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CURRICULUM VITAE Ping LAN, PhD. 4810 Glasgow Dr. Fairbanks, AK 99709, USA 907-474-7688 (Office), 907-452-6686(Home) Email: [email protected]
CURRENT POSITION: Jul. 2007 -- Professor in Business Management, School of Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), Director of MBA Program (since Jul. 2008).
EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS: 1995 PhD. in International Business/Regional Planning. University of Strathclyde, UK. 1982 B.S. in Economic Geography/Urban Planning. Peking University, China
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (* Industrial Experience): *Oct. 2005 – Founder and President, Alaska Chinese Chamber of Commerce Corporation, USA. Aug. 2002 – Jun. 2007: Associate Professor in Business Management (Tenured in 2005), School of Management, UAF, USA. May-Aug. 2006: Visiting Professor, Graduate School of East Asia Studies, Yamaguchi University, Japan. May 2001 - Aug. 2002: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in E-commerce and International Business, Faculty of Business, University of New Brunswick Saint John (UNBSJ), Canada. *Sep. 1999 – Sep. 2000: Founder and Managing Director, Australia China Trading House Pty Ltd, ( ) Australia. May 1998 - Mar. 2001: Lecturer, School of Marketing and International Business, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. Jun. 1996 – May 1998: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Planning, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Australia. *Jun. 1995- Jun. 1996: Senior Editor of the Greater China Desk, AsiaTimes (A regional daily English newspaper) Bangkok, Thailand. Nov. 1994 – Jun. 1995: Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, UK. Jan. 1987- Oct. 1991: Lecturer, Deputy Head, Department of Planning and Statistics, Henan Institute of Finance & Economics (HIFE), China. *May 1985 – Dec. 1986: Planner and Research Fellow, Economic Planning Commission of Henan Province, China. *Apr. 1974- Oct. 1978: Co-Manager, Youth Farm of Nanyi, Yiyang County, Henan, China.
1 EDITORIAL WORK: Founding Editor: International Journal of Technology Marketing (2005-2008)
HONORS AND DISTINCTIONS: Limitations and Remedies of the Industrial Innovation Life Cycle Model won the best paper in 2009 Academic Business World International Conference. Listed in Who’s Who in America. Listed in Who’s Who in American Education. Listed in Who’s Who in Finance and Business. Certified E-Commerce Consultant (C.E.C.), Charted by the Institute of Certified E- Commerce Consultant, USA. Since 2001. RMIT Postdoctoral Fellowship, Australia. 1996-98. Overseas Research Student Scholarship, British Council. 1991-94. Student Scholarship, Strathclyde University, UK. 1991-94. Won a Science & Technology Progress Prize of Henan for 1990, China.
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: 2009-2010: Resource Based Local Economic Development Study for Annette Islands Reserve, Alaska (US$28,000 from U.S. Department of the Interior). 2005-2007: A Feasibility Study on an Innovative Medical Information System (US$5,000 from President Special Project Fund, University of Alaska). 2003-2005: A Study on the Commercialization Infrastructure for Micro Sensor System (US$35,550 from Centre for Nanosensor Technology, UAF). 2002: Turning Digital Opportunities into a Development Force in Alaska (US$2,000 from UAF). 2002-2002: Insides into E-innovation (CA$8,500 from UNB and NSENC-SSHAC-NB Power- Xenox Research Chair). 2000-2001: Commercializing Emerging Internet Technology (AU$68,000 from AusIndustry). 1999-2000: Interaction of FDI and Local Firms in Chinese Internet Business (AU$5,500 from QUT). 1999: Development of China’s Electronic Commerce (AU$4,970 from QUT). 1998-1999: Application of IT in Business (AU$9,500 from QUT). 1997: Export of RMIT’s Building, Planning and Design programs to the Asian market (AU$4,750 from RMIT). 1996-1997: International technology transfer and business opportunities: A case of the Building and Construction Industry (AU$10,500 from RMIT and the Department of Industry, Science and Tourism, Australia). 1991-1994: Technology Transfer to China through Foreign Direct Investment (funded by University of Strathclyde).
2 1989-1990: Relocation of Henan’s Manufacturing Industry (funded by the Government of Henan). 1988-1989: Comprehensive Development Plan of Dabie Mountain (funded by the National Commission of Science & Technology, China). 1988: Economic Restructuring in Zhengzhou City, China (funded by the Zhengzhou Council). 1984-1985: Infrastructure Construction and the Development of Hainan Island (funded by Zhongshan University). 1982: An Analysis of the Development Potential for Shijiazhuang City (funded by Peking University).
TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Marketing and International Business: International Marketing Online Marketing Technology Marketing Consumer behavior Globalization Management & International Business E-business/MIS E-commerce Management Information System Account Information System Strategy for E-business and Bio-business Technology/Innovation Management: Co-evolution of Technology and Business Innovations Technology Management Technology & International Business
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND LEARNED SOCIETIES: Academy of Management International Association of Technology Management International Academy of Electronic Commerce National Business Incubation Association
PUBLICATIONS (In English only. There are about twenty publications in Chinese):
Book 1. Ping Lan (1996) Technology Transfer to China through Foreign Direct Investment, Avebury, England.
Book chapters
3 1. Ping Lan and David C. Yen (2005). “Alaska’s Embrace of Digital Opportunities” in Namchul Shin (ed.) Strategies for Generating e-Business Returns on Investment. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, pp.163-186. 2. Ping Lan (2004). “Emergence of a New E-innovation Paradigm” in Y. A. Hosni (ed.) Internet Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developed and Developing Regions of the World, Amesterdam: Elsevier, pp. 83-102. 3. Ping Lan (2000) “Development of E-commerce in China”, in Lloyd, P. and Zhang, X.G. China in Global Economy, Edward Elgar, pp.188-204.
Refereed journal articles 1. Ping Lan (2010). Limitations and remedies of the industrial innovation life cycle model. International Journal of the Academic Business World (In press). 2. Ping Lan (2009). On the remedies to the traditional innovation life cycle model. International Journal of Technology Marketing. Vol. 4, No.1, pp.1-14. 3. Ping Lan (2008). “Tapping Tacit Knowledge on A Digital Platform,” International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. Vol.4, No. 3, pp.315-330. 4. Ping Lan, Gregory Hutcheson, Yavor Markov and Nathaniel Runyan (2007). “An Examination on the Integration of Technological and Business Innovation: Cases of Yahoo! and Google.” International Journal of Technology Marketing. Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.295-315. 5. Ping Lan, Haifeng Li, and Jun Sun (2007). A Global Examination on the Design and Delivery of Biotech Management Program. Asian Economic Review, Vol.65, No. 2, pp.37- 51. 6. Ping Lan (2006). “A New Vision of Innovation Management: Towards an Integrated Paradigm,” I. J. of Technology Marketing. Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.355-374. 7. Ping Lan (2006). “A Framework for Innovation Decision Making in the Internet Age,” International Journal of Management and Decision Making. Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.105-118. 8. Jacob Joseph and Ping Lan (2006). “Learning Solutions for Career Plateaus,” International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.394-407. 9. Ping Lan (2006). “Commercializing Wireless Sensor Networks Technologies,” International Journal of Technology Marketing Vol. 1, No. 1. pp. 79-84. 10. Ping Lan (2006). “Super-convergence: the driving force for the shift of marketing in the biotech age,” I. J. of Technology Marketing Vol. 1, No. 1. pp.10-12. 11. Ping Lan (2004). “E-innovation: An Emerging Platform for a Networked Economy,” International Journal of E-business, Vol. 2, No.1, pp.93-107. 12. Ping Lan (2004). “Three new features of innovation bought about by information and communication technology.” International Journal of Information Technology and Management.Vol.3, No.1, pp.3-19. 13. Ping Lan (2004). “Presentation: a platform-dependent view of innovation changes.” International Journal of Information Technology and Management. Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-2. 14. Ping Lan and Howard H. Du (2002). “Challenges Ahead E-innovation,” Technovation Vol.22, No. 12, pp.761-767. 15. Ping Lan (2002). “An Interface between Digital Platform and Innovation Progress.” Journal of E-Business, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp.27-35.
4 16. Ping Lan (2000) “The Technology-component matrix: a tool for analyzing and managing knowledge”, International Journal of Technology Management Vo.20, Nos 5/6/7/8, pp670- 683. 17. Ping Lan (2000) “Changing Production Paradigm and the Transformation of Knowledge Existing Form”, International Journal of Technology Management Vo.20, Nos1/2, pp44-57. 18. Ping Lan (1999) “Management in the Chinese Construction Industry”, Asia Pacific Business Review. Vol.5, Nos 3/4, pp.94-118. 19. Ping Lan and John Jackson (1999) "Current Characteristics of the Main Stakeholders in the Chinese Construction Industry", International Journal of Construction Marketing, Vol. 1, No.1. 20. Stephen Young and Ping Lan (1997) “Technology Transfer to China through Foreign Direct Investment”, Regional Studies, Vol. 31, No 7. pp.669-679. 21. Ping Lan and Stephen Young (1996) “Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfer: a case study of FDI in Northeast China”, Transnational Corporations, Vol.5, No1. pp.57-83. 22. Ping Lan (1996) “Technology Transfer through Inward Investment and Host Country Policy”, Science, Technology & Development, Vol. 14 No.1. pp.102-121. 23. Ping Lan (1996) “Role of International Joint Ventures (IJV's) in Transferring Technology to China”, Journal of Euromarketing, Vol.4, No.3/4. pp.129-153. 24. Ping Lan and Stephen Young (1996) “International Technology Transfer Examined at Technology Component Level: a case study in China”, Technovation, Vol. 16, No 6. pp.277- 286.
Trade journal and other publications 1. Ping Lan (2001). “Technology Transfer,” in Jones, R.J. Barry (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, Routledge: London, pp.1554-1556. 2. Ping Lan and John Jackson (1998). “Current Characteristics of the Main Stakeholders in the Chinese Construction Industry,” The Marketing and International Business Working Paper Series No.7. Queensland University of Technology. 3. Ping Lan and John Jackson (1998) “An Examination of the stakeholders of the Chinese construction industry”, The Building Economist No.3, pp.22-29. 4. Ping Lan and John Jackson (1998). “Catch the new opportunities in the China’s construction market”, The Building Economist. No.2, pp.24-29. 5. Ping Lan and John Jackson (1997). “Problems faced by Australian contractors in China”, The Building Economist. No. 4, pp.4-9. 6. Ping Lan (1995) “Chaoyang Summons Its Wealthy Children”, AsiaTimes, October 20.
Keynote addresses, conference proceedings and presentations: 1. Ping Lan (2010). “Innovation and Its Application.” Presentation to PDC Inc. Engineers. April, Fairbanks, Alaska. 2. Ping Lan (2010). “On Network Failures," Western Academy of Management Annual Conference. March. Kona, Hawaii. 3. Ping Lan (2009). “On the Construction of a New Innovation Life Cycle," Academy of Management Annual Conference. August. Chicago, Illinois. 4. Ping Lan (2009). “On the Design of a Seven-Stage Innovation Life Cycle,” the ACME International Conference on Governance and Ethics in the Global Arena.
5 5. Ping Lan (2009). “Limitations and Remedies of the Industrial Innovation Life Cycle Model" Academic Business World International Conference. May. Nashville, Tennessee. 6. Ping Lan (2009). “Capitalize Your Research", Keynote address to the 5th annual University of Alaska Biomedical Research Conference. May. Fairbanks, Alaska. 7. Ping Lan (2009). “Construction & Usage of a New Innovation Model” Keynote address to University of Caxias do Sul, March. Caxias do Sul, Brazil. 8. Ping Lan (2008). “How Have Innovative Giants Combined Their Technological and Business Innovations?" Academy of Management Annual Conference. August. Anaheim, California. 9. Ping Lan (2008). “Capture the vigor of innovation” Keynote address to International Conference of Technology and Innovation in Marketing, April. Delhi, India. 10. Ping Lan (2007). “Construct a Complete Innovation Life Cycle” Seminar to Tsinghua University, December, Beijing, China. 11. Ping Lan (2007). An Examination on Alaska’s Innovation. Presentation at 2007 Arctic Science Conference. September. Anchorage, Alaska. 12. Ping Lan (2007). Differences in Examining the Interaction of Innovations: Cases of Yahoo! and Google. Presentation to the Western Decision Sciences Institute conference. April. Denver, Colorado. 13. Ping Lan (2006). An International Examination on the Convergence of Technology and Business Innovation. Association of Global Business Conference. November, Newport Beach, California. 14. Ping Lan (2006). A Global Examination on the Design and Delivery of Biotech Management Programs. Pan Pacific Conference. May. Busan, Korea. 15. Ping Lan (2005). A new vision of innovation management: towards an integrated paradigm. Academy of Management Annual Conference. August. Honolulu, Hawaii. 16. Ping Lan (2005). An examination on the overall structure of bio-business. Hawaii International Conference on Business. May. Honolulu, Hawaii. 17. Ping Lan (2004). Teaching E-commerce in Alaska, the International Business and Economics Research Conference and College Teaching and Learning Conference Procesdings. 18. Ping Lan (2004). Three Dimensions of the Current Digital Platform, the proceedings of the Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) 2004 Conference. 19. Ping Lan (2004). An Examination on New Features of Exploiting Intangible Knowledge, the proceedings of the Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) 2004 Conference. 20. Ping Lan (2003). Exploring the Frontier of E-innovation, Proceedings of the Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) Annual Conference. 21. Ping Lan (2002). Integrating the Doctrine of the Mean into Networking Management, Proceedings of ACME International Conference on Pacific Rim Management (CD-Rom format). 22. Ping Lan and Howard H. Du (2002). Barriers to putting an “E” in Innovation, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference the International Academy of E-business, pp.131-134. 23. Ping Lan (2002). E-Business Space for E-innovation, Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Management of E-commerce (CD-Rom format).
6 24. Ping Lan and Howard H. Du (2002). E-Innovation: Exploring a Gap between Industry and Academic Research, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intellectual Capita (CD-Rom format). 25. Ping Lan (2001). A Discussion on Pioneering a Research Domain for E-Innovation, The Business of Education: Commercialisation of the Academy, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Atlantic Schools of Business 2001 Conference, pp.144-154. 26. Ping Lan (2001). MNCs Versus the Chinese Government in Chinese Internet-Business, Proceedings of the PICMET’01, Portland, U.S.A 27. Ping Lan (2000) China’s shift to E-commerce, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Global Business & Economic Development, Beijing, China, pp.163-170. 28. Ping Lan (2000) Multinational Companies' Local Operations in Chinese Internet- Business, Proceedings of the 2000 annual conference: the Role of MNEs in the New Millennium, pp.343-352. October 12-14, Auckland, Newzland. 29. Ping Lan (2000). Asian students’ suggestions for increasing the cultural and technological appropriateness of their programs, Proceedings of the HERDSA Queensland Conference. 30. Ping Lan (1999). Transformation of Technology in Its Existing Form and Value-added Activities, Proceedings of the PICMET’99 (CD-Rom format). 31. Ping Lan (1999). Technology Component Matrix: an instrument for analysing competitive strategy in the knowledge economy, Proceedings of the Third World Congress on the Management of Intellectual Capital & Innovation, January, Hamilton, Canada (CD-Rom Format). 32. Ping Lan (1998). The Third Form of Technology, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Management of Technology, November 26-28, Hangzhou, China. pp.73-78. 33. Ping Lan (1998). Evolution of the Regime of Technology Transfer through Foreign Direct Investment, Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Management of Technology, November 26-28, Hangzhou, China. pp.442-447. 34. Ping Lan and Mark Wang (1998). Transformation of the Chinese Construction Industry, paper presented at International Conference on Communist and Post-communist Societies, July, Melbourne, Australia. 35. Mark Wang and Ping Lan (1998). Spatial Reorganisation of China’s Economy by Changing Administrative Boundaries, paper presented at International Conference on Communist and Post-communist Societies, July, Melbourne, Australia.