) 223 1759
M. Roger Gilles Belinga Mme. Cathérine Mfoula Directeur Général de la Société Ministère de l'Administration Immobilière du Cameroun Territoriale et de la Decentralisation Ministère de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat Yaounde Yaounde Cameroon Cameroon Tel: (+237) 222 1519 Tel: (+237) 223 0159 Fax: (+237) 223 5180 Mrs. Marie Therese Eloundou Director M. Samuel Ebiama Lifanda Local Government Training Delegue du Governement CENTRE/CEFAM Yaounde PMB 08, BUEA, SWP Cameroon Buea Cameroon Tel: (+237) 995 5785/776 1162 M. Thomas Kolle Ekaney Fax: (+237) 332 2045 Directeur adjoint de la Mission Email: [email protected] d'aménagement et d'équipement des Terrains |Urbains et Ruraux (MAETUR) Ms. Christine Andela Yaounde Coordinator Cameroon COSADER Tel: (+237) BP 11810 Yaoundé Fax: (+237) Cameroon 46 Tel: (+237) 959 1750 Tel: (+1 613) 992 2430 Fax: (+237) 228 655 Fax: (+1 613) 995 0770 Email: [email protected]
CANADA Hon. Mr. Stephen Owen Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification) Mr. John Black (Indian Affairs and Northern Special Advisor, Policy and Research Development) National Office Government of Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Suite 111 Justice Building Corporation House of Commons 700 Montreal Road K1A 0A6 Ottawa, ON Ottawa, ON Canada Canada KIA 0P7 Tel: (+1 613) 992 2430 Tel: (+1 613) 748 2795 Fax: (+1 613) 995 0770 Fax: (+1 613) 748 2402 Email: [email protected]
Ms. Jaye Shuttleworth H.E. Mr. Jim Wall Director, Environmental Policies and Permanent Representative Sustainable Development Strategies Permanent Mission of Canada Department of Foreign Affairs and to UN-HABITAT International Trade P.O. Box 30481 111 Sussex Drive Nairobi Rideau Pavilion, 2nd Floor Room 211 Kenya Ottawa Tel: (+254 20) 214 804 Canada KIN IJI Fax: (+254 20) 226 987 Tel: (+613) 944 0428 Fax: (+613) 944 0432 Email: jaye.shuttleworth@dfait- Mr. Tim Martin macci.gc.ca Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Canada to UN-HABITAT Mr. Stephen Randall P.O. Box 30481 First Secretary Nairobi Permanent Mission of Canada Kenya to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+254 20) 214 804 P.O. Box 30481 Fax: (+254 20) 226 987 Nairobi Kenya Dr. Peter Oberlander Tel: (+254 20) 214 804 Special Advisor Fax: (+254 20) 226 987 Government of Canada Suite 111 Justice Building Mayor Yves Ducharme House of Commons First Vice President K1A 0A6 Ottawa, ON Federation of Canadian Municipalities Canada (FCM) 47 24 Clarence St. Kenya Ottawa, Ontario KIN 5P3 Tel: (+254 20) 214 804 Canada Fax: (+254 20) 226 987 Tel: (+1 613) 241 5221 Fax: (+1 613) 241 7117 Email: [email protected] Web Page: Http://WWW.fcm.ca
Ms. Marguerite Ceschi-Smith CÔTE D'IVOIRE Director Federation of Canadian Municipalities Dr. Danho Emile (FCM) Vice Governor of Abidjan 58 Palmerston Ave. District of Abidjan Brandford 22 BP 582 Ontario Abidjan 22 Canada N3T 4L3 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: (+1 519) 758 5093 Tel: (+225) 2247 3977/0750 8263 Fax: (+1 519) 751 2606 Fax: (+225) 2032 8740/2242 2725 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Mr. Brian Ward Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Mr. Beugre Robert Mambe 24 Clarence St. Vice Governor of Abidjan Ottawa, Ontario KIN 5P3 District of Abidjan Canada 08 BP 2276 Tel: (+1 613) 241 5221, Ext. 259 Abidjan 08 Fax: (+1 613) 241 7117 Côte d'Ivoire Email: [email protected] Tel: (+225) 2242 2725/2252 7485 Web Page: Http://WWW.fcm.ca Fax: (+225) 2242 2725 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Tomas Ernst UNEP Youth Advisory Council Member H.E. Adama Diawara Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA) Honorary Consul P.O Box 30481 Consulate of Cote d'Ivoire Nairobi P.O. Box 22683 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 214 804 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 226 987 Tel: (+254 20) 211550
Mr. Savane Alhassane Miss Sylvie Dumas Deputy Consul Permanent Mission of Canada Consul General of Cote d'Ivoire to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 71987 P.O. Box 30481 Nairobi Nairobi Kenya 48 Tel: (+254 20) 211 550/0722 706 713 Ms. Lene Volkersen First Secretary Permanent Mission of Denmark to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 40412 00100 Nairobi Denmark Tel: (+254 20) 331 088 Fax: (+254 20) 331 492 Email: [email protected]
CUBA DJIBOUTI H.E. Mr. Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta Permanent Representative Ms. Amina Abdi Aden Permanent Mission of Cuba Director to UN-HABITAT Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning Nairobi BP 432 Kenya Djibouti Tel: (+254 20) 241 005 Tel: (+253) 356 145 Fax: (+254 20) 241 023 Fax: (+253) 351 618 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
ERITREA Mr. Hugo Ruiz Cabrera H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ali Omaro Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Cuba Permanent Mission of Eritrea to UN-HABITAT to UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O. Box 38651 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 241 005 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 241 023 Tel: (+254 20) 4443 163/4 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 4441 380/ 4443 165 Email: [email protected]
DENMARK Mr. Thomas Tewelde Focal Point H.E. Mr. Finn Thilsted Permanent Mission of Eritrea Permanent Mission of Denmark to UN-HABITAT to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 38651 P.O. Box 40412 Nairobi 00100 Nairobi Kenya Denmark Tel: (+254 20) 444 3164 Tel: (+254 20) 331 088 Fax: (+254 20) 444 3164 Fax: (+254 20) 331 492 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 49 Mr. Teklesenbet Emahazion Tel: (+358 9) 1605 5590 Permanent Mission of Eritrea Fax: (+358 9) 1605 6055 to UN-HABITAT Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 38651 Nairobi Kenya Ms. Anneli Sund Tel: (+254 20) 4443 163/4 Senior Advisor Fax: (+254 20) 4441 380/ 4443 165 Unit for International Affairs Email: [email protected] Ministry of the Environment P.O Box 35 FIN 00023 Government Finland Tel: (+358 9) 1603 9486 Fax: (+358 9) 1603 9602 Email: [email protected]
Goitom Asgedom Mr. Jyri Juslén Second Secretary Senior Researcher Permanent Mission of Eritrea Ministry of the Environment to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 35 P.O. Box 38651 FIN 00023 Government Nairobi Finland Kenya Tel: (+358 9) 1603 9614 Tel: (+254 20) 444 3164 Fax: (+358 9) 1603 9634 Fax: (+254 20) 444 3164 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. Timo Olkkonen Second Secretary FINLAND Permanent Mission of Finland to UN-HABITAT H.E. Mr. Lauri Kangas P.O. Box 30379 Permanent Representative 00100 Nairobi Permanent Mission of Finland Kenya to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+254 20) 334 777/8/336717/336 740 P.O. Box 30379 Fax: (+254 20) 335 986 00100 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 334 777/8/336717/336 740 Mr. Petri Lehtonen Fax: (+254 20) 335 986 Project Assistant Email: [email protected] Permanent Mission of Finland to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 30379 Mr. Kari Karanko 00100 Nairobi Director Kenya Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tel: (+254 20) 334 777/8/336717/336 740 P.O. Box 176 Fax: (+254 20) 335 986 Laivastokatu 22 C Email: [email protected] 00161 Helsinki Finland 50 Director of Housing SSHFC GAMBIA Banjul Gambia Hon. Mr. Manlafy Jarju Tel: (+220) 228 589 Secretary of State Fax: (+220) 228 589/228 688 Department of State for Email: [email protected] Local Government and Lands Banjul Gambia Mr. Mustapha Njie Tel: (+220) 227 315 Municipal Clerk/Chief Executive Officer Fax: (+220) 225 261 Kanifing Municipal Council P.O. Box 2039 Kanifing Gambia Tel: (+220) 390 545 Fax: (+220) 370 073 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Abdoulie Manneh Deputy Permanent Secretary (Technical) Department of State for Local Government and Lands Ms. Oumie Sanneh Badjie Banjul Treasurer/Director of Finance Gambia Banjul City Council Tel: (+220) 226 997 P.O. Box 90 Fax: (+220) 225 261 Banjul Email: [email protected] Gambia Tel: (+220) 227 692 Mr. Andrew G. Sylva Fax: (+220) 226 544 Managing Director Email: [email protected] SSHFC Banjul Mr. Abdoulie Conteh Gambia Mayor Tel: (+220) 228 688 Kanifing Municipal Council Fax: (+220) 228 688 P.O. Box 2039 Email: [email protected] Kanifing Gambia Mr. Sainey Manneh Tel: (+220) 390 564 Director Fax: (+220) 370 073 Physical Planning and Housing Email: [email protected] or Banjul [email protected] Gambia Tel: (+220) 228 132 Mr. Abdul Fatah Othman Fax: (+220) 224 109 Town Clerk/Chief Executive Officer Email: [email protected] Banjul City Council P.O. Box 90 Banjul Mr. Tumbul K. Danso Gambia 51 Tel: (+220) 227 692 Permanent Observer Mission of the Fax: (+220) 226 544 Holy See to UN-HABITAT Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 14326 00800 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 444 2975-77 GHANA Fax: (+254 20) 444 6789 Email: [email protected] Mr. Daniel Kwashie Senior Architect Ghana Institute of Architects Rev. Gerard Whelan, SJ P.O. Box KA 9645 Permanent Observer Mission of the Accra Holy See to UN-HABITAT Ghana P.O. Box 14326 Tel: (+233 21) 503 330 00800 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 444 2975-77 Fax: (+254 20) 444 6789 Email: [email protected]
HOLY SEE H.E. Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci HUNGARY Permanent Observer of the Holy See H.E. Janos Budai to UN-HABITAT Permanent Representative Permanent Observer Mission of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Holy See to UN-HABITAT Hungary to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 14326 P.O. Box 61146 00800 Nairobi Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 444 2975-77 Tel: (+254 20) 444 2612 Fax: (+254 20) 444 6789 Fax: (+254 20) 444 2101 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Rev. Michael F. Crotty Permanent Observer Mission of the Mr. Gabor Kiss Holy See to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of the Republic of P.O. Box 14326 Hungary to UN-HABITAT 00800 Nairobi P.O. Box 61146 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 444 2975-77 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 444 6789 Tel: (+254 20) 444 2612 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 44 2101/444 2101 Email: [email protected]
Rev. Jose Luis Orpella Isus 52 ISRAEL Mr. Hatim Ibrahim Permanent Mission of Kuwait H.E. Mr. Yaacov Amitai to UN-HABITAT Permanent Representative P.O Box 42353 Permanent Mission of Israel Nairobi to UN-HABITAT Kenya P.O. Box 30354 Tel: (+254 20) 376 1614/376 7144 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 376 7053 Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 2182-83/272 4021-22 Fax: (+254 20) 271 5966 Email: [email protected] LATVIA Mr. Emanuel Seri Hon. Mr. Ivars Gaters Minister-Counselor Minister South American Department Ministry of Regional Development and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Local Governments Jerusalem Raina Bulvari 4, Israel LV-1050 Riga Latvia Tel: (+37 17) 338 060 Fax: (+37 17) 338 063 Email: [email protected]
LESOTHO Mr. Einat Ksler Hon. Dr. Pontso Matumelo Sekatle Second Secretary Minister Permanent Mission of Israel Ministry of Local Government to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 686 P.O Box 30354 Maseru 100 Nairobi Lesotho Kenya Tel: (+9 266) 2232 3415 Tel: (+254 20) 2722182 Fax: (+9 266) 2232 7782 Fax: (+254 20) 2715966 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. Makalo Theko Principal Secretary KUWAIT Ministry of Local Government P.O. Box 686 H.E. Salim Al-Muzayen Maseru 100 Permanent Representative Lesotho Permanent Mission of Kuwait Tel: (+9 266) 2232 3416 to UN-HABITAT Fax: (+9 266) 2231 1269 P.O Box 42353 Email: [email protected] Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 376 1614/376 7144 Mrs. Mathabo Makuta Fax: (+254 20) 376 7053 Housing Economist 53 Ministry of Local Government Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 686 Maseru 100 Lesotho Tel: (+9 266) 2231 5009 Fax: (+9 266) 2231 1269 MALI Email: [email protected] M. Issa Dembele Ingénieur à la Direction Nationale de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat Mr. Mpopo Tsoele Ministère des Domaines de l'Etat des Director of Decentralisation Affaires Foncières et de l'Habitat Ministry of Local Government BP E976 P.O. Box 686 Bamako Maseru 100 Mali Lesotho Tel: (+223) 222 5660 / 222 3567 Tel: (+9 266) 2232 1389 / 2231 5007 Fax: (+223) 223 1619 Fax: (+9 266) 2231 1269 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] M. Abdou Coulibaly Technical Adviser Ministère des Domaines de l'Etat des Affaires Foncières et de l'Habitat BP 976 Bamako Mali Tel: (+223) 223 0539 Fax: (+223) 223 1619
LIBERIA Mr. Abraham B. Kroma, Jr. M. Youssouf Forba Deputy Minister Chef de Division Sectoral and Regional Planning Office Malien de l'Habitat Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs Ministère des Domaines de l'Etat des P. O. Box 10-9016 Affaires Foncières et de l'Habitat 1000 Monrovia 10 BP E24 Liberia Bamako Tel: (+231) 227 702/229 051 Mali Fax: (+231) 226 075/227 614 Tel: (+223) 223 2481 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+223) 223 1619 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Frank A. Krah Acting Executive Coordinator National Habitat Secretariat C/o Ministry of Planning and Economic MAURITIUS Affairs Hon. Mr. G. Pierre Lesjongard P. O. Box 10-9016 Minister 1000 Monrovia 10 Ministry of Housing and Lands Liberia SILWF Building Tel: (+231) 227 702/229 051 Port Louis Fax: (+231) 226 075/227 614 Mauritius 54 Tel: (+230) 211 7347 Fax: (+254 20) 222 446 Fax: (+230) 210 7380 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Henry Jeanne Mr. Arlindo Dgedge Principal Assistant Secretary National Director Ministry of Housing and Lands Territorial Planning SILWF Building Ministry for the Coordination of Port Louis Environmental Affairs Mauritius Avenida Acordos de Lusaka, 2115 Tel: (+230) 211 7347 P.O. Box 1310 Fax: (+230) 210 7380 Maputo Email: [email protected] Mozambique Tel: (+258 1) 466 337 Fax: (+258 1) 469 208 Dr. Charles Kutwa Email: [email protected] Consulate of Mauritius Permanent Mission of Mauritius to UN-HABITAT Mr. Mathias Spaliviero P. O. Box 49326 Junior Professional Officer Nairobi Territorial Department Kenya Ministry of Environmental Affairs Tel: (+254 20) 330215 P. O. Box 159 Fax: (+254 20) 221006 Maputo Email: [email protected] Mozambique Tel: (+258 1) 466 337 Fax: (+258 1) 469 208 Email: [email protected]
MOZAMBIQUE H.E. Mr. Marcos G. Namashulua NAMIBIA Permanent Representative Hon. Mr. Joel Kaapanda Permanent Mission of Mozambique Minister to UN-HABITAT Ministry of Regional and P. O. Box 66923 Local Government and Housing Nairobi Government Office Park, Luther Street Kenya Private Bag 13289 Tel: (+254 20) 221 979/214 191/0733 609892 9000 Windhoek Fax: (+254 20) 222 446 Namibia Tel: (+264 61) 297 5111 Fax: (+264 61) 226 049 Mr. Sergio Muchanga Second Secretary Multilateral Divison Mr. Uilkka Kerthu Kamboua Permanent Mission of Mozambique Acting Director to UN-HABITAT Housing, Habitat and Technical Services P. O. Box 66923 Coordination Nairobi Ministry of Regional and Kenya Local Government and Housing Tel: (+254 20) 221 979/214 191 Government Office Park, Luther Street 55 Private Bag 13289 Email: [email protected] 9000 Windhoek Namibia Tel: (+264 61) 297 5017 Mr. Harold Kisting Fax: (+264 61) 297 5659 Chief Sustainable Development Email: [email protected] City of Windhoek P.O. Box 3216 Windhoek Mr. Fenni-Fiindje Nanyala Namibia Deputy Director Tel: (+264 61) 290 2376 Habitat Coordination Fax: (+264 61) 290 2111 Ministry of Regional and Email: [email protected] Local Government and Housing Government Office Park, Luther Street Private Bag 13289 Mrs. Amara Effenberger 9000 Windhoek Chief Town Planner Namibia Planning Division Tel: (+264 61) 297 5019 Ministry of Regional and Fax: (+264 61) 226 049 Local Government and Housing Government Office Park, Luther Street Private Bag 13289 Mr. Kerry Sean McNamara 9000 Windhoek Chairman Namibia Urban Trust of Namibia Tel: (+264 61) 297 5202 P. O. Box 3682 Fax: (+264 61) 226 049 Windhoek Email: [email protected] Namibia Tel: (+264 61) 235 065 Fax: (+264 61) 232 969 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Heinrich Amushila Regional Co-ordinator Namibia Housing Action Group Mrs. Annatjie Thobias P. O. Box 21010 Senior Control Registered Nurse Windhoek Primary Health Care Directorate/Nurse Namibia Services Tel: (+264 61) 239 398/812 575 Ministry of Health and Social Services Fax: (+264 61) 239 397 Windhoek Email: [email protected] Namibia Tel: (+264 61) 203 2726 Fax: (+264 61) 203 2735 Ms. Edith L. Mbanga National Coordinator Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia Mr. Pohamba Shifeta P.O. Box 21010 Secretary-General Windhoek National Youth Council Namibia Windhoek Tel: (+264 61) 239 398/228 697 Namibia Fax: (+264 61) 239 397 56 Nairobi Kenya NIGER Tel: (+254 20) 564 116/570 226 Fax: (+254 20) 575 871 S.E.M. Mamane Bachir Yahaya Email: [email protected] Ministre Ministère de l'Urbanisme, de l'Habitat et du Domaine Foncier Public Mr. J.O. Okunfulure BP 669 Director Niamey Department of Lands, Urban and Niger Regional Development Fax: (+227) 722 171 Ministry of Works and Housing Email: [email protected] Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 523 1852 Mr. Elhadj Abdou Ali Fax: (+234 9) 521 1632 Director Ministère de l'Urbanisme, de l'Habitat et du Domaine Foncier Public H.E. Mr. Ayoola Olukanni BP 669 Minister (High Commission) Niamey Permanent Mission of the Niger Federal Republic of Nigeria Fax: (+227) 722 171 to UN-HABITAT Email: [email protected] P. O. Box 30516 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 564 116/570 226 Fax: (+254 20) 575 871 Email: [email protected]
NIGERIA Hon. Mr. Aderemi Olagoke Esan Mr. R.O. Adebayo Minister of State Deputy Director Ministry of Works and Housing Urban Development Division Abuja Ministry of Works and Housing Nigeria Abuja Tel: (+234 9) 523 1852 Nigeria Fax: (+234 9) 521 1632 Tel: (+234 9) 523 1852 Fax: (+234 9) 521 1632
H.E. Mr. A.A. Sekudo Ag. Permanent Representative Ms. Edna Deimi Tobi Permanent Mission of the Chief Town Planning Officer Federal Republic of Nigeria Ministry of Works and Housing to UN-HABITAT Abuja P.O. Box 30516 Nigeria 57 Tel: (+234 9) 523 1852 Mr. Said bin Majed Al-Shukaily Fax: (+234 9) 521 1632 Director, Regional Development and Email: [email protected] Infrastructure Ministry of National Economy P. O. Box 881 Alhaji Rabiu S. Bichi Muscat 113 Managing Director Oman Urban Development Bank of Nigeria Tel: (+968) 943 8138 Abuja Fax: (+968) 698 907 Nigeria
Eng. Ibrahim Mustapha Managing Director PALESTINE Federal Housing Authority H.E. Mr. Yousef Rajab Radii Abuja Permanent Observer Nigeria Permanent Mission of Palestine to Tel: (+234 9) 314 4964 UN-HABITAT 1 Fairbridge Avenue Eng. Garba Daba Mubi Belgravia Executive Director P.O. Box 3817 Federal Housing Authority Harare Abuja Zimbabwe Nigeria Tel: (+263 4) 794 330/ 794 331 Tel: (+234 9) 314 4964 Fax: (+263 4) 725 970 Email: [email protected]
Eng. E. Yatai Sambo General Manager, Estate Services Mr. Maher Ghnaim Federal Housing Authority Assistant Deputy Abuja Palestinian National Authority Nigeria Ministry of Public Works and Housing Tel: (+234 9) 314 4964 P. O. Box 3961 Email: [email protected] Al Bireh Palestine Tel: (+97 28) 240 0888 Fax: (+97 28) 240 0890 Email: [email protected]
OMAN PORTUGAL Mr. Khameis Al-shamsy Head, Distribution of Housing Units H.E. Dr. Julio Mascarenhas Department Permanent Representative Ministry of Housing, Electricity and Water Permanent Mission of Portugal P.O. Box 881 to UN-HABITAT Muscat 113 P.O. Box 34020 Oman 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+968) 681 542 Kenya Fax: (+968) 698 907 Tel: (+254 20) 338 990/339 853 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 214 711/315 424 Email: [email protected] 58 Dr. Lina Isabel Castro Mota Sewer Research Associate Deputy Permanent Representative Housing and Urban Research Institute Permanent Mission of Portugal Ministry of Construction and to UN-HABITAT Transportation P.O. Box 34020 Seoul 00100 Nairobi Republic of Korea Kenya Tel: (+82 2) 2110 8167 Tel: (+254 20) 338 990/339 853 Fax: (+82 2) 503 9181 Fax: (+254 20) 214 711/315 424 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ju-hyun Sung Project Planning Division Korean Housing Corporation Seoul REPUBLIC OF KOREA Republic of Korea Mr. Jong-dae Seo Tel: (+82 2) 2110 8167 Director General Fax: (+82 2) 503 9181 Urban and Architectural Affairs Bureau Ministry of Construction and Transportation Mr. Houng Seob Kim Seoul First Secretary Republic of Korea Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tel: (+82 2) 2110 3820 Korea to UN-HABITAT Fax: (+82 2) 503 9181 P. O. Box 30455 Nairobi Kenya Mr. Jung-hee Uhm Tel: (+254 20) 333 581 Deputy Director Email: [email protected] Urban Policy Division Ministry of Construction and Transportation Mr. Ji-Joon Kim Seoul Second Secretary Republic of Korea Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tel: (+82 2) 2110 8167 Korea to UN-HABITAT Fax: (+82 2) 503 9181 P. O. Box 30455 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 333 581/219 992
Mr. Myung-Seop Lee Deputy Director ROMANIA Housing Policy Division Ministry of Construction and Hon. Mr. Radu Liviu Bara Transportation Vice President of the Board of Directors Seoul Global Parliamentarians on Habitat from Republic of Korea the European Continent Tel: (+82 2) 2110 8160 2-4, Izvor Street, Sect. 5 Fax: (+82 2) 503 9181 Bucharest Romania Tel: (+402 1) 335 8876 Mr. Jung-geun Ahn Fax: (+402 1) 314 6934 59 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
H.E. Mr. Emilian Ion Mme. Monique Sevumba Charge d'Affaires and Permanent Directrice de l'Urbanisme et des Representative Infrastructures Publiquès Permanent Mission of Romania Ministère des Infrastructures to UN-HABITAT Kigali P.O. Box 63240 Rwanda Nairobi Tel: (+250) 76 958 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 520 607/523 109 Fax: (+254 20) 522 061 Email: [email protected] SAUDI ARABIA H.E. Mr. Nabeel Khalaf Ashour Permanent Representative RWANDA Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia Mme. Patricia Hajabakiga to UN-HABITAT Secrétaire Général P. O. Box 58297 Ministère des Terres, de la Nairobi Réinstallation et de l'Environnement Kenya BP 3502 Tel: (+254 20) 762 781-4 Kigali Fax: (+254 20) 214 527 Rwanda Tel: (+250) 82 637 Fax: (+250) 82 629 Mr. Fahad A. Al Mansouri Email: [email protected] First Secretary and Deputy Permanent Representative for UNEP and UN-HABITAT Mr. Remy Mugunga Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia Director of Poverty Reduction to UN-HABITAT President's Office P. O. Box 58297 BP 15 Nairobi Kigali Kenya Rwanda Tel: (+254 20) 762 781-4 Tel: (+250) 84 085/830 2416 Fax: (+254 20) 214 527 Fax: (+250) 511 720 Email: [email protected]
Mr. James Kimonyo Eng. Jamal Ali S. Bamaileh Préfet de la Province de Kibungo Deputy Permanent Representative Ministère de l'Administration Locale, de Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia l'Information et des Affaires Sociales to UN-HABITAT BP 01 P. O. Box 58297 Kibungo Nairobi Rwanda Kenya Tel: (+250) 566 671 Tel: (+254 20) 762 781-4 Fax: (+250) 566 230 Fax: (+254 20) 214 527 60 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+252 5) 930 763 Email: [email protected]
SLOVAKIA SOUTH AFRICA Mr. Alexander Micovcin Hon. Ms. Brigette Mabandla Second Secretary and Deputy Permanent Minister of Housing Representative South Africa Permanent Mission of Slovakia to UN-HABITAT P. O. Box 30204 Ms. Yasmim Coovadia Nairobi Chief Director Kenya Strategic Intervention Tel: (+254 20) 2721 896 Department of Housing of the Gauteng Fax: (+254 20) 2712 956 Provincial Government Email: [email protected] Johannesburg [email protected] South Africa Tel: (+27 11) 355 4213/ 83 607 3637 Fax: (+27 11) 355 4258 Email: [email protected] SOMALIA H.E. Dr. Abukar Abdi Osman Mr. A. Vawda Minister Deputy Director General Ministry of Environment National Department of Housing Postal Service via DHL, Mogadishu South Africa Mogadishu Tel: (+27 12) 021 1345 Somalia Email: [email protected] Tel: (+252 5) 944 702/30763/(252 1) 645 043 Fax: (+252 5) 930 763 Mr. J. Minnie Email: [email protected] Director National Department of Housing South Africa Tel: (+27 12) 421 1604 Email: [email protected]
Dr. Qaasim Hersi Farah Director General Mr. A. Arendse Ministry of Environment Director: Human Settlement Policy Postal Service via DHL, Mogadishu Department of Housing Mogadishu Private Bag X644 Somalia Pretoria 0001 Tel: (+252 5) 930 763 South Africa 61 Tel: (+27 12) 421 1621 Lonrho House, 17th Floor Fax: (+27 12) 421 1613 Standard Street Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 42441 00100 Nairobi Kenya Ms. P. Tsita Tel: (+254 20) 3206 3100 Town Planner Fax: (+254 20) 3206 3236/3206 3219 National Department of Housing Email: [email protected] South Africa Tel: (+27 12) 421 1394 Email: [email protected] Mr. Bangilizwe Solo Member of Parliament Mr. Mika Maile Parliament of the Republic of South Africa Chief Executive Officer P.O. Box 15 Urban Regeneration Cape Town 8000 Guateng Department of Housing South Africa South Africa Tel: (+27 21) 403 2952 Tel: (+27 11) 355 4000 Fax: (+27 21) 403 2880
H.E. Mr. Lucas M. Makhubela Ms. D. Moeketsi Permanent Representative Private Secretary to the Minister Permanent Mission of South Africa Ministry of National Housing to UN-HABITAT South Africa P.O. Box 42441 Lonrho House, 17th Floor Prof. Richard Tomlinson Standard Street Consultant P.O. Box 42441 University of the Witwatersrand 00100 Nairobi 17 Seymour Avenue Kenya Johannesburg Tel: (+254 20) 3206 3100 South Africa Fax: (+254 20) 3206 3236/3206 3219 Tel: (+27 11) 482 5477 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Ms. M. Nxumalu Director General Ministry of National Housing South Africa
Ms. Magdalene Williams Deputy Permanent Representative SUDAN Permanent Mission of South Africa to UN-HABITAT Dr. Al Fadil Ali Adam P.O. Box 42441 Under Secretary-Head of Delegation 62 Ministry of Environment and Physical Minister Development Ministry of Housing and Urban P.O Box 2226 Development Khartoum P.O. Box 1832 Sudan Mbabane Tel: (+249 11) 773970 / 774139 Swaziland Fax: (+249 11) 774058 Fax: (+268) 404 4085 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
H.E. Mr. Ali Abdelrahman Nimeri Mr. Paul D. Nkambule Permanent Representative Under Secretary Permanent Mission of Sudan Ministry of Housing and to UN-HABITAT Urban Development P.O. Box 48784 P.O. Box 1832 Nairobi Mbabane Kenya Swaziland Tel: (+254 20) 272 0853-54/272 0883-89 Fax: (+268) 404 4085 Fax: (+254 20) 271 0612 Email: [email protected]
Ms. Mariam El A Agib Mr. Sibongile C. Lukhele Director Department of Human Director of Housing and Human Settlements Settlements Ministry of Environment and Physical Ministry of Housing and Development Urban Development P.O Box 2226 P.O. Box 1832 Khartoum Mbabane Sudan Swaziland Tel: (+249 11) 765 739 Fax: (+268) 404 4085 Fax: (+249 11) 774 058 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr. Patrick M. Dlamini Mr. AbdelRahman Sharfi Director of Urban Government Minister Plenipotentiary Ministry of Housing and Permanent Mission of Sudan Urban Development to UN-HABITAT P.O. Box 1832 P.O Box 48784 Mbabane Nairobi Swaziland Kenya Fax: (+268) 404 4085 Tel: (+254 20) 2720853/2720883 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 2710612 Email: [email protected]
SWAZILAND Hon. Mr. Albert H.N. Shabangu 63 Mr. Bhekithemba M. Matsebula SWITZERLAND Research and Development Officer Mme. Dr. Francoise Lieberherr Ministry of Housing and Conseillère principale pour l'urbanisation Urban Development Direction du développement et de la P.O. Box 1832 coopération Mbabane Département fédéral des affaires Swaziland étrangères Fax: (+268) 404 4085 Freiburgstrasse 130 Email: [email protected] 3003 Berne Switzerland Tel: (+41) 322 3344 Mr. Felix Matsebula Fax: (+41) 324 1347 Acting Chief Executive Officer Email: Mbabane City Council [email protected] P.O. Box 1 Mbabane Swaziland Mr. Andrej Motyl Fax: (+268) 404 2611 Deputy Permanent Representative Email: [email protected] Foreign Affairs Permanent Mission of Switzerland Mr. Churchill Fakudze to UN-HABITAT Chief Executive Officer P. O. Box 30752 Manzini City Council 00100 Nairobi P.O. Box 418 Kenya Manzini Tel: (+254 20) 228735 Swaziland Fax: (+254 20) 217388 Fax: (+268) 505 3992 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
H.E. Mr. Solomon M. Dlamini Permanent Representative THAILAND Permanent Mission of Swaziland to H.E. Mr. Charivat Santaputra UN-HABITAT Permanent Representative P.O Box 41887 Permanent Mission of Thailand Nairobi to UN-HABITAT Kenya P.O. Box 58349 Tel: (+254 20) 339 231 00200 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 330 540 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 271 5800/271 5243 Fax: (+254 20) 271 5801/02 Email: [email protected] 64 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Prasit Pongbhaesaj Deputy Director General Policy and Planning Department Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Ms. Meera Pandit 173 Thanon Dinso Focal Point to UN-Habitat Bangkok 10200 Permanent Mission of Thailand Thailand to UN-HABITAT Tel: (+66 2) 221 2141 69 P.O. Box 58349 Fax: (+66 2) 224 4686 00200 Nairobi Email: [email protected] or Kenya [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 271 5800/271 5243 Fax: (+254 20) 271 5801 Email: [email protected] Ms. Sommai Prijasilpa Director of Foreign Relations Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning Ministry of Interior TOGO Rama IX Rd., Huai, Khwang Mr. Affo-Dogo Yaya Moussa Bangkok 10320 Directeur Général Adjoint Thailand Department de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat Tel: (+66 2) 245 1420/245 142-7 Ministère de l'Urbanisme et du Logement Fax: (+66 2) 246 0180 BP 8825 Email: [email protected] or Lome [email protected] Togo Tel: (+228) 223 1426/903 1630 (cell) Email: [email protected] Miss Pranee Nantasenamat Senior Town Planner Department of Public Works and Country Planning Ministry of Interior TUNISIA Rama IX Rd., Huai Khwang Mr. Slim Mohamed Hedi Bangkok 10320 Directeur Général Habitat Thailand Ministère Equipement Habitat et Tel: (+66 2) 245 1420/245 1425-7 Aménagement du Territoire Fax: (+66 2) 245 9987 Rue Habib Chrita Lebelvedere Email: [email protected] or Cite Jardins [email protected] 1013 Tunis or [email protected] Tunisia Tel: (+216 71) 840036 Fax: (+216 71) 796810 Mr. Annop Soonjan First Secretary Permanent Mission of Thailand Mr. Belghith Abdel-Fattah to UN-HABITAT Chargè de Mission P.O. Box 58349 Ministère des Affaires Sociales et de 00200 Nairobi Solidaritè Kenya Boulevard Bab Bnet Tel: (+254 20) 271 5800/271 5243 Tunis Fax: (+254 20) 271 5801 Tunisia 65 Tel: (+216 71) 561 046
UKRAINE H.E. Mr. Andri Veselovsky Ambassador YEMEN Embassy of Ukraine in the Arab Mr. Abdulrahman Binbrek Republic of Egypt Charge d'Affaires 50, Road 83 Permanent Mission of Yemen Old Maadi to UN-HABITAT Cairo P.O Box 44642 Egypt Nairobi Tel: (+20 2) 378 6870 Kenya Fax: (+20 2) 378 6873 Tel: (+254 20) 574 646/0733 707189 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 574 680
Mr. Ruslan Osypenko First Secretary ZAMBIA Embassy of Ukraine in the Arab Republic of Egypt Hon. Sylvia Masebo 50, Road 83 Delegation Leader Old Maadi Ministry of Local Government Cairo and Housing Egypt P.O. Box 50027 Tel: (+20 2) 378 6870 Lusaka Fax: (+20 2) 378 6873 Zambia Email: [email protected] Tel: (+260 97) 252 680 Fax: (+260 97) 252 680
Ms. Josephine Mapoma VENEZUELA Permanent Secretary Mr. Noel Quintero Ministry of Local Government Charge d'Affaires and Housing Permanent Mission of Venezuela P.O. Box 50027 to UN-HABITAT Lusaka P.O. Box 34477 Zambia Nairobi Tel: (+260 97) 252 680 Kenya Fax: (+260 97) 252 680 Tel: (+254 20) 340 134 / 67 / 78 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Dr. Glyn A.C Khonje Director of Physical Planning and Housing Department of Physical Planning and Housing Ministry of Local Government and Housing P.O. Box 50027 66 Lusaka P.O. Box 30806 Zambia 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+260 97) 252 680 Kenya Fax: (+260 97) 252 680 Tel: (+254 20) 374 4052 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 374 8079 Email: [email protected]
H.E. Mr. Enock Yotam Chikamba Permanent Representative Mr. F. Tseriwa Permanent Mission of Zambia Counsellor / Focal Point to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe P.O. Box 48741 to UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O Box 30806 Kenya 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 272 4796 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 271 8494 Tel: (+254 20) 374 4052 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 374 8079 Email: [email protected] Mr. Emmanuel Chileshe First Secretary/Focal Point Mr. N.T Mawema Permanent Mission of Zambia Counsellor to UN-HABITAT Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe P.O. Box 48741 to UN-HABITAT Nairobi P.O Box 30806 Kenya 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 271 3309 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 271 8494 Tel: (+254 20) 374 4052 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 374 8079 Email: [email protected]
ZIMBABWE Dr. Vincent Hungwe Permanent Secretary Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Private Bag 7755 Causeway Harare 263-04 Zimbabwe Tel: (+263 4) 723 479 Fax: (+263 4) 708 493 Email: [email protected]
H.E. Mr. Elisha Muzonzini Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe to UN-HABITAT 67
UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND UNITED NATIONS BODIES AND (UNICEF) SPECIALIZED AGENCIES Dr. Nicholas Alipui Representative of Kenya Country Office A. UNITED NATIONS United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) P.O. Box 44145 Nairobi INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORP – Kenya WORLD BANK Tel: (+254 20) 622 143 Ms. Pamela Lamoreaux Fax: (+254 20) 622 746/215 584 Manager Housing Finance Group Email: [email protected] GFM International Finance Corp - World Bank UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT 2121 Pennsylvania Ave PROGRAMME (UNDP) Washington, DC 20016 United States of America Mr. Jonas Rabinovitch Tel: (+1 202) 473 7041 Senior Policy Advisor Fax: (+1 202) 974 4559 Bureau for Development Policy Email: [email protected] United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 304 East 45th Street SECRETARIAT OF INTERNATIONAL New York, NY 10017 STRATEGY FOR DISASTER United States of America REDUCTION (UN/ISDR) Tel: (+1 212) 906 5780 Mrs. Helena Molin Valdes Fax: (+1 212) 906 6471 Senior Policy Officer Email: [email protected] Secretariat of International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) Palais des Nations Ms. Erna Witoelar CH-1211, Geneva Senior Regional Advisor Switzerland The Urban Governance Initiative (TUGI) Tel: (+41 22) 917 2776 United Nations Development Programme Email: [email protected] (UNDP) Jalan Cibulan No. 18, Southern Jakarta Jakarta UNITED NATIONS CENTRE FOR Indonesia REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT (UNCRD) Tel: (+62 21) 724 4204 Dr. Isaac K. Mwangi Fax: (+62 21) 722 0500 National Expert Email: [email protected] Training and Capacity Development United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) Dr. Christopher G. Gakahu P.O. Box 30218 Assistant Resident Representative 00100 Nairobi United Nations Development Programme Kenya (UNDP) Tel: (+254 20) 624 479 P.O. Box 30218 Fax: (+254 20) 624 480 00100 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 624 458 Fax: (+254 20) 624 489/90 Email: [email protected] 68
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND Mr. B.M. Taal SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND Senior Programme Officer THE PACIFIC (UNESCAP) Division of Policy Development and Law Mr. Yap Kioe Sheng (DPDL) Chief, Poverty Reduction Section United Nations Environment Programme Poverty and Development Division (UNEP) United Nations Economic and Social P.O. Box 30552 Commission for Asia and the Pacific Nairobi (UNESCAP) Kenya The United Nations Building, Tel: (+254 20) 623 230 Rajadamnern Nok Avenue Fax: (+254 20) 626 240 Bangkok 10200 Email: [email protected] Thailand Tel: (+66 2) 288 1600 Fax: (+66 2) 288 1097 Mr. Gilbert M. Bankobeza Email: [email protected] Senior Legal Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme UNITED NATIONS ECONOMICS AND (UNEP) SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR WESTERN P.O. Box 30552 ASIA (ESCWA) Nairobi Kenya Dr. Riadh Tappuni Tel: (+254 20) 623 854 Social Development Division Fax: (+254 20) 623 601 United Nations Economics and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) P.O. Box 11-8576 Riad El Solh Sq Mr. Jacob Duer Beirut Special Assistant Lebanon DPDL Tel: (+961 1) 981 301 ext 1400 United Nations Environment Programme Fax: (+961 1) 981 501 (UNEP) Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT Kenya PROGRAMME (UNEP) Tel: (+254 20) 623 854 Fax: (+254 20) 623 601 Dr. Klaus Töpfer Email: [email protected] Executive Director United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR WOMEN P.O. Box 30552 (UNIFEM) Nairobi Ms. Mary Mbeo Kenya Programme Officer Tel: (+254 2) 623 416/623 652 United Nations Fund for Women Fax: (+254 2) 217 119/624 275 (UNIFEM) P.O. Box 30218 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 624 385 Fax: (+254 20) 624 490 Email: [email protected] 69
UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (UNHCR) INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE Mr. Miloon Kothari (ILO) Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing Mr. Stephen Muthua United Nations High Commissioner for Technical Advisor Human Rights (UNHCR) ILO/ASIST Palais des Nations International Labour Office (ILO) CH-1211 Geneve 10 P.O. Box 39493 Switzerland Nairobi Tel: (+41 22) 917 9265 Kenya Fax: (+41 22) 917 9010 Tel: (+254 20) 271 3028 Fax: (+254 20) 271 0083 UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR Email: [email protected] TRAINING AND RESEARCH (UNITAR) Mr. Nicolas Frizon de Lamotte INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR Programme Administrator MIGRATION (IOM) External Relations United Nations Institute for Training and Mr. Edwin P. McClain Research (UNITAR) Regional Representative Palais Des Nations International Organization for Migration CH-1211Geneva 10 (IOM) Switzerland P.O. Box 55040 Tel: (+41 22) 917 1880 Rhapta Road, Westlands Fax: (+41 22) 917 0174 Nairobi Telex: 412962 UNO CH Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 444 4167/444 4174 Fax: (+254 20) 444 9577 Email: [email protected]
WORLD METEOROLOGICAL B. SPECIALIZED AGENCIES ORGANIZATION (WMO) Prof. Ogallo Laban FOOD AND AGRICULTURE World Meteorological Organization ORGANIZATION OF THE (WMO) UNITED NATIONS (FAO) 7 Bis Avenue De La Paix Mr. George Hanek Case Postale 2300 FAO Representative Geneva Food and Agriculture Organization of the Switzerland United Nations (FAO) Email: [email protected] or P.O. Box 30470 [email protected] Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 5440/272 5359/69 Fax: (+254 20) 272 7584 70
Mr. Doutoum Mahamat Habib INTERGOVERNMENTAL Commissioner in-charge of Social Affairs ORGANIZATIONS African Union P.O. Box 3243 AFRICAN CENTRE FOR Addis Ababa TECHNOLOGY STUDIES (ACTS) Ethiopia Tel: (+251 1) 513 782 Dr. Evans Kituyi Fax: (+251 1) 518 340 Research Fellow Email: [email protected] Climate Change/Energy African Centre for Technology Studies CARE INTERNATIONAL (ACTS) P.O. Box 45917 Mr. Nicolas Hall 00200, Nairobi Principal Consultant Kenya CARE International Tel: (+254 20) 524 711 Gate Getwick W. Sussex Fax: (+254 20) 524 701 RH6 ONT Gatwick Email: [email protected] United Kingdom Tel: (+44) 1293 602 624 Email: [email protected]. Mr. Harrison A. Maganga Communications and Outreach Officer COMHABITAT/COMMONWEALTH Information Management Section SECRETARIAT "COMMONWEALTH African Centre for Technology Studies ACTIONS FOR HUMAN (ACTS) SETTLEMENTS” P.O. Box 45917 Nairobi Mr. Peter De Groot Kenya COMHABITAT/Commonwealth Tel: (+254 20) 524 705 Secretariat "Commonwealth Actions Fax: (+254 20) 524 701 for Human Settlements" Email: [email protected] Marlborough House Pall Mall AFRICAN UNION SW1Y 5HY London Dr. Jotham Musiime United Kingdom Director Tel: (+44 020) 7747 6262 African Union Fax: (+44 020) 7839 8157 P.O. Box 30786 Email: [email protected] Nairobi [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 338 570 Fax: (+254 20) 220 546 Email: [email protected] 71
Mr. Azim Manji Programme Director COMHABITAT/Commonwealth Secretariat "Commonwealth Actions Ms. Belayachi Noura for Human Settlements" Conseiller Scientifique Marlborough House EUR-OPA rísquies Majeure Pall Mall Council of Europe SW1Y 5HY 67000 Strasbourg London SW1Y 5HY France United Kingdom Tel: (+33) 684 756 880 Tel: (+44 020) 7747 6262 Fax: (+33) 388 412 787 Fax: (+44 020) 7839 8157 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] or [email protected] EUROPEAN COMMISSION Mr. Gary Quince COMMISSION OF THE AFRICAN European Commission UNION (CAU) P.O. Box 30475 H.E. Amb. Mahamat Habib Doutoum Nairobi Commissioner in-charge Kenya Social Affairs and Afro-Arab Directorates Tel: (+254 20) 271 2981/271 2830 Commission of the African Union (CAU) Fax: (+254 20) 271 0997/272 4657 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: (+251 1) 513 782 Mr. Alejandro Montalban Fax: (+251 1) 518 340 Development Directorate-General Email: [email protected] European Commission 200 Rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Dr. Ben Hadj Abdellatif Belgium Population and Development Expert Tel: (+32 2) 299 1111/295 8569 Commission of the African Union (CAU) Fax: (+32 2) 299 0914 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: (+251 1) 515 627 Mr. Jesper Pedersen Fax: (+251 1) 517 344 Technical Assistant Email: [email protected] Transport, Urban Development and Mine Action European Commission COUNCIL OF EUROPE P.O. Box 30475 Prof. Jean-Pierre Massue Nairobi Executive Secretary Kenya EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement Tel: (+254 20) 271 2981/271 2830 Council of Europe Fax: (+254 20) 271 0997/272 4657 6700 Strasbourg France Tel: (+33) 388 412 614 Fax: (+33) 388 412 787 Email: [email protected] 72
INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS (ICRC) Mr. Saïd Diaw Mr. Jean Vergain Project Officer Regional Water and Habitat Specialist Shelter Afrique Water and Habitat P.O. Box 41479 International Committee of the Red Cross 00100 Nairobi (ICRC) Kenya P.O. Box 73226 Tel: (+254 20) 272 2305-9 00200 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 272 2024 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 272 3963/271 3367 Fax: (+254 20) 271 3003/271 5598 Email: [email protected]
SHELTER AFRIQUE Mr. Oumar T. Bah Director of Admistration and Human Resource Shelter Afrique P.O. Box 41479 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 0058 Fax: (+254 20) 272 2024 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Papa Mamadou Mbaye Managing Director Shelter Afrique P.O. Box 41479 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 0945 Fax: (+254 20) 272 2024
Mr. Ositadinma Okonkwo Director of Operations Shelter Afrique P.O. Box 41479 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 2305-9 Fax: (+254 20) 272 2024 Email: [email protected] 73 Email: [email protected]
LOCAL AUTHORITIES BANJUL CITY COUNCIL AFRICAN UNION OF LOCAL Mrs. Oumie Sanneh Badjie AUTHORITIES Director of Finance Finance Department Mr. Akwasi Opong-Fozu Banjul City Council President P.O. Box 90 African Union of Local Authorities Banjul Harare Gambia Zimbabwe Tel: (+220) 227 692/906 136 Tel: (+263 4) 726 289 Fax: (+220) 226 544 Fax: (+263 4) 726 289 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web Page: Http://WWW.lula.org Mr. Abdul Fatah Othman ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL Chief Executive Officer AUTHORITIES OF TANZANIA (ALAT) Administration Department Mr. Peter S. Siyovelwa Banjul City Council Chairman P.O. Box 90 Association of Local Authorities of Banjul Tanzania (ALAT) Gambia Dar-es-Salaam Tel: (+220) 227 415 United Republic of Tanzania Fax: (+220) 226 544
CITY OF JOHANNESBURG Mr. Basiliu R. Nchimbi Secretary General Hon. Cllr Amos Nkosiyakhe Masondo Association of Local Authorities of Executive Mayor Tanzania (ALAT) Office of the Mayor P.O. Box 7912 City of Johannesburg Dar-es-Salaam P.O. Box 30733 Braamfontein United Republic of Tanzania Johannesburg Tel: (+255 22) 212 2452 South Africa Email: [email protected] Tel: (+27 11) 407 7558 Fax: (+27 11) 339 5704 ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL Email: [email protected] GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES OF KENYA Ms. Flora Mokgohloa Mr. Augustine Odipo Director Secretary-General Environmental Planning and Management Chief Executive City of Johannesburg Association of Local Government 158 Loveday Street Authorities of Kenya Metropolitan Civic Centre P.O. Box 73328 Braamfontein 00100 Nairobi South Africa Kenya Tel: (+27 11) 407 6750/48 Tel: (+254 20) 249 695 Fax: (+27 11) 339 1885 Fax: (+254 20) 242 758 Email: [email protected] [email protected] 74 Fax: (+971 4) 222 7669 Telex: 45688 BALDYA EM Email: [email protected]
Mr. Strike Ralegoma Member of Mayoral Committee Department of Housing Mr. Mohammed A. Al Tawhidi City of Johannesburg Assistant Director P.O. Box 1049 Building and Housing Department Johannesburg Dubai Municipality South Africa P. O. Box 67 Tel: (+27 11) 407 6021 Dubai Fax: (+27 11) 403 3397 United Arab Emirates Email: [email protected] Tel: (+971 4) 206 3200 Fax: (+971 4) 206 3231 CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, LA UNION, Email: [email protected] PHILIPPINES ELDORET MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Hon. Ms. Mary Jane Crisanto Ortega Mayor Hon. Mr. Jonah Kipkemboi Maiyo City of San Fernando, la Union, Mayor Philippines Eldoret Municipal Council City Hall, City of San Fernando, P.O. Box 40 2500 La Union Eldoret San Fernando Kenya Philippines Tel: (+254 321) 61821 Tel: (+63 72) 242 5601-5 Fax: (+63 72) 888 3931/888 2003 Mr. Henry Micheal Kimaiyo Email: [email protected] Town Clerk Department of Administration COMMONWEALTH LOCAL Eldoret Municipal Council GOVERNMENT FORUM P.O. Box 40 Eldoret Mr. Carl Wright Kenya Director Tel: (+254 321) 61330 Commonwealth Local Government Forum London SE1 0AL United Kingdom EURO-MEDITERRANEAN PERMANENT Tel: (+44 207) 934 9690 PARTNERSHIP COUNCIL (COPPEM) Fax: (+44 207) 934 9699 Dr. Wadad AlSuwayeh Email: [email protected] Vice-President Euro-Mediterranean Permanent DUBAI MUNICIPALITY Partnership Council (COPPEM) Mr. Munther Akram Juma P.O. Box 802 Head, Foreign Relations and 15459, Dasman Organizations Office Kuwait Dubai Municipality Tel: (+965) 9777 169 P. O. Box 67 Fax: (+965) 241 6427 Dubai Email: [email protected] United Arab Emirates Tel: (+971 4) 206 3777 75 Email: [email protected]
Hon. Mr. Hirotaro Yamasaki INTERNATIONAL UNION OF LOCAL Mayor AUTHORITIES (IULA) Fukuoka City 1-8-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Dr. H. Hoffschulte Fukuoka City 810-8620 First Vice President of the Council of Japan European Municipalities Tel: (+81 92) 711 4028 International Union of Local Authorities Fax: (+81 92) 733 5597 (IULA) Email: P.O. Box 90646 [email protected] 2509LP the Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 306 6066 Mr. Yoshimichi Kusakabe Fax: (+31 70) 350 0496 Executive Director Email: [email protected] International Affairs Department Fukuoka City 1-8-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku Ms. Emilia Saiz Fukuoka City 810-8620 Director of Programmes Japan International Union of Local Authorities Tel: (+81 92) 711 4028 (IULA) Fax: (+81 92) 733 5597 Laan Copes Van Cattenburch 60A Email: P.O. Box 90645, 2509 LP [email protected] The Hague 2585 GC Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 306 6066 Ms. Mariko Shichijo Fax: (+31 70) 350 0496 International Relations Coordinator Email: [email protected] International Affairs Department Web Page: Http://WWW.lula.org Fukuoka City 1-8-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR Fukuoka City 810-8620 LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES Japan (ICLEI) Tel: (+81 92) 711 4028 Fax: (+81 92) 733 5597 Dr. Bowdin King Email: International Campaigns Coordinator [email protected] International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) 100 Queen Street West Mr. Toshihiko Hara City Hall, 16th Floor West Tower International Planning Section Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Fukuoka City Canada 1-8-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku Tel: (+1 416) 392 1202 Fukuoka City 810-8620 Fax: (+1 416) 392 1478 Japan Email: [email protected] Tel: (+81 92) 711 4028 Fax: (+81 92) 733 5597 76
KANIFING MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Hon. Lt. Col (rtd) Abdulie C. Conteh MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF VOI Mayor Kanifing Municipal Council Hon. Mrs. Priscillar Mwadime P.O. Box 2039 Mayor Kanifing Municipal Council of Voi Gambia Private Bag - Voi Tel: (+220) 390 564 Voi Fax: (+220) 370 073 Kenya Email: kmc@gamtel,gm Tel: (+254 43) 300 40/8/0722 569 688 Fax: (+254 43) 30116 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alh. Mustapha M. N'Jai C.E.O. Kanifing Municipal Council Mr. Rodgers Mtalaki Mwanyika P.O. Box 2039 Committee Chairman Kanifing Municipal Council of Voi Gambia Private Bag - Voi Tel: (+220) 390 545 Voi Fax: (+220) 370 073 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 43) 300 40/8 Fax: (+254 43) 30116 Email: [email protected] KISUMU CITY COUNCIL Hon. Cll. Clarkson O. Karan Mr. Tyson Mwachika Mberi Mayor Committee Chairman Kisumu City Council Municipal Council of Voi P.O. Box 105 Private Bag Voi Kisumu Voi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 733) 890 602 Tel: (+254 43) 30040/8 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 43) 30116 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF NAKURU Mr. Hope Sanguli Mwakio Mr. Symon Kiarie Municipal Council of Voi Ag. Director of Environment Private Bag - Voi Department of Environment Voi Municipal Council of Nakuru Kenya P.O. Box 124 Tel: (+254 43) 300 40/0722 774 198 Nakuru Fax: (+254 43) 30116 Kenya Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 77 Mr. Henry Muli Mbilo Tel: (+254 20) 221 349 Administrative Officer Fax: (+254 20) 217 704 Municipal Council of Voi Private Bag - Voi PFSG KOSOVO Voi Kenya Hon. Ethem Çeku Tel: (+254 43) 300 40/8/0722 382 292 Minister Fax: (+254 43) 30116 MESP Email: [email protected] PFSG Kosovo Pristina Kosovo
MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP Mr. Shingirayi Mushamba Senior Programme Officer Ms. Elíza Hoxha Municipal Development Partnership Advisor 7th Floor Huridza Hse – MESP 14-16 N Mandela Av PFSG Kosovo Harare Pristina Zimbabwe Kosovo Tel: (+263 4) 774 385/6 Fax: (+263 4) 774 387 UNITED TOWNS ORGANIZATION Email: [email protected] (UTO)/WACLAC Ms. Bresso Mercedes NAIROBI CITY COUNCIL - KENYA President Hon. Mr. Lawrence G. Ngacha United Towns Organization Deputy Mayor (UTO)/WACLAC Nairobi City Council - Kenya 41, Rue de La Republique P.O. Box 30075 93200/Saine Denis Nairobi France Kenya Tel: (+33 1) 5584 2350 Tel: (+254 20) 722 521 193 Fax: (+33 1) 5584 2351 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Richard Mumo Ag. Chief Assistant Engineer City Engineer's Section Nairobi City Council - Kenya P.O. Box 30075 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 334 422 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Jack Mbugua Town Clerk Nairobi City Council - Kenya P.O. Box 30075 Nairobi Kenya 78
Hon. Mr Richard Ndile PARLIAMENTARIANS Clerk's Chambers National Assembly - Kenya EAST AFRICAN LEGISLATIVE P.O. Box 42182 ASSEMBLY Nairobi 00100 GPO Kenya Hon. Mr. Ochieng G. Mbeo Tel: (+254 20) 221 291 ext: 2431 Member Fax: (+254 20) 336 589 EAC Email: [email protected] East African Legislative Assembly P.O. Box 1096 Arusha Hon. Mr. Tobias O. Ogur Tanzania Member of Parliament Tel: (+254 722) 285 323 Clerk's Chambers Email: [email protected] National Assembly - Kenya P.O. Box 41842 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY - GAMBIA 00100 Nairobi GPO Kenya Hon. Mr. Sheriff Dibba Tel: (+254 20) 221 291 Speaker Fax: (+254 20) 336 589 National Assembly - Gambia Email: [email protected] Assembly Building, Independence Drive Bunjul Gambia Hon. Mr. Reuben Ndolo Tel: (+220) 228 305 Member of Parliament Fax: (+220) 225 123 Clerk's Chambers National Assembly - Kenya Mr. Dodou C.M. Kebbeh P.O. Box 41842 Deputy Clerk 00100 Nairobi GPO National Assembly - Gambia Kenya Assembly Building, Independence Drive Tel: (+254 20) 221 291 Bunjul Fax: (+254 20) 336 589 Gambia Email: [email protected] Tel: (+220) 228 305 Fax: (+220) 225 123 Hon. Mr. Zebedeo Opore Member of Parliament NATIONAL ASSEMBLY - KENYA Clerk's Chambers Hon. Dr. Hezron Manduku National Assembly - Kenya Member of Parliament P.O. Box 42182 Clerk's Chambers 00100 Nairobi GPO National Assembly - Kenya Kenya P.O. Box 41842 Tel: (+254 20) 221 291 ext 2552 00100 Nairobi GPO Fax: (+254 20) 336 589 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 221 291 Fax: (+254 20) 336 589 Email: [email protected] 79
PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA Hon. Alfred Dax National Council Parliament of the Republic of Namibia Parliament Building Private Bag 13371 Windhoek Namibia Tel: (+264 61) 202 8003 Fax: (+264 61) 254 287
Hon. Johannes Thighuru National Council Parliament of the Republic of Namibia Parliament Building Private Bag 13371 Windhoek Namibia Tel: (+264 61) 202 8003 Fax: (+264 61) 254 287
Mrs. Auguste Shali National Council Parliament of the Republic of Namibia Parliament Building Private Bag 13371 Windhoek Namibia Tel: (+264 61) 202 8003 Fax: (+264 61) 254 287 80
NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AFRICAN CENTRE FOR ABALEKWA DEVELOPMENT EMPOWERMENT GENDER AND ORGANISATION (ADO) ADVOCACY (ACEGA) Mr. Festus Anjera Ashisoma Litha Musyimi Ogana Executive Director African Centre for Empowerment Gender Abalekwa Development Organisation and Advocacy (ACEGA) (ADO) United Nations Avenue P.O. Box 293 P.O. Box 60375 Butere 50101 Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 056) 620 420 Tel: (+254 20) 520 247 Email: Fax: (+254 20) 512 002/ 710 305 [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Ms. Isabella M. Ndolo Mr. Macdonald Ingangah Shiraku African Centre for Empowerment Gender Community Mobilizer and Advocacy (ACEGA) Abalekwa Development Organisation United Nations Avenue (ADO) P.O. Box 60375 P.O. Box 293 Nairobi Butere 50101 Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 520 247 Email: Fax: (+254 20) 512 002/ 710 305 [email protected] Email: [email protected]
ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF Mr. Moses Muyia Wetaba LOCAL-SELF GOVERNMENT Project Administrator Mr. Ranjit S. Chavan Abalekwa Development Organisation Director General (ADO) All India Institute of Local-Self P.O. Box 293 Government Butere 50101 400 058 Mumbai Kenya India Email: Tel: (+91 22) 2620 6716 [email protected] Fax: (+91 22) 2628 8790 Email: [email protected] ACTION AID ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH FOR HABITAT Ms. Rose Wanjiru (AYH) Partnership Development Coordinator Action Aid Mr. Michael Manana P.O. Box 42814 Programme Coordinator Nairobi Alliance for Youth for Habitat (AYH) Kenya P.O. Box 953 Tel: (+254 20) 444 0440 Mbale Email: [email protected] Uganda Tel: (+677) 467 438 Email: [email protected]. 81
ARAB TOWNS ORGANIZATION (ATO) Ms. Hanaa Fayez Mr. Bakari Abdalla Bakari International Relations Coordinator Bajuni (Somali) Refugees Association Foreign and Technical Affairs P.O. Box 40445 Arab Towns Organization (ATO) Mombasa P.O. Box 68160 Kenya Kaifan 71962 Tel: (+254 0722) 269 333 Kuwait Tel: (+965) 484 9603 BANDERA COMMUNITY PROJECT Fax: (+965) 484 9264 (BCP) Email: [email protected] Mr. Godrey Sanon Balwana Director Mr. Ghassan Jamman Administration Deputy Director for Media Bandera Community Project (BCP) Arab Towns Organization (ATO) P.O. Box 28 P.O. Box 68160 Kamuli-Busoga Kaifan 71962 Uganda Kuwait Tel: (+256 77) 913 045 Tel: (+965) 484 9705 Fax: (+256 43) 121 322 Fax: (+965) 484 9319 Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected] Mr. Henry Naabye ARAB URBAN DEVELOPMENT Secretary INSTITUTE (AUDI) Mobilization Bandera Community Project (BCP) Mr. Ahmed M. Saghier P.O. Box 28 Kamuli Arab Urban Development Institute (AUDI) Kampla P.O. Box 6892 Uganda 11452 Riyadh Tel: (+256 41) 7162 6507 Saudi Arabia Email: [email protected] Tel: (+966 1) 480 2698 Ext. 106 Fax: (+966 1) 480 2666 Email: [email protected] Mr. Isaac Ssenyondo Coordinator BAJUNI (SOMALI) REFUGEES Department of Administration ASSOCIATION Bandera Community Project (BCP) P.O. Box 3769 Mr. Twahir Umar Kampla Ag. Chairman Uganda Bajuni (Somali) Refugees Association Tel: (+256 41) 7768 3424 P.O. Box 40445 Fax: (+256 41) 269 766 Mombasa Email: [email protected]. Kenya Tel: (+254) 722 869 768 Email: [email protected] 82
Ms. Germine Nakalema CAMPAIGN LIFE COALITION Gender Officer Gender and Community Ms. Caroline Shisubili Bandera Community Project (BCP) Regional Director P.O. Box 28 Kamuli World Youth Alliance-Africa Kampla Campaign Life Coalition Uganda P.O. Box 5391 Tel: (+256 41) 7562 8660 00506 Nairobi Kenya BRAHMA KUMARIS WORLD Tel: (+254 2 721 298 795 SPIRITUAL UNIVERSITY (BKWSU) Email: [email protected] Ms. Pratibha Patel Assistant Director CENTRE FOR YOUTH IN Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT University (BKWSU) (CEYSUD) P.O. Box 123 Ms. Caroline Maina 00606 Nairobi Gender Representative Kenya Centre for Youth in Sustainable Tel: (+254 20) 3743 572/374 121239 Development (CEYSUD) Fax: (+254 20) 374 3885 P.O. Box 25497 Email: [email protected]. Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 722) 235 694 Ms. Vedanti Pandya Email: [email protected] Regional Director Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) COALITION OF AFRICAN P.O. Box 123 ORGANIZATION ON FOOD SECURITY, 00606 Nairobi TRADE AND SUSTAINABLE Kenya DEVELOPMENT (COASAD) Tel: (+254 20) 3743 572/374 121239 Ms. Imelda K. Ndamugoba Fax: (+254 20) 374 3885 Executive Secretary Email: [email protected]. Coalition of African Organization on Food Security, Trade and Sustainable Ms. Dipti Shah Development (COASAD) Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual P.O. Box 11669 University (BKWSU) Dar-es-Salaam P.O. Box 123 United Republic of Tanzania 00606 Nairobi Tel: (+255 744) 291 778 Kenya Fax: (+255 22) 213 554 Tel: (+254 20) 3743 572/374 121239 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 374 3885 Email: [email protected]. 83
Ms. Christine Andela Coordinator Coalition of African Organization on Food Security, Trade and Sustainable Ms. Bernadette A. Otieno Development (COASAD) Coordinator BP 11813 HIV/AIDS Yaoundé Cohort for Research on Environment, Cameroon Urban Management and Human Tel: (+237) 959 1750 Settlements (CREUMHS) Fax: (+237) 223 3185 P.O. Box 48974 Email: [email protected] 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 4525-29 Ms. Zafimandimby Hanta Baraka Fax: (+254 20) 271 8549 Charlotte Email: [email protected]. COASAD- MADAGASCAR/CAFED Coalition of African Organization on Food Security, Trade and Sustainable Mr. Chrispus Kiliko Development (COASAD) Researcher/Policy Analyst BP 3780 Cohort for Research on Environment, 101 Naibahoaka Ivato Urban Management and Human Madagascar Settlements (CREUMHS) Tel: (+261 20) 224 4313 P.O. Box 48974 Fax: (+261 20) 224 4313 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 733) 497 055 Fax: (254 20) 22 036 COHORT FOR RESEARCH ON Email: [email protected]. ENVIRONMENT, URBAN MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (CREUMHS) Ms. Susan Mutua Mr. Nicky Nzioki Research Assistant Research Coordinator Cohort for Research on Environment, Cohort for Research on Environment, Urban Management and Human Urban Management and Human Settlements (CREUMHS) Settlements (CREUMHS) P.O. Box 48974 P.O. Box 48974 00100 Nairobi 00100 Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 4525-29 Tel: (+254 20) 272 4525-29 Fax: (+254 20) 271 8549 Fax: (+254 20) 271 8549 Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected] [email protected]. Ms. Molly Ogolla Research Assistant Cohort for Research on Environment, Urban Management and Human Settlements (CREUMHS) 84 P.O. Box 48974 Settlements (CREUMHS) Nairobi P.O. Box 48974 Kenya 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+254 722) 870 172 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 444 2838 Tel: (+254 20) 272-4525-29 Email: [email protected]. Fax: +(254 20) 271 8549 Email: [email protected].
Ms. Cecilia Kioko Research Assistant Ms. Dorcas Kegehi Irangi Cohort for Research on Environment, Cohort for Research on Environment, Urban Management and Human Urban Management and Human Settlements (CREUMHS) Settlements (CREUMHS) P.O. Box 48974 P.O. Box 48974 00100 Nairobi Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 4525-29 Tel: (+254 20) 272 4525 Fax: (+254 20) 271 8549 Fax: (+254 20) 271 8549 Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected]
COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATION OF Mr. John Okinda ARCHITECTS Research Assistant Cohort for Research on Environment, Mr. Philip Kungu Urban Management and Human President Settlements (CREUMHS) Commonwealth Association of Architects P.O. Box 48974 P.O. Box 72413 00100 Nairobi 00200 Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 4132 Email: [email protected] Fax: (254 20) 715 0029 Email: [email protected]. COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATION OF SURVEYING AND LAND ECONOMY (CASLE) Mr. Jacob Ngumi Research Assistant Mr. A.W. Kirima Cohort for Research on Environment, Commonwealth Association of Surveying Urban Management and Human and Land Economy (CASLE) Settlements (CREUMHS) P.O. Box 10218 P.O. Box 48974 Nairobi 00100 Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 733) 444 943 Fax: (+254 20) 271 8548/9 Mr. Ibrahim Mwathane Email: [email protected] Chairman - ISK Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE) Mr. John Muriuki P.O. BOX 40707 Field Coordinator Nairobi Cohort for Research on Environment, Kenya Urban Management and Human Tel: (+254 20) 214 770 85 Fax: (+254 20) 214 770 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 882 123 Fax: (+254 20) 882 887 Email: [email protected]
Mr. C.K. Riungu Regional President ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Commonwealth Association of Surveying IN THE THIRD WORLD and Land Economy (CASLE) Nairobi Mr. Malick Gaye Kenya Coordinator Environment and Development COMMONWEALTH HUMAN ECOLOGY in the Third World COUNCIL (CHEC) P. O Box 3370 Dakar Mrs. Erica Hann Senegal Executive Director Tel: (+221) 822 0942 Commonwealth Human Ecology Council Fax: (+221) 823 5157 (CHEC) Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 20360 Web Page: Http://WWW.enda.sn.rup Nairobi Kenya ENVIRONMENTAL YOUTH ALLIANCE Tel: (+254 20) 20 360 (EYA) Mr. Doug Ragan Senior Manager Mr. Bosire Ogero Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA) Vice President 34097 Station D Commonwealth Human Ecology Council V6J 4MI Vancouver (CHEC) Canada P.O. Box 59343 Tel: (+1 604) 512 7632 00100 Nairobi Fax: (+1 604) 689 4242 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 365 1048-50 Fax: (+254 20) 374 3274 Email: [email protected] FRANCISCANS INTERNATIONAL Ms. Carol Ann Kane Franciscans International Mr. Oscar Mann P.O. Box 25169 Director Nairobi Projects Kenya Commonwealth Human Ecology Council Tel: (+254 20) 577 319 (CHEC) Fax: (+254 20) 576 969 P.O. Box 20360 Email: [email protected] 86 FREEDOM FROM HUNGER COUNCIL Mr. Irene Tindi (FFHC) Project Officer German Foundation for World Population Ms. Wanjiru Gichuhi (DSW) Consultant P. O. Box 290 Sarit Freedom from Hunger Council (FFHC) 00600 Nairobi P.O. Box 63552 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 575 070/1 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 577 212 Tel: (+254 722) 809 737 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
GERMAN FOUNDATION FOR WORLD POPULATION (DSW) GRASSROOTS ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING TOGETHER IN Mr. Antony Osundwa SISTERHOOD Project Officer German Foundation for World Population Mr. Charity Gatari (DSW) Program Officer P. O. Box 47051 Grassroots Organizations Operating 00100 Nairobi Together in Sisterhood Kenya P.O. Box 10320 Tel: (+254 20) 575 070 00100 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 577 212 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 271 8977
Mr. Emma Awour Odegi Ms. Zipporah Ngei Project Officer Focal Point German Foundation for World Population Grassroots Organizations Operating (DSW) Together in Sisterhood P. O. Box 47051 P.O. Box 10320 00100 Nairobi 00100 Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 575 070/1 Tel: (+254 20) 573 186 Fax: (+254 20) 577 212 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Ms. Gladys Kihara Ms. Lynette Injette Ochola Grassroots Organizations Operating Director Kenya Tanzania Together in Sisterhood German Foundation for World Population P.O. Box 10320 (DSW) 00100 Nairobi P. O. Box 47051 Kenya 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 20 296 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 575 070/1 Fax: (+254 20) 577 212 Email: [email protected] Ms. Sarah Mbochi 87 Grassroots Organizations Operating National Director Together in Sisterhood Habitat for Humanity P.O. Box 10320 P.O. Box 38948 00100 Nairobi Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 8977 Tel: (+254 20) 374 5854/374 6999 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+254 20) 374 7117 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Mary Balikungeri HOMELESS INTERNATIONAL Thematic Coordinator Grassroots Organizations Operating Ms. Ruth Mcleod Together in Sisterhood Chief Executive P.O. Box 10320 Homeless International 00100 Nairobi Coventry Kenya United Kingdom Tel: (+44 02) 476 632 802 Fax: (+44 02) 476 632 911 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Joseph N. Kimani Grassroots Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood HUMA MULTIPURPOSE WOMEN P.O. Box 10320 GROUP Nairobi Mr. Daniel Mbekar Kenya Chief Executive Officer Huma Multipurpose Women Group Ms. Esther Mwaura Muiru P.O. Box 6421 Kondele Focal Point Kisumu Grassroots Organizations Operating Kenya Together in Sisterhood Tel: (+254 35) 318 176/cell:(+254 722) 780 155 P.O. Box 10320 Fax: (+254 35) 434 7581 00100 Nairobi Email: [email protected]. Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 573186 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jacinta Opado Otieno Secretary Huma Multipurpose Women Group GREEN BELT MOVEMENT P.O. Box 6421 Mr. Gathuru Mburu Kisumu Assistant Programme Officer Kenya Green Belt Movement Tel: (+254 722) 373 285 P.O. Box 67545 Fax: (+254 20) 434 7581 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 571 523 Email: [email protected] Mr. Franklin Omondi Web Page: Information and Communication Advisor Http://WWW.geocities.com/gbmovement Huma Multipurpose Women Group P.O. Box 6421 Kondele Kisumu HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Kenya Mr. Jerry McCann Tel: (+254 722) 762 441 88 Fax: (+254 35) 434 7581 Mrs. Hannah Kamau Email: [email protected]. Adviser Fundraising and Marketing HUMAN SETTLEMENTS OF ZAMBIA Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) Mr. Macloud Nyirenda P.O. Box 39493 Assistant Executive Director Nairobi Human Settlements of Zambia Kenya P.O. Box 50141 Tel: (+254 20) 271 9313/271 9540 Lusaka Fax: (+254 20) 271 0083 Zambia Email: [email protected] Tel: (+260 1) 254 881 Fax: (+260 1) 253 276 Email: [email protected]
INSTITUTE OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (IHS) Mr. Jan Fransen Head of Urban Management Department Urban Management Department Mrs. Rahab Mundara Institute of Housing and Urban Programme Manager Development (IHS) Urban Livelihoods and Shelter P.O. Box 1935 Programme 3000 BX Rotterdam Intermediate Technology Development Netherlands Group (ITDG) Tel: (+31 10) 402 1523 P.O. Box 39493 Fax: (+31 10) 404 5671 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 4942 INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY Fax: (+254 20) 271 0083 DEVELOPMENT GROUP (ITDG) Email: [email protected] Mr. Elijah Agevi Regional Director Dr. Lucy Stevens Intermediate Technology Development Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) Group (ITDG) P.O. Box 39493 Bourton Hall, Bourton-On-Bunsmore Nairobi CV23 9QZ Rugby Kenya United Kingdom Tel: (+254 20) 271 3540 Tel: (+44 1926) 634 400 Fax: (+254 20) 271 0083 Fax: (+44 1926) 634 401 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTS 89 DESIGNERS PLANNERS FOR SOCIAL INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF RESPONSIBILITY (IADPSR) WOMEN (ICW) Mr. Joseph Kamenju Mrs. Emma R.L. Galama-Rommerts University of Nairobi Permanent Representative Department of Achitecture International Council of Women (ICW) International Architects Designers NL 4543 AA Zaamslag Planners for Social Responsibility Netherlands (IADPSR) Tel: (+31 115) 431 958 P.O. Box 30197 Fax: (+31 115) 617 764 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 272 4528 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF Email: [email protected] SOCIAL WORKERS (IFSW) Mr. Charles Mbugua Prof. Jim Morgan Regional Representative Visiting Professor of Architecture International Federation of Social International Architects Designers Workers (IFSW) Planners for Social Responsibility Nairobi (IADPSR) Kenya P.O. Box 30197 Tel: (+254 20) 374 0039 Nairobi Email: [email protected]. Kenya Web Page: Http://WWW.ifsw.org Tel: (+254 20) 724 528 Email: [email protected]
Mr. Kigara Kamweru University of Nairobi Department of Achitecture INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF International Architects Designers SURVEYORS Planners for Social Responsibility Prof. Dr. Holger Magel (IADPSR) President P.O. Box 30197 Institute of Geodesy, Gis and Land Nairobi Management Kenya International Federation of Surveyors Tel: (+254 20) 272 4528 Fig Office, Lindevangs Alle 4 D-2000 Copenhagen, Frederiksberg INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR Denmark ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND Tel: (+45) 3886 1081 POLICY STUDIES (ICESPS) Fax: (+45) 3886 0252 Email: magel@landentwicklung- Mr. Benjamin N. Gitoi muenchen.de or Programme Officer [email protected] International Centre for Environmental, Web Page: Http://WWW.fig.net Social and Policy Studies (ICESPS) P.O. Box 60916 Nairobi INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT OF Kenya CATHOLIC STUDENT - PAX ROMANA Tel: (+254 20) 252 969 Mr. Mugechi Mathew Nyoike Fax: (+254 20) 252 920 National Coordinator Email: [email protected] National Office International Movement of Catholic 90 Student - PAX ROMANA Kenya P.O. Box 65171 Tel: (+254 20) 445 0256-57 Nairobi Fax: (+254 20) 445 0092 Kenya Email: [email protected]. Tel: (+254 20) 860 604 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jackie Asike KENYA ALLIANCE FOR SOS Children Villages ADVANCEMENT OF CHILDREN Kenya Alliance for Advancement of (KAACR) Children (KAACR) P.O. Box 73637 Mr. Christopher Wadoyi Owambla Nairobi Education Officer Kenya Street Children Tel: (+254 20) 445 0256-57 Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Fax: (+254 20) 445 0092 Children (KAACR) P.O. Box 66242 Nairobi Mr. Dismus Obuba kenya Christian Children Fund Tel: (+254 20) 651 216 Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Email: [email protected] Children (KAACR) P.O. Box 73637 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 445 0256-57 Fax: (+254 2) 445 0092
Ms. Ruth Wangari Muthoni Regional Coordinator Training Department Mr. Benson Njoroge Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Nairobi Integrated Programme Children (KAACR) Kenya Alliance for Advancement of P.O. Box 73637 Children (KAACR) 00200 Nairobi P.O. Box 73637 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 2) 445 025 617 Kenya Fax: (+254 2) 445 0092 Tel: (+254 20) 445 0256-57 Email: [email protected]. Fax: (+254 20) 445 0092
Ms. Elizabeth Mwakelemu Joyce Umbima Information Officer Executive Director Information and Documentation Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children (KAACR) Children (KAACR) P.O. Box 73637 P.O. Box 73637 Nairobi 00200 Nairobi Kenya 91 Tel: (+254 20) 0256-57 Assistant Coordinator Fax: (+254 20) 445 0092 Land Rights Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) P.O. Box 34175 Ms. Damaris Mwangi 00100 Nairobi World Vision Makuyu Kenya Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Tel: (+254 20) 443 876 Children (KAACR) Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 73637 Nairobi KITUO CHA SHERIA (KCS) Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 0256-57 Mr. James Opiata Fax: (+254 20) 445 0092 Coordinator Kituo Cha Sheria (KCS) KENYA FREEDOM FROM HUNGER P.O. Box 7483 COUNCIL (KFHC) 00300 Nairobi Kenya Mr. James A. Aremo Tel: (+254 20) 576 290 General Secretary Fax: (+254 20) 576 095 Kenya Freedom from Hunger Council Email: [email protected] (KFHC) P.O. Box 30762 GPO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION FOR Nairobi MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE (LAMP) Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 444 2795 Mr. Malay Dewanji Fax: (+254 20) 444 1809 General Secretary Email: [email protected] Liberal Association for Movement of or [email protected] People (LAMP) 66, Surya Sen Street Kolkata 700 009 India Tel: (+91 33) 2241 7469/2241 8496 Fax: (+91 33) 2241 6983 Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Mr. Francis Were MAZINGIRA INSTITUTE (MI) Programme Consultant Food Security Mr. Davinder Lamba Kenya Freedom from Hunger Council Executive Director (KFHC) Mazingira Institute (MI) P.O. Box 30762 GPO P.O. Box 14550 Nairobi 00800 Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 444 2795 Tel: (+254 20) 444 3219/26/29 Fax: (+254 20) 444 1809 Fax: (+254 20) 444 643 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]. or [email protected] MIMI NA WEWE SHELTER GROUP KENYA LAND ALLIANCE (KLA) (MWSG) Ms. Eusebio Wanyama Mr. Martine Mureithi 92 Mimi na Wewe Shelter Group (MWSG) 00200 Nairobi P.O. Box 72984 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 271 495-96 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 271 325 Email: [email protected] Mr. Maturu K. Raphael Kariuki Mimi na Wewe Shelter Group (MWSG) Mr. George Mukoshi Shabaya P.O. Box 72984 Member Nairobi National Cooperative Housing Union Kenya (NACHU) P.O. Box 55560 00100 Nairobi Mr. Francis Macharia Mwangi Kenya Committee Member Tel: (+254 722) 889 268 Mimi Na Wewe Shelter Group (MWSG) P.O. Box 72984 Nairobi Mr. John Wachira Kenya Community Training Officer National Cooperative Housing Union NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HOUSING (NACHU) UNION (NACHU) P.O. Box 51693 00200 Nairobi Ms. Mary Mathenge Kenya Chief Executive Tel: (+254 20) 271 0495/6 National Cooperative Housing Union Fax: (+254 20) 271 0325 (NACHU) Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 51693 00200 Nairobi Kenya Mr. Francis Kamande Tel: (+254 20) 271 0495/6 National Cooperative Housing Union Fax: (+254 20) 271 0325 (NACHU) Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 51693 00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 0495 Fax: (+254 20) 271 0325 Email: nachu@[email protected]
Mr. Charles R. Okunjo Organizing Treasurer National Cooperative Housing Union Mr. Henery Macharia Mureithi (NACHU) National Cooperative Housing Union P.O. Box 51693 (NACHU) 00100 Nairobi P.O. Box 51693 Kenya 00200 Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 721 300 579 Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 271 0495-96 Mr. Peter Gatimu Muthugu Fax: (+254 2) 271 0325 National Cooperative Housing Union Email: [email protected] (NACHU) P.O. Box 51693 93 Mr. Evans Mwangi Kariuki RACHUONYO YOUTH SKILLS National Cooperative Housing Union DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (NACHU) P.O. Box 51693 Mr. Raphael Aoko 00200 Nairobi Rachuonyo Youth Skills Development Kenya Project Tel: (+254 20) 271 495-96 P.O. Box 350 Fax: (+254 20) 171 325 Oyugis Email: [email protected] Kenya Email: [email protected] NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN OF KENYA Mr. Alphius K'odambo Mrs. Isabella Karanja Rachuonyo Youth Skills Development National Chairperson Project Management P.O. Box 350 Oyugis National Council of Women of Kenya Nairobi P.O. Box 22184 Kenya Nairobi Email: [email protected]. Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 604 738 Fax: (+254 20) 604 738 Mr. Dickson Odhiambo Email: [email protected] Rachuonyo Youth Skills Development Project P.O. Box 350 Oyugis Ms. Juliet Makokha Nairobi General Secretary Kenya Management Email: [email protected] National Council of Women of Kenya P.O. Box 22184 Mr. Samwel Nyambuoro Onyango Nairobi Rachuonyo Youth Skills Development Kenya Project Tel: (+254 20) 604 738 P.O. Box 350, Oyugis Fax: (+254 20) 604 738 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Email: [email protected]
NEEDY BRETHREN Mr. Simon Kariuki Chairperson Needy Brethren Mr. Raphael Odhiambo P.O. Box 53176, City Square Rachuonyo Youth Skills Development 00200 Nairobi Project Kenya P.O. Box 350 Oyugis Tel: (+254 733) 463 350 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya Email: [email protected] 94 Ms. Beatrice Atieno Mr. John Bosco Mutura Tresurer Chairman Rachuonyo Youth Skills Development Gilo Micro Processing Plant Project Shelter 2000 P.O. Box 350 P.O. Box 40504 Oyugis Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 273 8320 REACH THE CHILDREN Email: jmwaura@cyberafrican Mr. Kevin Clawson President Ms. Christine Liyayi Baraza Reach the Children Programme Officer 14 Chesham Way Shelter 2000 14450 Fairport, NY P. O Box 54039 United States of America 001 00 Nairobi Tel: (+1 585) 223 3344 Kenya Email: [email protected] Tel: (+254 20) 272 8320/(+254 733) 643 275 Fax: (+254 20) 272 8320 SHELTER 2000 Mr. Hezekia Odongo Mr. John Mureithi Executive Chairman Shelter 2000 Environment P.O. Box 328 Shelter 2000 Githunguri P.O. Box 21081 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 721 253 929 Kenya Tel: (254 733) 289 950 Email: [email protected]. Mr. S. N. Gicho Shelter 2000 P.O. Box 54039 Mr. Pfister Francois Nairobi Programme Coordinator Kenya Shelter 2000 Tel: (+254 20) 272 8320 P.O. Box 54039 Nairobi Ms. Grace Njeri Mbugua Kenya Shelter 2000 Tel: (+254 20) 272 8320 P.O. Box 54039 Fax: (+254 20) 272 8320 Nairobi Email: Kenya [email protected].
Mr. Praxedes Masila Mr. Dominic Mahindo Co-ordinator Shelter 2000 Education P.O. Box 328 Shelter 2000 Githunguri P.O. Box 21081 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+25420) 721 345 301 Kenya Tel: (+254 733) 775 974 95 Mr. Johnson Ngarari Mwaura Fax: (+254 20) 272 8320 Chief Executive Officer Email: Shelter 2000 [email protected]. P.O. Box 54039 [email protected]. Nairobi Kenya SHELTER FORUM Tel: (+254 20) 272 8320 Fax: (+254 20 272 8320 Ms. Perez Akinyi Ochieng Email: Shelter Forum [email protected]. P.O. Box 60311 Nairobi Kenya Ms. Mary Gathiomi Ngaruiya Tel: (+254 20) 375 8181 Treasurer Kinyagi Food Processing Plant Shelter 2000 Mr. Mutuku Nthuli P.O. Box 54039 Shelter Forum Nairobi P.O. Box 9202 Kenya 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 272 8320 Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 375 3181 Email: [email protected]. Mr. Tom Onditi Secretary General KYPPEDE Ms. Catherine Muthoni Shelter 2000 Researcher P.O. Box 62023 Shelter Forum 00200 Nairobi P.O. Box 12745 Kenya Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 577 557-8 Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 577 557-8 Tel: (+254 722) 423 845 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mr. Joseph K. Gathara Ms. Marion Mutugi Chairman Co-ordinator Shelter 2000 Shelter Forum P.O. Box 107 Kiambu P.O. Box 449 Nairobi 00621 Nairobi Kenya Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 226 470/cell: 722 510 510 Email: [email protected]
Ms. Lucy Mungai Technical Officer Shelter 2000 Mr. Esther Opati P.O. Box 54039 Shelter Forum 00200 Nairobi P.O. Box 9202 Kenya 00100 Nairobi Tel: (+254 20) 272 8320 Kenya 96 Tel: (+254 20) 375 3181 Education Email: [email protected] Sinini Tree and Coffee Nursery Women Group P.O. Box 299 Chwele Mr. Bildad Kagai Bungoma Shelter Forum Kenya P.O. Box 919 00100 Nairobi Kenya Ms. Evaline Nyongesa Sanyanda Tel: (+254 20) 272 8332 Treasurer Fax: (+254 20) 272 6965 Sinini Tree and Coffee Nursery Women Email: [email protected] Group P. O. Box 299 Chwele Bungoma Mr. James Njoroge Gitau Kenya Shelter Forum P.O. Box 9202 00100 Nairobi N. Nabalayo Wanyonyi Kenya Secretary Tel: (+254 20) 375 3180/1 Sinini Tree and Coffee Nursery Women Fax: (+254 20) 710083 Group Email: [email protected] P. O. Box 299 Chwele Bungoma Kenya Mr. Daniel Ndabi Shelter Forum P.O. Box 1902 Mr. Eliud Namaka Nyongesa 00100 Nairobi Member Kenya Sinini Tree and Coffee Nursery Women Tel: (+254 20) 375 3181 Group Email: [email protected] P. O. Box 299 Chwele Bungoma Kenya SININI TREE AND COFFEE NURSERY WOMEN GROUP Mr. William W. Masinde Ms. Anna Naliaka Mayuba Member Chairlady Sinini Tree and Coffee Nursery Women Sinini Tree and Coffee Nursery Women Group Group P. O. Box 299 Chwele P. O. Box 299 Chwele Bungoma Bungoma Kenya Kenya
Mr. Stanley Wekesa Lukorito Member Sinini Tree and Coffee Nursery Women Group P. O. Box 299 Chwele Bungoma Kenya
Mr. Jackson Mechumo Manafwa Treasurer 97 Mr. Peter Wanambisi Mayuba WIDOWS AND ORPHANS WELFARE Project Manager SOCIETY OF KENYA (WOWESOK) Sinini Tree and Coffee Nursery Women Group Ms. Hilda Agola Orimba P. O. Box 299 Chwele National Exeucitve Chairman Bungoma Widows and Orphans Welfare Society of Kenya Kenya (WOWESOK) P.O. Box 74609 Nairobi SIRGON COMMUNITY INITIATIVE Kenya PROGRAMME (SCIP) Tel: (+254 20) 606 266 Email: [email protected]. Ms. Alice Ombima Sirgon Community Initiative programme (SCIP) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF GIRL P.O. Box 4991 GUIDES AND GIRL SCOUTS 00100 Nairobi Mrs. Honorine Kiplagat Kenya National Chairperson Tel: (+254 722) 873 190 Kenya Girl Guides Association Fax: (+254 20) 555 682 World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Email: infor2alviko.com Scouts (WAGGGS) P.O. Box 79607 Ms. Mercy Mutisya 00200 Nairobi Sirgon Community Initiative programme Kenya (SCIP) Fax: (+254 20) 241 489 P.O. Box 4991 00100 Nairobi Kenya Ms. Anne Onunga Tel: (+254 722) 763 823 World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Email: [email protected] Scouts (WAGGGS) P.O. Box 79607 00200 Nairobi TSUNZA CONSERVATION AND Kenya DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (TCDP) Tel: (+254 20) 241 489 Mr. Ted Majaliwa Programme Coordinator Tsunza Conservation and Development Ms. Esther Njuguna Programme (TCDP) World Association of Girl Guides and Girl P.O. Box 99983 Scouts (WAGGGS) Mombasa P.O. Box 79607 Kenya 00200 Nairobi Tel: (+254 722) 415 5495 Kenya Fax: (+254 11) 227 338 Tel: (+254 20) 241 489 Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected] 98
Mr. Wamuyu Mahinda National Vice Chairman Kenya Girl Guides Association World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) P.O. Box 79607 00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 241 489 99
PRIVATE SECTOR DUE DILIGENCE MANAGEMENT INC. Ms. Gillian Osborne Emergency Management Specialist Due Diligence Management Inc. 2 Fourth Avenue K1S 2K9, Ontario Ottawa Canada Tel: (+1 613) 236 8489 Fax: (+1 613) 236 8489 Email: [email protected]
MUSYIMI ADVOCATES Ms. Christine Makori Advocate Musyimi Advocates P.O. Box 11936 00400 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 271 3436 Fax: (+254 20) 271 0305 Email: [email protected].
SAAD YAHYA AND ASSOCIATES Prof. Saad Yahya Principal Saad Yahya and Associates P.O. Box 14687 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 252 295 Fax: (+254 20) 214 633 Email: [email protected]. 100
PROFESSIONALS AND RESEARCHERS AFRICAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ICMS UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, Prof. Thomas R. Odhiambo Panelist Stavros Stavrou African Academy of Sciences Senior Researcher P.O. Box 14798 ICMS University of Ireland, Cork Nairobi 6 Bloodfield Terracc, Western Rd Kenya Cork Tel: (+254 20) 884 401/5 Ireland Fax: (+254 20) 884 406 Tel: (+353 21) 490 3656 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
CARDIFF UNIVERSITY Ms. Jennifer O'Rioadan Prof. John Loughlin Research School of European Studies ICMS University of Ireland, Cork Cardiff University 6, Bloomfield Terrace, Western Road P.O. Box 908 Cork Cardiff CF10 3YQ, Wales Ireland United Kingdom Tel: (+353 21) 490 3656 Tel: (+44 29) 2087 4585 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+44 29) 2087 4946 económicos Email: [email protected] INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR CENTRE FOR URBAN/COMMUNITY HEALTH INTERVENTIONS AND STUDIES - UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO RESEARCH IN AFRICA (ICHIRA) Prof. Richard Stren Prof. Patrick R. Kenya Centre for Urban/Community Studies - Executive Director University of Toronto International Centre for Health Toronto M5S 2G8 Interventions and Research in Africa Canada (ICHIRA) Tel: (+1 416) 978 0350 P.O. Box 59921 Email: [email protected] Nairobi Kenya COLOMBIA UNIVERSITY Tel: (+254 20) 271 6581 Fax: (+254 20) 271 6581 Prof. Elliot Sclar Email: [email protected] Professor Millennium Development Goals Task Force JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF Colombia University AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY 413 Augy Hall (JKUAT) New York NY 10027 Mr. Peter Mwaura United States of America Department of Horticulture Tel: (+1 212) 854 3700 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture Fax: (+1 212) 854 9092 and Technology (JKUAT) Email: [email protected] P. O. Box 62000 101 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 20) 721 419 644 Email: [email protected]
Ms. Winnie Ngubwa REGIONAL GOVERNMENT NETWORK Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and Technology (JKUAT) P.O. Box 62000 Mr. Derek Usborn Nairobi Vice Chairman Kenya Stakeholder Forum Email: [email protected] Regional Government Network for Sustainable Development MAX LOCK CENTRE-UNIVERSITY OF London WESTMINISTER United Kingdom Tel: (+44 207) 089 4300 Ms. Wendy Taylor Email: [email protected] Max Lock Centre-University of Westminister SOCIETY FOR DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 67553 STUDIES (SDS) Nairobi Kenya Dr. Vinay D. Lall Tel: (+254 20) 582 993 Director Email: [email protected] Society for Development Studies (SDS) India Habitat Centre, Core 6A Lodhi Road Mrs. Catalina Gandelsonas New Delhi Max Lock Centre-University of India Westminister Tel: (+91 11) 2469 9368 London SW18 1QA Fax: (+91 11) 2469 9369 United Kingdom Email: [email protected] Tel: (+442 08) 874 0107 Fax: (+442 08) 874 0107 UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN Email: [email protected] Ms. Christina Murray POST GRADUATE CENTRE HUMAN Advisor SETTLEMENTS - K.U. LEUVEN Department pf Public Law University of Cape Town Mrs. Elisabeth Bittremieux Private Bag Post Graduate Centre Human 7701/Rondesch Settlements - South Africa K.U. Leuven Tel: (+27 21) 650 3072 Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 Fax: (+27 21) 650 5607 B-3001 Heverlee Email: [email protected] Belgium Tel: (+32 16) 321 371 Fax: (+32 16) 321 984 Email: [email protected] e 102
UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, UK Dr. A.G. Tipple Reader in Housing Policy and Development Global Urban Research Unit School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU New Castle United Kingdom Tel: (+44) (0) 191 222 5900/5648 Fax: (+44) (0) 191 222 6008 Email: [email protected] 103
Ms. Annety Nafula PARTNERS TO OTHER Director of Gender NON-GOVERNMENTAL Integrated Disabled Person Rural Development Agency ASSOCITION JEUNESSE VERTE DU P.O. Box 1281 CAMEROUN Bungoma Kenya Ms. Marie Tamoifo Nkom Tel: (+254 0337) 306 34 Youth Programme Coordinator Secretary Executive INTEGRATED FISHERIES RESEARCH Assocition Jeunesse Verte du Cameroun ORGANIZATION (I.F.R.0) B.P. 13256 Counseillere Jeune du PNUE Mr. Eston Sabari Yaounde Integrated Fisheries Research Cameroun Organization (I.F.R.0) Tel: (+237 9) 846 113/221 2967 P.O. Box 21150 Fax: (+237 9) 221 5048 Nairobi Email: [email protected] Kenya [email protected] Tel: (+254) 721 205 610 Email: [email protected] COMMUNITY SHELTER WORKS INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR Mr. James Kiuuva Mutua HEALTH INTERVENTION AND Community Shelter Works RESEARCH (ICHIRA) P.O. Box 61526 Nairobi Mr. Mesach Aluda Collins Kenya Research Manager Tel: (+254 20) 245 323 International Centre for Health Fax: (+254 20) 243 501 Intervention and Research (ICHIRA) Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 59921 00100 Nairobi INTEGRATED DISABLED PERSON Kenya RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tel: (+254 20) 272 6581 Fax: (+254 20) 272 658 Mr. Andrew Wafula Mutuma Email: [email protected] Executive Director Integrated Disabled Person Rural Development Agency Ms. Regina Apiyo P.O. Box 1281 Project Manager Bungoma International Centre for Health Kenya Intervention and Research (ICHIRA) Tel: (+254 0337) 306 34 P.O. Box 59921 Email: [email protected] 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254) 721 518 291 Fax: (+254 20) 272 658 Email: [email protected] 104 Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania IRAN CENTRE FOR FUTURE Tel: (+255) 744 488 840 RESEARCHERS (ICFR) Mr. Amir Farmanesh President Iran Centre for Future Researchers (ICFR) No. 32-Goldan St. Africa Ave. 19668 Tehran Iran Tel: (+98 911) 299 6896 Fax: (+98 21) 204 3233 Email: [email protected]
PANAFRICAN AFRICA UNION CLUB KENYA (POCK) Ms. Seline Achieng Public Relations Officer Panafrican Africa Union Club Kenya (Pock) P.O. Box 52637 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 722 846 587 Fax: (+254 2) 810 513 Email: [email protected]
SOMALI FIKIRINI UNION Mr. Abdallah Mohamed Adi General Secretary Somali Fikirini Union P.O. Box 87688 Mombasa Kenya Tel: (+254) 0722 292 496/0733 936 257
TECHNICAL ADVISORY SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT (TASDEV) Mr. N. Rukia Hayata Director Technical Advisory Services for Development and Environment June/2003 (TASDEV) P.O. Box 16697