Minutes of a Meeting at El Paraiso Restaurant Urb Del Mar

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Minutes of a Meeting at El Paraiso Restaurant Urb Del Mar


Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch 4th October 2017 Minutes of a meeting at El Paraiso restaurant Urb Del Mar

Chairman Paul Edwards Vice Chairman Danny Kay Membership Sec “ Secretary Margaret Forshaw Treasurer John Forshaw P R O Rose Lyon Welfare Co-ordinator John Langford Welfare volunteers Robin Hargrave Pam Cluney

Cathie Brown

Attendance: 31 Full members 18 associate members 11 visitors Apologies received from: J & R Dunn, J Lovewell, C Holloway, S Johnson, T Stangeland, S Conway, V Cluney. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed members and visitors and said we have our ex chairman here tonight Mike and Ruth Wright. Members stood for the shipmate’s 2 prayer and a period of silence was observed for those who had fallen since our last meeting. The Chairman asked if everyone had read the minutes, if there were any comments or amendments. He asked that they be accepted. This was proposed by Len Brown and seconded by Bill Nixon there was no matters arising and they were accepted unanimously. Chairman’s report: Your standard was paraded at R A F A Battle of Britain service at la Siesta church on 15th September. Unfortunately no invitation to the meal was received for which Paul has now received an apology. He said he hoped all who went to our menu del dia at Leaf’s restaurant had enjoyed it and said it could now go on our list of places to hold them. The R B L Poppy launch in Benidorm on 27th October if anyone still wants to book a meal at hotel Nereo Karen is now back from holiday. Vice Chairman’s report: Danny said he was reiterating some of what Paul had said. Your Standard was paraded at the R A F A Battle of Britain remembrance service at La Siesta church on the 15th September. Both of your Standards will be paraded at the R B L Poppy launch on the 27th October in Benidorm. November your standard will be paraded on the 11th/12th at the remembrance services at La Siesta and Mil Palmeras. Thanks to Ian for the great job he has done and about to do this year. We had a Menu del Dia on the 21st September at Leaf’s restaurant organised by John/Margaret, with 54 members 3

/friends in attendance, a great turn out. The money from the raffle went toward the Charity fund, yet another good venue to keep in mind. This month Trafalgar night will take the place of our Menu del Dia, but we need a venue for November, anyone have an idea let me know and we can get it sorted. Any change in personal details please keep me updated. We have received an invitation to attend R A F A Centenary celebrations at La Laguna hotel on April 12th next year. I have all details so if interested please see me at stand easy. The Codex Belex is on the 21st but the timing will make it difficult to get back if attending Trafalgar night, but if interested see Danny. New Members Tony and Maureen Jenkins were presented with their membership cards Secretary’s report: The certificate for our increased membership has finally arrived. One of our founder members Ted King now a member of the Plymouth R N A has sent his best wishes to the branch. Ted has also sent us an account of his time in W W11 this has been given to the Chairman. Best wishes have also been received from Tony and Glen Rapley who moved back to the U K. Finally apologies to the branch for the lateness of minutes this was due to personal problems. 4

Treasure’s report: John gave an account of our various funds the general/ charity/and shipmate’s. H Q now has diaries and Christmas cards for sale if interested see John and he will give you a form to apply. P R O Rose said she had sent of photographs and details of our activities to several papers R T N Focus etc but she didn’t want to give the idea that all we do is eat and drink, if anyone has anything else of interest please let Rose know. Welfare report: I am pleased to advise that I have not received any notification from your welfare volunteers of any problems of any of our members or families. Long may this continue. John later advised he will be away till December 2nd Robin Hargrave has agreed to step up Robins Mob 653265132 e mail [email protected] ( permission received from Robin to publish)

Social report: Tonight I would like to finalise payment and attendance for the Trafalgar Night Celebrations. There is still time to invite your friends. I shall be confirming final numbers with the Masa hotel on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Initially I had 4 rooms booked for my friends, however due to a cancellation I have 1 room available. If anyone would like this let me know by Friday, otherwise it will go back to the hotel, which at the moment is fully booked. 5

I am currently looking at a number of suitable venues for the Christmas party. Members will be informed of the details and dates at the November meeting, this event will be partly subsidised by Branch funds. At the November meeting I shall be giving an outline programme of events for the coming year. The cost of Trafalgar Night will be 20euro pp the hotel are charging 21euro but the branch will subsidise 1 euro pp

Any other business: New member Tony Jenkins gave us a resume of his naval service. June Williams is organising on behalf of the R B L Poppy appeal a get together at her home. This will be soup 2 sandwiches a drink wine or water she suggests a donation of 3.50 Euro for the fund. The address is 25 C/Caliza San Jose MZ 1 Fase 1 telephone 966 846 576 Paul had an advert for a pre Christmas meal at Mirador restaurant where we had a menu del dia the price is £16.99 but this is not through the branch and all enquiries etc will have to made privately. Bill Nixon announced the R M A Christmas draw will be at Leaf’s restaurant on Dec 4th 12.30 1630. Price 10 euro pp. Tickets will be on sale at the November meeting priority being given to those participating in the draw. The meeting was formally closed the next one being here on November 1st.

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